Chapter 1 – The Blue mountains

Author note: This story started as little drabble about my headcanon for the ending of the Hobbit movie trilogy.
But well... Then it became a fanfic about Tauriel's life between "The Hobbit until "Lord of the Rings" and even after that..

Beta work done by MomoftheShire for this chapter, Thank you!

She let her fingers run over the smooth surface of the rune stone, it was almost a year now that she had carried it on her journey. But then again She started her journey because of it.

It was more than a year ago that she found the rune stone on his cold and dead body. Tears where shed that day, so many tears.

But she knew what she had to do. Kili had told her about the stone, and she knew that she had to return it to his mother who was awaiting the return of her two sons and brother. So she volunteered to go to the Blue Mountains to tell the Dwarves about Erebor and the fate of the Durin heirs. But back then she didn't expect that she carried more than only the runestone of Dwarven descent.

She inhaled deeply, finally her journey came to an end. She was here in front of the door which separated her from Dis. She just had to knock and tell Dis what had happened. Hesitating, she kept her hand in front of the door, ready to knock when suddenly the door opened.

"You have been standing here for about 5 minutes, Elf-maid," said the small dwarf in front of her. "I was wondering - have you finally decided if you wish to talk with me or not? Tell me what business do you have with me Elf?"

The Elf flinched but then said "My name is Tauriel. I've been sent to you to tell you about the fate of the fellowship of your brother, Thorin Oakenshild." Tauriel could see the fear in the eyes of the small Dwarven lady. "They reclaimed the mountain. The fire-drake is defeated," Tauriel said, and the next words were almost too difficult to say. "Forgive me, but your brother and sons are in the Halls of Mandos. They have fallen." Tauriel held out the little black runestone to Dis.

Tears wet Dis' eyes and cheeks when she took the stone out of Tauriel's hand. "How did you know about Kili's stone?," she asked Tauriel.

"He told me soon after we met," Tauriel replied with tears in her eyes.

Dis nodded "Were you and my youngest son friends?" she asked. "Something like that," Tauriel confesses. "Maybe more than that" For a moment they just look at each other both deep in grief when suddenly a small cry filled the quiet. Tauriel focuses on the small bundle she's carrying on her chest. A small smile forms on the face of Dis. "What a beautiful little baby you have there. What name did you give this little one?"

"His name is Kili," answered Tauriel softly. "After his father."

Yeah I know, this will never ever happen because the Tolkien lore doesn't allow it. And sorry for the mistakes. I'm not English.