Chapter 5: Daleks in Manhattan

Actually, I have decided for Rachel and the Doctor find out that they love each other in… NOT THIS CHAPTER! XD And Rachel's middle name is gonna be Marie, okay? So, here's chapter 5, and now GET READING XD Oh! And I forgot:

Italics means thinking

"Quote italics" means the monsters talking

Means scene break

Disclaimer: If I really owned Doctor Who Benedict Cumberbatch would be the 12th Doctor…

When she heard the Doctor call her and Martha's names, she ran to the console room with Martha by her side and her phone in her hand from the girls' room. She wouldn't go anywhere without her phone, so he put a strong perception filter on the items, and the only people the perception filter didn't work on was herself, the Doctor, and Martha.

When they got to the console room the Doctor was motioning for the girls to come outside, once they got outside Martha asked the Timelords, "Where are we?"

The Doctor smiled, "Ah, smell that Atlantic breeze. Nice and cold. Lovely. Martha, have you met my friend?"

And with that, Martha turned around and gasped, "Is that? Oh, my god. That's the Statue of Liberty!"

"Gateway to the New World. Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free-"

Rachel finished, "The wretched refuse of your teeming shore, send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!" as the small girl took out her iPhone 5s and took a picture of the Statue of Liberty.


Martha laughed, "That's so brilliant. I've always wanted to go to New York. I mean the real New York, not the new, new, new, new, new one."

Rachel swung her arm over Martha's shoulders and corrected, "New, new, new, new, new, new, new, new, new, new, new, new, new, new York!"

The Doctor grinned, "Well, there's the genuine article. So good, they named it twice. Mind you, it was New Amsterdam originally."

"Harder to say twice. Now wonder it didn't catch on. New Amsterdam, New Amsterdam."

Martha questioned the two, "I wonder what year it is, because look, the Empire State Building's not even finished yet." as she pointed to the unfinished building while Rachel as off to the side taking a video of them, and the New York City with the Empire State Building that is not finished.

The Doctor answered, "Work in progress. Still got a couple floors to go, and if I know my history, that makes the date somewhere around-"

Martha picked up a newspaper and cut in, "November first, 1930"

"You're getting good at this!"

Rachel rolled her eyes gently took the newspaper out of Martha's hands and showed it to the Doctor and said, "Oi, look. That was eighty years ago for Martha."

Martha pointed out, "It's funny, because you see all those old newsreels all in black and white like it's so far away, but here we are. It's real. It's now."

Rachel grabbed the Doctor's hand and asked, "C'mon then, you! What do you want to go first?"

"I think our detour just got longer." The Doctor mused.

"Hm, 'Hooverville Mystery Deepens.'"

Martha asks, "What's Hooverville?"

Rachel explained in her clear Scottish accent, "Herbert Hoover, thirty first President of the USA, came to power a year ago. Up till then New York was a boom town, the Roaring Twenties, and then the Wall Street Crash in 1929."

The Doctor added, "The whole economy wiped out overnight. Thousands of people unemployed. All of a sudden, the huddled masses doubled in number with nowhere to go. So, they ended up here in Central Park."

Martha asked wide eyed, "What, they actually live in the park? In the middle of the city?"

The trio was walking on a path and the Doctor was explaining, "Ordinary people lost their jobs. Couldn't pay the rent and they lost everything. There are places like this all over America. No one's helping them. You only come to Hooverville when there's nowhere else to go." and they arrived in a shanty town.

As they were walking through it, a fight broke out between two men.

"You thievin' lowlife!" The first man cried.

"I didn't touch it!" the second man retorted.

"Somebody stole it!"

Rachel came in between the two men and commanded, "Hey, hey, hey! Cut it out guys!"

The two men stopped fighting and stood with Rachel in between them. "Thank you," she praised the men, and then asked the first man, "Now, sir, what happened?"

The said man answered, "He stole my bread ma'am."

She turned to the second man and asked, "Did you take it?"

The second man replied, "I don't know what happened ma'am, he just went crazy."

Before the first man could lunge at the other, the small girl held up a finger to him as if she knew what he was going to do. She turned back to the second man, gave a small smile, and advised calmly, "I know you're lying…"

The second man gave in and pleaded, "I'm starvin' ma'am."

Rachel smiled understandingly but held out her hand, and the second man held took out the bread from his coat and handed it to her as she broke it in half. An older man came out of a tent as she gave each half to each man.

The older man explained, "We're all starving, we all got families somewhere. No stealing and no fighting. You know the rules. Thirteen years ago I fought in the Great War. A lot of us did. And the only reason we got through was because we stuck together. No matter how bad things get, we still act like human beings. It's all we got."

