This is a story with fictional characters with names from Norse Mythology. They are NOT the Norse legends, they only share the name. Also, this first chapter is told in the point of view of my OC.

Disclaimer: I do not own Thor, or anything related, I only own my OCs.

I remember it like it was yesterday—the day that I met Loki. I was only a small child at the time, as was he. We had met in the garden; I was there because my father was there speaking with Odin about what moves to make against enemies in a minor battle located on Midgard; and my mother was with Frigga, the two of them did little more than laugh and gossip lightly with one another.

I had been walking around the royal garden, looking at all the beautiful flowers that were constantly filling the Asgardian garden. Just as I rounded the corner of a rose bush, I ended up colliding into a slightly smaller figure; the force of the collision sent the both of us to the ground. I landed with a grunt and he landed with a squeak. When I had looked back up, my eyes fell onto Loki's face; they widened when I saw that he was silently sobbing and looked hurt and affronted.

"I'm sorry!" I had exclaimed loudly while jumping up and running over to the small boy. "Are you all right?! Have I hurt you?" I had begun to panic and to flail my arms as I checked the tiny prince at my feet.

"Shut up, would you?" his voice shook horribly, though it was incredibly harsh in the tone all the while. I froze and stared as Loki glared at me. Something about his tone had been bothersome, and it caused me to frown at the raven haired boy.

"How can you be so rude?" I found my mouth moving before I could think to keep it shut and remain silent. A soundless groan filled my throat as I realized how much trouble I would most likely be in once my mother heard wind of my speaking back to a Prince of Asgard. But I noticed that Loki seemed to freeze at my words; he glared venomously at me. The look made me worry slightly and caused me to shrink into myself, ready to apologize quickly for speaking out of turn.

"I'm rude?!" He shrieked out angrily as he pointed at me accusingly from his spot on the ground. "You are the one to have run into me purposely!"

"Purposely?" I found myself interrupting, my voice thick with curiosity and confusion. "I did no such thing, Young Prince. I had merely been distracted by the beauty within this garden…I truly am sorry for having sent you to the ground, though…" sorrow filled my voice as I began to realize that this was not the first time that Loki had been injured so.

"For truth?" his voice sounded quietly as his emerald eyes scanned my face. I nodded silently at the boy, hoping he would believe my words to be the truth they were. When his body relaxed slightly, I knew that he had believed me; seeing it, a small and pleased smile made its way onto my face. Finally thinking that Loki and I had come to a truce of sorts, I held my hand out to help him up from the ground; his pride seemed too much, though, as he ignored the gesture and stood up on his own. I shrugged it off and stood by his side as he began to move about the garden; it was obvious that the tiny prince was beginning to grow annoyed with me but he was interesting and I felt no need to leave. Not soon after, though, Loki turned to me with a scowl, snarling, "Will you not leave me be?!"

"No," I chirped back, "I will not leave you to be by your lonesome." A smug grin appeared on my lips as I answered; I was quickly finding that Loki was incredibly fun to be around. The boy only glared at me sharply, though, and began to stalk away from me, but it was easy enough to keep with his pace.

It was a while later that Loki decided to simply stop and lay in the shade, blatantly ignoring me. The act did nothing to deter me as I sat beside him. Not soon after that, the elder prince came by with a few of his "friends;" both Loki and I stared at them uninterestedly as Thor stepped up and looked me over. My brows furrowed and my hands clenched into fists as the lackeys behind Thor began to sneer and taunt at Loki. It was rude and completely uncalled for!

"You are the new servant, then?" Thor questioned me. At that inquiry, confusion entered my mind before I looked down at myself and remembered that Father had made me wear my training clothes. My training clothes were no more than rags, peasant wear. With a small sigh, I looked back up to Thor and gave him a curt nod.

"I was assigned to be Prince Loki's personal servant." I announced blankly, giving the younger royal a side glance. "He is to do with me whatever he wishes." My sincere hope was that he would go along with the story as there was no way I would be able to convince Thor of my lineage in my current dress. The young prince looked to me with narrowed eyes for a short moment before he turned to Thor and his brother's companions, Loki then gave them a minute nod. Thor had looked at me with a pout before he spun and walked away, the group tailing after him. Loki then turned to me and glared.

"Why did you have me lie to my brother?" he growled defensively as he crossed his arms. I smiled at him and stepped close, leaning towards him until my mouth was next to his ear. As I made the move, Loki had tensed up and stared at me with wide, panicked eyes.

"Because I would much rather be by your side rather than his." I stated honestly. After that, I moved back and looked down at the slightly shorter child. He had stood there motionless for several minutes before his emerald orbs turned to meet my own.

"Do not lie to me…" Loki's voice wavered as he looked upon me with a mixture of joy, disbelief, hurt and anger. My heart ached with the thought that he assumed and believed my words to be no more than lies.

"My words are not lies!" my voice was filled with immense hurt for Loki. And the more I thought of how Loki had been continuously hurt for him to have such mistrust in another's words, tears were brought to my eyes and were soon streaming down my face. The anger filled me and added onto my overflow of emotions; I could do no more than sob heavily. Loki stared at me in disbelief, his emerald orbs flickered about in a panic, and soon he shuffled over to me.

