I do not own Full Metal Alchemist or Fairy Tail

"By taking them to the Celestial World."

The room fell silent as the new voice sounded. All turned to see the lion, bent over bloody and trying to catch his breath. It took Lucy no time to race to the spirit, worried for his wellbeing.

"Why are you here? What happened to the others?"

"I will tell you everything Lucy, just give me a second." Loki assured her as he sat on a neighboring chair. The tension that filled the room had temporarily subsided as all attention was directed at the newcomer. You could hear in intake of breaths as he began to speak.

"We were able to wound Orion, but it wasn't without a price." Lucy's heart seemed to stop beating at the news. She knew just how aggressive her friends were, and what they were willing to do in order to save everyone.

"Don't tell me…"

"Don't worry, she will be fine. It's just going to be a long recovery."

"She?" Lucy questioned, clearly not expecting the response.

"Erza, who else? After you left she went full attack mode. Even broke her black wing armor. But she was able to land a solid hit and Orion retreated. Natsu and Gray are taking her back to the guild as we speak."

Lucy's shoulders relaxed at the update, but instantly tense back as she recalled what Loki had said when he arrived.

"Can we really do that? The spirit world, that is." Lucy inquired.

"Yeah, we should be able to. I figure it will go like this…"

Edward, who had been sitting silent the entire time, couldn't take it any longer. There was still a lingering problem that he had no intention of forgetting.

"This is all well and good, but we are neglecting the real issue here. And that is me using alchemy through my brother."


"No Al, this is not up for discussion. I don't care what this plan is, I am not going to fight using my brother's strength. It's too risky to his recovery."

Lucy's voice rose as she pleaded, "Please Edward! This guy is bad news. He could do some real damage to my world if he is not stopped!"

"And I understand that. But you are going to have to find someone else to do it. Sure, if I was using my own power I would have no problem helping you. But Al is too fragile right now." Ed bite back with a tone of finality.

"You can't do that! We have no other choice than you and these other two alchemists! You each possess the key to sending Orion back to his prison." Loki interjected. He was on his feet now, desperate to make the boy see things their way.

"And I said no. End of it." Edward turned to leave the room. Winry tried to grab for his arm, but he turned his shoulder to avoid her. Mustang stood against the wall, debating whether or not to order the boy into submission. But the General knew all too well that tactic had never worked in the past, and certainly wasn't going to work now.

Edward had his hand on the doorknob when he jumped back with a yelp. He quickly turned around to see who had transmuted the knob into spikes when he spotted his younger brother with his hand on the wall, blue sparks still emitting from his palm. Ed was about to throw an angry curse at the boy when Al spoke up.

"It's my life force. I can decide how it is used. Nii-san, you have to help them." Al spoke with lidded eyes. It wasn't until he received no answer did he look at his brother.

Edward had his head hung, his fist shaking. He twisted his head from left to right, not wanting to admit defeat. "I can't. I can't risk losing you. Dammit Al, I just got you back!"

"How can we sit back while others are being hurt, when others could be killed!?" Al started. His voice rose from its calm as he continued, conviction in his words, "Especially when we can prevent it, we should do something. We should give our all! If that means you using me, gaining power from me, then we should be thankful that it's possible! Please brother, remember your conviction from only a few months ago. You were determined to save this country. You didn't have that conviction when we started our journey. But you met the people of this country. You got to know just how precious every life was, not just the ones that affected you. And we saved everyone. We can't just let it happen to someone else. We have to do something! And you know that."

Ed stilled at his brother's words, his fist flying into wall as he released his anger. A final 'dammit' from the stubborn alchemist was the only confirmation Loki needed.

"Alright, back to the strategy. Now, as I said, we need to take the fight to the spirit world."

"And just how do we do that?" the military man in Mustang started to show.

"Lucy here, of course." Loki rang as he pointed to the mage. Lucy's face showed the surprise at hearing her name, not expecting to have any bigger role in this other than finding the vessels of Orion's prison.

"What am I supposed to do?" Lucy questioned.

