Team 7 walked to the gates of Konoha followed by about two dozen others. "Open the gates Kotetsu. we have refugees from what used to be the land of rice fields.

In Jiraiya's office Naruto handed the scroll over to him explain who was in it and how they found him.

"Good with this Orochmaru can increase the power of root, and with it the power of Konaha." Jiraiya said as he put it into his pocket. "Naruto a word, the rest of you dismissed." After hearing the door close Jiraiya looked at Naruto seriously. "You need to kill people sometimes. I know you don't like taking lives, I don't either. But some times you have to. I read about Mizuki, you should have killed him when he used you to betray Konoha."

"But I did. His skull was caved in and every thing." Jiraiya held up his hand.

"Then next time make sure, he escaped from the prison he was sent to when you were gone. Iruka went after him. By the time back up arrived it was to late."

"Iruka-sensei's dead?" Naruto asked with a quiver in his voice.

"No, he would have been if not for Suzine though. His legs were torn off competently, she saved his life but couldn't save his legs. He can no longer go back and forth between here, the barrier corp. and the school. He loved teaching but the village needs his skills more. When asked who should replace him as Chunnin Commander he said 'trust Naruto' so..."

"But why can't he stay here instead of the barrier?"

"Barrier and sensor ninjutsu are both rare, Iruka has both. It's a matter of priorities kid."

"The only Chunnin I personally trust right now is Sasuke but he's not fit for it. Shikamaru or Shino would be a good fit but they're only Gennin right now."

"We'll figure this out but for now get caught up on your work. I have a mission for you tomorrow."

The next morning Naruto walked into Jiraiya's office. "Reporting for duty."

"Before I give you your mission bring your team here. Your team will consist of Abrame Shino, Inuzuka Kiba and Hyuuga Hinata."

Due to the use of shadow clones Naruto had his team assembled within a half hour.

"Now that you are all here your mission is to get a Bitcouchuu (AN: that is how it is spelt in subtitles, seriously) beetle so we can put Kabuto's scent on it. If this works we will have a way to track Orochimaru's second in command and thus Orochimaru.

"Yes Hokage-sama." The four bowed and left.

"Shino for this mission I want you to lead. We're trying to find a bug and your the expert in that field." Naruto said as they left the gates.

After a few minutes Shino decided their best luck would be in the insect forest, for if the weather patterns persist this could be their best chance to get a hold of it for quite some time.

They arrived at a round indent that was so full of trees and insects that you would think it was a safe haven from the insect god him or herself. In roughly the center of the forest there was a tree so big it was almost as tall as the ground outside the sanctuary.

Shino looked to the sky that was indicating it would rain either tonight or in the morning. "This is a picture of the bitcouchuu" Shino said holding a picture to show his team mates. "if you find it call for backup so it doesn't get hurt or fly off." Shino continued in his monotone voice.

Unknown to our team of heroes a team of three Iwa-nin were looking for the same beetle to track down a lost clan scroll.

While looking for the beetle the team split up and one of the Iwa-nin found out about the Konoha-nins mission was the same as theirs when he got an Idea. Why put it the effort looking for some thing so small when they could wait a bit and have it hand delivered to them.

He wasted no time regrouping with the two others from his clan to tell them about the plan.

Elsewhere in the forest Naruto called out to his team. "Hey guys I found it come quickly!" It took all of about two minutes before the team converged to Naruto's location.

"Naruto. I know you are not very well learned in the field of entomology but the one we are looking for is small where as that specimen is massive in proportions. This species is also very aggressive is would be wise to retreat in this instance." Shino said as quietly as he could while still keeping his usual tone of voice.

The giant beetle seemed to have heard they funny enough after they started to try and be quiet. It reared its massively horned head and got ready to attack when it froze for a split second then tried to turn tail and fly off. Just as it left the branch though a beetle so massive that the other one looked small in comparison broke through the canopy and ate it whole.

The beetle was so huge Kiba was only roughly the size of the things eye balls and it had a long thin leathal looking tail sorunded by six distint wings.

