
Drew's POV

I grabbed May's face in my hands, seeing the shock in her eyes for a brief moment before they closed and her lips puckered. I smirked slightly before placing that smirk against her lips so she could feel it. I felt her lips curl down in a pout and it made me chuckle against her lips. An awkward cough made me pull away. I'd forgotten about everyone else. I'd almost forgotten the reason I'd kissed her in the first place.

"I think I made my position clear," I said, smirking.

"Eww," Tory groaned.

"I agree," Max said, "You could have waited until you were NOT in front of all of us." May and I both turned to each other, laughing slightly.

"Brothers," we said at the same time. Max and Tory screwed up their noses. That would teach them not to tease us. Tory smiled as Plusle and Minun jumped onto his shoulder.

"Drew," Tory said, "I've done it." I grinned. He did do it. In what would have totally shocked everyone else in the room, I got up, ran across the room and hugged Tory. But it wasn't much of a shock to Tory. He knew I was a little bit softer around him. He was my brother, what could I say?

"Drew!" Tory exclaimed, laughing.

"You did it!" I exclaimed, "I'm so proud of you." I was, and he had better know it. It wouldn't have been easy. I'd been trying to do that for ages. I let him go and turned to May, whose eyes were wide and her hand over her mouth, trying not to laugh. I slowly walked to her and hugged her tightly.

"You did it May," I whispered, "You helped Tory. You finally freed LaRousse."

"I didn't do anything," she protested, "Tory did it himself."

"I think you helped," I said, "So thank you." She wriggled out of my grip, giggling.

"I didn't think you were this affectionate," she teased.

"I'm not usually," I said, teasing back, "So you better make the most of it while it lasts."

"Why would I do that?" she asked.

"Because you love me," I teased, smirking to cover that I wanted to smile. It was actually true. Like I suspected, her face started to go red and her hands clenched by her sides.


"Uh-uh May," I said, teasingly shaking my finger in front of her face, "that's not what you told me 20 minutes ago. Tut, tut, is this how you treat your boyfriend?" I felt that smirk growing larger as she blushed in embarrassment, becoming less angry as she realized what I said was true.

"Why are you so arrogant?" she groaned.

"Because you wouldn't rather me any other way," I said, leaning over to give her a peck on the cheek. She blushed even redder. The doors opened and professor Lund came in.

"I've just come back from surveying the city," he said, "Rayquaza had damaged quite a lot. We'll have to rebuild quite a lot."

"Well what better way to start again than to build LaRousse as a real town," Sid said.

"Wait, LaRousse isn't a real town?" Ash questioned. We all looked at him, except Brock and Max, who were probably equally as confused.

"No," I said, "LaRousse hasn't been a real town. Not until today."

We sat there, in professor Lund's office, just talking over new developmental plans.

"Well," Ash said, "I think we should get going." May pulled a face.

"You should come with us Drew," She said.

"I hate big groups," I said. She looked disappointed.

"Don't worry May," Ash said, "You'll see your boyfriend again at the next contest. Right Drew?" May flushed when he said boyfriend and it made me smirk. She was still embarrassed. That could be fun.

"I guess so," I said, "What kind of guy would I be if I didn't come to meet up with my girlfriend?" I made sure to emphasis the word girlfriend and May blushed even redder.

"Ok, ok," Rafe said, "We get the point Drew. May is your girlfriend." This time I could feel my cheeks heating up. Stupid blush. I hated blushing. It was the only show of emotion that I couldn't control…If you didn't count the punch I'd thrown at Sid.

"Come on!" Ash exclaimed, "We gotta get to the train." He grabbed one of May's hands, taking Max's wrist with the other and started to drag them towards the train station. May reached back and suddenly I felt myself being pulled along by May, her grip tight on my hand. I heard the pound of footsteps behind me, so I assumed that the others were following.

We came to the station.

"We're early," Ash said.

"You didn't have to drag us all the way here," May exclaimed, dropping both mine and Ash's hands.

"Just like you didn't have to drag me," I said, raising an eyebrow at her. She blushed.

"Well, since you weren't coming with us…I wanted to say a proper goodbye," she said, tapping her fingers together. I smirked. She was cute when she was embarrassed. I grabbed her hand, pulling her into my embrace.

"You make it sound like I'm leaving you forever," I whispered. She opened her mouth, but was cut off by Ash.

"Never mind!" Ash said, "The train is here." I pressed a kiss behind her ear.

"I'll see you at the next contest ok?" I said.

"Please come with Drew," she said.

"Now, now May," I said, "You've been without me for longer than this, what changed?"

"You're my boyfriend now," May said, "I'll miss you more." I kissed her cheek and then forehead.

