At first, Hermione was deeply annoyed that her vampire didn't listen to her threat the first time around. When he casually strutted into the New York City bookstore the next day (for she was staying in the city for three days), Hermione's first response was to take out her wand and hex him. Since that wouldn't go so well with the customers that surrounded her, she did the next best thing: glare at him the whole time he was there. Her vampire simply grinned back, giving her a small wave which sent her to a mental frenzy. The patrons gave her strange looks as she muttered to herself about 'damn vampires,' but Hermione ignored them before going back to signing her signature away. She did, however, nearly lose it when he stayed the entire day. From opening to closing, her vampire lounged around the store, picking up random books and flipping through them. He even bought a book after the manger got snippy with him, threatening to throw him out. Her vampire did this within Hermione's peripheral vision. So, for the whole day, Hermione would glance over at him, gritting her teeth the whole time. Jeanette didn't mention anything; perhaps she didn't even recognize the vampire. Yet again, all Jeanette cared about was keeping the customers happy. If there was one thing Hermione was great at was keeping her readers happy.

The following day, her vampire did the same exact thing. He came in when the store opened, flitted about the store the entire day, bought a book when management opened their mouths, and lounged around like he owned the place. Keeping a straight face, Hermione did her job signing autographs and taking pictures. Whenever she met his gaze (for he looked at her a little too much for her liking), she would send him a hefty glare, and he returned it with a smile. Her mind would stop, thinking he was quite handsome when he smiled, before reverting back to distrusting the vampire. Shaking her head, Hermione would quickly collect her thoughts. He tried to kill her for crying out loud! For thinking he was handsome, Hermione mentally slapped herself. 'I'm an idiot,' she would think before going back to her current customer.

Part of her wished to call Harry and Ron and tell them what was going on. They would be over in a heartbeat, collecting the vampire and demanding why he was following her. Hermione would daydream about Aurors Potter and Weasley bursting onto the scene, wands at the ready while her cowering vampire would try and flee. He would fail, of course. No one could escape Harry or Ron. That image made her smirk to herself whenever she would see her vampire sprawled out on a loveseat in the middle of the busy store.

That was another thing that annoyed Hermione greatly; her vampire seemed to know her book tour schedule and would be at the location the following day. He would be calmly waiting in line outside, sparkling in the sun, thus catching Hermione's attention. It wasn't that hard to see him when the sun was shining, and the tall, lithe fellow glittered among dark shades of robes. Had he not tried to kill her once before – and if he wasn't a ruthless killer at heart – she would think he was beautiful. She, in fact, found vampires sparkling to be fascinating, a trait that Muggle movies seemed not to know. She remembered a time where Lavender squealed about meeting a handsome, sparkling vampire in Diagon Alley one year (who was a vegetarian as he had golden eyes, the vivacious gossip proclaimed loudly), claiming that he was very attractive and the glittering to be a very memorable scene. Hermione wished she could say the same thing, but seeing it day in and day out, Hermione could only roll her eyes. Seeing a vampire sparkle became boring once she reminded herself that he was a murderous stalker.

Oh, Hermione knew that she was the mouse in this game they were playing. It didn't take much for her to realize that she was in a sick and twisted game. Though, she knew, she couldn't do anything about it but protect herself. While she could easily defend herself from her vampire (with a simple and powerful slicing spell aimed properly at a vampire's neck), Hermione still didn't wish to be the mouse. She had once played the measly creature back when she was eighteen. Running from Voldemort and his Death Eaters had been enough excitement in her life, thank you very much. However, and there had always been a however whenever she thought, she knew that with one wrong move she could be the one to have her neck slit open.

Hermione shuddered at the thought. After playing one successful game of cat and mouse, she didn't wish to play it again.

There had been one question on her mind, however, when a month passed by without any problems from her vampire. He followed her book tour schedule and made sure he was always in sight, but she didn't understand why. Witches and wizards' blood – by nature – were putrid to all vampires. As an unwritten law, vampires weren't supposed to drink from witches and wizards. Hermione knew that the Volturi, the vampires' own version of government, were against harming any magical beings for it would cause an uproar. So why did her vampire want to kill her in the first place?

She would think about this every time she saw him. Tempted to go up and ask him, Hermione decided she would try to figure it out on her own. She didn't know much about vampires besides what she learned in her horrible Defense Against the Dark Arts classes back in Hogwarts. Thinking back, she was certain she didn't even learn much about vampires. Since she was already in a bookstore, Hermione bought some books on the subject and began to do a bit of light reading. Hermione bought ten thick tomes total on anything related to vampires and dove right into them.

Not much was said from what she already knew. The Volturi were considered to be the royals of the vampire community as well as enforcing vampire laws. Some of these laws included Muggles not being allowed to know about vampires, much like Muggles weren't allowed to know about the magical world. Death to Muggles would follow if they were to find out, unless they were to be turned. Hermione read on and on about the Volturi and some of the trials they had, blanching at the fact that many innocent Muggles were murdered for just knowing about vampires. A simple Memory Charm would have prevented the killing of a Muggle, yet Hermione had an inkling that the Volturi didn't want help from any magical beings. It wasn't written down, but reading between the lines made it seem that the Volturi and wizards didn't really see eye to eye on certain subjects. Some they did, like their harsh opinions on shapeshifters and werewolves.