As the two fighters walked away the older man turned to Rachel and praised, "Thank you ma'am. Usually I'm the one who breaks up the fightin'. I'm Solomon,"

He shook Rachel's hand as the Doctor and Martha walked next to her and the Doctor slipped his arm around Rachel's waist and greeted Solomon, "Hello!"

Solomon saw the Doctor and Martha and asked, "And, uh, who might you three be?"

Rachel replied, "Oh, I'm Rachel, this is my best friend Martha, and the Doctor."

Solomon faced the Doctor and smiled, "A doctor. Huh. Well, we got stockbrokers, we got a lawyer, but you're the first doctor. Neighborhood gets classier by the day."

Martha questioned, "How many people live here?"

"At any one time, hundreds. No place else to go. But I will say this about Hooverville. We are a truly equal society. Black, white, all the same. All starving. So you're welcome, the three of you. But tell me. Doctor, you're a man of learning, right? Explain this to me. That there's going to be the tallest building in the world. How come they can do that, when we got people starving in the heart of Manhattan?"

The Doctor looked at the Empire State Building, seeking for an answer.

As the four walked to Solomon's tent the Doctor asked, "So, men are going missing. Is this true?"

Solomon answered, "It's true all right."

They went inside Solomon's tent. "But what does missing mean? Men must come and go here all the time. It's not like anyone's keeping a register."

"Come on in, this is different."

Martha asked him, "In what way?"

"Someone takes them, at night. We hear something, someone calls out for help. By the time we get there, they're gone like they vanished into thin air."

Rachel raised an eyebrow and questioned, "And you're sure someone's taking them?"

"Miss Rachel, when you got next to nothing, you hold on to the little you got. Your knife, blanket, you take it with you. You don't leave bread uneaten, fire still burning."

"How about the police, have you been to the police? Or do they not care?"

"That's right, and then another deadbeat goes missing, big deal."

The Doctor mused, "So the question is, who's taking them and what for?"

Then a young man about 19 years old poked his head inside the tent and said, "Solomon! Solomon, Mister Diagoras is here."

The Diagoras man with a black suit, with a long black coat, black and white shoes, black hat, and a red and grey scarf announced, "I need men. Volunteers. I've got a little work for you and you sure look like you can use the money."

The young man spoke, "Yeah, what's the money?"

"A dollar a day."

Solomon asked, "What's the work?"

"A little trip down the sewers. Got a tunnel collapsed needs clearing and fixing. Any takers?"

"A dollar a day? That's slave wage. And men don't always come back up, do they."

"Accidents happen."

The Doctor asked, "What do you mean?"

"What sort of accidents?" Rachel added.

Diagoras answered annoyed, "You don't need the work? That's fine. Anybody else?"

The two Timelords raised their hands, and then Diagoras demanded, "Enough with the questions!"

The Doctor retorted, "Oh, no, no, no. We're volunteering, we'll go!"

With that, Martha raised her hand. That was her rule, where Rachel goes, she goes.

"I'll kill you two for this." Martha threatened.

Diagoras asked the crowd, "Anybody else?"

Then the young man and Solomon raised their hands.

When the 5 and Diagoras got to the sewers he instructed, "Turn left. Go about a half a mile. Follow tunnel two seven three. Fall's right ahead of you, you can't miss it."

The young man, whose name was Frank, asked, "And when do we get our dollar?"

"When you come back up."

The Doctor questioned, "And if we don't come back up?"

"Then I got no one to pay."

"Don't worry, we'll be back." Solomon assured.

Martha commented, "Let's hope so."

"Martha! A little sprit please?" Rachel hissed.

Martha smiled at her humorously, and Rachel reflected her.

The Doctor looks at Diagoras, looking like he is seeking for something, then he follows the others as Diagoras climbs back up.

A few moments of Martha and Frank conversing, the Doctor asked suddenly, "So this Diagoras bloke, who is he then?"

"A couple of months ago, he was just another foreman. Now, it seems like he's running most of Manhattan." Solomon explained.

"How'd he manage that then?"

"These are strange times. A man can go from being King of the Hill to the lowest of the low overnight. It's just for some folks it works the other way round."

As Solomon finished his sentence, Rachel stopped and looked at the ground saying, "Ooh!" as if she was in awe.

The four others turned to look at what she was looking out and the Doctor exclaimed, "Whoa!"

The thing that was on the ground was a green blob, brain looking thing that was slimy and glowing.

Martha asked disgusted, "Is it radioactive or something? It's gone off, whatever it is."

