A/N: I'm back and didn't take too long this time. Whoo!

Thanks to everyone who reviewed my last chapter and thanks for all the encouragement and support. You gaiz are the BEST. To Carre: you're not a member so I can't reply to your reviews. *sad panda face* Sorry, if I didn't get back to you on your last review. Last chapter just gutted me a little bit, but I'll be better. Also, sometimes I don't know if reviewers want a reply or if they just think I'm being a pain in the butt when replying.

Ok, now, on to this chapter. Fair warning, there be some...M-rated content in this. Keep tissues and a new set of underwear nearby. ;P

If this is not to your taste feel free to skip the chapter. If this is to your taste and you would like MOAAAARRRRR, you're just going to have to let me know aka leave a review.

Until next time!




He might be the devil, and he might have had a hold of me when I was a child, but I'm not that scared little girl anymore. My father is used to having whatever he wants, used to getting away with anything, but even the devil can't run from me.




The see through tube that trailed from the oxygen concentrator, dipped towards the floor then climbed its way up along the bed. It crawled up Ellie's chest before parting, each branch rounding Ellie's ear before finally meeting up again below the rounded tip of her nose.

Rue looked down at the child in her arms. Ellie kept rubbing the back of her head against Rue's stomach so her hair stood up reminding Rue of a crazy scientist. She chuckled and stroked the tiny head effectively patting down the hair before planting a tender kiss on Ellie's head. She was rewarded with a gurgle as Ellie pointed at the picture of a yellow elephant and two elcors and let out ooh-ing noises where she lay with her back against Rue's stomach. This, Rue had learned meant to continue on with the story and so she obliged because she might be a fearsome soldier, but nothing, not even the Reapers would keep her from giving her daughter one hell of a bedtime story. Although considering the two elcors were about to explode she highly doubted Miranda would approve.

"What your mother doesn't know…" she murmured with a grin and swiped at the datapad. A picture of the yellow elephant wearing an astronaut's helmet and the two elcors floating in space made Rue wondered who'd actually gotten paid to write and illustrate the book.

"Nellie Goes To Dekuuna," an amused voice said and Ellie turned to look in the direction the voice had come from. Her eyes lit up at the sight of the private who sat up in her bed, legs draped across the side of the bed.

"Private Westmoreland," Rue said putting the book down, "should you really be up?" Private Westmoreland had been in the infirmary since Sarah Campbell had kidnapped Ellie and shot Westmoreland in the back.

"Please, Ma'am," private Westmoreland said a little out of breath, "call me Bethany…"

"Bethany then." Rue smiled. "But still should you really be up? I don't think Doctor Chakwas would approve."

"Oh, please, Ma'am, don't tell the doctor. I just want to not feel like I'm climbing up the walls for a bit." Bethany grimaced and started to slide off the edge, wiggling her toes as she tried to reach the floor.

"Oh, hey!" Lifting Ellie from her lap Rue got up and walked over to the bed. "You really should-"

"Ma'am." Dark brown, almost black eyes looked back up at hers. "Just one walk to the door and back. Then I'll crawl back into bed."

Rue frowned. Bethany probably shouldn't be going for walks, but if it was one thing she could relate to, it'd be the frustrating feeling of wanting to do something, anything, but being held back. She looked over at Ellie who watched them with interest.

Ellie and Bethany had spent quite some time together, both of them stuck in the infirmary for now and Ellie seemed to like the private's company.

"Okay, how about a deal?" Rue looked back at Bethany. "How about I let you walk over to Ellie's bed, and while you have a pit stop there I'll read you both a bedtime story."

A grin worked itself onto Bethany's lips and she gave an excited nod, most likely at the prospect of being allowed to walk for a bit. Even if it was just the short distance over to Ellie's hospital bed.

"Alright, come here." Rue let her arm slip around the private's waist and Bethany put her arm around Rue's neck as they began their slow walk over to the other bed, much to Ellie's joy.

Ellie giggled and held her arms out towards Bethany once they'd reached the bed and the private sat down next to her. She leaned back against the pillows looking tired as Ellie rolled onto her knees and crawled towards Bethany.

"Oh no, you leave poor Bethany alone." Rue caught her mid crawl.

Bethany laughed. "It's fine, I don't mind."

"You sure? She's a bit of a fart bag. " Rue warned causing the private to laugh again.

"I'm sure. My daughter was-" She fell silent and averted her eyes. Sighing Rue sat down on the edge of the bed and let Ellie crawl up to Bethany. This damned war. Too many people were losing their families, losing everything.

