Hello my lovelies!

Well, here we are. The final rewritten chapter!

I'm very excited for you all to read this last chapter, and I hope you all have liked the rewrite.

Well, for the final time in this story, enjoy the chapter!

Disclaimer: I only own Emma

Chapter Seven

Jack POV

Jack and Elsa left Arendelle, Elsa holding tight to Jack's hand as he flew them through the sky. They flew to Burgess, where within the dark forest, the ratty bedframe stood above a deep, dark hold. Jack landed, and he slowly y led Elsa carefully through the dark tunnel. He hoped he wouldn't regret asking Pitch for help. All Jack cared about was that Pitch didn't hurt Sandy or Emma. That was everything he cared about. The couple arrived in a large circular room, with massive metal cages hanging from the ceiling. Jack thought back to the last time he had been in the room, so long ago, listening to the frantic chirping of the trapped Baby Teeth. Elsa tightened her grip on his hand comfortingly, and he smiled thankfully at her. .

"Pitch, I need to speak with you! " Jack called out into the empty room. Shadows slowly gathered in the far corner of the room, and Jack tensed. Pitch stepped out of the shadows, looking more human than Jack had ever seen him. The Nightmare King seemed legitimately surprised to see Jack and Elsa, as he stepped back upon recognizing them.

"What are you two doing here?" He asked, staring at them suspiciously. Jack walked up to him, his hand never leaving Elsa's.

"The guardians took my little girl, Emma. They're keeping her unless I join them again and help them defeat you." Jack explained, and Pitch's eyes shone with a slight fury, surprising Jack. "You do remember what happened the last time we fought, right? And I've only grown more powerful." Pitch studied Jack, turning from him and pacing his lair.

"It is surprising that the Guardians took a child. That means that they are obviously desperate, and threatened by both myself and by you." Pitch said, and Jack looked at him in confusion.

"What do you mean, threatened by me?" he asked. Pitch looked at him in genuine disbelief.

"You said yourself you were more powerful now. The Guardians do not want the two of us teaming up together, as they believe it will be their downfall." He replied, and Jack looked at Elsa.

"Maybe that'll work to our advantage." He said, and Elsa squeezed his hand before looking at Pitch.

"We need you to help us get Emma back. If you do, we will not seek you out to fight you, providing you leave the Sandman, my kingdom, and our family alone for the rest of our lives." she said. Pitch looked at her, with what seemed to be amusement and fondness in his eyes.

"You can't hurt any of the Burgess kids either. Deal?" Jack added, sticking out a hand. Pitch looked at the hand.

"I give you my word, Jack." He said, and the two shook hands. Jack looked Pitch firmly in the eye, his blue eyes bright.
"If you break this deal, I will not hesitate to kill you?" he said sharply, and Pitch chuckled slightly.

"You remind me very much of myself, Jack Frost." He remarked, and Jack pulled back, staring at the Nightmare King in shock. Pitch stepped back as well. "I wanted to protect my family as well. I was once as good as the Man in the Moon. I fought against the Fearlings, and protected planets from them. I had a wife and daughter I adored, but they were both taken from me. My wife was killed protecting my daughter, and I lost my daughter when I was taken over by the Fearlings." Pitch showed a golden locket to Elsa and Jack, and it was opened to reveal two people, one woman, and one little girl. Both had black hair and brown eyes, and were smiling. "I never truly thought about what I lost until I saw you with your family. I wish to help you, Jack, and not for my own gain." Jack looked at Pitch, and the tall man handed him a small silver pendant with black sand swirling within it. "When you wish for me to fight, simply throw this on the ground." Jack nodded, and Pitch disappeared in a swirl of sand. Jack and Elsa left the lair in silence. When they reached the surface, Jack ran a hand through his hair.

"That did not go how I expected it to go." He said, and Elsa nodded.

"I didn't know he had a family." She said.

"Neither did I." Jack replied, tucking the pendant he had received into his pocket. He then looked at Elsa. "Are you ready?" She nodded, and Jack pulled her close.

"We're going to get her back, Jack." Elsa said softly, and Jack smiled down at her before taking off towards the North Pole.

