Hermione blinked her eyes open. Her head throbbed as though someone had taken a sledgehammer to it. The bad after taste on her tongue told her she had been drugged. Her hands tied above her to a dirty bed post told her she was fucked.

"Come on Potter!" Draco shouted in the Auror's office, "She's your friend too. Can't you find her faster?!"

The wizard paced around the cramped office of Harry Potter. His face carried his worries with bags under his eyes from little to no rest and a week old beard that was beginning to become unmanageable. His clothing and striking blond hair was disheveled. In that moment Draco did not resemble a Malfoy in any sense of the word.

"We're trying everything we can Malfoy," Harry told him, picking the file on his desk up.

He shoved the red hair out of his eyes as he stared at the monitor in his office. Though it wasn't really an office it was more of a shed. The darkness and secrecy of it called to him. The pictures plastered to the tin walls danced around him.

He focused on the brunette just waking up on the screen. He zoomed in on her confused face and touched the screen just as he had touched every photograph in the small shed. He closed his eyes and smiled to himself.

"You're mine now Hermione," he whispered to the screen.

Hermione looked around the room she was being held in. Every available space there were photographs of her. Some of her and Ron when they were happy. Others of just her alone.
The majority of them she knew were taken secretly.

Hermione tested the strength of the rope and realized it was tied with expertise. She rolled to her side and looked around the room for anything that could help her out.

On the nightstand stood a photograph of herself in the shower. She watched in horror as she was being watched from the window of her bathroom. Next to the picture frame was a wand and a box wrapped in paper.

She tried to kick her feet but they wouldn't respond to her. Until now she hadn't noticed she couldn't even feel below her knees. Panic set in and she tried in vain to roll and weaken the ropes. Tears sprung to her eyes and she stopped for a moment when she heard a door open and close.

"Malfoy you seriously need to leave," Harry told the young wizard sitting next to him. Draco was slumped over a file on Ron Weasley, staring at the letters but not comprehending them.

"Not until I've found her Potter." Draco looked up at the clock, "She's been gone for almost a week."

"I know," Harry frowned at the blond.

"I know the statistics Potter," Draco shouted, losing his temper, "I know that the more time she's gone the more likely she'll end up in one of your body bags!"

"MALFOY!" Harry stood, slamming both hands on his desk to gain the former slytherin's attention.


"I am ordering you to go home. You're not helping Hermione by making yourself sick with worry and not resting. Go home and sleep and maybe something new will come up tomorrow."

Draco stood up and grabbed his coat in a whirlwind of anger. As he walked out the door he turned back to Harry for a second.

"You better find Weasley before I do," he warned, "or else there won't be much of him left."

Ron walked into his bedroom carrying a tray of chocolate covered strawberries and a glass of wine.

"Hello 'Mione," he smiled at the brunette tied to the bed. He walked to the other side of the room and placed the tray on the dresser. He stopped for a moment, smiling down at a photograph of the two at an island together.

He held the photograph up to her, "Do you remember this?"

She nodded to him, her eyes wide with worry.

"Oh don't worry 'Mione," he smiled at her, "I won't hurt you. What do you think that I'm some kind of psychopath?" He laughed a little to himself at the last part.

Draco stared down at the fire whisky in his glass. He didn't care about what Harry had said. Even if he wasn't at the Ministry he was doing everything he could to find Hermione, in any way he could.

He looked up as an owl flew into the open window. He didn't recognize the bird nor did he expect a package. He untied it from the bird's leg, handed the bird a treat and let the creature fly away.

He stared at the box for a moment before unwrapping it from the brown paper. Out fell three photographs and a note. Draco picked the photographs up one at a time and stared in horror at them.

One was of Hermione, tied to a bed and completely naked. The next was of Ron smiling at the camera as his hands moved across Hermione's chest. The last was the worst of them. Draco couldn't bear to look at the sight of Ron raping his fiancé. He grabbed the box and photographs and threw them across the room.

He picked up the letter and began to read the scribbled and short note.

(Draco Malfoy), To Whom It May Concern,

Hermione is mine now. She is no longer yours you selfish, pureblood bastard. She is safe at (my home) an undisclosed location. I have already (fucked her) made sweet love to her. You will never get her back. If you involve Harry the Ministry then I will kill her.

(Ron) The Man Who Took Everything From You

Hermione watched with calculating eyes as Ron walked over the bed. He brushed hair from her eyes and smiled down at her. His eyes were glazed over a little, the result of the alcohol on his breath.

"I have a present for you," he said, grabbing the box off the nightstand, "I'll unwrap it for you."

Hermione watched as he fumbled with the paper for a moment before finally releasing it from the box. It was a simple blue velvet box. He opened it and inside sat a delicate diamond ring.

"I was gonna propose to you," his smile faltered for a moment, "before we had our…misunderstanding"

"It wasn't a misunderstanding," Hermione croaked out, "you cheated on me with Lavender Brown!"

Ron's eyes shifted, anger suddenly bubbled in their blue depths. Out of nowhere his hand struck Hermione's face. She let out a stifled sob, coughing from the dryness of her throat.