"I'm sorry." Was all she could think of to say. What else was there to say? There weren't any words good enough to dull the pain of losing one's child. She felt a sharp stab in her chest as she realised that if they didn't find Larkin soon, she might be in Bethany's shoes.

"It's fine." Bethany gave a small wave of her hand. "It was a long time ago now. Well, at least that's what people tell me."

"How long?" Rue asked as Ellie made herself comfortable in Bethany's arm. Shit, that kid would be the easiest kid on earth to kidnap. All one had to do was stand there and she'd go crawling in to their arms.

"Four years." Bethany smiled, though her eyes looked damp and distant for a few seconds. "Leukemia."

"Fucking cancer." Rue shook her head. They could travel through space, but they still couldn't cure cancer.

"Fucking cancer." Bethany agreed just as something moved to their side drawing their attention away.

"I would tell you both off." Miranda's brows knit together as she rounded the bed to wrap her arm around Rue. "But fucking cancer."


"Traynor's been trying to extrapolate Kai Leng's destination, but so far she hasn't had any luck," Miranda said as Rue wrapped her arm around her waist and pulled her in just a little bit closer. It was a subtle movement, but it sent butterflies through her stomach.

"And Liara?" Rue swiped at the datapad with her free hand as she eyed the information.

Miranda shook her head. However things were between the three of them, the asari had spent every waking moment trying to locate Larkin. But it wasn't just Liara, it was everyone. In one way or another the entire Normandy crew threw in their support. Vega had taken Rue's night shifts, Garrus and Javik stepped in and looked after Ellie when Rue had to attend important meetings. EDI searched for any traces of Larkin through every database she could access and even Tali who still hadn't warmed up to Miranda had asked both the fleet and the geth for any intel they might have. And still they had come up with nothing. Nothing!

It took all of Miranda's strength not to panic. It would do no good, there was no time for her emotions and certainly not for panic. So she tucked it inside hoping it would stay there. Perhaps when all of this was over she could fall apart. She threw a quick glance at Ellie then Rue. Maybe she would have no choice, maybe this world would take everything from her. She bit her lip. No she wouldn't let it. Nothing would take the people she loved from her.

"Have they looked at Horizon?" The private who held Ellie interrupted her thoughts, depressing as they were.

Horizon? She remembered the time they'd gone to investigate the Collector presence there. They'd expected to run into the Collectors, but she never could have imagined the monstrous bug-like creature they'd had to fight. Its body fused with husks and their heads and dead eyes stared out from the creature's belly as it moved across the battlefield.

In an almost absurd way it reminded her of the game humans used to play in the old days. What was it called? Bingo? She'd seen it in a vid, how the numbered balls bounced around the spinning cage. The creature however had been everything but a harmless game. Husks and collectors alike had swarmed in from every angle, as the Praetorian hovering then slammed into the ground sending the entire squad sprawling backwards. Jacob had been caught by its deadly particle beams, and if it hadn't been for Grunt body slamming the biotic out of the way, Miranda doubted Jacob would still be alive today. Then after the fight there had been that moment with Kaidan. Miranda could still remember the half hearted smile on Rue's lips before she returned to the Normandy leaving her former comrade behind. It was the same night Rue suffered Wilsons memory overload.

She stroked Rue's head absentmindedly at the memory of how much pain the commander had been in.

"Horizon?" Rue echoed the private as if her gentle stroke had prompted the commander to speak. "As in Sanctuary?"

Sanctuary? That's where Ori had gone with her parents. She looked up at Bethany who nodded back at the commander.

"Why there?" Why would Campbell go to Sanctuary where refugees from the war kept fleeing to. If one were to go into hiding that would be the last place to go. She grimaced. Not that she had the best track record in picking good hiding spots.

"I don't know, but Sarah…" The private paused briefly, "or whoever she was, was always talking about Horizon and how she was going to go there once she was done here. Something about a new type of mod."

"A new type of mod?" Rue asked.

"I thought it sounded odd. Sarah said it was a new mod scientists had been working on. Something about enhancing battle skills, but I've never heard of the Alliance working on anything like that."

"EDI," the commander said automatically looking at the ceiling.

"Yes, Commander?"

"Has anyone run a search for Horizon?"

"No, but I can ask Specialist Traynor to include it in the route she's been trying to extrapolate from Kai Leng."

"Thank you, EDI."

"Commander?" EDI's voice came after only moments of silence.


"Even with my help, this might take a few hours."

"Okay," Rue replied then looked up at Miranda. "Now all we can do is wait."


