Hello lovelies.

I know this is not the update you were all looking forward to and I apologize. But, it's been a year since I last updated and I thought I'd made you all wait long enough.

I am currently discontinuing this story.

Ever since the release of Chapter 700 I've lost inspiration to write for the Naruto fandom. I won't go into my opinion of how the manga ended but I will say that I was disappointed and that I have found it difficult to be passionate about writing Naruto-related fics since.

I still love the relationship and dynamic between Naruto and Sakura; perhaps one day I'll pick this up again and continue it. However, I did not feel that it was fair to keep you waiting for another chapter that I knew would not come.

I apologize again for disappointing you but
thank you all so much for the love and support you've shown me throughout my time with this fandom.


Feel free to check out my bio and see whether we share love for other fandoms! I hope to start expanding my writing to my other interests soon (damn college for sucking away any-and-all creative brain cells). A few of my current addictions are:

• Beyond the Boundary/KNK
• Fairy Tail
• Miraculous Ladybug
• Noragami

I turned to Fairy Tail after Naruto ended and I have completely fallen in love! I have a few one-shots hidden in my files that I plan to release soon.

Beyond the Boundary
makes me cry; Akihito and Mirai are precious cinnamon rolls and if you haven't watched the series yet (only 12 episodes! And a movie that just released this summer!) GO SELL YOUR HEART!

is a recent love I discovered early this Fall; come join me in Yatori hell :D (there's the manga AND an anime; only 12 episodes for the first season & they just started a second season about two months ago!)

Miraculous Ladybug
is my most current addiction and I'm head-over-heels in love with the MariChat ship of the love square that includes only two people (yes you read that right). I have a fic idea brewing for these two. :)

So yeah, come join me in these four hells; I promise to provide you with sufficient amounts of fluff and angst as you suffer deliciously. ;3
