Summary: Charlie was twelve when the lights went out. Eight years later Ben dies from illness leaving Charlie and Danny alone, so Charlie sends a letter to her Uncle Miles only for Sebastian Monroe to answer. AU
AN: I don't own Revolution
Danny POV
We had been riding for two days. The weather was warm and sticky. I was riding on Charlie's horse, one of her arms wrapped around me from behind and the other holding the reigns. We were both tired. Yesterday the wind had picked up while we set up camp and had carried the pollen from a nearby field, I had started wheezing. Neither Charlie or I had been able to sleep all night. I don't think Bass did either. The asthma attack had left me tired and weak. I still couldn't really breath right. I leaned my head back against Charlie's shoulder. She gave a small sigh as she heard me struggling to breath. She tried to let go of me, my arms having wrapped around the one arm around my waist making it impossible. She steered the horse closer to Bass'. "Bass in my bag there is a small jar, please get it out. I need it for Danny." Bass must have nodded because I heard rustling before Charlie gave a quiet thanks. Bass must have grabbed the reigns of the horse because soon Charlie's other arm came to my chest with that awful smelling cream. She rubbed it into my chest and once she was done she began to rub my chest over my shirt until my breathing even out. Her hand left my chest and took hold of the reigns again. I heard more rustling, Bass putting the cream back in Charlie's bag. I felt Charlie place a kiss on my forehead and a big hand on my shoulder, probably Bass' before I closed my eyes.
Bass POV
I could tell that both of them were tired. Truth was so was I. Danny had kept us up all night with his wheezing, but at least the brat was almost asleep now, only thing was that Charlie looked like she was almost asleep too. I gave a sigh as I halted my horse, I reached out and grabbed the reigns from Charlie's limp hand startling her out of her light doze. " There's a town up ahead. We'll crash there tonight."
We reached the town before the sun set. The only bad thing was that the town was a street big and only had one hotel. Which only had one room available. I thought about going to an abandoned house nearby but the dust would probably would make Danny's asthma worse. So I grabbed the room and got a few of my man set up at the nearby stables, leaving Charlie to set up at the hotel. When I returned the sun had set and the town looked like a ghost town. Everything was closed. Even the bar. I made my way upstairs to the room to find Charlie and Danny asleep, she was facing the door curled up around Danny. A plate of food was left on top of the dresser with a flask. I opened the flask, smelled like whiskey. "Don't worry its safe. I gave a little to a rat that Gunner caught. It scurried away a life." Charlie's voice startled me. Her breathing had remain constant, even as she talked. I raised an eyebrow at her. Question. "Sometime Danny needs to re-learn how to breath. So, I breath in a constant motion and Danny imitates it until he can control his breathing." I nodded. I scanned the room noticing a lack of dog. I raised my eyebrow again. Question. "Gunner went out hunting. Should be back later. He'll lay down outside the door until morning. Make sure you don't step on him. It's piss him off." I gave a dry smirk at that. "Thanks for the heads up. How the brat?" I asked as I sat on the other side of the bed, food and whiskey in hand. " He's getting better." I nodded and kept eating. I watched as her eyes fluttered close, her arms tightening around Danny. I heard Gunner come back and growl at one of the soldiers outside the door. The soldier gave a squawk that had me laughing as the mean looking dog laid down against the door. I took a sip of the whiskey and place everything on the nightstand as I leaned my head back against the head board.
During the night Bass shifted in his sleep until he was laying flat on the bed. Danny had managed the impossible and had escaped his sister's clutches and now laid in the middle spread out, causing the two adults to curl on their sides so as to not fall off. As the night carried on and all three fell into a deeper sleep, they kept shifting, drawing each other closer until Charlie and Bass were curled around a sleeping Danny. All three in the middle of the bed. Bass' arms around them, keeping them safe. Charlie's leg had wrapped around Bass and Danny held onto both adults with an iron grip. As the sun arose and the town woke up, a slight scratching was heard at the door. The sound soon had the occupants opening their eyes and staring in shock at the other. The two adults froze in place unable to move or break each others stare. Another scratch had Charlie breaking the stare and looking towards the door. Gunner probably wanted to come inside and check on them. She tried to ease her way out of Bass' hold, but it tightened. She looked back at him. His eyes were full of questions, confusion, she could see the battle going on inside him. It was the same battle that was inside her, but she knew that she couldn't rely on anyone else. Her parents, the ones that were suppose to love her no matter what, had always been to busy to take care of her and her uncle Miles had walked away when he realiazed how she was treated. So, she broke his stare and freed herself from his arms. She walked to the door, shoulders back, and let Gunner in. He nuzzled her hand on his way in. He laid down at the foot of the bed. Charlie reached for her bag that was left in the corner, were the supplies were, knowing that Bass was still watching her. As she turned back, her eyes widen. The morning light had filtered in, Danny had curled into Bass side, Bass still had an arm slung over Danny while he watched her and Gunner was laying on the floor. It looked like a family. Something she had always wanted, but never had been able to have. For Danny, for herself, could she let Bass in. A man that had walked out of her life when she was a little girl and needed his help. He was also the man that had come to save her even though her family had betrayed him. Her family had betrayed her too. Her thoughts were broken when she felt hands on her shoulder. She looked up at his blue eyes. There was darkness there, but there was darkness in her eyes too. There was a conclusion in his gaze. He had decided and as he leaned down to kiss her, she leaned up. It was the same decision.