Doctor Banner Grenway allowed himself a quick glance at the blue digits on the clock mounted on the clinically white wall. It was no doubt counterproductive in his attempt to calm his nerves, but if he didn't look he could easily forget how precious time was.

He inhaled and returned his attention to the microscope. The stem cells were doing what they were supposed to. Creating new healthy cells, some becoming specialised cells others remaining stem cells. This was how it worked. One stem cell created two new cells, one daughter cell, and one mother cell. The daughter which would go on to become a specialised cell, and the mother which would create two new cells herself. Only, instead of the cells staying healthy the project's cells started to degrade after a short period of time. Initially, it had taken the cells longer, but he had noticed how the timeframe had shortened.

Banner wiped his forehead. That meant the same thing was happening to the proje...to the child, he corrected himself. The child was running out of time, and so was he. If he didn't find a cure within a few days the child would not make it.

"Focus," he muttered to himself. Thinking about how little time he had left only wasted time he could use to try and solve the puzzle in front of him. Find the missing piece.

At first, he'd thought maybe the asari way of eliminating unwanted traits could be the solution, only to realise that there wasn't a particular cell that kept breaking down. Every cell he had examined showed signs of breakdown: stem cells, muscular cells, cell tissue, all of them. Eliminating cells was not the answer here.

For a short while, he had considered stem cell therapy, but after a dozen failed experiments Banner had to conclude that the child's unique genetic build was what caused the problems. Larkin had wanted the perfect child, Banner had too, but for different reasons. But whatever the reasons, the perfection they had created was the very thing killing the child. Humans —unlike nature— wasn't meant to be perfect. Their short lifespan, and proneness to emotions just a few of the many flaws that made up humans. For all the beautiful things emotions could cause it was also the base for the vilest crimes in human history. It was a weakness. A flaw. One he himself suffered from as well.

He gave a shake of his head and exhaled hard. Once again he'd let his thoughts drift when instead he should be focusing on what was right in front of him. The seemingly unsolvable puzzle that he needed to finish.

"Come on," he stood up, scratching his head. How long had he been working on this cure for? There had to be an answer. A clue, a pattern, anything! Just one-

He stopped then stared down at the microscope. A pattern? He'd been looking at the problem from the wrong perspective this entire time. It wasn't a puzzle. It was a pattern!


Her daughter was dying. The child she had carried for nine months lay sleeping in an oxygen tank in the medbay. Her body slowly deteriorating until it would no longer be able to cope. Miranda could still remember the feeling of a life growing inside of her. Of Ellie growing inside of her. Just the thought of losing her sent a ripple of pain through Miranda and she took a quivering breath. What was it people said? One should never have to put their children in the ground. She'd heard the saying before, but only now did she fully understand. I can't lose you.

She took another breath, steeling herself against the emotions that threatened to overpower her. She could stand around and think about how cruel it all was, or she could do something, anything, to try and save her daughter. A normal person might breakdown, let the emotions get the better of them, but she wasn't a normal person. She was Miranda Lawson, former director of the Lazarus Project that brought Commander Shepard back to life. Even when Wilson had tried to sabotage them, the Lazarus Project had still succeeded. She hadn't failed then and she wasn't going to fail now. Besides, this time, she had someone even better than the entire Lazarus team on her side.

Looking up from the datapad she'd been skimming through she saw Rue snap her weapons into place on her armour. With the help of Bethany's suggestion, Traynor and EDI had been able to narrow down Larkin Hannoway's most likely location: Horizon.

Rue's brows were drawn together in thought as she no doubt went over the plan in her head: bring the entire team to Horizon, find Larkin and a cure. Get back to Normandy and save Ellie. Miranda was about to take her eyes off the commander when the orange glow from underneath Rue's jawline caught her attention. She'd noticed it the first day she was back on the Normandy, but it seemed even worse now. Rue had said it was nothing, but that was not "nothing."

"What is that?" She put the datapad on the desk and moved over to where Rue stood.

"What is what?"

She put her hand on Rue's chin nudging her face to the side so she could take a closer look.

"Oh." Came the commander's sheepish reply.

"Oh," Miranda echoed in dismay. The scarring had gotten worse, breaking through the skin looking like a volcano's molten core. "Rue...this is-"

"It's fine." Rue gave her a sidelong look.

"Stop it." She pulled at the freckled chin turning Rue to face her. "Stop saying everything is fine. Your cybernetics shouldn't be reacting like this. It could be that your body has started rejecting them, or that they're degrading, or it could even be-"

"Ellie first, me after." Rue interrupted her.

