When the Espada became Arrancar they left many of their old hollow habits behind such as eating each other. Somethings, though, stuck with them. This included that emptiness they all felt, though it was something they were all used to. Another, more problematic aspect that followed them into their becoming Arrancar was their mating cycle. No matter what kind of soul a hollow was before they all became closer to animals when they turned and as such bred like animals. One would think that becoming mostly human again that mating season would no longer be a problem. Unfortunately for them, it was not so. The Arrancar of Los Noches as a whole were a conglomeration of aggressive Alphas and breedable Betas.

It was four weeks before Aizen's plan was to take action and so caught up was everyone in their own lives that they didn't really notice the change until the first attack happened. It started in the lower ranks and slowly made its way up, the scent of Betas in heat sending Alphas into rut. Most didn't mind, some even embraced it and used it as a way to blow off energy but for one Coyote Starrk it was just one big problem.

Despite being the strongest of the Espada, Starrk was a Beta which meant that he had to suffer going through being in heat. He was always too warm and his cock stood at attention, swollen and painfully hard. Being a part of him, Lillinette also went into heat but she had managed to find a suitable Alpha in Tesla. At first Starrk was suspicious of him, seeing as he was Nniotra's Fraccion, but the young man proved to be a kind and thoughtful Alpha and always put Lillinette's needs before his. As such Starrk left her in his care for the duration of the mating cycle with the silent promise of a painful death if she were to be hurt which is why he was now left to suffer alone. Or so he'd hoped.

Being the strongest, any Alpha that managed to mount him would surely get praise as well as a strong brood to carry on their lineage. Because of this Starrk had Arrancar like Grimmjow knocking down his door to try to get him. Unfortunately for them, Starrk was no easy prey. For years he'd been alone, his massive power killing anyone that got to close which was a curse but also a blessing. While he was terribly lonely, he didn't want to be just anyone's breeder. He wanted a strong, caring Alpha. Someone who could stand to be near him without perishing and would truly love him and their pups. Starrk sighed and maneuvered one of his many pillows between his legs before shamelessly grinding down against it. It didn't matter how much he tried to take care of it himself it would always come back as bad as before but at least it relieved some of the pain. Starrk's breaths started to come out in heavy pants, a light blush colored his cheeks as the fabric of his pants rubbed against his aching need, providing the friction he so needed. Feeling himself getting closer to orgasm, Starrk's breaths became shorter, heavier and he sped up his hips.

"Well, well, look what we've got here~" a cocky voice purred. Starrk jumped and looked over to see Grimmjow standing in his doorway, a predatory smirk on his face.
"What do you want, Grimmjow?" Starrk asked as he stilled his hips, though he had a feeling he knew the answer.
"Isn't it obvious? I want you~" He cooed before pouncing. Starrk skillfully rolled out of the way and snarled, baring his fangs.
"Back off, Sexta!" Starrk said in warning. The other simply growled, his smirk replaced with a snarl.
"Come on, Starrk. I know you're in heat, me and every other Alpha in Los Noches can smell it. You're to damn lazy to look for a fucking Alpha so here I am, ready and willing. You won't find anyone better and I promise I won't break ya. Yet." He said, grin returning to his face as he eyed Starrk. Starrk frowned even more, slowly backing away from him.
"Thanks but no thanks, Grimmjow. I've been doing fine so far, I think I'll be fine." Starrk replied. He eyed the Sexta Espada, body poised to defend himself. Grimmjow growled, none to pleased by Starrk's answer. Pulling Pantera from its sheath, he snarled.
"Wrong answer!" He cried before using sonido and attacking Starrk. Starrk easily dodged the enraged panther and ran out the door. While he could easily fend off Grimmjow, he wasn't in the mood nor was he in optimal condition to do so.

He quickly moved through the maze like halls of Aizen's castle and, after an hour, he was finally able to shake off Grimmjow who had become distracted by the more interested and still powerful Beta, Nnoitra. Starrk's sigh of relief turned into of exasperation, though, when he felt an all to familiar and unwelcomed spiritual pressure of the Segunda Espada, Baraggan.
"So this is where you've run off to, pup." He said, his loyal Fraccion standing guard behind him.
"Yeah, not really digging the attention I've been getting." Starrk replied warily.
"Obviously. Such lowly ants should know better than to go after a prime breeder." Baraggan replied smugly. "I, on the other hand, am the perfect Alpha for a Beta such as yourself."
"Is that so?" Starrk asked, feeling his stomach churn in disgust at the thought of the old Arrancar touching him sexually.
"But of course! I am the king and as such I only deserve the strongest and the most fertile Betas and you happen to be one such Beta." He announced.
"You should feel honored, his Majesty came to claim you in person!" Redder announced excitedly. Starrk just frowned and looked for a way out from the corner of his eye. When he spotted it, he turned his attention back to the volatile old man in front of him.
"Look Baraggan, as honored as I am, I'm not really interested." Starrk replied calmly.
"Not...interested..?" Baraggan asked, anger quickly etching itself onto his face. "Do you know what you're saying, pup?" He asked through gritted teeth. "Betas practically beg to carry my brood and here I am offering you this great gift and you're not interested?! Why you little bitch, I am the king, you should be thanking me for even considering you!" The older man yelled. Findorr simply tsked and looked at Starrk.
"Incorrecto!" He said before taking out his Zanpaku-to, the others following his lead.
"You will be my bitch even if I have to force you down!" Barragon exclaimed.

Starrk cussed under his breath and immediately made a beeline for the opening he'd spotted earlier, Barragan's Fraccion hot on his heels. He frowned as he tried to think of somewhere else to hide. It seemed nowhere in Los Noches was safe and going out into the sands of Hueco Mundo was out of the question. He may be an Arrancar but a Beta in heat was all the hollows would see if he went out there and that would be more trouble than it was worth. Soul Society would be the safest in terms of avoiding unwanted Alphas but then he'd be attacked by the Shinigami. That only left the living world.

Making up his mind, Starrk turned around mid-step and formed a cero.
"look out!" Ggio cried out. Just as he fired the group of Fraccion split, taking cover behind different corners of the hallway. Starrk quickly turned back around and opened a Garganta to the living world. Just as he was stepping through, Redder fired a cero of his own, hitting Starrk's back just as the Garganta was closing. The Primera Espada yelped and hit the ground with a hard thud. His back burned and blood started to stain his white coat. While the cero was nowhere near fatal, it hurt greatly. Starrk hissed in pain as the muscles in his legs shook, weak from the blow to his lower back. He ambled over to a tree before letting himself fall on his hands and knees in the fall leaves. Starrk cursed his luck and cursed mating season before laying down in the pile of leaves. He half expected Barragan's Fraccion to show up and collect him but they never did. Sighing in relief, Starrk got as comfortable as possible before falling into a deep sleep.