Disclaimer I don't own Sherlock as rights belong to the BBC.

I also don't own Disney or Disneyland or any characters and all rights belong to Disney.

The newest case made them end up in Disneyland. Women were getting kidnapped at the theme park and there was no sign of the person who was taking them away. After four weeks of women getting kidnapped and not one being found, the President was getting slightly concerned. Despite all this happening, Disneyland was still open and life in the park went normally even though women were getting kidnapped, but then again Disneyland was meant to be the 'happiest place on earth' and if the word of people getting kidnapped got out, it would slash the painting of happiness that Disneyland had created for itself. Mostly due to the fact that Sherlock had been smoking again due to the lack of cases and the president owed Mycroft a favour, Sherlock was in Disneyland and he dragged his flatmates with him.

"Sherlock, stop complaining or I won't let you go on Pirates of the Caribbean." John threatened as he put on the last of his costume on – the Donald Duck head. John inspected himself in the mirror and felt rather stupid-more than usual. In their past cases Sherlock had forced John to dress up in various costumes from a woman to a pink rabbit to the bottom half of a pantomime cow - but that is another story. Even though he had only been wearing the costume for a few minutes he was already sweating in it and he had an immense hatred for the person who designed the costumes.

Sherlock sighed at the Snow White costume that was hanging up right in front of him and instantly regretted taking the case that his brother gave to him as the president owed him a favour for something. "John, why do I have to be a princess?" Sherlock complained "I want to have another costume."

"Sherlock, the only costume left was Snow White, so put it on yourself or I will shove it up somewhere not nice." John threatened.

"John, you are a doctor and you should know this, but it is not possible for you to shove a costume up my bum." Sherlock smirked "And you call yourself a doctor, even Anderson would know that, and he couldn't find his face if he was standing in front of a mirror holding a biology textbook."

"Sherlock, don't annoy me right now, I am dressed up as Donald Duck and I am not going to be fully responsible for my actions right now." John sent a glare at the detective but it lost some effect as he was a giant duck.

"Who is Donald Duck?" Sherlock asked as he thought it would be a good idea to change the topic as he knew that John could easily make his life a living hell and John fought in hell for three years so he had experience.

"Sherlock, everyone knows who Donald Duck is!" John exclaimed as he threw his arms in the air after seeing the blank expression on the detectives face. "We are in the magic kingdom and you don't know anything about Disney, how can you live with yourself?"

"What is a Disney?" Sherlock asked.

John loudly sighed "While we are here, you are going to absorb all of the Disney magic that is in this park and you are going to enjoy it. Now go and put your make up on."

"I heard shouting, is Sherlock dead?" Anderson asked as he walked into the changing room with some files, wearing his normal clothes and not a stupid costume.

"He might be is he doesn't put on his costume." John smirked, Anderson nodded and mumbled John having a 'bad day'. Of course John would be having a bad day mostly as he was dressed up as a large duck on a day when the weather was boiling hot.

"Anderson, where is your costume?" Sherlock asked. "John, Anderson doesn't have a costume. If he is not wearing one then I am not wearing one." Sherlock moaned and stamped foot.

"I have seen better behaved children today." Anderson rolled his eyes. "You really need to grow up and stop acting like a child."

"Anderson, the moment you saw a large mouse, you ran up to it and hugged it and took a picture. Your definition of 'acting like a child' is clearly wrong if you think I am acting like a child." Sherlock rolled his eyes and sighed at Anderson's stupidity. "Has your mother ever had you tested? Actually don't get tested as you would fail that test as well."

"I was taking that picture for Toby. He likes Micky Mouse." Anderson grumbled. "And talking about getting tested, has your mother ever had the common courtesy to get you tested? As you need to be tested more than me, and you think that I am crazy."

"Phil technically you are the crazy one." John butted in. "You have let us stay with you for months now."