"I DID NOT CHEAT YOU LYING BITCH!" Ron screamed at her, clutching her face and turning it toward him.

"Okay, okay," Hermione said softly, "I believe you."

Ron's smile found his face once more and he relaxed. Hermione watched as he got up and grabbed the tray. She hadn't realized how thirsty and hungry she was.

"Do you want a strawberry?" Ron asked, a smirk replacing his smile, "Or maybe some wine?"
Hermione nodded, staring at the tray as he brought it closer. He placed it on the floor, just out of reach and leaned in close to her ear.

"Then you need to earn it," he whispered to her.

"POTTER!" Draco shouted, storming into the Auror's office. He looked around and spotted the mass of black hair. Harry turned around just as Draco threw a punch at him. It landed into his jaw and he stumbled back a few paces, not expecting it.

"What the fuck is your issue Malfoy?!" He yelled, back, clutching his face.

"Meet me in your office." Draco stormed out of the main room, with everyone's eyes wide behind his back. He shoved Harry's office door open and promptly sat down in one of the chairs. He crushed the letter and photos in his hands, his anger finally spiraling down.
Harry silently walked in and sat down at his desk.

"What the hell was that back there Malfoy?" He demanded, keeping a calm and even tone.
"I'll tell you what," Draco threw the letter and photographs on Harry's desk "and I got those by an owl I've never seen before."

He watched as Harry took in everything about the photos and slowly read the note.
"Did they ever buy a house together?" Draco demanded smoothly.

Harry looked up at him, "Well yea of course but..."

Draco's eyes brightened up and he motioned Harry to go on.

"…Ron destroyed it in a fit of anger after 'Mione broke up with him."

"No." Hermione said firmly, repeating herself for probably the millionth time.

"Then you won't eat," Ron said calmly, "but its okay. Malfoy was letting you get a little fat. You need to lose weight anyways." He reached up and slowly slipped her shirt open, "But your boobs look amazing."

Hermione squirmed beneath his invasive touch, "Ron stop."

But Ron ignored her. He closed his eyes, smiling as he was lost in his delusion again. He magicked all but their underwear off. He smiled down at her as he climbed on the bed.
"Ron," Hermione whispered, "Ron stop."

He was too far gone in his ecstasy and delusions to hear her.

"Ronald! Stop this! Please!" Tears sprung to her eyes as she realized she wouldn't get through to him. She began to thrash beneath him, trying to get him off of her. She almost succeeded but he caught himself at last minute.

"You stupid slut!" He shouted, smacking her hard across the face, "apparently you need to be punished before you're rewarded.

He slowly pulled her underwear off as Hermione cried for him to stop.

"No it's too late for that 'Mione," He said, pulling a knife out of the drawer of the bedside table, "I'll mark you as mine."

He put the tip of the blade at her stomach, pressing down hard enough to draw some blood. He quickly swiped a droplet of blood up with his finger and tasted it. He closed his eyes and smiled. Quickly he ran the knife up, slicing from naval to breast.

Hermione screamed and thrashed beneath him. Tears sprung to her eyes as she felt the tip of the knife start at her naval again and slice upward a second time. Her screams didn't cease as Ron cut a third and fourth time either.

He took the knife and sliced his own hand, letting the blood drop into her wounds. Letting it mingle with her blood.

Finally he climbed off her bloody and naked body. He took her wand and whispered a spell to stop the bleeding and close the wounds.

"They're healed 'Mione," he smiled a little, "but I will always be inside you. And my memory will always be outside of you."

He dropped the knife and grabbed a towel, leaving for a moment. Hermione glanced down at the four jagged scars she now had that covered her body. She bit back her scream and tried to blink the tears away.

She couldn't break. Not now.

Ron walked back into the room, the now damp towel in his hand. He began to clean the blood off her body, letting his hands roam free. He closed his eyes and dropped the towel as he climbed on top of her. He shifted so his erection bumped her thigh.

"Do you feel how much I want you 'Mione?" he asked, kissing from her ear to her collarbone. "Malfoy wouldn't let me have you before, but I get you all to myself now."

Hermione closed her eyes as she felt him remove his underwear and position himself between her legs.

"Where was it Potter?!" Draco demanded, pounding his fists on the Auror's desk.

"It was in a small community," Harry flipped through files trying to remember the name of it, "I think it was called The Magic Garden."

Malfoy stopped mid pace and slowly turned toward Harry.

"He didn't happen to destroy the entire gated community did he Potter?"

Harry shuffled some more papers, "Yea he did actually, burned every house to the ground. Thankfully there were no fatalities. That was the night he attacked Hermione in her house."


Malfoy ran out of the office, with Harry stumbling behind him. Harry grabbed his arm, making him stop for a moment.

"How did you know that? It wasn't released to the public."

"Because I bought up that place and rebuilt everything. They are still renovating so all of the houses are open." Malfoy tugged his arm free of Harry's grasp. He took a few steps back and apparated out of the Ministry and straight to The Magic Garden.

Ron sighed against Hermione's neck. He rolled over, finally sweaty and content. He reached out an arm, stroking her side.