Miranda glared at Rue. She wasn't happy about it, if it was up to her she'd have Rue marched over to Karin, but she knew Rue was right. "Promise."

"I promise." Rue nodded.

"You can't just say it, you have to prove it."

Rue let out a soft chuckle at that and before Miranda knew it the commander's arm was wrapped around her waist pulling her closer. The kiss was like their first kiss at the Eternity bar, sweet, sincere and full of promise and she wondered how she'd ever managed without Rue for such a long time. The change in the commander's kiss was subtle, but Miranda felt herself pulled just a little closer as Rue coaxed her mouth open with her tongue.

Wrapping her arms closer around the commander's neck she bit into Rue's lip lightly. The change was instant this time as Rue hoisted her up and she wrapped her legs around Rue's taunt waist as the commander walked them towards the bed stumbling backwards when the back of her legs hit the bed frame. Miranda let out a yelp that turned into a laugh as they tumbled onto the bed, landing in a tangle of arms and legs. Rue chuckled throatily underneath her where she lay on top of the commander, her dark hair draped across Rue's face. Using her arm Miranda swept her hair from one side to the other eyeing the commander through half-lidded eyes.

An intense feeling pulled at her chest as she eyed the dark, long eyelashes, the freckled, and scarred skin. She let her fingers caress the commander's face tenderly, memorising the feel of Rue's skin under her fingertips. How many times before had they been like this? She studied the pink lips, still damp and glossy from their kissing. How many times had she kissed those lips? Letting them explore every inch of her body as they slowly drove her crazy. Brushing her thumb against the lips which knew such wicked ways to bring her pleasure she let her eyes lock with Rue's. The way they looked at her, intense and expressive as if — in this moment— there was nothing else, no one else in this world but Miranda that mattered.

"I've missed you," Rue whispered, her voice thick and thready. A tingle darted up Miranda's spine at the sensation of Rue's fingertips on her neck. They pulled gently, urging her closer, but instead she sat up drawing a frown from the commander who raised herself onto her elbows.

The sullen expression on Rue's face vanished when she unzipped the hoodie she was wearing, revealing Rue's favourite top. The old t-shirt had been washed too many times, the white fabric thin and see through in all the right places, hugging her curves just enough to give away her arousal. Rue stared at her breasts through the thin fabric, licking her lips hungrily as she let her hands travel the length of Miranda's thighs. She'd thought Rue would keep exploring with her hands, rediscovering her body once again, the thought sending a shiver through her entire body, but instead the commander slipped her fingers inside the lining of her trousers and jerked her forward.

"I thought I told you," the commander murmured, her voice low, and husky, draped with desire, "that's my favourite t-shirt."

Miranda chuckled and wrapped her arms around Rue's neck as she pressed herself close, then let her tongue slide across Rue's lips, slow and deliberate, a promise of what was to come. The commander growled tilting her chin upward, her open mouth meeting Miranda's eagerly, their tongues sliding together. Rue still leaned onto one elbow, but she let the palm of her other hand travel the length of Miranda's side, the determined, yet soft drag leaving a trail of goosebump in its wake. She contemplated making the commander work a little harder for it, earn it, but then she felt Rue's hand slip between them cupping her breast, giving it a firm squeeze and she let out a small moan. She knew what the little noises and breathless moans did to the commander, how something so simple as Miranda's own breathless pleasure could drive the commander mad with need. Rue's hand released her and dove in under the lining of her trousers, sliding along the perfect curve of her arse before grabbing it, pulling Miranda down against her thigh. Then with a determined, strong motion the commander used her hold of Miranda to grind her aching mound against her raised thigh.

The friction sent a wave of heat through Miranda's abdomen and it took all her willpower not to roll them over demanding Rue have her way with her. Although, thinking about it, Miranda couldn't see the commander objecting to that. But after all this time, after all this pining she wanted it to last, wanted to draw it out. Although by the feel of her damp, lacy knickers she didn't know for how long she would last. Unhooking one arm from around Rue's neck Miranda lowered her hand to Rue's muscular abdomen and in a selfish, unashamed indulgence she let her fingers skate across the muscles rippling under the freckled, slightly tanned skin. The same muscles and skin Miranda had helped put together, that she had brought back to life. A split second of pride surged through her, then Rue's hand moved from her arse, gliding along her hip and down, impatient fingers pulling the lace to the side. She had but a second to catch her breath, then Rue's hand slid across Miranda's soft mound, deft fingers quickly finding her, spreading her before expertly circling, flicking, and teasing. Miranda sucked in a breath and closed her eyes, a small whimper slipping across her lips. Rue's administrations of her were intoxicating, making her feel dizzy, and her breaths came in small, shallow gasps.

