Hey guys! I know I have a bunch of stories and a lot of them need discontinuing or finishing (My guilty conscience mentions When the Nightmares take me a lot...) But I had this epic idea for a story about PJO and HOO charries when they were four years old! I'm not doing Nico, Bianca, or Hazel because of the time gap. So yeah...

Chapter 1- Is it just a song?

"Dad I don't need to go to school! I'm smart and I can say my alphabet and count to a thousand and I know what 19 squared is!"

"Annabeth, you need to go to preschool because all little girls need to go to preschool, and I want to spend quality time with your mom."

"She's not my mom! She's not she's not she's not!"

"What can I do to get you to go, willingly, to school? Ice cream?"

"You have to build blocks with me after school. We're going to make a scale model of the empire state building, and it has to be perfect."

"Um... Okay." Fredrick Chase shook his head, confused, and pulled up to the preschool.

He took her inside and unbuttoned her Jacket, then he introduced her to her teacher.

"This is Annabeth, she's a little different..." Athena had to give me a genius for a daughter, didn't she? He thought to himself.

"Nonsense, she'll fit right in. Right now it's free play, but we're almost ready to start music." The teacher was tall and brunette and thought all little children were angels sent from God. But she'd never met Annabeth, and her opinion was about to change as music started.

"Now, children, I know we've been practicing this song for awhile but Annabeth doesn't know it so lets go slow, okay? So she can catch on. Annabeth dear, whenever you catch on start singing, it may take some more time to get the hand motions, but that's okay." Annabeth didn't say anything, she just stared at the train on the rug they were sitting with. The teacher started singing and the other kids sang along, singing screechily.

"The itsy bitsy spider climbed-"

"NO NO NO NO NO NO NO!" Annabeth started screaming and crying.


The teacher called her father. His quality time with his wife was cut short, and Annabeth got an ice cream and several hours of building blocks.

The teacher quit the very next day.

Hahaha... That makes me happy. Of course, I was an angel in Preschool, so obviously its fun to write four year olds driving teachers insane.