"I have a secret," the younger boy looked up at him earnestly.

Henry's lips twitched and he fought to keep a straight face. Whatever Roland had to say had to be serious, for him at the very least. You don't scoff at people's secrets; you appreciate the trust they're placing in you by letting you in. That's how he felt, anyway, and that's what he wanted to do for his little friend. "You can tell me," he prompted.

Roland leaned over. Was he a little anxious or just awestruck? "I saw your Mommy kissing Santa Claus!" he whispered in Henry's ear, wide-eyed.

"On the cheek?" Henry asked after a split second of stunned silence before he could stop himself. Not that that would make it any less wondrous – Mom didn't just go around kissing people.

Roland shook his head.

Henry's brow furrowed slightly, and his eyes darted to where Robin was fixing the evergreen wreath entwined around the chandelier.

It had been Mom's idea. Robin played along with pleasure, and so did Henry, when he'd recognised Robin in the red costume with a bulk of a belly, with his face hidden behind a rich white flowing beard. Roland was absolutely amazed and positively shook with excitement at meeting the fabled Christmas guy he had been told delivered gifts in this world. The sack of toys lay forgotten as the three of them listened to stories of talking reindeer pulling a magical sleigh, elves working away in toy factories on the North Pole, and Santa's adventures on his delivery world tour. And even though, upon meeting Mom's eye, Henry gave a small shrug to suggest he was way too old to fall for such things, he had to admit that he had been quite taken by Santa's – Robin's – colourful story-telling.

Henry watched from behind the branches of the large Christmas tree as Mom handed Robin a fresh bough of holly. Robin reached to take it, and their fingers brushed. The touch lingered, the moment stretched on, and next thing Henry knew, Robin was holding Mom's hand. Henry shuffled a little and craned his neck to catch Mom's expression. She didn't pull back; instead, her cheeks coloured and she - she smiled. She was actually beaming.

Henry turned to Roland with a huge grin: "Shhh… It'll be our secret, ok?"

How they would explain the Santa-kissing incident to Roland when Henry's Mom and Roland's Dad eventually started kissing out in the open, Henry had no idea, but the mental image of it made him grin even wider.