The Doctor picked it up and Rachel stared feeling it between her fingers. "And you've got to pick it up and feel it!" An engrossed Martha exclaimed.

Rachel perked up and said, "Martha you said Radioactive right?"


Rachel grinned. She knows Martha know this song because Rachel showed it to her.

She started to sing, "I'm waking up, I feel it in my bones! Enough to make my systems blow!"

Martha and the Doctor started singing along, "Welcome to the new age, to the new age! Welcome to the new age, to the new age! Whoa, oh, oh, oh, oh, whoa, oh, oh, oh, I'm radioactive, radioactive! Whoa, oh, oh, oh, oh, whoa, oh, oh, oh, I'm radioactive, radioactive!" then they laughed as Solomon and Frank looked at them as if they were psychopaths.

The Doctor smiled, "Martha, shine your torch through it." the said woman did so. "Composite organic matter. Martha? Medical opinion?"

Martha replied, "It's not human, I know that."

"No, it's not. And I'll tell you something else. We must be at least half a mile in. I don't see any sign of a collapse, do you?" He mused as he shoved the blob into his pocket.

Rachel went wide eyed and gulped, "So why did Mister Diagoras send us down here…?"

Martha reflected her friend and asked, "Where are we now? What's above us?"

"Uh, I think we're right under Manhattan or something…"

The five were walking through the sewers when Solomon spoke, "We're way beyond half a mile. There's no collapse, nothing."

Martha asked, "That Diagoras bloke, was he lying?"

Rachel shrugged, "Think so."

Frank questioned, "So why'd he want people to come down here?"

"Solomon, I think it's time you took these three back. I'll be much quicker on my own." The Doctor told.

Rachel commented, "Aw, hell no!"

"Please, I don't want you getting hurt."

"Well suck it up Timeboy, I'm not-" Then a mysterious squeal echoed around them.

"What the hell was that?" Solomon frantically asked.

Frank dumbly called out, "Hello?!"

"Shhh!" Martha shushed.

"You Shhh!" Frank shot back.

Solomon, as a mature grown up, hissed, "Frank, Martha."

"What if it's one of the folk gone missing? You'd be scared and half mad down here on your own."

"Do you think they're still alive?" Rachel asked the group.

"Heck, we ain't seen no bodies down here. Maybe they just got lost." Then more squeals echoed around.

"I know I never heard nobody make a sound like that." Solomon affirmed.

"Where's it coming from? Sounds like there's more than one of them."

"This way." The Doctor advised.

"No, that way." Solomon corrected as his torch lights up a figure huddled in a corner.

Martha squeaked, "Doctor, Rach?"

"Who are you?"

Frank asked the figure, "Are you lost? Can you understand me? I've been thinking about folk lost down-"

The Doctor interrupted, "It's all right, Frank. Just stay back. Let me have a look. He's got a point, though, my mate Frank. I'd hate to be stuck down here on my own. We know the way out. Daylight. If you come with us." and he shined his torchlight on the figure that showed that the man was a pig with a startled look on its face and asked, "Oh, but what are you?"

"Is that, uh, some kind of carnival mask?" Solomon asked, hoping for a yes.

"No it's real." and the Doctor reached over to touch the pig man's face but it flinched. "I'm sorry. Now listen to me. I promise I can help. Who did this to you?"

Rachel gulped seeing a group of not-nice-looking pig men enter the tunnel and called, "Doctor? I think you'd better get back here. When he didn't reply he called out again, "Doctor!"

He stood up, facing the pig men and agreed, "Actually, good point." and returned to the group who was backing away slowly.

Martha advised, "They're following you."

"Yeah, I notice that, thanks." He replied sarcastically which earned a smack on the arm by Rachel. Then he resumed, "Well then, Rachel, Martha, Frank, Solomon."


"Uh? Uh, basically… RUN!"

The group starts running while the pig men chase them while a bemused Martha shouts, "What are we going?!"

Rachel answers, "This way!" as she spots a ladder and yells, "It's a ladder! Come on!"

The Doctor sonics the cover at the top, while Frank grabs an iron bar to ward off the pig men as the groups climbs up.

"Frank! Frank!" Solomon hollers at the boy. When Solomon climbs to the top, Frank rushes to the ladder and climbs it. But unfortunately the pig men grab Frank's legs, and Solomon, the Doctor, and Rachel snatch onto his arms and hands and try to pull him back up. But it's too late, the pig men pulled him down.

"Frank!" Solomon bawled.

"No!" The Doctor and Rachel cried at the same time as Solomon.

Solomon slams the lid shut as the pig men start to climb up as he gasps, "We can't go after him."

"We've got to go back down!" The Doctor protested.

