Well this is the end! I hope everyone who read this enjoys and to those who have stuck with me, Thank You! I only ever write because you all leave reviews and help to build me as better writer, THANK YOU! I am forever in you debt! :3

Usagi and Misaki woke up later in the early afternoon and decided that they'd put it all behind them and pretend that everything never happened… as soon as Misaki's lower back stopped throbbing, that is. The days went by pretty quickly, and before long it had been about two months. Misaki was out running errands and getting what he needed for dinner. Coming out of his favorites sweets shop, he ran in someone he didn't expect… Usami Haruhiko. They stared at each other for a while, Haruhiko in shock and Misaki in surprise. After what felt like hours, Haruhiko straightened and went to get in his car when Misaki called out.

"Usami-san, wait!" Haruhiko paused, ready for the insults Misaki was going to throw at him… but they never came. Misaki's next words had him whip around to look at him in bewilderment while he gave a soft smile. "Let's have some tea and talk." Misaki pointed behind him at the little tea shop next to his favorite sweets shop. Haruhiko didn't know what else to do but follow Misaki as he went inside. They sat down and ordered. They sat in silence until they were about half way through their tea when Haruhiko spoke.

"You're not going to yell at me?"

"No, I've kinda gotten over it." Misaki smiled while Haruhiko stared at him in disbelief. He'd kidnapped him not once but twice, and raped him and he's 'gotten over it?' Is his kid insane?! "Ha-ha! You should see the look on you face right now. Your eyes are the size of dinner plates!" Haruhiko snapped out of his daze, but continued to look at Misaki in shock.

"I, I don't understand. How can you forgive what I have done to you?" Misaki took on a serious look.

"No, I said that I've gotten over it. I never said anything about forgiving you." Haruhiko looked away and stared a hole through his tea mug, until Misaki continued. "So, I want a proper apology and you'll be paying or the tea." Misaki went back to drinking his tea while Haruhiko was dumbstruck yet again by the boy before him.

"That's it?" Misaki looked back up at Haruhiko.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, to be honest I'd thought that you'd hate me and be willing to kill me. How can so little satisfy you?" They looked at each other for a moment before Misaki leaned forward on the table.

"To start, I don't' believe in 'hate,' but I do believe on caution and distrust." Haruhiko flinched before Misaki continued. "And sometimes the littlest things can bring the most comfort over the most extravagant luxuries."

"I don't understand." Haruhiko was completely confused on what Misaki was trying to say.

"Someone of you stature wouldn't. It's a metaphor from one of Usagi-san's books. It means little things can mean so much more than anything in the world." Haruhiko was shocked to hear something like that come from Misaki. He doesn't seem the kind to understand something like that, but here he was teaching him a life lesson. Haruhiko gave off a ghost smile and chuckled. "That's got to be a rare sight."

"It is." Haruhiko paused before he looked Misaki in the eye. "I really am sorry for what I've done to you. In no way can I justify what I'd done."

"I believe you. Besides, everyone does things they can't explain, once in a while. Anyway, I should get going, I've got to get home and make dinner. So, I'll see you around, Bye!" Misaki got up and left the tea shop. He was happy he'd talked to Haruhiko and that everything was back to normal… well, as normal as it could be.

Haruhiko sat for a few more seconds before he paid the bill for his and Misaki's drinks and left. Misaki really was strange and hard to understand, but he was a good kid. Haruhiko went home and made a crazy decision. He ordered a copy of every book his brother ever wrote, including the BL novels, which surprised him, but also didn't, and read every one on his free time. He was determined to find out which one it was that had the quote in it.

After two months and a dozen books, Haruhiko finally found it as a dedication:

To Misaki, who showed me the littlest things can mean so much more than life's most extravagant luxuries.

Haruhiko was shocked to see that it was Misaki who taught him such a thing. But Misaki also showed him and realized the kid was absolutely amazing.

The End