Somehow her mind didn't short circuit and she realised with annoyance that she was still fully dressed. She tugged at Rue's trousers. Too manyclothes still on! The commander, being an expert in silent, sexy communication withdrew her hand to help Miranda with her clothes. The tatty t-shirt was thrown to the floor, closely followed by the fatigues, then commander pushed the lacy knickers across and down Miranda's smooth hips. Rue would usually take her time, kissing her way around Miranda's body as she peeled off every single piece of clothing, but now they pulled at each other's clothes, impatient, and eager, fueled by desire.

Using her upper body Rue rolled them over, clothes shed and Miranda revelled in the feeling of Rue's skin, hot and soft against her own as Rue pressed herself closer, settling between her thighs. Miranda's hands roamed across the commander's taut body, her palms gliding across the firm, well toned arse, up Rue's spine, and across her shoulder blades. Rue ground herself against Miranda and she could tell the commander was getting impatient. Deciding she had waited long enough Rue slipped a hand between them, two fingers sliding between Miranda's moist, slippery folds. If it had been someone else, Miranda might have felt embarrassed about how her need coated Rue's fingers, but she was too worked up, too busy trying to form coherent thoughts to bother. And then as if to prove that she was little more than a hot, wet mess in Rue's arms, the commander slid home, smoothly, slowly, and all wit, all sense left her.


Pale, soft skin pressed itself against Rue as Miranda shifted in her arms sending a pleasant tingle through her as she remembered the sound of Miranda breathing her name only moments earlier. She turned to look at her expecting Miranda's blue eyes to look back at her, but instead the informant quickly sat up, grabbed the white sheet and wrapped it around herself.

"Woah, hey now…" Rue said slowly as Miranda moved to get up from the bed. "What's happening here?" Did Miranda regret what had just happened?

The informant stiffened for a second then sat back down. Sitting up slowly Rue reached out with her hand to touch Miranda's shoulder, but hesitated scared that Miranda might move away from her. She didn't want Miranda to shy away from her, she wanted the informant to want her. She let her hand drop again, but then Miranda's shoulders slouched as she exhaled heavily. .

"Hey." She lifted her fingers towards the informant's chin. "Talk to me?"

Blue eyes shifted to meet Rue's. "It's so stupid."

"Okay? But tell me anyway."

"I just…things are different." Miranda bit her lip.

"Things?" Rue frowned trying to decipher what Miranda was trying to say. "I think you're going to have to be more specific than that."

"Ugh." The informant let out a frustrated sigh and dropped her head into her hands. "All of this." She made a circular movement with one hand in front of herself.

Was the informant feeling...insecure? Rue blinked then frowned. The first time the two of them had met Miranda had stated, very firmly, and clearly that she was perfection personified. Miranda had always known she was created to be superior to others. Besides being able to hit enemies with her biotics from an impressive distance, Miranda knew her looks had been created to give her an edge. She knew she was beautiful and not once had she pretended otherwise. So what had changed?

"Are you…" she paused. What were the right words to use?

"I've been pregnant Rue." Miranda turned to look at her eyes narrowed in annoyance. Probably for having to spell out the problem.

"Oh…" Rue said slowly knowing full well she was treading on dangerous territory. Miranda was not the first woman she had been with who had voiced insecurities about her body. Rue had first-hand experience of what the wrong approach to the subject was and so she quickly went through all the wrong answers in her head.

"I gave birth and it changed a lot of things." Miranda sighed.

"Yeah?" Rue quirked an eyebrow.

"Yes. Rue." It was almost a snarl.

"Well." she moved closer to Miranda and placed a kiss on her shoulder. "I haven't noticed anything so maybe…" She trailed kisses along the shoulder and up towards the sensitive spot on the informant's neck. "Maybe I need to check, just to make sure."

"Arsehole," Miranda hissed and shoved her playfully.

Reaching Miranda's favourite spot Rue sucked on the delicate skin drawing a low sigh from the informant before kissing her way along the defined jawline towards the slightly parted lips. Once there she stopped and studied the other woman like she had so many times before. She could see Miranda swallow, white teeth digging into the plump lip. How could this woman, this beautiful creature think she as anything but?

"You are the mother of my child." She cupped Miranda's face between her hands. "And you are beautiful. Everything about you is beautiful."

"Flatterer." Leaning forward Miranda brushed her lips against Rue's. "You're just trying to get me into bed."

