Disclaimer: I own nothing. No horcruxes, fem-harry and AU literally.
Chapter 1
They avoided me now, I didn't know how to handle what was going on. Voldemort had resurrected himself, I had a brother who was the supposed boy-who-lived and after the week of me upping and disappearing every time they tried to talk to me about what happened with Voldemort they'd stopped trying. They being my parents.
Yeah, my name is Catalina Rose Potter and after fighting and defeating Voldemort I was suddenly and unexplainably dumped into another reality to live it all over again. I was surrounded by dead people, I thought with a shudder and here we go again.
"I think I hate me," I said definitively as I pieced together my other self's life. I sounded shy, bland, cowardly and barely there at all. My grades had been atrocious and I had no friends because I had been socially inept. My parents had obviously tried to love us both but my brother Eric, smug, arrogant little prick he was, still was the favourite and with the personality exhibited by other me I wasn't surprised. Enough was enough. I couldn't in my own head refer to them as mum and dad for some reason, probably because my mum and dad had died for me and they weren't them.
The juvenile posters lining my wall were ripped unceremoniously off, my childish sheets with moving wizarding cartoons were tossed on the floor, books, figurines, games and all other manor of childish rubbish was packed into boxes and cleared away.
"Catalina, what are you doing?" Lily demanded as she saw my bare room and the money sitting on my bed. I wanted to say growing up, instead I said.
"Distracting myself and redecorating," I said shrugging. Her face softened and she tossed me a card.
"Stay close to the house," she said letting me leave the house. I pulled on a coat and made my way to the mall. I got myself a new wardrobe, combat clothes as well as sexy ones, casual and formal. Shoes and boots joined the list. Make-up was shoved into a bag and I picked up paint and silk sheets. The thrift shop had some beautiful antiques and crystal figurines that seemed beautiful and exotic.
When I got home I managed a customary not hungry before pulling my room apart and everything away from the wall. The rose coloured walls were covered in a bluish grey and the ceiling looked like a galaxy swirl. It took a week but I needed the time to think. I barely spoke to anyone that came and Sirius had taken to curling up on my bed in dog form.
When the walls dried I pushed all the furniture back, made the bed with the silver silk sheets and put up my figurines, an entire wall was free for me to use as a planning wall. I showered and dressed in a pair of blue skinny jeans, a tank top, eyeliner lined my eyes and I fishtailed my long inky black hair down my right shoulder.
"Catalina Rose Potter, what are you wearing?" James yelled when he caught sight of me.
"Clothes," I said in a deadpan voice picking up the prophet. More sly little comments designed to make me uncomfortable, "The man running our country is a moron," I sighed.
"Since when have you cared much for politics?" Eric sneered. I just looked at him to say you cannot possibly be that stupid. If I was going to get people's act together I was going to have to wait until Hogwarts, because that was where it started last time. In the shadows that the hallways created.
"Kids, there's something that I want to talk to you about, you know that we moved back to London for a reason right?" Lily asked gently.
"You're moving the order in here," I finished, "You really weren't that discrete when you were talking about it." I added the last part when they looked at me suspiciously. It was strange to watch things from this perspective, I thought to myself. Was this how it had been done in my old dimension except to me?
Eric syndrome, I decided to call it. The fact that I was the one to meet Voldemort didn't matter, they saw Eric and suddenly the world revolved around him. He was the boy-who-lived. I wanted to laugh, they could think and wish that all they wanted, I know I did, but I still had the scar.
"It's not fair, I want to know what's going on," Eric whined that night at dinner, "I deserve to because he's going to be after me now he's back." If he hadn't milked being the boy-who-lived at every chance he got I might have felt sympathetic. As it stood I didn't.
"They're not going to tell you," I said irritated, "If you want to know so bad figure it out yourself."
"Shut up," he snapped, "Even if they did tell me there's no reason for them to tell you."
"Yes, I saw the snake-faced bastard return and yet your well thought out argument is completely logical," I said drolly, "How silly of me." I was chastised for my language but I didn't care.
"And don't you forget it," he said smugly and while all of his little friends, that used to be my friends in another world ranged from surprised at his stupidity (Hermione) and nodding along with what he was saying (everyone else).
"That's enough, bed all of you," Mrs Weasley snapped before they could begin arguing about hearing more information.
"Not you Catalina," James said as the rest filled out of the kitchen. I waited before they were all out of the room before I spoke.
"Please tell me that you dropped Eric on his head as a baby?" I asked seriously, making tiny giggles being drawn from the less mature, before they silenced on the serious matter that we were about to discuss.