"We can't just leave him!" Rachel adds.

Solomon spoke, "No, I'm not losing anybody else. Those creatures were from Hell. From Hell itself! If we go after them, they'll take us all! There's nothing we can do. I'm sorry."

Then a woman with platinum blonde hair in tight curls steps out from her hiding area and points a revolver at the group and orders, "All right, then. Put them up." and Martha and Rachel did it almost instantly.

The boys do nothing then the woman tries again, "Hands in the air and no funny business." and then the two men put their hands up. Then the woman asks, "Now tell me, you schmucks, what have you done with Laszlo?"

Martha asks bemused, "Who's Laszlo?"

They all were at the lady's dressing room with the revolver still in hand while she spoke and waved it carelessly waved it around, "Laszlo's my boyfriend. Or was my boyfriend until he disappeared two weeks ago. No letter, no goodbye, no nothing. And I'm not stupid. I know some guys are just pigs but not my Laszlo. I mean, what kind of guy asks you to meet his mother before he vamooses?"

"Yeah, uh. It might –just kinda- might help if ya put the gun down." Rachel coaxed.

"Huh?" then the lady realizes she has the gun in her hand and acknowledged, "Oh! Sure!" and she carelessly (again) plopped it on her cushion as everyone flinched but her. She rolled her eyes and laughed, "Oh, come on, it's not real! It's just a prop! It was either that or a spear."

Martha asked, "What do you think happened to Laszlo?"

"I wish I knew. One minute he's there, the next –zip - vanished."

"Listen, ah –what's your name?" The Doctor asked.



"Three L's and an H"

"Right. We can try to find Laszlo, but he's not the only one. There are people disappearing every night."

"And there are creatures… Such creatures." Solomon added.

"Whaddaya mean, 'creatures'?" Tallulah asked skeptical.

The Doctor cut in, "Look, listen, just trust me. Everyone is in danger. I need to find out exactly what this is." and with that he pulled out the green blob from his pocket and continued, "Because then I'll know exactly what we're finding."

"Yech!" she grimaced.

The three girls were in Tallulah's dressing room while the showgirl was getting ready for her next show and Tallulah was telling the girls, "Laszlo. He'd wait for me after the show. Walk me home like I was a lady. He'd leave a flower for me on my dressing table. Every day, just a single rose bud."

"Haven't you reported him missing?" Martha asked.

"Sure. He's just a stagehand. Who cares? The management certainly don't."

"And she can't kick up a fuss, they'll fire her." Rachel added.

"But they'd listen to you. You're one of the stars." Martha urged the woman.

Tallulah sighed, "Oh, honey, I got one song in a back street revue and that's only because Heidi Chicane broke her ankle. Which had nothing to do with me whatever anybody says. I can't afford to make a fuss. If I don't make this month's rent, then before you know it, I'm in Hooverville."

"Okay, I get it."

"It's the Depression, sweetie. Your heart might break, but the show goes on. Because if it stops, you starve. Every night I have to go out there, sing, dance, keep going, hoping he's going to come back."

"We're so sorry." Rachel comforted.

Tallulah turned to the small Timelord and complimented, "Hey, you're lucky, though. You got yourself a forward thinking guy with that hot potato in the sharp suit."

"WAIT, WOAH, WHAT NOW? NOOOOOO, we are NOT together!"

"Oh, sure you are. I've seen the way you look at each other. It's obvious."

"Uh, but we're, like, NOT, together."

"Oh, I should have realized. He's into musical theatre, huh?" The Scottish held back a laugh. "What a waste. Still, you got to live in hope. It's the only thing that's kept me going because, well, look; on my dressing table every day still." The showgirl picks up a white rose bud.

"You think it's Laszlo?" Martha questioned.

"I don't know. If he's still around, why is he being all secret like he doesn't want me to see him?"

They were backstage when Tallulah called the backup dancers to show time. She came to Martha and Rachel and insisted, "Come on, girls. Take a look. Ever been on stage before?"

Martha and Rachel replied simultaneously, "Oh, a little bit. Ya know, Shakespeare."

"How dull is that? Come and see a real show!" and dragged the girls to an area where they can watch.

They were watching the show from the wing while Tallulah sang and Rachel recorded it. Then Martha spots a pig man (more man) on the other side and drags Rachel to go see it and Martha accidentally steps on a devil's tail, and she shouts, "What're ya doin'?"

Then Martha grabs another's tail and the three of them fall over and she shouts, "You're on my tail, get off my tail!"

"What're ya doin'? Get off the stage, you're spoilin' it!" Tallulah chastised.