She chuckled. "Is it working?"

"Not. One. Bit." Miranda murmured before she let Rue peel away the sheet that wrapped itself around her body.

"I'd better get to work then."

"Yes. Yes, you should."


They had created two nearly perfect specimens. Then they thought they had created the perfect child, only they hadn't. They had used Miranda's and Commander Shepard's DNA. The first thing any scientist would have done would be to look into the parenting DNA for anything that might be used for a cure. When that didn't work he had looked at Oriana who had a similar genetic build to both Miranda and Ellie. Minus the commander of course. But he'd been looking in all the wrong places.

How could he have been so blind? The stem cells reproduction pattern should have tipped him off. One stem cell should create two new, one mother one daughter. It wasn't unusual however for a stem cell to sometimes create two mothers or daughters instead of one each. The body maintained that by telling another stem cell to create two of the missing cells, therefore returning the balance. He hadn't thought much about it, but now that he knew what to look for he could see it so clearly.

The child's stem cells were reproducing too many mother cells and in its attempt to halt the overproduction, the body was breaking down all the cells and not just the excess ones.

Once he had realised the connection he'd dug into what little research notes he still had left. After the fire at Larkin's lab there hadn't been anything left, but over the following couple of days Banner had worked tirelessly to write down every little detail he remembered. And there was one particular thing he remembered about Commander Shepard. Her new, rebuilt body. A body full of cybernetic implants. Implants that — before the commander woke up— were kept healthy by nanoprobes. Nanoprobes.

If he could create nanoprobes to control the overproduction of cells then the body wouldn't have to fight the cells. If the nanoprobes could regulate the production, the body would have no reason to try to purge the cells. If they worked, the child would live.

He blinked at the cells dividing themselves in front of his eyes, his breath trembling as he exhaled. He might be able to save the child. All he needed now was nanoprobes and access to a test subject. Looking up from his microscope and out through the window to the grassy courtyard below he watched the young woman and her parents. Yes. Oriana Lawson would do.


"Why didn't you tell me?" The quarian asked and pulled to a stop by the console next to the drive core. By the way the barely visible glow of Tali's eyes thinned Rue could tell the quarian was glaring at her.

"Tell you?" Rue scratched the back of her neck. She'd just woken up from a few hours of sleep after having...tired herself out entertaining Miranda, and her mind was still a bit preoccupied with other thoughts.

Tali crossed her arms. "About your daughter."


"I have to find out from one of the other admirals that my former captain has a child."

"Wait." Rue quirked an eyebrow. "Is that the reason you decided to come onboard? To see the human baby?"

"No," Tali said indignantly before pausing. "To see the Shepard-Perfect Miss Lawson baby."

"I knew it."

"Everyone's talking about it. I had to see for myself."

"Of course you did," Rue chortled. "And now that you have, what's your verdict?"

The quarian let out a noise, something in-between a grunt and a frustrated sigh. "I'm just glad my suit is working as it should or I would be needing an emergency treatment."

"Tali…" she used her best Captain of the ship voice, hands on her hips as she faked a very good stern face. She was rewarded by a giggle from the quarian.

"She's beautiful, and so well trained."

"Yeah, no thanks to me."

"Shepard?" Tali's voice turned serious. "I was right about Cerberus. I was right about not trusting them, but I trusted you. I still do."

She opened her mouth to speak, but Tali shook her head. "When I first met you I knew there was something special about you. I've seen you fight Geth, Collectors, Reapers and even the Council. I've seen you fall down only to get up again, time and time again. It's not easy to see someone you care for having to fight everything."

She let out a soft chuckle. Saying that everything had been an uphill battle so far might just be the understatement of the century.

"When you died…" Tali started but fell silent.

"Hey," Rue said softly. "I came back, right?"

"I lost my best friend," Tali said quietly and Rue studied her. They'd never really spoken about her death. Back when she worked with Cerberus they had sort of fallen back into old routines. Just carried on with the missions, gotten the job done. Then there had been the death of Tali's father and they had dealt with that. And Rue had launched the suicide mission. There hadn't been much time in-between for everything they wanted to talk about. Or maybe they just hadn't taken the time to.

"Yeah...I'm sorry about that...you know that right?"

"When you came back again you were working for Cerberus. I thought maybe you'd leave them after a while, but then you showed up again on Haestrom with that Cerberus bosh'tet in tow." the quarian's voice dripped with disapproval.


"And you were lovers." Tali ignored her. "It all just seemed so wrong."