Bunny POV

The Guardians were at the Pole waiting for Jack to return. Emma was with Sandy, holding his hand tightly. Bunny understood Sandy not trusting any of the others to get closer to Emma, and he had become very protective of her. Bunny couldn't help but think about how wrong it was that they had kidnapped a child. If he had known about Tooth and North's plan, he would have put a stop to it immediately.

"He's back!" Tooth said, looking out the window. Jack flew through the window, holding the blonde woman, Elsa, close to him. They landed on the ground and looked at the Guardians. Elsa's eyes immediately went to Emma, who beamed at the woman when they met eyes.

"I've made my decision." Jack said, his face unreadable. Tooth beamed at him, flying forward and engulfing Jack in a hug.

"Glad to see you've come back to your senses, Sweet Tooth." she said, putting her hands on his shoulders. Jack looked at her, his eyes colder than ice.

"I have come to my senses." He replied, pulling a silver pendant from his pocket. "And I know who I should trust." Jack then threw the pendant on the ground, black sand exploding from it and filling the room.

Elsa POV

Jack threw the pendant on the ground, and black sand spread throughout the room. The sand drew back, and took the form of their new ally, Pitch Black. The Guardians stepped back defensively, and Sandy looked at Jack in surprise.

"Jack, what's going on?" he signed, and Jack smiled slightly at the Guardian of Dreams, looking over at Pitch.

"He won't hurt us, or you. He swore to us." he replied, and the golden man nodded, looking at Pitch with kind eyes.

"Very well, Jack. You've made your point clear." North said, pulling out his sword. Jack lifted his staff, lifting his chin. Elsa heard a cry, and looked towards Tooth, who was holding Emma tightly in her arms.

"The fairy has her." Elsa said in a calm, cool voice. Jack nodded and smiled at Elsa.

"You can do it, Elsa." He said, and Elsa smiled back at him. She looked towards Tooth, lifting her hands, which began to glow blue.

"Give me my daughter back." she said, her voice tense. The multi-colored woman smiled at her coldly, her grip tightening around Emma, which made the little girl wince slightly.

"Come and get her." Tooth replied, flying upwards towards the rafters. Elsa smirked and shot a blast of icy magic after her. Tooth dodged the first blast, flying higher up. She placed Emma on one of the rafters, making the child cling to the wood in fear. Elsa's eyes narrowed, and she shot another blast of ice towards Tooth. The blast hit its mark, and the wings of the Tooth Fairy froze, grounding her. Elsa looked back up at the rafters, seeing Emma looking down in terror. She gently waved her hands, forming a slide of ice.

"Come on down, sweetheart." Elsa said, and Emma got onto the slide, giggling as she slid down into Elsa's arms. Elsa picked up the little girl and held her close. Emma wrapped her arms around Elsa's neck, beaming up at her.

"I missed you, Mama." she said, and Elsa felt her eyes fill with tears, and she kissed Emma's head, her arms tightening. She turned with a smile on her face to see Jack battling beside Pitch against the two remaining Guardians. She watched as Jack froze the Easter Bunny's boomerangs in midair before freezing Bunny's feet to the ground, then freezing his paws and preventing any movement. With a victorious laugh, Jack turned and saw Elsa watching him with Emma, and he grinned widely as Emma waved to him. He looked back towards Pitch, and Elsa laughed slightly. Pitch continued to fight against North as Jack and Sandy flew towards Elsa and Emma.

"Are both of you okay?" Sandy asked, and Elsa nodded with a warm smile.

"Thank you, Sandy." She said, and Sandy smiled back at her as Jack placed a hand on his shoulder.

Jack POV

Elsa then turned to smile at Jack, and Emma reached out to him.

"Papa!" she said happily, and Jack laughed. He took Emma from Elsa, and hugged her close to his chest, wrapping his other hand around Elsa. They turned back to see Pitch defeat North. The three cruel guardians were defeated, and the moon glowed. A voice suddenly filled the area as the room glowed silver.