"You're so amazing 'Mione," he whispered, dozing off, "I know we will be so happy here."
Hermione looked over, glaring at the sleeping ginger. She felt disgusting. She felt as though his entire essence was all over her. Suffocating her. She squirmed around and felt the cold blade of the knife hit her wrist.

She stilled for a moment, looking up at the ceiling. She reached out her wrist once more, feeling the prick of the sharp edge against her skin. She smiled for a fleeting moment. Then let herself concentrate on trying to cut the ropes. She felt one snap and almost cried from happiness.

Suddenly Ron shifted next to her and her heart stopped for a moment. She waited silently for him to mumble in his sleep before rolling over on his side once more. She quickly worked to release the other rope, not caring she was cutting her wrist in the process.

At last she felt the rope break, and almost screamed from happiness. She slowly grabbed the knife and shifted around, maneuvering toward the edge of the bed. She slipped out, searching for something to cover herself with. She grabbed one of Ron's shirts, still clutching the knife in her hand.

She looked over at Ron, trying to decide what to do very quickly. She knew he would wake up soon and find her. It was only a matter of time. She didn't hesitate and plunged the knife into his side. He woke up instantly, screaming in pain.

Hermione took her chance and ran from the room. The house was a maze to her, and she ran down the hallway trying to find a door that led outside. She stumbled into the kitchen and almost cried at the sight of nighttime from the glass door.

She ran to it, opening it quickly and ran out.

A figure in the dark had their arms open, ready to catch her and she screamed as she tried to change her course of direction. The figure grabbed her and shushed her and she tried to kick to get away from him.

"Hermione it's me," the voice whispered, covering her mouth. She turned and felt Draco's aristocratic feature in the dark. She finally let the tears flow as she collapsed in his arms.

"Draco," she sobbed against him, only able to repeat his name between the quiet sobs.

"'MIONE!" Ron's voice shouted through the house. He appeared in the kitchen doorway, flooding the backyard with light.

In an instant Draco had his wand pointed at Ron, and Ron raised a gun to Draco's direction.

"Avada Kedavra!" Draco shouted as the gun went off. It was silent for a moment before Hermione's scream pierced the air.

Within moments a hoard of Aurors apparated to the small backyard. Harry was the first one to Hermione's side, helping her up. She looked inside the door way at Ron's body, lifeless and crumpled. She turned her head into Harry's shoulder as he took her away.


"Congratulations," the medi witch told her, smiling down at the brunette.

"About what?" Hermione asked, stunned.

"Well your test results came back and you're pregnant."

"I'm…what?" Hermione sat there, stunned. She couldn't be pregnant. No. She refused to believe it.

"Yes, pregnant. You're about 3 weeks along now." The medi witch continued to smile and Hermione paled.

"Thank…thank you." She stammered, slowly getting up, "Are we finished here?"

At the nurses nod Hermione left the room and made her way to the stairs. A few tears escaped but she brushed them away. She stumbled down to the third floor and made her way to a room in the back.

She opened the door and smiled at the man in the bed.

"Hi Draco," she said, brushing hair off his forehead so she could kiss it, "I've missed you. But you'll get better so soon and be out of this hospital in no time." She smiled against his forehead. "I've got to go to work now but hopefully you'll be awake by the time I get back."

She kissed him once more, letting her lips linger on his skin. She squeezed his hand and pulled away, brushing the tears off her face once more.

As she closed the door she bumped into Harry in the hall.

"Oh Harry," she said, wiping away the tears, "what a surprise to see you here."
She smiled at him, but it faltered as he frowned at her.

"'Mione you need to stop doing this to yourself."

"Doing what?"

"This," he pointed to Draco's room, "he's been in a coma for the last month. The Doctors said the bullet fractured his skull and lodged in his brain. He's basically brain dead 'Mione. He isn't going to come back."

The tears welled up once more, "Harry I'm pregnant. And it's not Draco's baby either."
Harry instinctively wrapped his arms around her as she broke down into sobs. He led her to a chair and rubbed her back as she sobbed into his shoulder.

"It's okay 'Mione. We'll figure something out."

Hermione shrugged a little, wiping more tears from her face.

"I'll go get us some coffee," Harry said and got up, squeezing her hand as he left.
She looked up toward Draco's room and saw him sleepily emerge. He walked toward her, and smiled at him.

"Draco!" She said, getting up to hug him. He took a step back though and she faltered.
"Always remember that I love you," he told her, moving to touch her face but he held back, "and always know that I will always be here for you, even if you can't see me."

She faltered at his word, "Draco what are you talking about?" In the distance she could hear a heart monitor slowly cease and flat line. She walked toward the sound, and entered Draco's room.

She looked back to where Draco stood a moment ago, but saw nobody there. In an instance she heard herself scream and the doctors come rushing in. She cried, watching as they tried to bring him back to her.

She felt a ghost of a touch on her cheek, and distantly heard Draco's voice softly say "Always Remember". She looked back to the room, just in time to see Draco smile at her before fading away. She smiled sadly and waved good bye to him.

"I will always love you too," she whispered to him.