Before Anderson could answer, Sherlock announced: "John that reminds me. Mrs Hudson said that the reconstruction of 221B is almost finished and we can move back in by next week."

"Brilliant." Anderson said out loud, Sherlock couldn't tell if he was actually happy or he was being sarcastic. Despite being the master of sarcasm, Sherlock didn't understand it when most people used it, the only person he could understand when they were sarcastic was his brother, mostly as always sounded more pompous than ever when he was sarcastic. "So I take it that this will be our last case together then, it was good while it lasted."

"Anderson, we will always have the Yard." Sherlock said as he awkwardly patted Anderson's shoulder.

"Stop it!" John shouted "You are sounding if you are two teenagers breaking up with each other. You are going to see each other in the Yard and we will still be doing stupid things like this together. So for the love of Mickey Mouse, let's go and get the case done before I go crazy. And before you complaine about Anderson not having a costume, Anderson is going undercover as a tourist. Now get your costume on right now." John commanded in his best 'Army voice' and two seconds after he spoke, Sherlock grabbed the dress and made his way to the changing cubical and Anderson followed behind him with a makeup bag.

John had to admit but Anderson had a talent in doing people's make up as he did a brilliant job on Sherlock's make up. Sherlock didn't look happy, but then again he was only happy when there was a murder and currently he could kill with the look he was giving Anderson. John thought is Sherlock was ever in a Snow White look-alike competition, he would at least get a prize for his appearance.

Sherlock looked in the mirror and groaned, he looked like a princess and he didn't like it. After doing that case when he had to wear the dress, he swore to himself that he would never put himself through the pain of looking female again, but when John was yelling at you to do something, it was best to just do it.

"This better be a good case." Sherlock grumbled for the fifteenth time as he shot a glare to John who was currently urging Anderson to take photos on his behalf as it was rather difficult to do so when one is dressed up as a large duck. "Anderson, if you are taking pictures at least take some of John, he is a ginormous duck and I think that is more exciting than a princess."

Anderson looked if he was considering Sherlock's request for a moment and Sherlock could feel his hope start to bubble up. But the bubble of hope soon burst after a flash of a camera took Sherlock out of his thoughts. "Sherlock smile!" Anderson called from the camera. "You are in the happiest place in the world so try to look if you are enjoying yourself."

"Anderson, the only time I will enjoy myself here, is if the ride you are on breaks and you are stuck on it for hours or you get into a white van with no windows when a strange man offers you some sweets."

"Oh Sherlock, I didn't know that you cared so much, you do say the sweetest things." Anderson replied as he took another photo.

Sherlock was about to open up his mouth and make a comment about Anderson's lack of sex life, when John butted in with, "I think that we should get the case done now, before someone ends up getting hurt." Sherlock could of kissed John in relief of not having to get his photo taken anymore. "Definitely a single father." John muttered to himself as he watched his 'children' stick their tongues out at each other and exchange several insults at each other. "So do we have a plan?"

Sherlock scoffed at John's question. "When is there ever a plan John?" He asked "Why would I waste brain space thinking of a plan?"

"Because we could end up getting kidnapped or killer or arrested." Anderson grumbled as he readjusted the baseball cap he had to wear as his 'disguise' "And unlike you I don't wish to be in a cell with a big man named Bubba who makes me his prison bitch."

"Anderson that would only happen if you didn't look like a rat and the fact that your face distracts people will keep you safe in jail." Sherlock smirked.

"I hope that you get kidnapped then!" Anderson shouted "And I am going to keep the cats if you never come back."

Sherlock gestured to his outfit and said "Anderson, even though it is not ladylike for me to do so, but I will kill you if you keep talking."

"Stop fighting!" John shouted "Can you just act like the adults that you are for once in your life?"

"No." Said Sherlock and Anderson at t the same time.

John sighed loudly and wondered if being stuck on It's A Small World for hours would be better that being with two idiots. "If you two keep fighting and just keep acting like complete and utter arses, I am not afraid to ground you."