"I will too ok?" I admitted, "But I gotta stay for a while. You know I do. I have to help rebuild the city. I'll see you soon though. I promise." She pouted.

"Come on May," Max said, "We gotta get on the train." I released her from my grip.

"You'd better go," I said. To my surprise, instead of going like I'd told her to, she grabbed my collar and yanked me down, quickly pecking my lips.

"I love you," she whispered, letting go, looking really embarrassed before getting on the train. Just a simple action had sent sparks shooting up into my brain again. I touched my lips gently with a finger, watching as she disappeared into the train, Ash, Brock, Max, Audrey, Kathryn, Rafe, Sid and Rebecca following her on. I bit my lip.

"Go," Tory said.

"Huh?" I said.

"Follow her," he said.

"What?" I asked, "I can't."

"Dude, she just kissed you and you don't want to go with her?" Tory said.

"I can't," I said, "I have to stay and help." Tory smirked.

"You can't seriously tell me that you're willing to let your girlfriend, who is on that train, leave and travel with a bunch of guys while you rebuild a city? Are you crazy?" He said. When he said it like that…

"Go Drew," he continued, "You've already done enough. It's my turn to repay you back." Without another word I ran and jumped on the train just before the doors closed. I waved to Tory, Yuko and Professor Lund as the train started to move, mouthing a 'thank you' to Tory. When they were out of sight, I moved and changed carts to the one I saw May going into before. She had her back turned to me. They were all laughing together. Rafe looked up, spotted me and smirked.

"What are you smirking for Rafe?" Ash asked. Rafe nudged Ash. He looked up, grinning knowingly at me. Soon I had everyone's attention except for May's, who was still laughing at something Brock had said earlier. I crept up behind her.

"Hey, what are you all looking at?" she asked, stopping her giggles.

"Look behind you," Rafe said. She started to turn around and so I put my arms around her waist, making her squeak in surprise. I leaned and so my lips gently brushed her ear.

"I believe you left before I could tell you something important," I whispered, "I love you too." She turned in my arms, a grin on her face.

"Drew!" She exclaimed, "You're coming with us?"

"I was persuaded," I said, shrugging.

"Yes!" she said, "We're going to Lilycove City. There's a contest there, I'm sure you know that already, but still it's really nice there and apparently there's a festival and we could totally go together and-" I cut off her ranting with a swift kiss to her lips.

"You know I don't like big crowds May," I said, "I'm not going to that festival." May pouted

"Please Drew," she begged, "I really want to go."

"No," I said. She crossed her arms. From the corner of my eye I saw Rafe smirk and nudge Sid.

"If you want May," Sid started, throwing a pointed look at me, "I could take you." I scowled. Something flashed in May's eyes. She wriggled out of my arms and turned to face Sid, who was smirking. I thought we were done using my jealousy to get me to do something.

"Sure Sid," she said, "since Drew won't take me." Stupid jealousy! I grabbed her arm, pulling her back, gently grabbing her chin with my hand.

"You're going with me," I growled out. She smirked and opened her mouth. Before she could say anything else, I had silenced her with my lips. This could be a very interesting journey.

A/N: It's all done. I'm not sure I liked how this last chapter turned out, but I had no idea how to end it. I decided to end it with jealous Drew, seeing as you guys seem to enjoy it when he's jealous. Leave a review telling me what you think. Speaking of reviews; I just gotta say. OH MY GOODNESS! I HAVE REACHED OVER 100 REVIEWS ON THIS! That's amazing! thank you guys so much. I never actually thought that I'd reach 100. let alone go over. That is so cool. Thank you all who have reviewed and followed and supported this. It means a lot. Now, if you like this movie twist, I have done two others. 'The protector and the sea princess' and 'Aura and Mew'. Be sure to check them out if you haven't already. Now, next up is a different sort of request. Someone has requested a specific plot line, which I'm going to try out. It'll be called 'Roles reversed' and it's contestshipping, so all you contestshippers, keep a look out for it. Don't worry, I haven't completely stopped with movie twists. I will be doing more after 'Roles reversed'. I just thought to do something a little different. Anyway, the next movie twist that I will be doing, after 'Roles reversed' is a twist of 'Pokemon Heroes: Latios and Latias'. It'll be called 'Pokemon connection: Latios and May'. I'm sure some of you might already be able to guess what I'm going to twist ;P It is pokeshipping and contestshipping. I have already thought about it a little and I have the major twists I want in my head. So May and Drew will be added in, because you know, why not? I love contestshipping and all. And so that's what I will be doing. Make sure to keep a look out for 'Roles reversed' if you're interested and vote on my poll if you haven't already. So, I think that's all I have to say for now. I guess I'll see some of you at my next story ;P