"Nicholas St. North, E. Aster Bunnymund, and Toothina. You have violated your posts as Guardians of all children, and now you will have to pay. You are all stripped of your titles as the Guardians of Wonder, Hope, and Memories. I will give your positions to Jack Frost, Elsa of Arendelle, and Emma Katherine." The Man in Moon said. There was a bright flash, and the three former Guardians disappeared.

"Where are they, Manny?" Jack asked, looking around.

"They have been sent somewhere until they have learned, or for the rest of their days. Pitch Black, you will be stripped of your title of Boogeyman, and you will now become the Guardian of Dreams beside Sanderson. Use your new powers wisely." The Man in the Moon said, and the light faded.

"Thank you, Pitch." Elsa said, touching Pitch's arm lightly. The former Nightmare King looked at her in surprise but smiled slightly.

"It was my pleasure, Queen Elsa." He replied. "I hope that I can earn your trust as a new Guardian." Sandy nodded with a bright smile.

"Mama, Papa, can we go home?" Emma asked, looking at Jack and Elsa. They both looked at one another with large smiles.

"I think that's a great idea, snowflake." Jack replied. They bid farewell to Sandy and Pitch, and they left the North Pole, flying back to Arendelle. They landed just outside Elsa's palace, and Emma smiled widely.

"Welcome home, Emma." Jack said, and the little girl embraced both her parents happily, and they hugged her back tightly, their little family whole once again.

One Month Later

Neutral POV

Jack and Elsa stood before a short, kind-faced man dressed in gold. Watching them was Anna, Kristoff, Sandy, and Pitch. Emma sat happily in Pitch's lap, a smile on her face. Elsa wore a simple white gown with flowing sleeves and a translucent cape. A white rose was tucked into her curled hair, and she wore a simple necklace. Jack was dressed in white and black, with a white translucent cape around his own shoulders.

"Do you, Jack Frost, take Elsa of Arendelle to be your wife? Do you promise to love and cherish her as long as you both shall live?" The Man in the Moon asked, and Jack grinned widely at Elsa.

"I do." He said.

"Do you, Jack Frost, vow to watch over the children of the world? To guard them with your life, their hopes, their wishes, and their dreams? For they are that we have, all that we are, and all that we will ever be." The Man in the Moon said, and Jack glanced towards Sandy, who gave him a thumbs-up.

"I do." The Winter Spirit vowed. The Man in the Moon then looked at Elsa.

"And do you, Elsa of Arendelle, take Jack Frost to be your husband? Do you promise to love and cherish him as long as you both shall live?" he asked her. She beamed at Jack as they looked into one another's eyes.

"I do." Elsa replied.

"And do you, Elsa of Arendelle, vow to watch over the children of the world? To guard them with your life, their hopes, their wishes, and their dreams? For they are that we have, all that we are, and all that we will ever be." The Man in the Moon said.

"I do." Elsa said.

"Then, by the power vested in me, I pronounce you husband and wife, and the Guardians of Fun and Freedom." The Man in the Moon said with a smile. He looked at Jack, who was bouncing on his feet. "Jack Frost, you may kiss your bride." Jack's grin widened even further, and he pulled Elsa into his arms, kissing her happily. Elsa laughed into the kiss and placed her hands on Jack's cheeks, kissing him back.

"I love you, Elsa." Jack said as they parted. Elsa leaned against him with a bright smile as they looked back at their family gathered.

"I love you more, Jack." She replied, laughing once again as Emma left Anna, running up to her parents. Jack picked her up, twirling her around and making her squeal. Elsa embraced them both, happiness filling them.

Everything was peaceful, and everything was happy.

Just as it should be.


I couldn't resist a wedding to end this :) it just felt right.

I'm hoping that you all enjoyed this rewrite. I know I did, and I feel a lot happier about this story now that it's well-written (At least I'm hoping it is)

So, please review, and I will see you all in my next story!

I will hopefully be finishing Memories of Frost and Two Worlds, One Family. They will be my next stories finished. I am NOT abandoning Memories of Frost, I've just had a little bit of a block with it. However, if you're read and reviewed that story, thank you for all your encouraging comments! It really means a lot to me.

Until we meet again, kings, queens, and Guardians!

