
The expected is what keeps us steady. It's the unexpected that changes our lives forever
-Anna Freud


"Elsa, don't you ever wonder about what it feels like to be in love?"

Elsa looked up from the document she'd been reading and looked at Anna with questioning eyes.

"You're the one that's obsessed with love Anna, not me, nor will I ever be," Elsa said in an amused tone.

Anna let out a frustrated sigh, "But still! Don't you get lonely?"

"I have you Anna, how could I ever be lonely?" Although Anna's statement struck a chord in her heart... sometimes she did feel lonely.

"It's not the same Elsa! To have someone that loves you for you? It's not the same as sibling love. I'm telling you Elsa, one day you're going to fall in love-hard, and you won't think the same way," Anna stated as she walked out the door.

"Whatever you say Anna," Elsa chuckled.


"Woohoo, that's what I'm talking about!" Jack screamed, as he raced down the snowy hills with the neighbourhood kids.

"Jack I wish everyday was a snow day, so that we could have fun all the time!" exclaimed the blond boy named Brian.

"Me too buddy, me too," Jack said as he ruffled Brian's hair.

The sun started to set, so Brian and his friends said bye to Jack, and headed back home. After seeing that the children arrived at home safely, Jack walked down the streets, relishing the quietness and sereneness of winter. Unlike before, people actually moved out of the way. A couple smiled at him, and Jack smiled back.

So this is what it feels like to be visible.

Being a Guardian was amazing, yet Jack couldn't help but feel as though he was still missing something in his life. Jack flew over the town and into the mountains nearby where he stayed. After getting settled down into his bed of snow, he heard rumbling.

I swear, if I this is the Yetis-Jack didn't even finish his though before he was tossed into a bag.

The North Pole-

"NORTH! I thought we agreed to not send the Yetis to get me!"

"Jack you're here!" said a thick Russian accent.

Jack sighed, "Yes North, I'm here after being manhandled by two gigantic monkeys."

"Oh enough about the Yetis. Manny called."

"About what?"

"I don't know. He was vague... Queen and Pitch?"

"Okay… Care to explain a bit more?"

"You know Elsa? Queen of Arendelle, something is happening... Manny didn't really say much. I know you have to go!"

"Manny... always so ambiguous," Jack said as he shook his head in frustration, "Where is Arendelle in the first place?"

"I think somewhere in Europe. You'll use one of my snowglobes to get there."

Jack looked up at the moon through the window. Okay Manny, guess I'm going to Arendelle!

So that's it for now. Please leave reviews! I'll try to get some more action in the next chapter and make it longer :)