His lips were dry and cracked but she didn't care. The moment that they touched her's, she felt the heat that emanated from his body. His hands moved down her back, lighting a trail of fire in its wake. Her bag fell to the floor as her hand buried themselves in his curls. Their gentle kiss turned fiery and soon their tongues were battling for dominance. They both fought and just when she thought she was going to win, his hands gave her ass a squeeze, causing her to moan and loose the battle. His tongue delved into her mouth, tracing every niche and cranny, savoring her rich flavor. Her body pressed against his, her arms around his shoulders, his hands on her ass pulling her closer. The cricking of the bed had them slowing down. Danny was there and he could wake up at any minute. Their kissing came to a stop with Bass giving her a soft nip on her plump bottom lip. He placed his head on her shoulder, breathing in her sent of wild grass, his hands moving up to embrace her waist. Charlie rested her head on his shoulder,pushing all the questions that were swirling in her head into a little box for some other time. They were still holding each other a second later when Danny woke up. When he saw them, he got off the bed and hugged the pair. Bass and Charlie looked at one another before looking at Danny. One of Bass' hands moved from Charlie's waist to Danny's shoulder, Charlie did the same. The three of them had been betrayed and hurt by the Matheson family, one way or the other, now they could heal together.
Charlie handed out some dried meat, and the three ate quietly in the room. They were all well rested and Danny's asthma had gone down considerably, it was time to head out again. The three got back on their horses. Bass position Charlie and him in the middle of the party. They both rode side by side, resting every once in a while and taking turns having Danny ride with them.
Night time came again and they camped out, no towns nearby. It was as Bass was sitting down eating with Danny next to him, that he noticed how some of the men stared at Charlie as she handed out the dried meat. His eyes narrowed, and the moment she was close enough he reached out and pulled her on his lap. She turned and glared at him, she was about to tell him some choice words when he kissed her. His arms wrapped around her waist, he didn't stop until Charlie was left breathless. He pulled her close. "Some of the men were starring at you. Now they wont." His breath tingled against her ear. She kissed the cheek that was close to her, nodded and looked at Danny who had a smile on his face. They finished their dinner and headed of to bed. This time Charlie laid between Danny and Bass. Danny was curled up facing her, his head resting on her arm. Bass was behind her, spooning her, his arm wrapped around Danny and her. Gunner laid close by, growling at anyone who dared to get close to the newly forming family.
The rest of the way was much the same. The men had stopped starring at Charlie after that, afraid of what would happen to them if they were caught staring at the General's new woman. They would stay at an Inn if they could but most often than not they camped outside. When they got to Philadelphia it was dark. They marched through the town until they got to General Monroe's home. Danny had fallen asleep on the ride, his body cradled against Charlie's. Bass got down from his horse and reached up to get Danny. The little boy mumbled before resting his head on Bass shoulder and falling back to sleep, Bass holding the sleeping boy to him. He shifted him so that one arm rested around his knees and that way his other hand was free to reach up and help Charlie down from the horse. Once she was down, he held her hand and guided her into their new home. Matheson's were once more part of the Republic.
