
The freezing winter air slashed through the cold, wolf moon light night. Two figures rode a gleaming white mare, running in a great hurry. Little did they know they were pursued by a 13 year old rider. His grey stallion and midnight black hair made him near invisible and allowed him to track the suspious characters without detection. As the two hooded people came to a stop, the boy remained in the shadows, taking notice of the small bundle in the woman's arms. They began talking.

"This should be a good spot," the man said in a gruff tone.

"Little demon won't make it through the night. If the wolves don't get her, the cold will," the woman agreed in a heartless tone.

The young man realized that the bundle was actually a child, a baby.

"Little ice demon more like it! Just dump it here and lets get out of here!" He growled. The lady left the child out on a rock, easy for any predator to find.

"See ya, you little freak!" She laughed cruely as they took off into the night. They boy was appalled by the cruelness and the inhumanity of those people, abandoning a child to die in the woods.

As the child began to cry, he heard the distant howling of wolves. He quickly walked over to calm the child. Making a decision, he carried the child and mounted his horse. He couldn't leave the child to die out here. The two rode off into the night. As they continued, he began to understand what that man had ment by 'little ice demon'. You see, his own cloak began to freeze, but it wasn't the weather.

The baby had grabbed his cloak and froze it.