New Story!

I've seen a few "slave" stories done, and was completely in love with them!

Decided to try my own.

Let me know what you think! :)

Disclaimer: I wish...

"I love that!" Caroline exclaimed, reaching around and pulling up the sundress Elena had just finished hanging up.

The brunette smiled, "Just got a whole new stock of them."

"Okay that's good, God knows we've been needing something to brighten this place! All the winter clothes were dreary, but corporate was insistent and it's hard to say no to someone who funds the entirety of your life!"

Elena nodded, continuing to hang the new items.
Boutique Forbes was the clothing store that Caroline had worked to get for years.
It was the best place to shop in the whole town and everyone knew it.
She'd worked hard, and made quite a name for herself in the society.

Even if all the customers are blood sucking demons, Elena thought, then immediately felt bad. They weren't all bad, Caroline stood as a fine example. And of all the vampire's she could have been sold to, she should count her blessings that it was the perky blond that bought her.

It was hard not to remember those days. When she'd been a part of the human world, and had a life outside the city. Unfortunately, at sixteen she'd been one of the younger ones rounded up to be taken to the market.

The vampires owned everything the humans had. The houses, the land, and even most of the trades...if you couldn't pay your dues, whether it be rent or taxes, they settled for your first born. Elena's father had passed only a few days after her sixteenth birthday. She and her mother worked as hard as possible, to feed themselves and Jeremy, her little brother, and to keep things running, but the money didn't last long, and time ran out.

Elena had been taken to the town over; the one inhabited strictly by vampires. For a human to enter willingly was suicide. She'd been led by a 'government' official to an least that was the way it was set up. Tears had filled her eyes, seeing the humans, some she'd known her whole life, brought up on the wooden stage and sold like cattle. Then there were the vampires themselves.

Most stood distanced and aloof, only shouting prices, others conversing about whatever it was the un-dead talked about. She'd refused to let them see her tears though, as her turn came to be drug on the stage. She'd stood there, her grey dress torn and ragged from the walk over, as the creatures called out the number they'd give for her.

It felt like an eternity. The price getting higher and higher, until finally a little blond got the last call. Elena was taken to her, where the girl demanded that the official cut the ropes from Elena's hand.

This had shocked the young girl, as had the smile that lit up the blond's face.

"Come on!" She'd called, then added, "And please don't try to run...It'll only cause problems," her eyes flickered to the others around her, before inclining her head. And for some reason, Elena followed.

Now, two years later, Caroline was close to her, practically a best friend. Elena was very fortunate indeed, allowed good clothes, three meals a day, and even a little personal money for the work she did in the store. She'd seen some slaves walk in and out of Boutique Forbes with their masters, some looking miserable, others hungry and bruised. Caroline was nothing like some of the others out there. Only ever feeding from Elena's wrist, a necessity for living.

The two had worked well together, and Elena was mostly happy. And once a trust was established between them, Caroline had allowed her to visit her village twice a month, to see her family and friends. Her life could be worse.

Rebeka walked in the store then, carrying her rather large Prada bag.

"How's it going?" She called over to Caroline, who was counting the money at the register.

"Not bad," the latter replied, "We've had plenty of sales for the morning, and the rate has doubled since last month."

Rebeka nodded. She was Caroline's assistant, and had always been kind to Elena, though the brunette had her skepticism. Rebeka was the youngest of the Mikalsons, very old vampires, and her brothers ran this town.

"Did you hear?" she asked in her thick eastern accent.

"About what, exactly?" Caroline asked.

Elena, who was setting up jewelry next to them, pretended not to listen.

"It's all over the news!" Rebeka reached into her bag and pulled out the daily paper.

"No!" Caroline exclaimed, looking at it, and Elena's interest perked.

"I know!" Rebeka shook her head, "I have no idea what Elijah was thinking! I mean, him of all the people."

"Seriously! I knew your brother was friends with him, but this is kind of..."

"Big?" Rebeka offered and Caroline nodded.

Elena's curiosity got the best of her then.

"What's going on?"

Caroline looked over at her, then passed her the paper. The headline was big and centered.


"But I thought Elijah was in term for another year?" She looked at the two vampires, "And don't the people get to vote in the new elective."

Caroline started to answer, but Rebeka cut her off, "This isn't like the petty elections that the human's engage in, Elena. In our society, the governor is determined by his predecessor.
Elijah chose Damon. Though I have no clue why. He's a complete..."

"Ass?" Caroline finished, and Rebeka giggled.

"Well, yeah."

Elena looked at the paper conflicted, "So what does this mean for the town?"

Caroline shrugged, "Maybe nothing, maybe a lot." She said this last part coldly.

"You don't like him?" Elena guessed.

