Special thanks to-


Blue cookies for reviewing! (::) (::) (::) (::) (::) (::) (::) (::) (::) (::) (::) (::) (::) (::) (::) (::)


LAST CHAPTER OF TBH. I'm sad... are you? Well no fears, I'll be doing a sequel sometime. When? Not exactly sure, but I DO know it will be in LA.

I wrote this up last night and just finished it but ff is down and I must POST this...

(Well that explains why I never found it! FF was down!)

Okay guys-time to face the music.


I lean up against the side of the house watching the sun sink lower in the sky, my bags next to me.

Annabeth walks out and leans next to me, handing me a soda.


She nods, and I can tell she's on the verge of tears.

I hug her, breathing in the smell of her hair, I want to imprint it into my mind.

"You can come to California, visit maybe attend school there." I suggest.

"My dad-he might let me" She says, her voice thick and doubtful.

"You better come or I'll have to have somebody kidnap you" I joke.

She smiles, but then blinks back tears.

"I don't want you to go" she whispers.

"I don't want to go. But I have to"

"Oh Percy..." I kiss her, a good proper kiss.

"So you don't forget me"

She smiles. "How can I?"

She leans her head in the crook of my neck.

The others come out.

"We're going to miss you Percy." Sally gives me a hug.

I get hugged, and man-hugged (Which is much more dignified) by just about everyone.

Thalia refuses to hug me at first but Luke talks her into it.

"You guys have my Skype and my number, so text me anytime" I tell them. Luke nods and Annabeth hugs me again and whispers in my ear,

"Be safe seaweed brain"

"Always wise girl. Now don't you go finding some other seaweed brain while I'm gone" Annabeths face is one of rage until she sees I'm smiling and joking.

"Oh you!" She hits my arm lightly.

A car pulls up.

"There's the car. Gotta go" I give one last kiss to Annabeth, then I climb in.

I watch through the window as the house becomes smaller.

"Did you have a good time sir?" a voice asks from the front.

"Oh Jameson! Dad sent you all the way out here to get me?" I ask surprised.

"Yes he did sir. Did you have a good time at the brick house?" he asks again.

I smile "Yeah, I did."

"That place has always been curious to me. 'The Brick House' what an interesting name" He comments.

"I suppose it is, but it fits it" I comment.

Then we turn the corner, and the house is gone.

With a resigned sigh I turn back front-wise.

"Next stop, LA"

"Actually it's BWI then LA" Jameson corrects

"Next stop, BWI, then LA" I say with a chuckle.

And that was how I left the brick house. Once you leave, I don't think you get to go back.

DAWWWWWW percabeth! I know a lot of you wanted them to act like normal teens-that's in the sequel, DW 'bout that!

(Not DW doctor who but DW don't worry)

If you get bored I have plenty of other stories. (#Shamelessadvertisement)

Blue cookies for reading, favoriting, following, and hopefully reviewing! (::) (::) (::) (::) (::) (::) (::) (::) (::) (::) (::) (::) (::) (::) (::) (::) (::)(::) (::) (::) (::) (::) (::) (::) (::) (::) (::) (::) (::) (::) (::) (::) (::) (::) (::) (::) (::) (::) (::)

Here's my line-

I used to live on food... Now I live on reviews! Don't starve a writer, review today!

I still need answers. I got one vote for series, I need REVIEWS capisce? I need your guys' feedback seriously's. Questions down heresies

Question one: A series of oneshots, or a sequel with the same format of TBH?

Question Two: If it's oneshot's it'll be separate, but if not do you want me to simply put the TBH sequel on this story as a continuation (Like a part two.) Or do you want a whole new story which is more sequel-ey or whatever.

Also obviously I found this chapter! I'd saved it as a separate document and I thought it was my story "Saying goodbye" not the last chapter for TBH! Silly me!

-Id OUT!