Jason's days have been filled with melodies that were as short as the time it took to make them up, and snippets of lyrics that were as random as the situations they were used in.

It was like living in the universe of High School Musical but with all the songs brief, on-the-spot, unfinished, unpolished, unusual, and, sometimes, unoriginal.

Jason and Nico would sing to each other. Jason could even say that they sang to each other more than they talked. Every time they tried to speak to one another, no matter how trivial the subject matter, they'd sing what they had to say instead. They both believed it would be conducive to the songwriting process.

Percy and Leo would often try the same thing with Jason, but Percy couldn't carry a tune and Leo would either respond in Morse code or rhyme.

Jason enjoyed living with them. Jason learned to make compromises, assign housework fairly, adjust his lifestyle a bit to hang out with the Greeks & Romance band members despite his busy schedule, attempt to tune out the sounds of Percy and Leo fucking, and accept that none of them sleep as early as he does.

Jason genuinely liked his new housemates. Leo had an infectious laugh and contagious positive energy. Percy was an easygoing guy who provided Jason with friendly competition that kept them both determined to play the guitar. Nico's quiet presence was slightly unnerving with how the bassist seemed to pop up during unexpected times, but Nico was pretty serious about getting work done and keeping his bandmates out of trouble.

The three of them seemed to like Jason just fine. Nico, on the other hand, seemed to like Jason a lot more than they do-


Jason didn't want to overthink it.

But Jason would often find himself wondering if Nico was intentionally singing romantic lines to him whenever Percy and Leo weren't nearby.

At first, Jason had thought of them as harmless jokes. Ones that he'd respond to with shitty comebacks and lopsided smiles.

He didn't think it was strange for Nico to sing lines befitting love songs while they were still trying to figure out what they'd really be doing for the collaboration. With the direction Nico was taking with his lines, it was very likely for them to be doing a love song. After all, love songs were common and can be pulled off easily and tastefully with the right lyrics and instrumentals.

And yet…

Jason didn't know if he was imagining it, but this serenading was starting to happen more frequently as the days passed by.

He would ask Nico about his reasons for singing romantic lines to him, but Nico would only cock his head ever so slightly to the side and say, "Jason, it's just a song," in reply. Nico would then proceed to write down the lines he had sung in his old notebook if they appealed to him.

Jason would brush it off, attend all his scheduled appointments for the day, and then have his suspicions slowly pile up again as Nico sang more sickly sweet lines to him.

It was a vicious cycle, but Jason tried not to let it drive him up the wall.

Maybe it was just a song.

Maybe Nico's singing was just that good or that convincing enough to make him feel raw emotion behind the lyrics.

Maybe it was enough to fool Jason.



It was another noisy night at Jason's bachelor pad.

Nico couldn't sleep, so he went down to the living room in his baggy shirt and skull-pattered pajama bottoms. He seated himself on the carpeted floor across the couch where Jason had fallen asleep.

He mentally tuned out the noise from upstairs and flipped his notebook open. Nico stared at the words, willing inspiration to come and hit him.

No working tune, no continuation, virtually no way to use the lines he had written down. The lines were pieces that belonged to different puzzles Nico couldn't complete.

Nico covered his ears and sang. He yearned to find a melody that would help establish the flow of the song. He considered the moods the lines could suggest and made a face each time the words didn't sound right when they left his mouth.

He uncovered his ears when he got sick of listening to his own voice. He stared dejectedly at Jason's sleeping form clad in sweatpants and a worn purple shirt. Nico groaned, frustrated about the song he couldn't compose alone, and pressed his forehead against the glass surface of the table.

He heard Jason stir in his sleep.

Jason looked around the room and noticed that Percy and Leo weren't present.

"Where are those two?" Jason asked, yawning. He swung his legs off the couch and wiggled his toes as his feet touched the soft carpet under the coffee table.

Nico lifted his head to rest his sharp chin on the cold glass surface. "Fucking," he replied tiredly.

Jason wrinkled his nose. "Again?"

"Again." Nico replied, sounding like this was nothing to be surprised about.


Jason looked up at the ceiling where the sound had come from. A peal of muffled laughter was heard from the same direction, followed by a loud moan.

"They're being really loud," Jason muttered under his breath.

Nico made a face. But then he paused, and his dark eyes suddenly brightened.

"Things I hear

Drown them out, get them out of my head

Jason, distract me from the noise they'll make

Make me forget with your kisses." Nico sang as he stared unabashedly at Jason's lips.

Jason blinked, suddenly feeling a lot more awake and hyperaware of Nico's eyes on him. He felt like he shouldn't be surprised, as they had been singing to each other back and forth about even the most mundane things like Pass me the salt or The phone's ringing, go get it in between those private moments when Nico would suddenly sing sweetly to him. But this was the first time Nico ever mentioned his name as he sung.

Nico wasn't serious, was he?

Jason decided to roll with it anyway and tried to add to the lyrics.

"Things I see," Jason sang back. He licked his dry lips during a pause, noting how Nico's mouth parted a little upon seeing the action.

"Everyday, keep them out of my head." Jason continued.

Nico smirked as he stood up off the floor. "I don't like it when they fuck on my bed."

"They're seriously using your bed?" Jason asked, shocked.

Nico rolled his eyes. "No, but keep singing. This is good progress."

Jason complied and cleared his throat. "It's for us to use anyway." The words left Jason's lips as he watched Nico move to sit next to him on the couch.

"Sounds of sex fill my ears

Close your eyes

Make me want you" Nico's voice was but a hoarse whisper as his dark eyes looked up at Jason's blue ones. The moaning from upstairs was getting considerably louder as Nico had sung those last few lines.

"They're not our moans but they will be soon," Jason sang.

"Why don't we…" Nico leaned in, his eyes heavy-lidded.

"Why don't we…" Jason sang back and found himself meeting Nico halfway.

Their lips had barely touched when Nico suddenly whispered, "That's it. That's it!"

Nico pulled back with a wide maniacal grin on his face. "That's our song! Why Don't We!"

The Greeks & Romance frontman scrambled off the couch and reached for his old notebook. His fidgety hands grabbed a pen from the coffee table and Nico started jotting down the lyrics on a blank page.

Jason could feel his heart hammering in his chest. He had almost kissed Nico.

Jason bit his lip and looked over at Nico smiling down at the notebook and humming out the tune they had set up for the spur-of-the-moment song. Inspiration must have hit Nico hard.

Nico caught him staring and said, "Hey Jason, help me out here. Sing your part again."

Jason went over to where Nico was, looking over Nico's shoulder to see what he had scribbled onto the page. Jason pretended not to care when he saw that Nico had written Baby instead of Jason.