"Oh, trust me." She chuckled and leaned against the railing. "Of all the things that were wrong with the universe, Miranda Lawson naked in my bed most certainly wasn't one of them."

"Shepard!" Tali gasped from behind her visor and Rue laughed at the horrified expression she could imagine on the quarian's face.

"What I wanted to say." Tali continued once Rue had stopped laughing. "Was that I just don't want someone to hurt you again. You deserve a little happiness."

"Aaaaw." Grinning, Rue gave Tali's arm a gentle squeeze.

"Yes, well, with that horrible dancing of yours who else would love you? Beggars can't be choosers, is it?" Tali snorted, but Rue could hear the warmth in her voice.

"If I can fix all this: Ellie, impending annihilation, and whatnot, I'll be happy." She gave a small smile and looked away and up at the drive core next to them. Just a few things to sort. She'd be happy once it was all done. Happy. Or dead. Shoving her hands into her pockets she shrugged and fired off another smile. "I'm sort of happy. I just need my kid to be okay."

"Yes." Tali nodded. "About that. I made something for you."

"For me?" She perked up at this.

"You know how you're always so jealous of Chiktikka?"

"No!" Rue gasped grabbing the railing with her hands. "You didn't!"

Chuckling the glow from behind the visor widened as Tali turned around and walked them towards the door. "Technically Garrus did it, but it was my idea and I had all the schematics."

"Do I get to name it?" Rue asked trailing after Tali like an excited kid on Christmas Day.

"Hm." Tali stopped momentarily. "Depends, what would you name it?"


"No." Came the reply as Tali continued her stride towards the door.


"I don't even know what that means."

"Lord Tallius vas Shepardus?"

"I am so glad you weren't in charge of naming your child." Tali gave her a glare as they stepped into the lift. "Maybe Miranda deserves some credit after all."

"That she does," she agreed. "That she really does."


Horizon. That's where Private Sarah Campbell had been heading. And incidentally, so had Kai Leng. The second Traynor had told them Miranda had known something was wrong.

Both Kai Leng and Sarah Campbell had travelled to the same planet Oriana and her family was currently living on. Why was Cerberus sending Kai Leng, the Illusive Man's newest poster child to Horizon and how did Campbell fit into this? Campbell had been out to get Ellie. Cerberus had no interest in Ellie, unless of course Jack intended to use her as bait, to draw herself and the commander out. It was a possibility of course, but something had gnawed on her mind when she'd found out two people from two different men who wanted to kill her converged on the same planet.

Maybe it was the memory of her father's close ties to Cerberus before she fled to them, before Jack took her in as his new protegee, that unsettled her. But her father had cut all ties with Cerberus, she'd seen the angry mails herself. Cerberus and Larkin Hannoway no longer did business with each other.

That's what she had told herself for the past nineteen years. That's what she told herself as the shuttle landed on a near deserted Sanctuary, the last couple of Cerberus soldiers throwing themselves into the evacuation shuttles before taking off. It was what she kept telling herself as she took in the destruction of what had been known as Sanctuary. She'd tried not to think of her sister and how Oriana might have gotten caught up in whatever had lead to Horizon being evacuated as they'd moved across the courtyard.

Rue moved next to her, determined like an unstoppable force. Miranda had forgotten what it was like to be in battle with Rue, how the commander controlled the battlefield, her awareness of everything and everyone on it. She ducked and dodged, disappearing behind cover only to emerge somewhere else to punish the enemy with her weapons. And like planets around the sun Miranda and the rest of the squad fell into the commander's orbit, adjusted to her pace, covered vulnerable flanks, keeping the reapers at bay.

Then they'd entered the labs and Miranda knew she'd been deceived for years. Audio and video logs documented her father's sick and insidious plans for her, Oriana and Ellie. She felt her stomach churn, as an intense cold sensation rippled through her. Her father had accomplished all of this with the help of Cerberus. All this time Jack had been just another one of her father's lackeys. She had never really been free.

"This is sick. Insane." She breathed as she watched the video of one of the colonists being turned into a husks. What if something had happened to Oriana, what if...a strong hand grabbed her shoulder ripping her out of her thoughts.

"We'll get her," Rue said ever the calm in the storm. Blinking she looked up from the screen she was watching.

"My father and Jack. They tricked me. What if-"

"We'll get her. And then we go after them." Stormy green eyes held hers confidently and she gave a nod.

"Commander." Vega's voice alerted them. "Not sure what he wants with her father, but it looks like Kai Leng just found him." he jutted his chin towards one of the monitors.

