"What in Mahal's name were you thinking!"

Thorin sighed and turned to see his two nephews glaring at him with arms crossed over their chests. His gold and ebony dwarves.

"Well?" Fili asked his frown growing more pronounced.

His angry gold and ebony dwarves.

"Shouldn't you two be sleeping?" he asked not really wanting to have the discussion he knew was coming. His arm was burning where the white Warg's teeth had gripped him and his head was pounding were the Pale Orc's war hammer had hit him. He really had no mind or energy to argue with his nephews tonight.

"Shouldn't you be resting?" Kili retorted, "After all you did just grand charge Azog the Defiler, all by yourself, without waiting to any help, without making any plan of attack and almost got yourself killed!"

The young dwarf's voice was shrill when he finished. He stood; his face a contorted mask of anger and fear.

"What if you had been killed!" he screamed at Thorin, "What if Bilbo hadn't reached in time! What if…" his voice broke and he turned away quickly, but not before Thorin saw one glistening tear roll down his cheek. Thorin felt his heart clench. Thorin had no words to comfort his nephew. What Kili was saying was true. It was a stupid decision on his part. He could have been killed and doomed the entire quest because of his desire for revenge. He bent his head. Suddenly he felt two pairs of arms throw themselves around him and he smelt the familiar scent of his nephews.

"Don't do that again," Kili begged, "Don't make us watch you go to your death ever again."

Thorin put his arms around either of them and sighed.

"I can't promise that," he said quietly, "But I can promise that if I ever go to my death, I will go for an honorable cause. I will not make you ashamed of my passing."

They slid down to sit beside him and rested their heads against the side of his legs.

"If you go to your death," Fili said softly, "We shall go with you."

Thorin rested his hands on their heads and stroked the soft tresses.

"I hope that it will never come to that," he said, "But if it does. I will be honored to have you two fighting at my side."

They looked up at him with love reflected in their eyes. He leaned down, despite the pain in his side and kissed their foreheads.

"This does not mean that you are off the hook," Kili said.

"And we will be helping you change your bandages," Fili grinned up at him.

Thorin lifted his head and groaned, wondering what in Mahal's name had he done to deserve such punishment.