A/N: So sorry for the very late update. I want to thank you guys so much for your patience and I hope you guys enjoy this chapter! Thank you!
Frey was stupid and she knew that.
How many drinks had it been? Two? Three? Eight?
She didn't know and she didn't want to.
She turned her body to the side as she settled into the nest of linen sheets. Immediately regretting this decision as a wave of nausea surged through her. She let out a groan and carefully wrapped herself tighter around the cloth.
That was the last time she'd ever drink out of a shotglass. She didn't like drinking. It made her nauseous, obnoxious, and courageous all at once. Frey often misconstrued this behavior as an effective escape from herself.
Downed-two-bottles-of-wine-Frey could boldly hiccup a proclamation of attraction to the opposite sex with her chest bravely pushed forward and mouth dribbling with saliva.
Sober Frey could barely sputter a word. Right now, she'd give anything to take it all back. She'd settle with her nerves if it meant keeping her mouth shut and her reputation safe. But it was too late now. Her only best course of action was to avoid him, as she often did, and pray that she died before he or the nausea confronted her.
She nuzzled her head into her pillow, relishing its cool touch against her warm ruddy cheeks and shut her eyes tightly hoping to land a good hours of sleep before waking.
"-I pray you have an explanation for this! Don't run your mouth with excuses either. I will hear none of it, do you understand? If you so dare as call yourself an honorable man than act as such and fix this."
Frey let out an irritable sigh as she rubbed the heels of her palms against her eyes.
So much for a good night's sleep.
A male voice soon followed, however, much softer and calmer than the last.
"Alright, alright. You've made your point loud and clear. And you're right I owe you an explanation and no doubt a solution, but you'll have to come back some other time..."
Her eyes shot wide open in fear. There's no way. Panic set in as she waited to hear another sound but there was only silence.
"It's nothing Frey. Go back to sleep," she sighed to herself, pushing her head further into the pillow.
The sound of heavy metal jolted her back into reality.
She gritted her teeth, grinding harder as the pounding in her head grew heavier and the voices grew louder.
"I suppose you're overloaded with work orders, is that correct? You are absolutely full of it! Kiel may tolerate your behavior but do not for a second assume that I will do the same."
"Gotcha, now if you could please…"
Footsteps scraped against the wooden floor, with the crash of metals soon following behind.
"Honestly, I can't believe I expected more from you."
"Well y'know...this shouldn't come as much of a surprise".
"I'll fix it. You have my word. Just give me some time."
"You have until 4. And I swear Bado, if you so much as-"
Frey breathed slowly as realization began to trickle in. Oh no.
She shot straight out of bed, and in the darkness searched aimlessly around the room, hoping to stumble on anything that would dispute her suspicions.
This was her room. This was her bed. The floor she stood on was the same cold stone she was accustomed to. She's being delusional.
"Everything's okay. I'm in my room. I'm good. I'm-" She pulled her hand from the floor, cursing at the sharp pain in her finger. A splinter.
Her breathing hitched against her throat, "This isn't my room...this is…"
Her eyes grew wide with panic as she heard a slam and footsteps inching near the door.
A loud click of the door knob caused her to rush towards the bed and seek haven underneath the covers.
If there was a god, she prayed he'd take her out now. She lived a long and good life as far as she knew (and could remember). Now, she reasoned, would be the perfect time.
"Ah-ha. I thought I heard something coming from in here."
Anytime god.
Frey could feel her heart drop into her stomach as she peered out of her makeshift shelter.
I'm dead. I'm already dead. This is just a...just a part of the death process.
Bado leaned against the door frame, eyebrows raised curiously at her. "Oh good, you're finally up. Didn't think you'd be up for a couple more hours…"
She stared back in stunned silence.
She was most definitely still alive.
Bado let out a breathy laugh as he made his way towards her and sat himself calmly on the edge of the bed. His bed. She felt a flush of heat rise to her cheeks at the thought.
His lips curled into a frown as he studied her. She could feel her stomach knot as he focused on her without a word.
Oh god, Frey thought as her hands instinctively clawed at her body. Don't tell me. She peered up at the blacksmith, her expression hardened with anger as she pried her mind for an answer.
She clenched her jaw tightly as she turned her head away from the dwarf.
