So this is my new fanfiction. There is no -A, the girls in high school, Alison's died, and the rest you'll find out by reading.

Spencer was walking in Central Park with her mother and her niece. All of the Hastings was in New York for two weeks, Spencer's father had a big case and Melissa wanted to show her daugther Taylor New York so he got five tickets and they went to New York.

Spencer looked around, she loved Central Park, it was always so beautiful and everybody looked so happy. Taylor just turned 5 and she was always so happy. Spencer and Veronica was talking about a math test Spencer just had and didn't see when Taylor started running away from them.

She run up to a guy that was walking with a big grey dog "What a pretty dog you have" Taylor said to the guy, he turned around and smiled "Thanks, it's my friends, I just wanted to take him out for a walk" The guy replied softly. "Can I pet him?" Taylor asked shyly and the guy chuckled "Of course you can sweetie" He kneeled down and Taylor reached out to pet the dog

"Where are your parents?" The guy asked and looked around to see if someone was looking for a little girl "Mommy's shopping and Daddy's in heaven" Taylor replied simply. Before the guy could say anything Spencer came running towards then "Taylor, sweetheart, what did mommy tell you about running away like that" Spencer said and kneeled down next to her niece and hugged her. "You were talking to grandma and then I saw this dog" Taylor said and continued to pet the dog

"I'm so sorry" Spencer said to the guy with the dog. He was handsome, tall, blue eyes, brown hair, nice body and a sweet smile "It's okey, she just wanted to pet the dog" The guy said and stood up, Spencer did the same and smiled "I'm Toby" The guy said with a grin "I'm Spencer" Spencer said and shook his hand "And this is Taylor" Spencer said and put a hand on top of her nieces head. Toby seemed to be a little older then Spencer and Spencer tried to come up with something to say.

"Spencer, Taylor! This is Central Park in New York not Wright's playground home in Rosewood, you're not allowed to run like that" Veronica said and walked up to them "Sorry mom" "I'm sorry grandma" Spencer and Taylor said. "Rosewood? Like Rosewood in Pennsylania?" Toby asked "Yeah, we live there. You know the place?" Spencer replied, giving him a big smile

"Yeah I'm moving there next month" Spencer and Toby stared at each other, both of them smiling. "Spencer is this one of your friends?" Veronica asked and looked from Spencer to Toby "Oh, no ehm Taylor liked his dog" "I'm sorry, I'm Toby Cavaough" Veronica shook his hand "Veronica Hastings" Toby smiled at her before turning to Spencer again "Why are you moving to Rosewood?" Spencer asked, wanting to continue talking to him.

"Work, I'm a carpenter and my team are going to work on a big house for 5 months and when I went there a few months back to see the place I fell in love with it so I got an appartment and after we're done with the big house I'm staying there for as long as possible, I'm not really suited for a big city like this" Toby said "Wow, you're the only person I ever heard saying something good about Rosewood" "Really? I love the place" Spencer was about to say something else when Veronicas phone went off

"It's dad, he wants me back at the hotell. Come on Taylor let's go to grandpa" Spencer didn't want to leave Toby, she wanted to continue their conversation "Do I have to go? We never come here, I wanna see the park" Spencer said, hoping her mother would let her stay "Spencer do you really think that's a good idea? What about Taylor?" "Please mom, you can take care of her a few hours by yourself, I love Central Park and we never come here, I don't want to spend my time here in a hotell room. I got my phone with me"

Veronica signed and then nodded "Fine, stay here. Come on Taylor, let's go back" Taylor hugged the dog and then Spencer "I love you" Spencer giggled and hugged the little girl back "I love you too sweetie, be nice to grandma okey?" Taylor nodded and then to everybodys suprise, she hugged Toby "Bye, it was nice to meet you and your friends dog" Toby laughed and bend down to hug the little girl back "It was nice to meet you too" "Bye Toby" Veronica said and shook his hand again "Bye, "

The left and Toby and Spencer stood still just looking at each other "So since I'm the New Yorker, do you want me to show you around the park?" Toby asked with a grin "Yeah, sure" Spencer replied with a smile

"We just have to meet up with my friend real quick and give him his dog back if that's okey with you?" "Yeah that's totally fine" "Great Toby said and made a gesture for Spencer to follow him. They walked side by side and continued to smile

"So tell me about yourself" Spencer said and walked a little closer to him "Ehm, okey. I'm 22 years old,I'm single. I lived in New York my whole life. I'm a carpenter like I told you and yeah I think that's the basic."Toby replied and pulleed the dog closer so he wouldn't run "What about you? Tell me about Spencer Hastings" "Eeh, I'm 18. I'm a seniour. I live in Rosewood and I like to play field hockey and play piano"

