An End and a New Beginning

After a long hiatus I am back. I'm not sure what drove me to come back to the pen, but I am glad for both my return and my time away. Returning enabled me to finish a story that had bothered me for years (The Final Debt), while leaving allowed me to focus on priorities in my own life.

With that now out of the way, we can get to the part that everyone really wants to know: Will this story be continued? The answer is YES.

New readers can skip this entirely and go to the new version of this story, Fairies in Negima, which can be accessed through my profile or by using the website's search features. Reading this version of the story may lead to confusion (as I have rewritten large portions of it) and will not help in the long run.

As of 10/28/2018 I was nearly done with the rewrite and can soon start focusing on what lies ahead. The first two or three chapters had minor changes made here and there (a grammar mistake or three that I had missed, mistypes, reworked scenes), but the later chapters were a mess. Oh dear goodness were they a mess. They needed a complete teardown to make the scenes better and the story's plot more coherent. Five chapters became eleven chapters as I changed the structure of scenes, moved their place in the story, or cut them out entirely and put new ones in their place. All told I may have added 10,000 words to the story in the course of the rewrite, but it felt I added 100,000.

My goal is to finish the rewrite, get 2-3 chapters ahead of where I left off (I'm already 1 chapter ahead right now), and begin posting new material by early December. I will be posting updates infrequently once I get past where I left off in the original story as I want to stay 2-3 chapters ahead of you readers. This will allow me to have better quality control, and enable me to make changes to scenes without bothering the readers with update notifications or forcing you to go back and re-read a chapter.

I'll be leaving this fic up as a reminder to myself of how much I have improved as a writer and to keep all of your reviews up for posterity.

The first chapter of the rewritten story will be up tonight and the second will be up tomorrow. The third chapter will be up on Friday, after which I will move to a weekly update until we get to the new material or I reach my 2-3 chapter cushion. At that point I will try to update every 1-2 months… but don't quote me on it. That schedule will be highly dependent on my personal and work life and will be subject to change.

I can't promise that I will finish the new fic. I hope to, but I had hoped to finish this story years ago and we all know how that turned out. What I can promise is that I will bring you further along the path and get you to the Mahora festival – and maybe stick around long enough to go beyond. That is the most honest statement that I can make at this time.

Thank you for all of your support. I look forward to seeing the new reviews – and criticisms – on my new story.

Until Next Time,
