It was the damnest thing. Paige couldn't quite put her finger on it. Was it the piercing blue eyes or the way his hair was constantly all over the place? She looked over at the united states champion and smiled. He certainly was cute. And she certainly loved him. The Cincinatti native kept drawing her attention.

When thier eyes finally locked, that smile got bigger. His own smile lit up his handsome face. He walked over to join her.

"Hello Dean," she offered him the stool beside her. He sat down, eying her thoughtfully. She, on a impulse, threw her arms around his in a not so quick hug. The man was thrown off guard but soon he wrapped his arms around her and held tightly. She broke away and took his hand in hers. Everything about the Superstar was dwarfing her. He was so much taller and she felt protected.

He looked down at her, locking eyes again. She got lost in the sapphire blue of his. She squirmed closer again. They decided to leave the bar and slip to his room. She wasn't much for the night life anyway and he was glad to be away from it. It had only lee him down roads no one should ever take.

They were in his room and he put in a movie. Paige noted again how cute he looked when he had his guard down. The man was portrayed as heartless, but Paige noticed right off that it was just a facade. He and his fellow Shield members seemed to have the biggest hearts.

Paige moved closer and cautiously laid her head on his chest. He softly wrapped his arms around her, holding her as close as he dared. She ssighed contently and watched the movie, concentrating less on it and more on him.

He looked down at the British beauty in his arms, wondering how this happened. Though he wasn't complaining. She snugg led closer. He grabbed an afghan off the couch and threw it overthem. She rested all over her weight on him and pulled her feet up. The weight of her body felt right on his chest. He kissed her forehead.

They curled there in silence. Paige closed her eyes and relaxed. She listened to his slow, easy breathing and counted his heartbeats against her ear. She felt herself falling asleep and was content to stay there. He saw her drifting off and hugged her closer. He was so warm and smelled so good to her.

He let her sleep on him until the movie was over. He gently swung her around and picked her up. He gently carried her and tucked her in the bed. She looked so beautiful and precious sleeping there. She stirred in her sleep and murmured his name softly. He smiled, his heart swelling. He loved this girl.

He softly pulled the blanket back and slipped in beside her, resting his arm over her stomach. She ssmiled in her sleep and subconciously shifted closer. Her small body was tucked into his. He snuggled her into his chest and closed his eyes.

Dean didn't know where this was going, but he decided to enjoy the ride.