"Well, from what I understand these three," Loki pointed at Ed, Mustang, and Mei as he spoke, "are now the human appearance of three celestial spirits. So I figure all we need to do is use are resident Celestial Spirit Mage here to transport all of us to the spirit world. There she can provide them with the power to fight Orion."

Lucy looked at him doubtfully. "Yeah, I don't think I can do that. I mean I have only been to the spirit world once, and that was for that stupid party. I don't know how to fight there!"

"It's not any different than fighting in Earthland. But you will all need some new clothes so that you can breathe there."

The mixed reactions from the three chosen ones were enough to elicit laughter from the innocent bystanders. Mustang had his hand on his chin, contemplating how he would look in new clothes. Mei, who had been silent through the entire ordeal, seemed delighted to be able to have a costume change. It was only Ed who looked horrified, clearly not wanted to wear any type of uniform for any reason whatsoever.

"Don't you think this is all really hard to swallow Miss Riza?" Winry asked as the trio changed. The two women and Al had stayed in the room while the others had a strategy meeting. It seemed that they needed to strike when this Orion was still in the spirit world, which meant leaving as soon as possible. Maybe Riza and Al were used to the hastily of war, but she sure wasn't. And she would trade her quiet country living for anything.

"After everything, I find none of this strange. A bit rushed, maybe, but also necessary. Don't you feel the same Al?"

"Hm?" Al answered as he turned to face the girls. His mind had checked out a while ago. He was a bit concerned about his brother and what all this was doing to him. But that could be taken care of later. Right now there was a new battle to be fought.

"You understand what's going on, and the risks involved. Are you sure you are okay with that?" Riza questioned.

"Yep." Al assured with a grin. Still not used to seeing the boy in flesh Riza smiled back. Just as she was about to ask another question the door opened, allowing the fighting team in. Riza had to try with all her might not to laugh, but she was losing.

"I will hear none of it Lieutenant." Roy commanded as he walked it. He was dressed in drab green, from waist down. The only reason his chest wasn't green was because nothing was covering it. You could clearly see the seared scar on his abdomen. His pants ballooned out and came together mid-calf, tucking into his black boots. His the General's hands was a matching green vest which the General was just now putting on. He wasn't quite likely that it was sleeveless, but at least he was covering him more.

Mei can in next. Her outfit, while a bit more modern, was still out there. She was covered in pink and purple fabric that wrapped around her torso under her arms and down to her knees. At the neck there was a simple string that held the middle of the dress up, coming to a point at the base of her collarbone. Mei blushed as her back exposed more skin than she was used to.

Ed walked in last, seemingly okay with his new look. He had on boots reminiscing of his leather platforms and black leather pants that hung straight from his waist. On his chest was his signature red, but this was in a vest form like Mustang's. It only hung to his waist, and Ed only zipped it halfway. As Ed turned around they could see the familiar Flamel on the back. Al wondered how clothes that were given to Ed could have that on them, but figured that Ed just transformed the clothes to his liking. The boy never was one to sport any other style than his own.

"Well, how do we look?" Ed asked with a proud look on his face. Winry was the first to answer, trying hard to bite back a laugh.

"Just kick his ass and get back, okay?"

"Will do." Ed answered back. He gave the girl a hug, his two partners doing to the same with those being left behind.

"Come back soon." Al whispered to Mei. He gave his brother a knowing nod as the three departed. Mustang stopped at the door and turned to his Lieutenant. She was sporting a salute, to which the General returned. Without a word Mustang shut the door, leaving the three to their anxious wait.

"So, are you sure this is going to work?" Ed asked as they made their way to the middle of the countryside. Lucy patted the boy on the back, her confidence overshadowed a bit by her nervousness. Ed got the point. This was just as foreign to the mages as it was for them. Without another word Loki turned to the horizon, raising his hand as if to call to the heavens. But instead his hand seemingly ripped through the air, opening a doorway to the stars. Ed couldn't discern a walkway, but couldn't deny that as the girl and lion walked into the space they were supported by something. With a final look at the Resembol countryside, Ed, Mei, and Mustang stepped into the abyss.