Chapter 3: Bulbhead

There I sat... it was a tense situation.

My opponents were just as on edge as me, as we faced each other, the pressure upon the table was near unbearable.

I licked my dry lips as I observed my opponents, Nakamura's tongue peeked out and licked the side of her lips thoughtfully, Hazama simply stared on with her unblinking glare.

Nagisa... just sat there looking awkward, having a 'why am I here?' look.

"Umm... how do I know I have a winning hand again Anderson-Kun?" I sighed as Nakamura asked the question, for the fifth time.

"We have already been over this Nakamura-San, if you have no good cards, then the highest card you have is called a high card, if you have two of the same, its a pair... no in fact forget it." I flicked my cards to the middle of the pile, "it is the fifth time around and you ask the same question, do I have to get a cheat sheet for you to look at?"

"She actually remembers them perfectly, she just likes how many sentences you speak at once when explaining it." Hazama explained, her hand turned and showed her cards, "I think I would have won this hand anyway."

"A straight? How come you keep getting the good hands?"

"Dunno, maybe I'm blessed."

"Um... why am I here again?" Nagisa added... and I knew that was what he was thinking.

"We needed a fourth player."

"I don't see why three players would be a problem..."

"I only have chips that can be cut for an even number of players." I explained, "Nakamura-San wanted to join once I asked Hazama to pass the time, and you were the only person I really knew... and Terasaka sucks at poker."

"You took all my money the last time we played!" He shouted from the other end of the field.

"Hey, you ran out of chips, I distinctly remember YOU putting your wallet on the table."


"Well... I bought you lunch afterwards."


I turned to Nagisa, "So whats yours?"

"Uh... just a three of a kind, Hazama must have won again..."

"Yeah Hazama-San, you are really good at this." Nakamura said, and placed her cards in front of her.



I slammed my hands on the floor and glared at her hand.


"Ah? So it's a good hand?"

"That hand shouldn't even be POSSIBLE!"

"Wow... to have Anderson-Kun raise is voice is so exciting~" She grinned happily and I sagged back onto the ground.

"It's like I'm playing with that damn Karma all over again..."

"Oh yeah... you were friends with Karma-Kun weren't you?" Nagisa asked my, I just shrugged.

"If you mean that he found an amount of pleasure bothering me any chance he had, then yes, we were what you called 'friends'" I snorted I laid back, stretching, "The guy is a menace to say the least, really troublesome..."

"Meaning that he is alright and likely is missing him." Hazama drones as she puts all the cards back into the deck.

"Why is it that ever time I insult someone you say otherwise?"

"Because you say troublesome, if you were seriously disliking the guy, then you would just attach a demeaning nickname and not elaborate any further."


"You know, it's creepy how well you know me."

"Believe me, I regret getting to know you so well."

"Awwwww, Nagisa-Kun, look at how close they are!"

"That's a strange kind of close..."


"Let us have some shaved ice too!"

I looked over the field and sighed, "Oh great, here we go again."

"What Anderson-San?" Nagisa looked at where I pointed.

"Another knife attack, again I don't see the point in these efforts."


"Because it is a KNIFE, a bullet is unlikely to hit the Takoyaki, so how is a knife going to help?"

"Well, ambushes and stealth attacks are usually an acceptable type of usage, I mean, they are doing that right now aren't-

In a flash, the Takoyaki disappeared as they drew their daggers and lunged forward, I laid on my back without having to look at the result.

"Again, I reiterate, a knife is UNLIKELY to ever leave a mark on that monster, if he gets killed by one, I will be SORELY disappointed. Especially in such a flimsy attempt in doing do."

"I suppose you have a point..."

"Wait a second sensei! Aren't these the flowers that the class has been growing!"

"Nyuaah!? They ARE?!"

I looked back up at the scene, and saw our teacher shocked as he looked at the flowers now in his students hands.

"That's horrible Korosensei... even when we put so much care into them, and they finally bloomed..."

"I-I'm very sorry! I'll go plant some new ones now!" He disappeared, and appeared again, "I went and bought them!"

I slapped a hand on my head as the girl students bullied him into planting the new bulbs, "Seriously, THIS is the monster that destroyed the moon? Anybody but me feeling disappointed?"

"Hmm..." I looked over at Nagisa, who was writing in a notebook.

"What are you doing?"

"I thought I'd write down his weaknesses, so that we might get a hint on how to assassinate him."

I peeked at the writing, and it read,

Korosensei's Weaknesses

When he tries to act cool, his weaknesses show.



"That is... technically a weakness, but I wouldn't call it one to help assassinate." I commented, Nagisa gave a nervous kind of look on his face, showing that he kind of agreed.

Kayano-San nodded in agrrement next to...


I whipped my head... slowly, to look at her... because I wouldn't be worked over this... at all.

"When... did you get here?"

"Ah, I like hanging out with Nagisa-kun every now and then, you kind of stole him away."



"You make it sound like I'm taking your boyfriend from having time around you." I said bluntly, her face flushed immediately.

"EHHHHH!? B-boyfriend?! Nagisa, I mean I... I what?!" Nagisa was likewise blushing furiously, I exchanged a look with Nakamura.

Teasing material, found.

Hah... so peaceful...

After the game of poker I settled on the roof of the building, it was one of the few places I could relax now-a-days without anyone bothering me.

Ever since that Takoyaki has has made an impression into the class, things have been changing, ever so subtly, in a good way, but also troublesome.

Groups were made to talk over assassination, practice shooting and knife fighting, the theme of assassination has left its mark rather well in this class.

Still... I needed some quiet...

I breathed a deep breath, and exhaled.

This is nice... so silent, peace and serene-


... Why do I tempt fate?


Seriously, all I ask is for you to ignore my inner thoughts for a little longer, what is so wrong with that?


The roof shook a little, and I reached into my pocket.

"HAH! You guys can't follow me up HERE! Our basic characteristics are too different! STUPID!"


"EEEEEEHH!?" Korosensei swerved suddenly to avoid all of my shots into his back, I merely growled.

"A... Anderson-Kun, this is a very frightful time to show initiative.

"It was a really frightful time for you to bother the only time I have to relax in the day." I answered back.

"... Starting tomorrow, there will be twice as much homework."


"... That is REALLY petty."

AN/ Sorry for the short chapter, prelims are coming up and I need to focus, so I made a quick chapter to bride up a few events storywise, just a little filler and all.

I'll try and pop out more chapters for my stories in the future.