"But look, over there!" Martha yells pointing to the pig man-man. Tallulah turns to it and screams as it runs away.

Rachel shouts at it, "Hey! C'mere!" and Martha and Rachel chase after it. They were running and Martha kept shouting, "Wait!"

They arrived where the sewer lid is and Rachel shouted after it, "But you're different to the others! Just wait, please!"

Then a more pig-ish looking pig man grabs the girls from behind and Rachel screeched, "DOCTOOOORRR!"

The pig man pushes the girls through the sewers while Martha demands the thing, "No! Let us go!" and with that they were pushed into a line of walking men when Martha spotted Frank.

Fortunately Frank spotted Martha too and he breathed, "Martha!"

The said woman gasped, "You're alive!" she hugged him and gasped again, "Oh! I thought we'd lost you!"

The pig man pushes the hugging pair and Martha glares, "All right, all right, we're moving!"

"Where are they taking us?" Frank whispered to Rachel as he held Martha's hand.

Rachel asked bemused, "Why are you asking me?"

"Because you seem to know everything."

"Okay, it's true, I know where we're going but I can't tell you."

"Fair enough."

"What are they keeping us here for?" Frank whispered to Rachel again.

She gave him a look as if to say 'You know the answer.' and he nodded.

The pig men start scurrying around getting nervous and Frank asks to himself bemused, "What're they doing? What's wrong? What's wrong?"

Then the voice of a Dalek was heard ordering, "SCILENCE. SCILENCE."

Then Rachel felt a pang of fear, so she grabbed Frank's hat, put it on her head, lowered the hat to the point where her eyes couldn't be seen, and slowed down her hearts' rate. She didn't know why she had to do that, it was out of instinct.

Martha gaped, "What the hell is that?"


Rachel told the frantic prisoners, "Just do what it says, everyone, okay? Just obey."


Then another Dalek came strolling in and commanded, "REPORT."


"Dalek?" Martha gasped.


The Dalek that came just recently replied, "THE DALEKANIUM IS IN PLACE. THE ENERGY CONDUCTOR IS NOW COMPLETE."

"THEN I WILL EXTRACT PRISONERS FOR SELECTION." and with that the first Dalek came up to a black man and puts it's telescopic manipulator arm in front of the man and said, "READING BRAIN WAVES."

When it was done it informed, "LOW INTELLIGENCE."

"You callin' me stupid?" the man glared.


"No, let go of me! I'm not becoming one of them! No! No!"

It goes to Frank next and says, "INTELLIGENCE SCAN, INITIATE."

Its scans him and it concluded, "SUPERIOR INTELLIGENCE."

Then it went to Martha and said the same exact thing.


Martha bellowed, "You can't just experiment on people. It's insane! It's inhuman!"


Then the line moves and Rachel feels a warm hand slip into hers. She looked to see who it was, and it was the Doctor.

Tears were welling up in her eyes as she choked out, "God, I'm so happy to see you right now."

The Doctor pulled her to his chest and rubbed her back and told her, "Well you can kiss me later, alright?" and the small girl in his arms nodded.

They arrive at the laboratory and the first Dalek orders, "REPORT."


The second commands, "SCAN HIM. PREPARE FOR BIRTH."

"Evolution?" the Doctor mutters.

"Birth?!" Rachel whisper yells as she tries to picture a Dalek giving birth and gives the hat back to Frank.

Martha asks the Timelords, "What's wrong with old Charlie boy over there?"

"Ask 'em"

"What, me? Don't be so daft."

The Doctor protests, "We don't exactly want to get noticed. Ask them what's going on."

"And make sure it sounds like an order." Rachel adds.

Martha nods and steps up and commands, "Daleks, I demand to be told. What is this Final Experiment?" she pauses, "Report!"

The first Dalek answers, "YOU WILL BEAR WITNESS."

"To what?"


"What does that mean?"


Sec's shell stops smoking and the light goes out in its eye stalk. The casing opens and a human-like thing struggles out. The casing shuts and the thing straightens.

Rachel gaped at the creature and whispers, "What is he?"

It has the one-eyed head and hands of a Dalek thing, but is wearing Mister Diagoras' suit. It takes a deep breath and speaks with Diagoras' accent, "I… am… a human… Dalek… I… am… your future…"

To be continued…

Kay I really don't have anything to say right now- OH WAIT! First of all, in this fanfic Martha DOES NOT like the Doctor! In this fanfic she thinks he's way too old for her and he's out of her league, and she's one of those friends who try to hook you up with your crush XD Kay guys, bye!

Sneak Peek... A surge of memories went through her, I'm a Timelord, I'm 894 years old, and I am…