Vampires in the wizarding world, however, were treated just like werewolves. They were treated as a second class citizen, even those who still had magical powers upon their turning. Hermione huffed when she read that, despite experiencing it first hand at her first job. Working for the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures had proven to Hermione how much injustice was served to those with any creature blood in them. To the magical world they were just a hindrance, something that annoyed her greatly.

'Calling them a hindrance,' she thought with a scoff, 'I find that rude. Then people question as to why I get upset at the Ministry, and no wonder why the Volturi doesn't want the wizarding world's help.'

She even read about vampires and witches mating, creating half-breeds that weren't accepted in most societies. For a moment, Hermione pondered if there had been any half-immortal, half-magical beings while she went to Hogwarts. The further she read on, the further she understood that it was a harrowing process producing a 'hybrid' and that it was dangerous for the witch carrying the child. The mother would need to drink human blood and take many potions that would keep her and the baby alive. Hermione shuddered at the thought and sent a silent prayer for all the mothers who went ahead and had a child with a vampire. She would never be able to do such a thing.

Despite all the knowledge she learned, there had been nothing on what could attract a vampire to a witch besides becoming mates. That, however, didn't require the vampire to attack the witch for her blood. With a huff, she slammed the book shut and stared at the television screen in her hotel room. While the reading had been enjoyable and filled her mind with more information, it didn't answer the lingering question she had. There were more signs to hate her than to want her.

So why on earth would a vampire want her blood?

Sucking up all her Gryffindor courage the following day, Hermione decided to flat out ask her vampire why he was following her around. Asking Jeanette for a moment or two, Hermione stiffly walked over to her vampire as he sprawled his lithe body out on the couch, reading a book on Astronomy. At first she nearly turned around when she caught his gaze, but remembering which house she was from, the witch shook her head and continued to walk towards him.

"Why are you following me?" she asked breathlessly. Her vampire raised an inquisitive eyebrow before closing his book. After no response, Hermione tried again. "You've been at every book signing since Salem. I want to know why."

Her vampire swung his legs off the couch and leaned forward, elbows resting on his knees. Hermione stared at him wearily, glancing around to make sure there were witnesses if he decided to do anything. She spotted Jeanette staring at them, and for once Hermione was thankful for her publicist's nosiness.

"Because I can," he replied simply, a smirk on his handsome yet undead face.

"You tried to kill me," Hermione stated slowly, going to draw her wand. Her vampire scoffed before going back to his book. "I would like an answer."

"And I would like you to stop talking," he retorted. He looked at her up and down, book opened once more, before saying, "You're in my light."

Hermione couldn't believe how nonchalant he was acting, sitting there and acting like nothing was wrong. For a moment she wished for him to attack her, have her pinned to the wall as he tried to drain her dry. She was even tempted to draw her wand and curse him right there, a childish thought she ignored for he wasn't really doing anything. He just sat there, book in his lap, eyes scanning the pages.

"I want you out of here," she said, crossing her arms over her chest. Her vampire snorted but made no motion of getting up. "I'll tell the Aurors what happened."

"Go ahead," he replied smoothly, causing Hermione to grit her teeth.

"What if I say you can drain me dry?"

"Your blood is shit to me."

"It wasn't like that a month ago."

Her vampire paused for a moment but didn't respond. Hermione tried one last time, wringing her hands together out of desperation.

"Why the hell are you following me?" she demanded quite shrilly, and she winced when a few patrons stopped to stare at her. Her vampire, however, seemed impassive towards her outburst. She shuddered, though, at the wolfish grin that appeared on his face.

"Because I can."

Okie, here is chapter four for everyone! At first I didn't know what I was going to do (something I'll probably admit for every chapter here on out). Then viola, the first paragraph just came to me and snowballed into this chapter. As you can see, Garrett is still stalking his witch, and Hermione is annoyed with her vampire. Not that dark, I think, but still has creepy and vague Garrett in it. Then again, it was solely dedicated to sleuth Hermione who wants answers.

A little info on the Volturi, as I believe the magical world would work with them and have the information I wrote down on them despite both of them hating each other (though, as I wrote, not all vampires hate magical beings and vice versa). I stuck that little info about mating since hey, if it can happen to a Muggle like Bella, a witch could sure survive a vampire pregnancy with proper magical resources.

Other than that, I don't own anything. If I did, things would be changed in all books from Meyer and Rowling. I'm just having fun meshing them together for my own enjoyment and sharing it with others who are enjoying it.

I want to thank everyone who has reviewed this story and to those who I haven't sent a PM to. Probably a lot of you since I get a lot of the reviews while I'm sleeping and easily lose track of who I'm replying to. So thank you all for the reviews and please keep them coming (they're very nice and supportive). Same with the alerts and favorites. I'm still shocked that people are interested in this little cat-and-mouse game I've created. :)