I do not own either Inuyasha or Black Butler with that I am only saying it once. So relax and enjoy the madness that come from my mind.

A rather normal sunny day at the Phantomhive estate was going splendid. With everything in order and not one of the servants breaking, ruining, and or burning down a part of the house down. The butler Sebastian felt content as he went about his regular duties that didn't include the fixing of the others mistakes.

Outside in the backyard a pair of blue eyes went wide as they spotted the giant white demon dog. Shooting out under him the not so small black cat ran. Hitting a tree the cat pounced through the air right into a window of the house. Mey-Rin was the first to see the animal as it hit the ground with shards falling around its body.

The thought that running through the cat's mind. 'Why is he chasing me? Dame it he is angry and now wants to kill me!' She silently cried as she rushed through the long hall way.

Following the cat was the guard dog Pluto who was enjoying the chase. He bound through the broken window and breaking it further though he didn't minding that the hall way was a bit small for him. Pushing himself to keep up with the black cat he didn't notice the maid shaking with her hands protecting her head.

Mey-Rin breathed a sigh of relief. "I wonder what got into Pluto." She thought aloud as she went to cleaning up the mess.

Down the halls turning randomly at corners that appeared before hitting the stairs going down. The cat ran as fast as she could, needing to escape the beast wrath in one piece. Turning again she found herself in a kitchen that had a surprised cook that looked more like a demolition's expert instead. With a flamethrower and a sick of dynamite in his hands looking at a bowl.

Baldroy looked up stunned as a growl escaped the black cat. "Well how in the hell did you get in." He said knowing full well that the lord of the manner was allergic to cats.

The cat looked at the man coming at her with the torch and the demonic dog that had cornered her into the kitchen. 'What do I do?' She asked herself as her powers flared sending both attackers back.

Pluto recovered quick enough to capture her in his jaws. Clamping so hard he found the cat moving a surprise. Shaking his head a bit for good measure to insure that it was completely dead. While he walked with his trophy in his mouth to show it off to Sebastian his favorite one out of the lot. He didn't notice as the cat started to shrink to a much smaller size, making her look like a cub of a big cat instead.

Finnian waved his arms in the air trying to show the size of the animal he had seen. "But sir I really did see a giant cat in the garden!" He said loud enough for Ciel to overhear at his desk.