"I'm guessing you're not feeling too hot, huh?" Concerned, he pressed his hand against her cheek. Frey roughly jerked away, instantly regretting it as the waves of nausea intensified. "It'd be best if you just hang low for a while." He paused to meet her gaze. "There's some rice porridge out on the counter if you'd-"
She shook her head quickly, refusing to look at him. Suddenly the frightful girl she was around him dissipated and manifested into a shrew. "No. No. No. No." She stood up from the bed slowly and made her way towards the door. "No way am I falling for that. I don't know what you're doing or why I'm even here. Oh god, how did I get here..." Her mind raced back and forth-if there wasn't an answer, the best thing to do was to deny, deny, deny.
Her hand reached for the doorknob as she tried to steady herself. "That doesn't matter. I'm at home. I'm probably already dead. Thank you and farewell."
"Is that right?" Bado nonchalantly plucked away the loose strand of hair on his shoulder. "Try not to stumble on your way out."
"I know...I mean...you wouldn't? Nothing happened last night...with you and I-I, right?" She turned to face Bado, her voice wavering at the end.
Bado raised his brows. "What do you think happened? Not an eventful night if you're slumped over, drunk, and blacked out."
She felt her cheeks burn in shame. "I uhh-ha ha, I what? What did you say?" She spluttered out, feeling her heart beat rapidly against her chest.Then what the hell happened.
"You don't listen much do you?" He smirked. "Huh. You just went a teensy bit overboard. Nothing too major. First time drinker, I'm guessing?"
Frey smiled sheepishly. "Ah, ha ha. N-no, no. I'm afraid not…"
Of course. The events from last night began to play in her mind. Out of some brazen and unexplored desire for approval, she had racked up as much alcohol in her system to simply speak to the man.
She glanced up at the blacksmith and blushed. It all made sense.
The blacksmith coughed, breaking her away from her thoughts. "Seemed like it. Had nowhere else to take you but here, I'm afraid. It was either here or Dr. Jones' clinic."
"Or...my...room," Frey gave him a wary look.
He clicked his tongue and shook his head. "Yeah, tried that. All outside doors locked. Big dragon lives behind said doors. Ring any bells? Between you and me, we both know I can't afford an emergency visit to Jones' clinic. Didn't want to dig through your pockets either." He let out a laugh. "So here you are."
"Ah," she blinked.
"You had me pretty spooked back there kid. You do this everyone you like?"
Frey felt her face grow warm at his words. She opened her mouth to speak but paused as warm liquid began to climb up her throat. Almost instantly she was crouched on the ground spewing her guts out on the wooden floor.
She wiped her hand against her chin, wincing as she swallowed the remnants of vomit that threatened to spill out.
"Augh…" She clutched her stomach, her expression growing sour as she found Bado crouched down beside her with a tissue in hand.
"Whoa, take it easy kiddo. Let's get you cleaned up," he spoke softly as he offered her a small smile.
The short distance between them caused her stomach to swell with butterflies but she quickly rejected those sentiments with a frown. "I can do it myself. Thank you." She turned her back to him and rubbed her mouth against her sleeve. Bado watched on with amusement as Frey grimaced at the vomit on her shoulder.
She stopped. The waves of nausea ripped through her again and almost instinctively, she huddled over against the wall and threw up. She felt a pair of hands gently pull her hair back.
She let out a cough and rubbed her mouth against her arm. Suddenly feeling embarrassed, she turned around to face the dwarf, cheeks burning profusely. "Thank you. Sorry for-"
Bado raised his hand in protest, a smile tugging at his lips. Even with her vomit spilled all over his floor, he seemed unfazed by it all. His eyes scanned around the room before they settled on her and he said, "Don't worry about it. Here, hold on a sec."
He walked out then came back right in front of her with a glass of water in hand. "Bottoms up."
She took the drink gladly from his hand and chugged it in one swift motion.
"Better?" He asked.
Frey yawned, feeling the effects of last night's restless slumber catch up with her. "I'm good," she replied slowly.
The blacksmith let out a chuckle as he watched her cautiously make her way out of the room. "Might be best if you hang tight for a bit. Go on and get yourself back to sleep. You'll feel better in a couple of hours."
She paused. "What about the-" She gestured to the floor with a scowl on her face.
Bado rolled his eyes. "Again, don't worry about it. I'll take care of it. Just please get some sleep. The sooner you recover, the faster we'll get you out of here, promise." He joked.
"Thank you", she began, her heart pounding rapidly against her chest. "I uh, I uh uh thank you Bado, again."
"Heard you the first time kid", Bado replied with a grin. "Now go and catch some z's."
And with a soft click of the door, he was gone. She glanced at the door, her lungs swelling like balloons in excitement.
She didn't know if it was the stench of her own vomit or the feelings of infatuation that triggered this euphoria, but whatever it was, she'd happily wallow in both if it meant speaking to him again.