Jack had just been flying around, lying on his back, not really looking where he was going.

Until he smacked head first into a window. "Ow!" He rubbed his head and looked around.

He saw a fairly large town surrounding him. The window he had flown into was part of a castle. Curios, he looked inside. There, he saw a girl, maybe 10 years old, with light blonde hair sitting at a desk. She was reading a book. He looked at the title; 'trading history of Arendelle'. Well, that sounded dull. What was she doing all by herself, anyway? Kids were supposed to play and have fun!

He pushed the window open gently and lowered himself onto the ground. A cold breeze of winter air blew into the room, but the girl barely noticed. She turned to the next page of the book, sighing. "How long could the damn trading history be!?" She asked herself. "Oh, Elsa that is hardly proper language for a princess!" she mimicked in a deeper tone, scolding herself.

Jack chuckled at her antics and lightly jumped onto the edge of her desk. Her head snapped up and she shrieked. All the papers and books scattered to the ground as she tried to stand up.

"Who are you?!" She demanded, moving away from him.

He stared at her. "You…you can see me?"

Elsa clutched her book tightly and looked at him, fear in her eyes. "What do you want?" She asked, sounding less angry and more scared.

Jack hopped off the desk and walked over to her. "I'm not going to hurt you." He said, trying to calm her down.

She held up her book as a weapon. "Who are you!? And how did you get in my room?"

"Whoa, easy there." He gestured at the book. "Don't hit me, okay? My name is Jack Frost. I'm the winter spirit."

Her eyes widened. "You're real?" She whispered, lowering her book.

He grinned at her. "Yup, that I am. Not many people can see me. You're the first, actually."

She raised an eyebrow. "Prove it."

"What?" She said, surprised.

"Prove that you are the winter spirit." She repeated.

Smirking, he created a snowball in his hand and showed it to her. She stared at him in amazement. "I'm not alone!" She squeaked excitedly.

"What do you mean, kiddo?" He asked her curiously.

Her excitement faded slightly. "I have powers, too." She placed a hand on her wall and small ice patters spread from it.

Jack laughed. "That's so cool!" He exclaimed, jumping in the air.

"No." She said, turning away from him. "It's a curse." She sank down against her wall. "Two years ago, I hurt my sister while we were playing. It was an accident, but she almost died. Because of me." She wiped angrily at the tears that threatened to fall. "Now I have to stay in my room, alone. Every day, my sister knocks at my door and asks me to play. But mama and papa said that I have to stay inside, otherwise something bad will happen."

Jack stared at her as he absorbed this information. Suddenly he felt angry. How could her parents keep her locked up, all by herself? No child should be isolated. An idea started to form in his head.

"Hey, how about you tell me your name first?" He said softly.

"I'm Elsa." She said, looking up at him.

"Well, Elsa. How would you like to have some fun?" He asked her, grinning mischievously. He held out a hand toward her.

She took it hesitantly. "What do you mean?" She asked.

"Do you want to have a snowball fight?" He asked her, as a pile of snowballs formed at his feet.

"But, I have to study!" She protested.

"So?" Jack grinned and threw a snowball at her. She blocked it with an ice wall. Slowly becoming more confident, she formed her own pile of snow and threw it at him. He yelped and fell down, laughing. Elsa started to relax and truly had fun for the first time in 2 years. The played in the snow all night; the sun was already starting to rise. Elsa yawned.

"Thank you, Jack…" She said, hugging him. "Will you come back?"

He grinned and ruffled her hair. "I promise!" He said, flying out the window.