We've all read the numerous variations of LOTR. I absolutely love LOTR and have decided to do my own! Please, Please, COMMENT! (Need a good title!)(Hint, Hint )

All characters but Idril, Aduialroch, Rocuron, Tarmar, Anarion and Jardin are mine. The rest belong to Tolkien and Peter Jackson.

Four Rings for the Elven- kings under the sky,

Seven for the Dwarf-lords in their halls of stone,

Nine for Mortal Men doomed to die,

One for the Dark Lord On his dark throne

In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie.

One Ring to rule the all, One Ring to find them,

One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them

In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie.

Chapter 1

At first dawn, when the sun had just begun to peek out over the horizon, an eagle spread its wings and soared over the beautiful rivers and mountains of Middle-Earth. There was one place in particular that caught the eagle's sharp eye. Breathtaking was the only way to describe it, with rolling hills in a prosperous valley near the Bruinen, and to the east, the towering peaks of the Misty Mountains and Eregion, the lost city of Celebrimbor. The rare mallorn trees were abundant here, in the forest full of wildlife. This was Arcadia, the fourth elven kingdom on Middle- Earth. Its harvest great, and with a high population, Arcadia was in its own golden age.

The rising sun glinted off the glimmering silver armor of soldiers training for battle. One figure stood out, even among the excellent swordsmanship of the elves. The figure, dueling several soldiers at a time, twisted and twirled, thrusted and parried with surpassing skill, using their two swords that glittered in the brilliant sun. The 5 soldiers thrusted all together, but the figure simply leaped over them and put their swords to their necks. The eagle then swooped in and perched on the figure's shoulder, delivering the missive. The figure then wished their comrades goodbye and rushed off to their quarters. The figure was Idril Calaereth, Queen of the High elves of Arcadia, of the House of Fingolfin. Her light blond and silvery hair flowed in the wind as her light blue eyes twinkled. Idril quickly called Anarion, her faithful councilor, to her side.

"We must call together a Council meeting, Anarion, an urgent missive has come from Lord Elrond," Idril ordered.

"Of course my Quee"—Anarion began but Idril cut in, "Anarion, how many times do I have to tell you to call me Idril"!?

"Sorry," Anarion muttered as he rushed to call the High Council.

20 minutes later, the High Council gathered and began as Idril took her seat. "My lords and ladies, I have received a message from Lord Elrond, concerning the One Ring. Yes, the one ring to rule them all. It lies in the possession of a hobbit named Frodo, who now is in Rivendell. A council has been called to determine the fate of the one Ring and Middle-Earth."

"Well then, one of the councilors said, someone must go and it would probably be best if the High Queen went."

That started an uproar, as many of the people attending did not want to put the Queen in danger. However, they stopped at the sound of a shout, which caused all of them to turn to its origin, which was Idril, sitting calmly and composed.

"I will go, as there is none one else to better represent our views. We must forgo the military campaign of Moria, to discover the fate of Balin, whom we have not heard from for a year. Though that is important, this must be our top priority. You all forget that I was there, on the slopes of Mount Doom ad I fought with my father, Gil-galad. The ring cannot fall into the hands of men, for they are too easily corrupted, as Isildur was. I will also take some of my friends. In my place, you all shall rule until my return."

"This council is adjourned," stated Jardin, Keeper of the Council.

Idril's POV

Without further delay, I headed out and gathered my two swords, Ringil and Silmegil. Ringil was the famous sword of Fingolfin, that wounded Morgoth seven times and hewed his foot. It glowed like the moon and was icy. Silmegil, meaning shining white sword, was white of course and was made by a dear friend of mine for me.

I also gathered by bow and arrows, given to me by the Galadhrim. After that I quickly got a change of dress and packed my leather pants. I then put on my blue, silver and gold armor, made by the Noldorian smiths, specifically for the Queen. It glittered and sparkled catching the sunlight. Besides my armor, I wore a blue cloak, silver riding boots and my glittering silver circlet, as I preferred it over a crown.

I called my dear friend Aduialroch, meaning Nightfall Star Horse. Rocuron swooped down and perched on my shoulder. Tarmar, also trotted to my side. She was a fox whom I had saved from orcs long ago. I have the innate ability to speak to all animals and I hear and see all nature- related. I patted Aduialroch's mane and whispered, "Are you ready, my friend." She did not bother with a response but instead thundered out of the stable into the cool breeze and the green fields of Arcadia. As the moon came out, the trees whispered of a threat to the east, heading right for me. I could hear the thumps of the orcs, and their commander sniffed the air.

"A She-elf, it must be the Queen, he exclaimed." Find the elf but do not kill her, Saruman wants to have a word with the Queen. The thumping drew nearer and Rocuron reported," there are too many Idril! There are at least a hundred orcs!"

"There is a slope ahead, I replied. I can fire arrows down on them and then we can run for it."

Without further ado, I soundlessly guided Aduialroch to the hill and began firing. My arrows, swiftly whistling through the air, found most of their targets.

"We're being attacked! One orc cried before a nicely aimed arrow silenced him for all eternity.

However, their commander urged them on and he and another 5 orcs returned fire with their crude crossbows. Three arrows whistled past barely missing me. After my 25th arrow had been released, I turned Aduialroch to go but two arrows found their target: Me. WHAM, one punching it my shoulder, another into my calf and the others missing or deflecting off my armor. I then raced Aduialroch in the other direction, while Tarmar jumped up into my lap.

"Go," I cried and Aduialroch raced off with the speed that few horses could achieve. She was related to a Mearas, but not one herself.

For two days and two nights, I galloped on Aduialroch with my wounds. But, the orcs were only a thousand feet behind. I knew then that these orcs were not normal but were somehow stronger, faster and better orcs, able to chase their prey even in the day. I did dare stop for a rest, as this was an open plain. In the last mile, Aduialroch gave it everything she had as we dashed to Rivendell. But when we reached the gates, I collapsed in exhaustion, hoping that someone would see me.I also perceived that our pursuers turned back, as they feared Elrond and would not go near the place, for the power that dwelt there was too great. Finally, an elf found me and cried out in shock seeing me.

But I made no reply as my wounds caught up to me as the poison infiltrated my bloodstream and I swayed dizzyingly and then slumped, losing consciousness.

Idril means sparkling brilliance and Calaereth means light of the sea female

DUH, DUH, DUH! Ha (evil laugh). Here's your cliffhanger. What will happen to Idril? Please comment and tell me how it was. I will try to update soon! Any suggestions and all comments (Nicely put ones that is) are welcome. Bye!