A/N: I don't even have a computer anymore. Wordpad is hell. I'm also Miraculous Ladybug trash now (also writing a fanfic about it at the moment). I also feel like my writing style changed? You guys tell me, please. Guys, I really appreciate your review, really. Yes, Winry is short for something (a kinda crazy something), Orion isn't blesses or a child of my God and this chapter replies to half your questions. I love your suggestions and you guys can send me a message or ask a question at my tumblr (marrys-dream word). You all are the best and I would love to answer all your inquiries.
Orion didn't know how to explain what happened at the zoo.
His mother questioned him and he told her the whole truth, but they didn't know what to really make out of it at the beginning. None of the zoo employees were able to find anything wrong with the glass that was trapping the snake and he was sure it vanished for a moment. Also, the shakes talked to him (and what a pal, he hoped the boa constrictor had found happiness)! They came to the most possible conclusion: maybe Orion was a demigod.
These weird powers sure looked like symptoms of demigodness. But surely monsters would have come after him, right? But, there were also gods that were better at hiding, like the goaded of magic, Hecate. Could he a son of Hecate? Maybe that would answer why strange things always happened to him, like possible flying and changing thing's colors(that surely made them wonder, before, but none were so bluntly obvious). His mother was quite unhappy with the prospect that both her children were in so much danger, quickly trying to come up with reason why such a thing couldn't be.
While Sally was freaking out, Orion wasn't sure if it was the best or worst thing that could possibly happen.. If he was a demigod, he would be monster target, unloved by a mother that could find him easily and would never be safe again. But, he could live at camp, with his sister; the amazing Andrew she talked about so much ("someone has a crush" he sang once she started talking, but she just rolled her eyes), sympathetic Grover and cool Luka Castellano.. He could go on quests, learn how to defend himself and maybe meet people like him. He would be less lonely. Sadly, mother wouldn't.
Trying to take her mind out of depressing thoughts, Sally took him anywhere she could, they went to the movies, to the park and even walked around aimless around the city. It was kind of fun, even with the lingering nervous atmosphere. His mother winced every time she hear about the incident and the zoo and hesitated to answer the phone the few times Winry called. Then, after a week, the best of thing ever happened.
"Lil' bro!" He was awoken by a huge weight pressing down upon him and two muscular arms crushing him.
"Get off me! You've gotten fat." Even with the automatic response, it took a few moment for him to realize who was smothering him.
Wiggling vengeful for the commentary, on top of him, was Winry Jackson. She looked like she hadn't slept in days, showed bruises under her eyes and messy braids that were barely there. But her green eyes shined with loved while looking and him and her smile was playful and happy. He reflexively tithed his arms around her, beaming back.
"What are you doing here, you idiot?" She stopped wiggling and flopped down next to him, legs tangled with his. A thought came and fear gripped his chest. "Did you come by plane?"
"Yep, almost had a breakdown about a hundred of times, but I overcame it." She said with pride, raising her arms above her hair. Seeing her brother's scowl, her smile softened. "Hey, Uncle Zeus and me are the best pals ever now, remember?"
The way she looked nervously to the ceiling as she said it didn't convince him, but he nodded anyway.
"Since there are no take backs, you can stay." He sighed dramatically, sitting up. "But you are sleeping on the ground."
"Jerk." She bumped their shoulder, also sitting up. Suddenly, she sobered. "Mom told me what happened."
He was now hyper aware of his mother sitting on her bed, looking at both of them with eyes filled with worry and fondness.
"I talked to Chiron and Mister D, but they told me there wasn't anyway to tell for sure before we got back home." She said, then scrunched her nose. "Well, Chiron said that, Mr. D just didn't care. Called me Winfred and told me that 'yes, you can leave camp to protect Harold'."
"You came here to protect me?" He was feeling touched, but regretful. He didn't want to ruin Winry's summer. "Aren't you going to miss camp?"
"I missed you more." She said like it was the most obvious thing in the word. His mother awww'd and his heart warmed. "Also, the guys at the reception gave me this. They said it was for this room."
She handed their mother a letter, who frowned as she read who it was addressed to..
"Wrong address, probably." Sally said easily and the two shrugged. If she didn't think it was important , they wouldn't too.
Nothing too strange happened for the next few days. Winry told him about camp, her friends and the activities. The climbing wall sound like hell, but a strangely fun kind of hell. Although everything Andrew did sounded really nerdy, he always seemed to be fun and witty. Orion also really wanted to meet Luka, a cool daughter of Hermes who taught his sister to do her braids and sword fight. However, something that was kind of weird kept happening and their mother was getting really stressed over it.
Some letters were showing up everyday at their hotel room. At first, they didn't even want to think about it, just some post mistake. Unfortunately, more and more came. Soon, there were four to ten letters slipping under their door everyday. They changed hotels twice, each swearing they didn't know who was bringing them. When they asked their mother what they were about, she dismissed it, saying it was just a terrible prank. Winry whispered to him at night, saying they were addressed to someone called H. Potter, each time with their room address perfectly.
Sally didn't like to talk about it and they tried to ignore it the best the could. On Sunday, things scale tee quickly. They were having breakfast, Orion and Winry being dramatic over the lack of blue food and their mother smiling happily. He suspected that maybe she was content with the fact there were no posts on that day, so no letters. Unfortunately, that notion was proved wrong when about fifty letters started to pour through the windows.
Always on guard, his sister leaped from her sit and ran toward the windows, not caring about the envelopes that hit her skin started to close them. His mother got up after, helpfully closing the window left and phoning the reception, asking for someone to clean up the room, Orion just stared a the seven or so letter that slipped under the door, all addressed to H. Potter.
"They were owls, Andy, owls." After the hotel employees threw the letters away and their mother went out, searching for another place to stay, Winry decided to get help.
"I got it, seaweed brain." Andrew Chase, son of Athena and certificated wise boy rolled his eyes fondly at his friend. No matter how many times he saw Iris Message, Orion always thought it was cool. "I just have no idea what it could possibly be."
"Oh, so now you don't know everything." Naturally, that elicited an idignated response from the boy.
He had already talked to Andrew before through Iris Message, but the way banter happened between him and his sister was fluid like water. The two seemed so familiar with each other already, even with only meeting a moth before. Orion wished he could have friends like that too one day.
"Alright, alright, I will look into it, but I don't promise anything." However, the look in his eyes was one of determination, promising he would research until his eyeballs dropped.
"Thank you." Orion said honestly. Even though he wasn't as active as his sister and mother about his dislike of the letters, it still existed. His sister's friend smile softly.
"You're welcome."
Two days passed and Andrew still didn't IM them again, their new hotel room wasn't one of the best, two beds and an old carpet. No TV and they had to eat their meals somewhere else. There had been two or three letters since them, but not as much as before. Orion hopped whoever was sending them had finally gotten the right address or sent their crazy owls somewhere else. He just wanted to enjoy his trip.
There was a storm that night and the sibling were huddled together on their bed. Winry pretending she wasn't scared of the rumble of thunder and flashes of lighting and Orion pretending he didn't notice, while resting his head on hers. They couldn't really sleep, because the noises of the storm were getting louder.
BOOM! Alright, maybe that wasn't thunder. Orion sat up, his sitting up and reaching for her pen while their mother woke up. There was someone outside and they were kocking at the door. In the middle of a storm. At midnight. What the Hades.