"Your 18? Wow I thought you were older, how old is Taylor?" "She just turned 5" Spencer said with a smile "Oh" Spencer looked at Toby suprised, he sounded like something was were weird "What?" "No, it's just, it's not every day you meet a 18 year old who's a mother to a 5 year old" Spencer stopped walking and looked at him "What? You thought- Taylor's not my daughter, she's my niece, my sister wanted to bye her some stuff so me and my mom told her that we'd take care of Taylor for a few hours"

Toby started laughing and put a hand on Spencer's shoulder "Oh god, I'm sorry" Spencer joined in on the laugh and before she could say something else someone called for Toby

"Toby, over here!" A guy yelled and started walking towards them. Toby handed over the dog and shook the guys hand "Thanks man, I owe you one" the guy said and Toby shook his head "It's fine, Carl this is Spencer, Spencer, Carl" Spencer and Carl shook hands and excatly when Carl was going to ask her something his phone went of

"Sorry, I have to take this, thank you Toby. Spencer it was nice to meet you" "You too"

Toby and Spencer started walking again "So since Taylor's not your daughter, are you seeing someone?" Toby asked and Spencer couldn't tell if he was being polite or flirting "Nope, I'm single too"

They continued to talk and walk until they came to the water "My feet are killing me, do you mind if we sit here for a while?" Toby asked and Spencer shook her head "Not at all" They sat down on a bench and Toby checked his watch to see what time it was "I like your watch" Spencer said, trying to come up with something to say.

Toby turned to her with a grin "I like your face" he replied and Spencer started to blush like crazy "How long are you staying in New York?" He asked and put his arm on the back of the bench "We leave in 8 days, my dads family lives here and they wanted to meet Taylor" Spencer replied and crossed her legs "What have you done so far here in New York?" "Ehm, not much. We've been alot at my grandparents place, me and my sister is going shopping tomorrow and today I went here and that's pretty much all what we're doing, my parents are busy with work and Melissa wants to spend time with Taylor so I'm going to be with my grandma"

Toby laughed and reached out to place a piece of hair behind Spencer ear making Spencer blush again "Wow that's weird" "Yeah well the Hastings family is very weird."

Toby and Spencer continued talking for what seemed like forever, after a few hours Spencer got a text from her mom saying she wants her back at the hotell "I gotta go, my mom wants me back at the hotell" "Can I walk you to your hotell?" Spencer bit her lip, walk her to her hotell? Didn't guys only ask that in movies? "You don't have to" "I want to, come on what kind of guy would I be if I didn't, it's starting to get dark outside" Spencer smiled and stood up "Okey, thanks I hope it's not to big of a problem" "Of course not" Toby said and stood up too

They walked back to Spencers hotell, still talking all the time "Here's my hotell" Spencer said and pointed to the hotell "Oh okey" "It was so nice meeting you Toby" Spencer said, she felt bold so she took a step forward and hugged him, she smiled when she felt his arms wrap around her, his hugs felt so comfortable and she didn't want to let go but she didn't want to embarress herself

"Is there anyway I can see you before you leave?" Toby asked and Spencer's face lit up "Yeah, sure" "Great! I can show you my favorite diner, and then we can go to the empire state building, and then you need to go to a Broadway show before you leave so we could go to one show if you want" Spencer giggled and bit her lip

"How are we supose to do all this one one date?" She asked, suddenly relaizing that he never actually said it was a date but before she could say something Toby started talking "We're not, we're doing this on more then one date." Spencer smiled and blushed, she never blushed so it was so embarressing that the past hours she'd blushed so much

"Are you free the day after tomorrow?" He asked and Spencer nodded "Good, I'll pick you up at 6. Dress casual, oh and before I forget" Toby took up his phone and handed it to her "Your number" Spencer opened his phone and put in her number

"I'll see soon then" Toby said and reached down to kiss her cheek making Spencer blush again "Yeah, bye" "Say hi to Taylor and your mom for me" Toby yelled when Spencer started to walk in to the hotell, she turned around smiled "I will".

Spencer walked in to her hotel room "Sweetie, there you are, where have you been all day?" Her mother asked "I was with Toby, he says hi by the way" Taylor came running and hugged Spencer's leg "Hey Tay, Toby says hi to you too" "Is that the boy with the dog?" Taylor asked sweetly "Yep, that's him" "I liked him"

"So did I" Spencer mumblered

So I hope you like it, the first few chapters will be in New york but then it will be in Rosewood, this will be in Spencer's pov most of the time and there might be some chapters without Toby but mostly, it's about Spoby. Review, follow, favorite! And I'll post the next chapter as soon as possible, but I do have school and stuff so I'll update maybe twice a month or so