Alex POV:

After being in the so called doctors room, they wheel us out to the main room. In there it's bed after bed after bed. In each bed the people look terrible. The floors are stained red from blood. Nurses are running around, trying to care for everyone at the same time. The nurses have bags under their eyes and their outfits are dirty from blood, dirt, and puke. The room is flooded by people in pain. All you hear in the room is moaning and people shouting. I watch as they bring people in, they're all rushing and the nurses at the front have now started using their lipsticks to mark the heads of people to show what they need. Mom gets put at the end. There are two woman beside her which seem to be in pretty bad shape as well.

"Would you like me to bring you to the kid's place?" A kind nurse asks.

"No thanks, I'll rather be with mom," I say, still standing next to her bed.

"Would you like me to give you a chair?" she asks. I just nod, and thank her after. Mom is resting right now, so I just sit there. Eventually I fall asleep, but I wake up to see mom up.

"How was your sleep?" she asks me, pushing my hair out of my face.

"It was good. How was yours?" I ask.

"It could have been better," she smiles.

"Have you eaten?" I ask, as I look around at all the other people peeling oranges.

"Yes, but I've saved some for you," she answers, giving me almost all the orange.

"Why didn't you have some?" I ask her.

"Because you need it," she says.

"Yes, but your injured and fighting off infection," I argue.

"Just eat it, please. You need to be healthy, even if I don't make it out," she says.

"Mom, don't say that," I say.

"Well just be prepared if I don't leave that operating room," she says, stroking my face. I let her do it. "Eat it please." I take the orange and eat it, it doesn't taste as good as oranges from home, but it fills me up.

"Thank you," I say as I finish.

"Your welcome. You shouldn't just stay here because I'm here, you should go help other people," she says all of a sudden.

"No, I wouldn't leave you," I protest.

"I don't want you to just sit here, you'll get bored. Go outside and help people who can't find their families," she says.

"But mo-" I start to say.

"No buts, go out and help people, it's the right thing to do," she says. I obey and I walk off. I turn around to see my mom closing her eyes. She looks older now and more battered, her skin that used to be smooth is now covered with cuts. Her eyebrows are clenched together in pain. Her dark hair is now tangled. And her brown eyes now always show pain. I walk out of the main room and I look at the windows. I watch in amazement as I see the little boy that we rescued with his father. His father looks just like him, with bronze hair and sea green eyes. I smile as the father picks him up and spins him around, the boy laughs. I keep walking to see a woman with her head in her hands. I walk up to her.

"Hello?" I ask, shyly. She raises her head and looks at me. She has long brown hair and sea green eyes.

"Are you okay? Are you lost?" she asks.

"No, I was just wondering if I can help you find your loved ones," I say. She looks at me and nods.

"Yes, I've lost my son and my husband in the ocean," she says, tears welling up in her eyes.

"Could you describe them for me?" I ask her.

"I have a picture, could that help?" she asks, taking out a battered picture of a family of three, all happy.

"Yes, actually I just saw them," I exclaim. I look at the picture more carefully, this is the boy that we rescued and his father, and I just saw them walking in the opposite direction.

"Really? The father's name is Finnick. And mine's Annie," she says. I nod and introduce myself, then I take off. I run as fast as I can to find them. I turn corners and I look through everywhere. Then I spot them, sitting on the ground. I slowly walk over to them.

"Umm excuse me?" I ask the man. He turns around and clearly this is the man from the painting.

"Yes?" he asks.

"I found your wife," I say breathless from running.

"You have?!" he jumps up with his son in his arms. "Is she okay?"

"Yes, she's really worried about you," I say.

"Please take me to her." I lead them around the way I went and I point her to them. He runs toward her.

"Annie! Annie!" he yells while running. Her head immediately goes up, and when she sees him, love is in her eyes. The same love that my mom and dad have for each other.

"Finnick!" she hollers, running over. They meet in the middle and just sob and hug and kiss. I turn away, I don't want to ruin their moment.

"Thank you so much," Finnick says. I say your welcome and then walk off. As I'm walking back I see a man, he looks distressed. I walk over closer, I see a passport in his hand and he is showing people picture. I walk over closer. When I approach him, I explain why I'm here.

"Can I help you?" I ask.

"My...son..." he says, obviously struggling with the words. He points to the picture of a boy urgently. I nod, and I take the passport and I walk around. I walk around countless beds, asking if each person knew the boy or has seen him. And each bed is worse then the next. People are dying and suffering everywhere.

"Have you seen him?" I ask that to every nurse I see and every patient that looks well enough to answer. But they always answer with no. I run outside, and I stop dead in my tracks. I look at body bags. There are dead bodies lined up and down the hospital. Each body bag has a tag with a number. I walk closer, and I look at a board. Here hundreds or thousands of names are on these lists, including ages. I look into a distance and see that they are still lined up from as far as I can see. I watch as people approach the board and cry, collapsing onto the ground. And I watch as some people come, and then leave with a hopeful expression. I look at the ages on the board. 46, 76, 85, 45, 64, 43, 6, 76, 65, 34, 52, 17, 2, 9, and the list goes on. I feel some tears coming, knowing that some kids under 10 have died. They were too young, they should have had a full happy life. I can't help but look for my brothers's and father's name on the list. Luckily there was no Ludwig on the list. I also look for the boy's name because I promised the father I would help find him, luckily his name is not their either. I walk away, haunted by the body bags and the people in agony of their losses. I walk back into the room and bump into a nurse.

"Have you seen him?" I ask her. She surprisingly nods and motions for me to follow her. I come across a boy, in casts all around. His breathing is normal, but his eyes are closed.

"Excuse me?" I ask, tapping him. His eyes open and he looks at me. "This... you?" I point at his picture. He nods and I run out. I sprint over to the father, I pull at his arm and give him back his passport. I run with him through the hospital. When they meet they cry and hug and the man thanks me. I just nod and walk over to my mom. She's still resting so I sit in a chair. I just hope that our family will be reunited.

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