Petra has a lot of swag, fuckin bitches everyday.

Drinking tea. Serving tea.

petra has always been a pimp.

her tea has more swag than her ego.

then one day she was like. Giving tea to heichou and stuff and was like.

ay bitch here's your tea.

He gave her an odd glare.

and petra was like I am the swag queen mm

heichou I have something to say.

and heichou was like.

wat petra.

and she was like

I'm going to be a pimp from now on

and he was like k

so then she lived on as petra the pimp.

excpet for that tree part and dying.

She was gonna be pimpin one day but her dreams were crushed just like her back.

and her dad came up to levi and was like, ay

she admired you enough that you let her join your swaggy squad.

This is my first fanfic :D please review and ignore bad grammar.