Bookstores and Blue Ties

"Gabriel, this is a terrible idea," Sam said, hesitating.

" Don't be such a spoilsport, Sammy," Gabe replied, watching Dean walk into the shop. He snapped his fingers as the door closed behind him. Boy, was Dean in for a treat. "C'mon, Sam, we've got spying to do!"

"Gabe, are you serious about this?! What if it doesn't work? You can't just make two people fall in love!" Sam protested.

"Just watch me, Sammy! It'll be a match made in Heaven!"

Dean walked into the bookstore, Sam had said that the ghost had- wait, his brother Sam? Why was he thinking about ghosts? Dean shook his head trying to get rid of the feeling that something was wrong. He looked around the small shop, there were shelves of books packed so tight you could barely walk through. There was a man at the counter, his dark hair sticking up over the top of the book his nose was buried in.

"Hi, uh, I was wondering if you could recommend a book for my brother." The man looked up, startled, his electric blue eyes full of surprise.

"Oh, you scared me! Sorry, I don't get many people in here and I didn't hear you come in." He blushed, "Of course I can." The man tilted his head, "Do I know you?"

Dean was pulled out of the trance the man's eyes had put him in, "Uh, you do seem familiar, but I've never been in here or met you before…"

"Oh, well nevermind then," He looked away, nervous, "What does he like?"

"Hm… He likes mysteries… and he's a lawyer… he's kinda a girl." Dean chuckled and gave the man a small smile.

"Ah, I see," The man walked out from behind the counter and motioned for Dean to follow, "I've got this really nice series he might like. It's called the No. 1 Ladies Detective Agency by Alexander McCall Smith. He is one of my favorite authors."

"The No. 1 Ladies Detective Agency? Huh. Sounds like something he would read." Dean pondered for a second. "I think I'll get him that."

"Okay," the man nodded, "It's just over here…" He led Dean over to the section marked 'Mystery!' and reached up to pull the book down. Dean looked away, trying not to look at the small sliver of skin that was shown as the man's shirt came untucked and slipped up. He was wearing a strange outfit, a dress shirt, loose blue tie, and, of all things, a trench coat.

The man handed Dean the book with a smile, "Here"

Dean smiled and paid the man. He was about to turn and walk away when he looked back at the him, "I'm Dean, by the way, Dean Winchester," he reached out his hand.

The man took his hand, "I'm Castiel, Castiel Novak."