A maid waited for them inside. She stated that the rooms were ready for Ms. Matheson and young Mr. Matheson. The rooms would be next to Bass. However as they neared the rooms Bass hand tightened around Charlie's. He nodded to the maid, dismissing her and led Charlie into his room. Gently he laid Danny down in the middle of the bed. He turned to Charlie and with quick strides had her in his arms. He kissed her, long and hard. She let out a moan as he devoured her. "This is your home now. This Republic, this Empire, is ours. Its the Matheson, Monroe Republic. You will stand by my side and I will stand by yours." His hands cradled her face. Bass' face was so close, his eyes so intense and his breath so warm on her lips. She swallowed, "Promise me you will never leave Danny or I. That you will never abandon us in-favor of your work or someone else." The desperation, the plea was in her eyes. He stared deeply into the sparkling blue orbs. He nodded. With a surge, she kissed him. Putting all her bottled up feelings into this kiss. The anger at her parents, the loneliness, the need for someone to help her raise Danny. The worry that she was doing Danny more harm than good. He returned the kiss, with just as much loneliness, pain from the losses he had endure, betrayal of Miles, the paranoia that was driving him insane. They let go of each others lips with a gasp. "I promise." was whispered by both of them. They leaned their foreheads together. They breathed in the shared oxygen. Gunner's whine breaking them from their trance. They're faces broke out into smiles. With a soft kiss to Bass' lips, Charlie marched to the door and let Gunner in. Together they walked over to the bed and laid down next to Danny. Bass placed a soft kiss on Charlie's shoulder as he hugged his new family close to him.
The next morning Charlie and Bass woke up to Danny's squirming. They pretended to be sleeping as Danny padded his way to the bathroom. Bass tightened his arms around Charlie pulling her body closer to his. His morning wood pressed to the curve of her ass. "Horny dog."Charlie's sleepy mumble turned into a moan as Bass began to kiss her neck. His hands caressed her flat stomach and as he made his way under her shirt they heard something fall in the bathroom. Bass let out a groan. "Cock-blocked by the ruggrat again." Charlie let out a laugh as she made her way out of the bed and towards the bathroom, she put a little extra swing in her hips knowing that Bass was watching her ass. She gave the door a gently knock. "You okay in there Danny?" There was movement again before the door was opened. A sheepish looking Danny came out. "Sorry. I tripped and made the soap-plate fall. NOTHING broke." Danny's eyes were wide, begging for me to believe him. I messed his hair, and gave a nod. I saw him yawn and rub his eyes. We were all still tired. The last day riding had been murder on all of us. I gave his butt a pat as he walked pass me and to the bed. Bass was sitting up and looked to be more in control of himself. He padded the spot next to him on the bed and helped Danny on. Now in the light of the day I could see how big this room was. The bed was a four poster, tall as hell. The room was huge and as I glanced into the bathroom, it was just as big and godly as the rest of the room. I shook my head and made my way to the boys. We were all dirty and smelled positively foul. Those pretty sheets were probably no better than us now too. I sat on the edge of the bed and watched Danny and Bass talk. Danny was sitting next to Bass, Bass had his arm around Danny's shoulder as he leaned back onto the headboard. Danny had gotten Bass to agree to buying him some toys.
I shook my head before making my way to the door. Those sheets needed to be clean and the boys and I needed to be cleaned too. I didn't want to go back to sleep all gross when I could take a nice bath. I opened the door knowing that Bass was watching me. Outside in the hallway stood some soldiers. I called the closest one over. "Can you please get a maid up here to clean the room and get two baths ready?" I waited for the soldiers confirmation, he must have seen the anger that was starting to grow because he quickly nodded. "Also, can someone bring our bags here? Thanks" I closed the door once he nodded again. I threw my self onto the bottom of the bed. I laid across it as I watched the boys talk. Danny was telling Bass about some books that he wanted to read and Bass had agreed to taking Danny to the nearby library as well as allowing him to get books from his office.
The maid gave a soft knock on the door before entering. She was follow by a few more that carried hot water for the bath. The maid in charge walked towards the bed and stopped at a polite distance. "The other bath you requested was set up in the bathroom of the room next door." She gave a bow and left with the other maids following. I got up with a groan. "Come on Danny time to get washed up." Charlie and Danny walked out of the room with Gunner behind the. Bass made his way to the bathroom.
Bass was relaxing in the bath when he heard a slight knock. "It's me." Charlie's voice rang out in the bathroom. "Come in." Bass watched as Charlie made her way into the bathroom. Her steps soft as she took her clothes off. Bass was mesmerized by the lithe figure that was walking towards him. She slid into the bath opposite of him. With out a sound she reached for the soap and the rag. Once she was done cleaning herself she reached for the shampoo and began to wash her face. Bass stared at her, his eyes darkening as she artfully ignored him, her movement smooth even in the small space that the tub provided. Once she was done she stepped out and covered herself with the bathrobe that had been left out. Just as Bass thought she would leave him she reached for the rag and soap once more and began to wash him. She knelt behind him on the bathroom floor as she cleaned him. Her hands traveled to his hair and as she wash it Bass couldn't hold back the moan that wanted to escape his throat. Just as swiftly as she had entered she left the bathroom. "Danny is waiting for as to eat." Bass let out a groan, cock-blocked again. Damn brat.