"Damon is persistent," she said, then continued to add, "The things he wants, he gets. And he will go to any means to make this so. If he has good intentions, that can be an admirable trait, if not...he could very well burn us all into the ground."

"Oh, Don't sugar coat it," Rebeka told her, "Damon would do more than that. He'd set the world ablaze just to stand atop it as we turned to ash."

Elena almost gulped, "Is he really that bad?"

"Worse," Rebeka muttered.

"At least he didn't toy with your head," Caroline sighed.

"When you were human?" Elena asked, intrigued.

Caroline nodded, "It was years ago. He'd come into my village, and I was taken with him. Of course I'd yet to be taught the nature of a vampire. He compelled me, seduced me, then once he was done, handed me off to the markets. Luckily, there were more humans than vampires at that point, so I was turned instead of sold."

"Well at least you have the excuse of being compelled," Rebeka pointed out.

"You too?" Elena's eyes widened. Rebeka wasn't exactly a girl you could toy with.

She nodded, "He may be an ass, but he has other...attributes. I was smitten from the start, only to find that he was in it more for the game...the chase. The catch is never as fun for him."

"So what happened?" Elena asked.

"Nothing. I was his friend's sister. Besides Kol and Klaus would have killed him if he'd done anything too horrendous."

"So you just parted off as good friends?" Caroline asked sarcastically.

"Of course not...but we did sever ties after the one night. No need to complicate it."

Caroline laughed and Elena gave a bemused shake of the head.

"Whatever you say," Caroline added, "I just hate him for taking half my workers."

"What do you mean?" Elena asked, slightly concerned.

Caroline looked up, and an awkwardness settled in.

"Um...just that he...well."

Elena raised an eyebrow.

"Damon knows I order the best. I have to, image is everything in this business. So when he needs a new servant, he helps himself to one of mine. He's too damn proud to go down and actually buy a good one himself."

"But...if he's so bad, why would you-"

"Sell? Because he doesn't exactly give me much choice," A slight pout had entered Caroline's voice.

"Damon is loaded," Rebeka added, "If we ever refuse a sell to him, he threatens to buy us out. And he can."

"Harsh," Elena said quietly.

Caroline shrugged, "Well lately he's been having Stefan do the runs for him, going to the market and buying."

"Stefan?" Elena was confused for a moment, "You mean the cute one that comes in here to flirt with you?"

Caroline laughed a little, "Yeah, that one."

"But why would he-" Elena stopped, " the two are related? Him and Damon, I mean?"

Rebeka nodded, "Brothers."


Caroline shook her head, "Come on, guys, we still have work to do. We can contemplate Damon, and your brother's stupid decision, later."

The rest of the day flew by quickly, and soon, Caroline was locking up. Turning to look down the cobbled street.

"At least it's finally getting warmer. Summer always has cuter clothes."

Elena, next to her, laughed.

"It's true!" Caroline insisted.

"Well, I'm just glad that the last of the snow is behind us," Elena sighed, crossing her arms against the slight breeze.

"Human's are slightly more fragile," Caroline agreed.

They continued the walk home over light small talk. And eventually, reached Caroline's house. It wasn't as grand as some of the vampire's, but it was much larger than the small cottage she'd lived in back home.

There were three rooms, two bathrooms, and lots of space. Elena truly liked being here. Out of the public eye, where she and Caroline could just chill.

All of the vampire society approached humans in different ways. Most with an assumed superiority. But Caroline had always treated Elena as an equal, giving her freedom and letting her make choices. However, there were some others that scoffed her for it. That believed humans were objects, assets for them to command. It wasn't illegal to be nice to humans, but Caroline had suffered socially for it.

And as far as the law went, the vampires had plenty.

It was illegal to turn a human without the approval of the board and/or the governor.

It was illegal for a non-registered human to be in the town.

It was illegal for humans to purchase items without a written consent of their master.

It was illegal for any human to rebel against their master, run away, or attempt to kill.

A human must allow their master to feed from them.

A human must wear only or own only the object given or allowed by their master.

And it was illegal for a vampire to be emotionally attached enough that they would stop the death of a human if one of the above laws was broken.

For Elena, it was simple really. Keep her head down during the day, do as Caroline asked, and enjoy the benefits that she was allowed. It worked, and she had been kept safe. However, Caroline and Rebeka's description of this new governor had spooked her a little. From what she understood, Elijah was just. He was reasonable, and tried to do the right thing. She'd felt safe while the town was under his rule. Unlike her first year when she'd come, and Klaus had been governor. The laws had been stricter then, and she felt as though she could die any day.

She wasn't sure how this term with Damon would go, but she prayed to keep her life as it was.

Unfortunately, the next days events would change it for good.

Okay, first chapter!

Let me know if this is going anywhere, or if it's even interesting! Lol.

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Just one little click ;)