Hey guys, I've had this story in my mind for sometime now, so enjoy!

Dipper sighed, adjusting the straps of his backpack, he looked at Gravity High School's front doors. 'Here goes..' Dipper thought, stepping inside. He was instantly greeted with harsh words coming from no other than Robbie V. "Hey its Dipshit!" Robbie laughed along with his friends Ryan and Thompson. "Loser!" Thompson called out, earning a few laughs. Dipper sped through the hallway, not wanting to hear their words any longer. But no matter how fast he walked, he could still hear them.

"Weird ass kid." "Doesn't that kid wear the SAME clothes EVERYDAY?" "That birthmark... Freak."

Dipper made a quick stop to his locker, trying to get the lock off. He got out his books, and he got out his book '3'. He put the lock back on and left. Dipper felt a pair of hands shove his books from his hands.

"You dropped something, loser." A girl's voice rang through Dipper's ears. Dipper looked up to see Pacifica and her friends laughing. Dipper bent down to pick them up, but was pushed to the ground. Robbie smirked, glancing at Pacifica. "This dumbass giving you any trouble?" He asked. Pacifica smiled. "Not anymore." They walked away. Dipper struggled to stand, his knees wobbling. The bell rang, signaling the start of first period.

Dipper dusted himself off and picked up his books. He walked towards his first class of the day: Science. Taught by his favorite teacher, Mr. Stanford Pines. Walking through the door, Dipper took a seat in the back of the room, near to the wall. Students laughed at seeing Dipper, all except one. "How're you doing, Tyrone?" Dipper asked his buddy. "Not much." Tyrone said, shaking Dipper's hand. Dipper took a seat next to him. "Alright class, Good Morning class." Mr. Pines said. The class grunted in response. "Today I will be teaching you-"

"Sorry I'm late!" A girl said, opening the door.

Whistles were heard around the room along with some compliments. "She gets hotter everyday." "Shes so hot, it should be illegal!" "Make room guys, shes sitting by me!" All the guys said, hearts seemingly replacing their pupils. "Ah, Ms. Mabel. So nice of you to join us." Mr. Pines said, a smile tugging at his lips. Mabel blushed and went to take a seat. Tyrone nudged Dipper's shoulder. "Dude, she looks exactly like you." Dipper shrugged. "So? We're not related or anything." "Both of your last names is Pines. That doesn't sound a bit weird to you?" "Nope." Dipper said, looking forward.

The period went by as normal, Dipper would answer a few questions, people would laugh, and so on. The bell rang. It was time for second period: Mathmatics. Dipper hated this class, he couldn't get a thing done without someone throwing something at him. Dipper managed to take a seat in the back of the class, where hopefully no one could disupt him. If only he hadn't forgotten that the popular crowd sat there. "Your sitting in my seat." Pacifica growled. "S-sorry." Dipper said, picking up his things. He went to the front of the class, and took a seat. Gideon Gleeful sat next to him. Fortunately, Dipper knew Gideon since the first grade, and they had been quite the friends. Mabel eventually entered the class, sitting next to Dipper. Gideon blushed, seeing as his long-time crush sitting so close to him.

"Hi M-Mabel."" Gideon stuttered. Mabel waved and got out her books. Ms. Lazy Susan closed the door. "Ok students. Nate!" "Here." "Thompson!" "Here." "Robbie!" "Here." "Dipper!" "Here." Dipper's voice cracked. He could hear the laughs from behind him. "Mabel!" "Here." "Your hot!" "How could a girl so cute look anything like that dumbass shes sitting next to?!" Dipper tried to hide his tears by pretending he was yawning. Mabel glanced at Dipper, part of her feeling sorry for him. "Alright, I assume from that comment that everyones here?" Ms. Susan asked. The class managed a 'Yes.' "Oh, look at the time, your dismissed for lunch!" Ms. Susan called out.

The class instantly got up and left. Dipper thought about skipping lunch, he wasn't hungry and not that excited to have a piece of his own pumpkin pie shoved in his face. Dipper decided to go straight into gym, where he could work out for a little bit. He smiled sadly, taking out his phone and headphones, he listened to 'Disco-Girl' by Babba. Dipper started doing push-ups and curl-ups, as many as he possibly could. Dipper worked the lunch period away, his stress easing a bit. Dipper reached for his rag, wiping the sweat from his forehead. He put his phone away, and cleaned himself up.

The bell rang again, ending Dipper's work-out session. He quickly sprinted out of the gym and back into class. Just in time, the rest of the class had just started to show up. "Where have you been, loser?" Robbie spat out. Dipper didn't say a word. Robbie shoved him. "Where have you been, loser?" He repeated. Dipper trembled slightly, still not saying anything. Before Robbie could deliver Dipper a punch in the face, Ms. Susan came. "Hello class, please sit in your seats." She said. Dipper found his way to his seat, and sat down. Robbie passed him on his way to his seat, and shoved him again. His friends laughed. Dipper tightened his fists, wishing he could go home and end this madness.

Second period ended before Dipper knew it. "Class is dismissed!" Ms. Susan said. The class rushed out the door, leaving Dipper packing up. Dipper left, heading straight to his locker. Two hands grabbed Dipper's shirt and lifted him up in the air. Robbie seemed to be enjoying every moment of this.

"Hey, leave him alone!"