"That's the first time that you've brought it up since it happened," Lily pointed out softly.
"It's not a great memory," I said flatly, "So are you really surprised by the fact that I'm not chatty Kathy about it?"
"We still expected… something," James said finally, "Just anything… you can talk to us you know."
"Why? You won't talk to me," I returned before turning to leave them gobsmacked, "Goodnight."
"You're going to figure it out for yourself," Moody grunted, hazarding a guess.
"Well I have got all the pieces, unless you're going to save me the trouble," I answered candidly. They looked at me in surprise and something clicked in James.
"Let hear it," he said in a funny voice. I turned the seat around and sat so in could lean my arms on the chair while still face forward. Alright, I thought why the hell not? The eavesdroppers at the door might learn something important.
"Ok," I said calmly, "The dork lord was talking about recruiting all kinds of dark creatures, giant's, werewolves', dementor's, excreta, excreta. At a guess Hagrid's taken off to talk to the giants with Madam Maxine, I could probably figure out the rest but moving on."
"How do you know this?" Tonks asked in a quiet voice, eyeing me strangely.
"I was traumatised not deaf," I retorted, "You lot have been on about guard duty for weeks, something to do with the Department of Mysteries. There's a lot down there, but whatever it is we can't get it. If we could take it we wouldn't standing guard. On the flip side it looks like it's something they can't take either. If I really wanted to know I'd need a field trip and I have a feeling that'd end badly for everyone."
"You're nowhere near done are you?" Lily asked in a dazed voice, her face slightly paling.
"Nope. There are a few of you that work at the ministry, you're not saying that you believe his back because they'll sack you," I continued, "However if you run around like ignorant sheep that believe everything the prophet tells them then you'll be able to get intel that could be invaluable. A changed law, an overheard conversations. Bad guys go where the power is, and the politicians have the power."
"So you believe that shutting up is the right course of action?" James said furiously.
"I believe that you pick who does the rallying, because sometimes lifesaving information is just office gossip," I said after a moment, "Dumbledore is screaming the truth at the top of his lungs but the world is too scared to believe it. So they'll ignore it until someone with the power to do something about it sees Mouldy-shorts with their own eyes."
"Where are all these nicknames coming from?" Sirius said with faint amusement clouding his eyes, "And is there anything else you want to share with the class Miss Potter?"
"Yeah, find someone to fill the defence post before the ministry does or us students, are all screwed," I said blandly. They looked confused and started protesting.
"Why?" Kingsley asked curiously. I blew out a sigh and watched Mrs Weasley fume silently out of the corner of my eye. Oh well, there wasn't much she could do about it.
"Do I have to do all your thinking for you?" I asked him raising an eyebrow, "You're all clever boys and girls, figure it out."
"If you were of age I'd ask you to join," Moody said gruffly.
"If I were of age I'd say no," I returned. They squawked indignantly. "You want to know why?" I asked in a soft voice when they'd quieted down, "Let me give you a for instance. You're fighting multiple Death Eaters, ones got the first half of the killing curse on his lips and you have a clean shot, do you stun them or do you cast a severing charm and take their wand arm?"
"Stun," majority of them protested. I shook my head.
"Another Death Eater has snuck around while you're fighting someone else and revives them, your now fighting three Death Eaters by yourself, congratulations your now finger-paint coating a wall," I said in a toneless voice.
"I have back up," Tonks said trying to find a way out.
"They've disappeared into the fight and oh no, they've just killed someone you care about," I replied swiftly. She swallowed with a determined look.
"There alone," she countered.
"You've just sent them to prison and in a world where you're lucky enough to have this happen all the time Azkaban is now full of Death Eaters and he-who-must-not-be-gnomed has decided to launch a prison break," I said back, "Not only getting back every Death Eater you put there but those still loyal to him from the last go around."
"And if you severed there arm?" she asked in defeat.
"There in debilitating pain, should they work through that they won't have an arm to cast with," I said, "Even if they use their other hand there aim will be bad and that gives you the advantage and life is extended to you and you back up all round."
"Are you sure?" Remus asked and there was soft lilt in his voice that hinted at something that had my parents looking nervous. I met his gaze evenly.
"As sure as I am that those upstairs are listening to our every word," I replied honestly, and really that had been the plan. "Now if you'll excuse me," I said over there loud protesting, "I think it's time for me to go to bed now."
I've read plenty of these types of stories when Harry or fem-Harry just shuts up and tries to blend. I figure given the right circumstances, like witnessing Voldemort's return would allow her some breathing room for change. What did you think? Review me.