The next morning I went looking for Rick, he nearly got me caught yesterday and I wanted to talk to him. He was alone in his room everyone else downstairs eating or doing whatever the little kids did, I didn't knock just pushed through his door.

"Whoever it is I'm not in a good mood so leave me alone" he said casually facing away from the door.

"I will, if you do" I snapped, Rick turned around quickly a mixture of sadness and rage in his eyes,

"What's that's suppose to mean" he said sitting in his chair

"You know exactly what I mean" I said marching over and kicking him off the chair, he looked up surprised; I grabbed his collar and pulled him up shoving him up against the wall.

"I don't know what the hell you thought you were doing, being snitch or tell tale or whatever! But you are becoming very irritating and intrusive so piss off!" I spat.

"Will's not a great person either I'm doing you a favour trying to break you up" he said this enraged me further.

"Will is better than any person in this dump he is more caring than any one of you guys, you're not doing me a favour trust me. If you pull another stunt like that I swear to god I will beat you up." he looked at me stunned "Got it" I snapped, he nodded and I dropped him and walked out leaving him quite confused.

I found Mike quite easily downstairs he was cleaning up the living room which was littered with food wrappers, no doubt ably Tyler's. I sauntered in a poked his shoulder, he jumped and then his face relaxed into the warm and welcoming Mike we all knew and loved.

"What's up kiddo?" he said continuing to pick up the litter on the sofa. I had the whole story covered I was close with Kim at school and she was going to the party anyway but she said she would cover me whilst I went Wills after.

"Well Kim at school she's invited me to a party, it's just a bunch of us from school going and then she said I could stay at hers after. Can I go" I asked hopefully. He looked at me in a thoughtful way and I wondered whether he could tell I was lying, I didn't think I was that bad at it, or was I?

"I don't see why not you have been very good recently just get Kim's mum to ring me okay?" he said I nodded and ran off to grab my phone. First I texted Kim and I told her to fake a phone call from her mum to Mike about the party and she was very pleased she could put her impressions to good use. I then texted Will telling him that I could my friend was covering me. He replied saying,

"This party's gunna be so good" and he sent a mischievous face afterwards, I smiled to myself I was so excited for the party and the night that awaited it.