A silver-haired man desperately jammed a series of buttons in rapid succession. "Come on..." He muttered, turning around to fiddle with some dials and knobs. "We can't lose connection just like that!" Beads of perspiration dripped down his forehead as he tried again, focusing his aura once more. He positioned his hands over the main controls and concentrated. His aura flowed, viscous and warm, over the main control, which began to buzz and whir. "Please..." He murmured. The machine started, then puttered away, steam rising from the left-most knobs. The silver-haired man kicked the machinein frustration and resentment, as well as sorrow. It was over. The connection had died completely. He leaned backwards, his back against the cold metal wall. I'd better tell Netero. The man stood back up. All was not lost yet. Even if the connection had been broken and they could no longer monitor the three infants, there was still hope that the project would pull through. They just had to wait and see.
Author's Note: Hey guys, it's me Xae. I know I messed up many times but I'm determined on making this one work so please give it a shot :)