"Stop it," he murmured sternly, his little hand reaching out for my own. His grasp was firm, but also comforting and gentle. "Crying is unbecoming of you. It makes your moth appear far too large for your face."

"You are cruel," I stated, though slight giggles escaped my throat as I raised my free hand to my face and rubbed at my eyes in an attempt to dry them. "You are not supposed to say such things to a young maiden." Loki's mouth pursed in thought, and through the fog of my tears I could see that the young royal was looking me over. A wobbly, wet smile came to my lips as I muttered, "Yes, I know…I look not the part of a young, fair maiden at the moment, do I?"

I sniffled pathetically and rubbed further at my eyes to dry them, and gazed at Loki. He was looking at me with an unreadable expression adorning his features; his hand squeezed mine more and sent a wave of comfort through me. Without a word, he began to walk me towards the inside of the Asgardian castle, and I found myself following. It was soon after that Loki walked me to where his mother and my own were sitting and chatting; when he had us enter the room, the young prince caught the attention of both women.

"Loki, dear," Frigga breathed curiously as she gazed at the two of us, "What are you doing here?" at the same time, my mother looked at us. When she focused on me, she heaved a baleful sigh.

"I leave it to your father to bring you here, and he brings you dressed in such a fashion!" she shook her head and moved to put a hand on her cheek as she came to stand. Once she was on her feet, my mother stepped over to me; I saw that when those words had left her mouth that Loki fixated wide, bright eyes onto her.

"That is why I came here," he stated confidently, both women looked to him, then to one another, and finally to me. "She wishes to be dressed as a girl."

"Oh, Darling!" My mother breathed mournfully as she stepped in front of me; she bent and picked me up gently. She held me protectively to her chest; reluctantly, I released Loki's hand and moved my arms to wrap them around my mother's neck. I laid my head down on her shoulder though I kept my gaze on Loki. Mother huffed, "I knew I never should have let Vidar bring you here after training. He always does this."

"Dagny, I have dresses that she would be able to have." Frigga murmured softly as she approached the other woman. "I have many dresses that I have bought to give as future gifts. Feel free to take one now."

At that moment, my mother gave Frigga a grateful smile and let the queen lead her to said dresses; all the while that the women walked, Loki was right there. He watched and he waited. As we were about to enter the closet, Loki gave me a look and stopped at the doors. With my mother, the queen and I in the large room full of dresses, the two women began to titter and chat to one another. Mother had put me down on the floor and I shuffled to walk up to a small cushioned stool. While they looked through most of the more complicated and intricate gowns that Frigga had in her possession, my eye was caught by a golden, though rather simply beautiful dress.

"Mother…" my voice sounded weakly, though it caught the attention of both women. The duo stepped over to me, and my mother knelt down by my side swiftly as she questioned what it was that I needed from her. I then pointed at what had piqued my interest and muttered, "Can I wear that dress, Mother?"

Their eyes followed my finger and upon looking at the article of clothing, both women gazed at each other and then to me before soft, affectionate smiles adorned their lips. They made to move towards the gown; soon enough, the pair had me out of my training clothes and into the golden beauty before I could even manage to blink, it seemed. The moment after the garment was upon my person, Mother and Frigga lead me out of the room and to Loki, cooing all the way as they did so.

I found myself staring into emerald pools the moment I left the dressing room and I was unable to break contact. The longer our eyes were locked, the more heat I felt rising to my face. My hands moved to grasp hold of handfuls of the cloth, and my lips tightened into a line as I thought of how ridiculous I must have appeared in the clothing.

Apparently my doubt in my appearance was making itself known in my features because the next thing I knew, Loki had stepped forward, grabbed my hand and leaned close to me. I gazed searchingly at his face and was near asking him what he was meaning to do when the young prince gently pressed a sweet, innocent kiss to my lips. My body stiffened and my eyes were blown wide open with shock, and all the while Frigga and Mother were fawning over the act. When Loki pulled back and looked at me expectantly, I could only remain frozen and look to the boy in question.

"Brother!" Thor's voice sounded through the corridor, the boy's voice was filled with young rage. Both mine and Loki's eyes were turned to gaze upon Thor; I could only feel myself blushing horribly and I moved to stand closer to my mother. Loki glared lightly as Thor began to march up to us, as the blond got closer, my eyes flickered between the brothers. I has a horrid, sinking feeling that something was very near to happening. Soon enough, Thor stopped his rage march in front of Loki and stared down at his younger brother; the blonde's face was a ruddy red.

"May I be able to help you, Brother?" Loki hissed lightly while crossing his arms defiantly.

"You most certainly can!" his young voice roared, and I found myself looking to the doorway and found that Father and Odin were making their ways into the corridor, the both of them were watching with interest. Thor turned and pointed a finger in my face, "How can you lower yourself to being with a servant? You can do much better than her, Loki!"

