Hiccup dragged his unwilling legs to the large, glass door leading to his boss's office. His teeth were gnawing at his lower lip in agitation. Surely Astrid wouldn't fire him, right? He's done worse in theory but...come in the middle of a very important meeting? That was a new one. The brunette tentatively knocked on the door. A loud, feminine "Come in!" was heard from the other side. The blonde didn't sound angry… Hiccup drew in a huge breath, stood tall, and walked in expecting the worst.

The first thing he noticed was that the man with shocking white hair was still there. He couldn't really see anything as the man was still facing Astrid. Although he had seen the man's face, he hadn't got a good look at it, what with anger and embarrassment and all. The second was that while Astrid looked slightly stressed, she was still smiling. Hiccup let out a breath he didn't know he was holding when he saw it. Astrid wouldn't be smiling if she was going to fire him. His boss wasn't like that. But if she wasn't firing him, then why call him in here? Was he going to talk to him about why she suddenly stole away his weekend off? Hiccup's feelings of deep dread were quickly being replaced by curiosity.

"So uh Astrid.. What's this about exactly? I mean, if you were going to fire me, then you have done it already, right? Right..?" The brunette's words trailed off as he realized that danger might still be there. Astrid looked surprised at the very notion. A single blonde eyebrow shot up at the question. "Fire you? Hiccup, if I wanted to fire you over something as silly as that, you would have been gone years ago. No, I called you here for something else."

Hiccup could have swore he heard a slight chuckle from the man in front of him. The standing man looked wryly at the now dubbed 'Jack Frost'.

"So what am I here for then? Surely not to just watch you two chat right? Because that wouldn't be very interesting and I still have a lot of work to do. Just, uh, throwing that out there Astrid."

Astrid looked at him, deadpanning. "I know exactly how much work you have Hiccup. I'm the one who assigned it to you."

Hiccup's cheeks were dusted with red. Oh. Yeah. Right.

Hiccup heard another chuckle. His face grew redder. Now he knew that the man was having fun at his expense.

Astrid cleared her throat to get the attention of the two men in front of her.

"Hiccup. As I am sure you're dying to know, I'm going to tell you about the recent...rearrangement of your weekends."

Hiccup perked back up at this. This was, after all, the reason he had barged into his boss's office without calling ahead first. He tilted his head curiously, waiting for the woman to continue on with her words. Astrid took a deep breath and looked him straight in the eye.

"I'm sure you are now aware of who is sitting in my office having a meeting with me. If not, then I will tell you. This is Jack Frost, CEO of North's Toytastical Fantasm. We have recently been focusing on making a deal that will help both of our companies greatly." Hiccup opened his mouth to speak, but Astrid cut him off before he could. "I'm sure you're curious as to how our company, a digital design company, with a toy making one, correct?" Hiccup looked at her sheepishly. He had said near the same words earlier when talking to Fishlegs. "We plan to combine both of our forces on a new project that is coming up soon. One that will need both of our skills. And so, we will have to breach a contract."

Hiccup listened dumbfoundedly. The idea itself sounded fantastic...but what did this all have to do with him?

Astrid, as if reading his mind, carried on with her speech. "I'm sure you are very curious as to what this has to do with you. You, Hiccup, will be the person to show Mr. Frost around and show him why we are a good combination. Unfortunately, this was the soonest time Mr. Frost could make it." She paused for a moment and looked into Hiccup's emerald eyes. I'm placing my trust in you to do this Hiccup. I believe in you." Astrid ended her monologue with tired, but hopeful eyes aimed at Hiccup. One look at Astrid could tell you that she truly believed that this would be good.

Hiccup weighed his options in his mind. To show Jack why this was such a wonderful idea and an even better combination idea, or spend his father's birthday…? Hiccup's teeth began to bite at his lip again as he shuffled from side to side. He could feel the tension in the room on his shoulders. When Hiccup opened his mouth to speak, a voice that was definitely not his spoke instead.

"I would like to make another bargain, Ms. Hofferson."

Astrid's eyes shot back to the still seated man. Her eyes were now guarded and business-like again.


"I will stay with Mr. Haddock, and we will simply both go to whatever was so important for him that he had to bust into a meeting for."

Hiccup's jaw dropped. He was pretty sure that if it would not have been seen as unprofessional, Astrid's jaw would have as well. Astrid's word stammered at first; her eyes wide. "W-Well, as long as it is fine with Mr. Haddock, then I do not see the problem." Astrid's eyes shot up to Hiccup again. "Hiccup? Are you fine with Mr. Frost's proposition?" Hiccup simply nodded, still dumbstruck at what had just occurred. "Y-Yeah, I don't see why not.."

Astrid beamed. "Wonderful! Mr. Frost, I suspect you would like to start now?" The white-haired man in the seat nodded as he stood up. When he turned around, vivid, blue eyes met emerald. The man was smiling as if he knew some secret that others didn't and was enjoying every second of it.

"Shall we go, Mr. Haddock?"

Hiccup almost fainted.

AN: Sorry for the wait! And wow, the reception was amazing! I have to admit I wasn't expecting anything like that (or at all, really). Now that I know people are interested, I will definitely try to make updates more frequent and regular. Thanks for the reviews! (Can I just love you all please?)

Sorry or any OOC-ness.