"Fu, Chromi!" Naruto yelled at the giant beetle as he ran towards it. The beetle looked at Naruto for a second before it screeched out "Naruto. Kurama. What are you doing in my forest?"

"Your forest? Huh I guess I shouldn't have been surprised it is both massive and inhabited by almost nothing but bugs." Naruto said as he stopped to think about it.

Fu changed back from her released state to her human form and dropped to Naruto to talk to him.

After catching up and explaining what they were looking for and why she nodded her head and transformed her head back to the beetle form and let out a screech. A small bug few into her hand in a matter of minutes and shino took it and put it in a jar.

"Feel free to spend the night in my tree guys."

"Thanks Fu by the way do you mind if I look at your seal?" Naruto replied.

The team was almost out of the forest the next day when they were ambushed buy three Iwa-nin. The female took a look at who they jumped and "Nope fuck that, bye." correction they were ambushed by two Iwa-nin. Naruto looked at Kiba before saying with a heavy tone "Shino has this." and sitting down right where he was. Between Shino's Beetle Armour Jutsu, his spiked gauntlets and his personal training since the end of the invasion the two Iwa-nin left were taken out in quick order.

Naruto got up to walk away before stopping. "Come out. Tell us why you were stalking us for or you deal with me."

Suzumebatchi jumped out of the foliage between her fallen comrades and the Konoha-nin. "We were after the same bug you guys were. We need it to reclaim a clan scroll that would have put us back in good standing in our village."

"Are you willing to trade the lives of these two for it?" Naruto asked.

"Ye-no, no I can't their lives are just as precious."

"Good answer. Go to the tree in the middle of the forest, tell Fu that Naruto sent you. Knowing her she'll get you one, that or kill you. Anyway bye." Naruto stated walking a few steps before looking at his team. "You guys coming or what?"

"Mission report." Jiraiya called as the team walked into his office.

Shino passed it to Naruto who in turn put in on Jiraiya's desk. "Mission accomplished sir. we also met up with the Nanabi and she let me look at her seal." Naruto explained as he moved his shirt over enough so so his updated seal with 7 filled in as well as his 9 and Garra's 1.

"One step closer for our village and another step for your personal goal huh? Did you ask if she wanted to join us? It sounded like she wasn't protected by a village any more." The Hokage thought out loud.

"K" And Naruto was gone.

Up on the roof Naruto put one of his fingers on the dark 7 and hit the ground with his other hand.

In a bigger -poof- than usual the Nanabi was flying in the sky above Hokage Tower.

In less time than it took for Fu to revert back to her human form and drop in-front of Naruto, the roof tops were full of loyal shinobi ready to fight anything to protect their home. I guess the invasion was good for something after all.

"How did I get back here?" Fu asked Naruto.

"I forgot to ask you if you wanted to stay here with us. Don't worry the only time we'll make you fight is if we get attacked again,but with people out there that are stronger than me after all of our kind I figured might as well stick together if we can. We can get you a house here or if you prefer you can stay in the Forest of Death."

"I think I'll like the forest. Besides that run in with you that place was peaceful."

Naruto looked at her weird for a second before "OK. I'll come visit you every now and then."

Fu transformed back and flew to her new home. It wasn't until Fu was out of sight that the ninja went back to what they were doing before the Jinchiriki suddenly appeared.


Naruto still had time before he would need more than seven of Kurama's tails worth of power so he might as well put his new point into some thing different. Looking at his stats he relised just because he heals doesn't mean his friends do.

-click- And done.


free - 0

bijuu control 7/9

nin 0/25

gen 0/25

tai 0/25

fuin 6/6

med 1/6

sensor 2/6

enlightenment 1/1

earth element 2/6

fire element 2/6

lightning element 2/6

water element 3/6

wind element 6/6

yin/yang element 0/6

req. earth,fire,lightning,water and wind level 5

barrier 0/6

req. fuin 5, sensing 1 and yin/yang 1

chakra absorb 1/6

chakra transplant 0/6

req. chakra absorb 3, med 3

kin 5/6

req. yin/yang 4