As the young prince continued yelling, I found myself turning from nervous to angry and every word that left his mouth. Behind me, I could hear Mother and the queen gasping in astonishment at the tone that Thor was taking with me. It was very quick in happening, at one moment both brothers were only growling at each other and with the next, the two were involved in an absolutely horrid shouting match. I found myself watching the two warily; it was no secret that Thor was a boy that tended to react violently when angered. With that in mind, I was fearful of even blinking, thoughts of fear and uncertainty ran through my mind and in one short moment, as Thor made a move that I had quickly deemed unsafe, I found myself lunging between the duo.

Sharp heat exploded throughout my face on the left side, and I found myself stumbling back slightly. Small tears collected in my eyes as I realized that when Thor has punched me, I had bitten down on the inside of my mouth. Blood hit my taste buds and as I made moves to swallow. I looked up to see that Thro was gazing upon me with a bit of shock splashed upon his features; it was only a small moment before newly formed rage once again overtook his face.

"How dare you do that!" Thor screamed as he drew his fist back once again to lash out. My eyes narrowed, and Father's training came to mind as my body acted on instinct; as the young prince's fist came close to me, my hand went up and caught his. When he attempted to punch me with his other hand, the same thing occurred; at that moment, Thor obviously had no clue of what to do. Upon seeing that expression, I found myself smirking triumphantly; I slowly reared my head back as far as I could while keeping a grip on Thor's hands, and then slammed my head forward into his own. I heard a wet crunch when my forehead met Thor's nose, and as soon as the sound met my ears, my grip loosened allowing Thor's hand to drop from my own. I stepped back to survey my work and found the first prince kneeling on the ground, holding how, now heavily, bleeding nose.

Just after that, I heard my father burst out in laughter as he made his way to my side. Not far behind him, my mother was storming towards my location; upon hearing the urgency with which she stepped, I knew I was in more trouble than I had ever before been in. When Father reached me, he lifted me onto his hip with my face looking at his own; his face was contorted with amusement, pride, and joy. His calloused fingers gently prodded at the tender skin on my cheek and forehead.

"You make me proud, my Little Warrior!" his deep voice boomed like a rock slide. I could do nothing but preen at the praise, though that was brought to an abrupt end when Mother took me from his arms. She instantly began to fuss over my bleeding mouth and bruised forehead.

"Is she in good health?" Loki's little voice cut through tall the side chatter and my gaze went to the direction from which I heard it. There he stood, silent and concerned; his emerald orbs were shining brightly.

"I am fine," I answered with a wide grin; no matter the trouble that would come afterward, there was no way that my victory over the Heir of Asgard would be dulled. But that did not mean that Thor would not attempt to get a few last jabs in to try to recover a bit of his pride.

"How could you, Loki?" his muffled voice spat, "How could you let a servant girl protect you in such a fashion? Are you not royalty?!" as he continued to spit insult after insult at Loki, fury bubbled in my stomach.

"How dare you!" I hissed and squirmed, silently telling Mother to put me down on the ground. Once my feet were solidly upon the earth, I stomped forward. "Are you not his brother? Yet you threaten him with bodily harm?! And were you not there when it was earlier proclaimed that I was Loki's to do with which he pleased? Obviously you were, seeing as how you only remember the title that I spit out! But do you truly know the position of a servant to a royal?"

"To serve us, of course!" he snarled, removing his hand from his nose. Thor sent me a horrific snarl.

"That, and to protect, no matter the circumstance!" I snapped, crossing my arms. Then, a tiny inkling of doubt flooded through me and I turned to Father. "That is correct, right, Papa?"

"Of course, Little Warrior!" he laughed heartily and grinned down proudly at me. Beside him, my mother had warring expressions before she turned an apologetic gaze to both Odin and Frigga. I looked sadly to my mother and focused my gaze onto the floor.

"Mother…" I murmured, looking up to her helplessly, "Do you wish for me to apologize?" I scanned her features carefully, waiting to find out the answer to my question. A moment before Mother was about to answer, Frigga's voice cut through the air.

"You have naught to apologize for, Child…" she stated while stepping forward. Thor looked at his mother with a scandalized expression; he stammered and whined that she had "taken the enemies' side," but Frigga ignored her child and approached me. "I thank you for your courage against our foolish prince. Maybe, you have taught him some humility."

"Aye," Odin chortled as he stepped up beside his wife, "Though, I do believe that he has learned some sort of lesson from his defeat."

It was soon after that the adults went on to speak amongst themselves. I then turned to both of the princes and uncertainly straightened the dress that I had worn; slowly, I made my way up to them and then curtsied unsteadily.

"I apologize to the both for one thing, and one thing alone," I spoke strictly and seriously as I looked upon the both of them. They stared back, both pairs of eyes locked widely upon me. "I give you my apologies for having left my name in the shadows, but I turn the light to it now when I announce that I am Nanna Vidardottir, daughter of Vidar the Forest Warrior!" once my introduction was over, Thor was pulled away to go to the healers, leaving Loki alone in my presence. While we stood there, I felt heat grace my face once again the longer he gazed at me, and soon enough I found myself stuttering, "W-why do you gaze at me so?"

"I have made my decision." He stated simply as he looked upon me happily, "I have decided that you will be my queen when I rule with Thor in the future."