The Cerberus assassin crept along a row of desks towards a man who had his back turned towards Leng. His authoritarian posture was unpleasantly familiar and Miranda could almost hear her father's snide, arrogant voice as he spoke to the person standing in front of him. She narrowed her eyes. The camera faced away from the woman he was speaking to, but even if she hadn't recognised the dark hair she would have remembered the bracelet Oriana wore around her wrist. She glanced down at her own wrist. She wore the same bracelet. Two leather strings with a simple silver letter hanging off it: O. It was silly, she knew, but Oriana had gotten the bracelets, one for herself and one for Miranda. To Oriana it wasn't silly, and so Miranda had kept it on. In an odd way it made her feel closer to her sister.

"That's Oriana." she looked at Rue then raised her pistol towards the door. "I don't care if you have to go through my father, but my sister comes out of this alive."

"Affirmative." The commander gave a sharp nod. "Everybody move out."


Larkin Hannoway had once again eluded them. They had been wrong. Kai Leng wasn't there to take Larkin out, he'd been there to get him out of Horizon, safe and sound.

"I'm so sorry," Miranda whispered holding her sister close in her arms. "I should have know, I should have come sooner but-"

"Really, Randa?" Oriana untangled herself from her sister's arms. "That's all you have to say?"

Rue let her eyes sweep from one sister to the other uncertain of what action to take next. Should she step in? Let them handle it on their own? She could see the informant's eyes flicker, the small wrinkle between her brows deepening as she blinked.

"I tell you everything, Randa. Everything." The younger woman balled her fists up, only to press them hard against her hips looking impressively a lot like her older sister. "And even when I don't I know you snoop through my communications anyway."

"I-" Miranda opened her mouth to speak.

"You didn't tell me about your daughter."

Oooh...Rue tried to keep the "oh you're in the dog house" expression off her face and she noticed the rest of the squad starting to busy themselves with looking for clues on where Kai Leng and Larkin could have escaped to. She should probably also look busy.

"Oriana I was going to tell you, but things have been a little crazy." Rue could hear Miranda try to reason with her little sister as she turned her back and pretended to scan something important with her Omni-tool.

"Too crazy to tell me about my niece?"

"Well," Miranda began.

Oh God. Rue stopped her scanning and turned her head towards the sisters. Was Miranda going to drop the almost-died-a-few-times bomb on her sister? Surely not.

"I got myself into some trouble." Miranda lifted her hands into the air and let them drop again.

"What kind of trouble?" Oriana frowned.

"I got injured."

"How injured?"

There was a short pause before Miranda replied. "I almost died."

"You what?!" The younger woman's eyes widened.


For all her skills, social interaction was still not Miranda's strong suit and Rue groaned.

"Randa!" Oriana's voice went up a few notes, her voice shaking then before Miranda could react the smaller woman threw herself around her neck.

This time Rue didn't bother to pretend she wasn't looking, but simply grinned at Miranda who looked slightly stunned for a few seconds. Then she wrapped her arms around her little sister again.

"I'm sorry, Ori," she whispered. "I'm sorry."

"Just don't do it again."

"I promise."


"What were you doing at the lab?" she asked her sister as they crossed the opulent entrance area of the facility. They had lost her father and there were no notes of any cure being worked on at the lab. Miranda felt like her heart was being ripped out from her chest and she'd seen Rue's jaw clench and unclench. But at least they'd gotten to Oriana.

Her sister might not have had the same training as her, but she had been smart enough to keep the cloaking device Miranda had sent on her. And even smarter to use it to get away from their father and Kai Leng.

"One of the doctors asked me to meet him there," Oriana said as they stepped out onto the open space where their shuttle stood waiting for them.

Miranda looked at her sister. If they had been any later, god knows what might have happened. "Ori…"

"I didn't know what they were doing down there." Her sister hugged herself. "I thought I was going to help with something. They always needed people to help with running things. Or so they told us at least."

"It's okay. You're okay." She wrapped an arm around her sister's shoulder. Her sister was alive. She looked up as they drew closer to the shuttle. Alive, but alone. What had happened to her parents? "Ori." She began when a swift movement caught her attention.

Rue had her arm thrown out in front of her and her sister, and Liara's hands glowed blue as her biotics crackled and spat, and the rest of the squad all aimed their weapons at the intruder in the shuttle.

"One move and you're a dead man," the commander snarled, her finger dangerously close to pulling the trigger on her Phalanx.

"Wait! Wait!" The man inside the shuttle raised his hands into the air. "Before you shoot, I have something you need."