Recently I've taken up learning Japanese. I'm loving it, but I feel like my class is going a bit too slow and stuff, so I've decided to, along with my class, learn Kanji, which we haven't gotten to yet.

If you know anything about Kanji, you'll know that each word is represented by a different character/combination of two characters. I've always been a fast learner and I want to get to the Kanji now so that I'll be able to speak fluently asap.

I'm planning on learning at least 700 characters within the next month. So besides school, I have a college class I'm taking and not to mention all my homework. I need to devote all my time, for at least the next month, to studying.

All that being said, I'll be going on a semi-hiatus. Chapters will still probably come out, slower than before, but I can't garuntee anything.

I've had a lot of fun with this story, so I definitely will continue it! Thank you so much for all the reviews and the positive words of encouragement! They really have motivated me to keep writing.

Guest, I don't know if I'll be able to work some RoWen in there, and I'm not usually one for fanservice, but why not? I'll probably end up putting some in there!

Special thank you's to helynn, The one who writes the ones, Rock-Sama, sweetwithobsessions, fireworks1820, Amifairytail, snowstar, Lucy queen of the stars, Startails, Lillia Enchanted, Princess Cecelia, strikefreedom20a, Rain Pours Down, multiple guests and FT!