"John, you are not my mother!" Sherlock protested. "You can't tell me what to do and you are short so I have no reason not to listen to you."

After that comment, Sherlock found himself facing the wall for ten minutes wearing a makeshift dunce hat that was a pair of Mickey Mouse ears. Sherlock learned that John doesn't like his height to be used as an insult against him and he will resort to methods from the Supernanny as a punishment. Sherlock could hear John and Anderson talking about a plan of action. Sherlock turned around to hear more of the conversation. "Sherlock face the wall, you have eight minutes left in the corner." John shouted. Sherlock grumbled and faced the corner again and thought of fifty-seven ways on how he could poison John.

"And remember, try to act happy" John said for at least the fifteenth time in the last ten minutes.

"I know John. I am not an idiot, unlike Anderson." Sherlock scoffed. "Anderson, please tell me that you know the plan. If you don't know, please go out of the park and stand on a large bit of tarmac, that is called a road and hopefully you can get hit by something."

"Of course I know about the plan! I helped to organise it, I am not an idiot, I don't know why you keep thinking I am one." Anderson muttered, before reaching into his bum bag and pulling out an ear piece. "If something happens speak into this, your code name is, 'Pretty lady' as you look so good in a dress."

"Have you been watching the James Bond films again?" John sighed as he grabbed his ear piece "You know that they give you stupid ideas, and make you think that you are a secret agent."

"At least I don't go around the flat saying; 'The name is Holmes, Sherlock Holmes' every time I walk past a mirror while humming the theme song and pretending to shoot a gun." Anderson smirked.

"I thought that I was home alone, I wasn't expecting you to come to the flat early." Sherlock groaned while his face turned pink. "At least I don't ask for my tea to be shaken and not stirred."

"That was just one time, and you know it." John exclaimed . "I think that we should get onto the case now." John said trying to change the subject.

"I think that we should go to the case as the both of you are being very dull." Sherlock said before he grabbed the earpiece from Anderson. "Can I pick your code names?" Sherlock asked without waiting for an answer. "John, your code name is 'Captain'." John looked rather happy with his codename. "And for you Anderson, your codename was difficult to choose, but I have decided not to go with a dinosaur theme. Your codename will be 'Anderidiot.'" Anderson was about to open his mouth to complain when John decided to drag him away and shove him in a random area of the park.

Sherlock had been outside for ten minutes and he was bored. Nothing had happened for ten minutes and it was boring. The most exciting thing was when a little girl asked about how she could be a princess. And Sherlock being himself, told her that it would be easier for his brother to lose weight, the girl didn't understand the reference, so Sherlock told her that the closest she would get to being a member of the royal family was if she was a maid. The girl ended up crying and Sherlock found himself being yelled at by John through his earpiece.

"Pretty Lady, you don't upset children!" John shouted from the earpiece. "You are going to blow our cover and ruin the case."

Sherlock sighed. "But she was being an idiot, Capitan." Sherlock rolled his eyes at the idea of using code names; maybe it was a bad idea to use them. "She asked about being a princess, I was doing her a favour. I was saving her from years of disappointment."

John sighed. "Just try to be nice, Pretty Lady. I don't want you to upset anyone else and try to stay in character. Have you seen anything strange?"

"Nothing yet ,Captain. It is so boring, the only strange thing is the ridiculous amount of time people wait to go on a ride."

"I haven't seen anything yet, Pretty Lady. I need to go as a woman wants to hug me."

And with that John's line went off. Sherlock sighed as more people decided to wave to him, reluctantly he waved back with a fake smile plastered to his face. The people giggled and decided to take a photo with him. One by one people came up to him and burst his space bubble as they demanded for more and more photos.

After ten minutes almost all the people had left once they had gotten their pictures taken, and there was a man in his thirty's who was the only person left in the group. Sherlock sighed in relief and prepared himself to get the last picture taken and then he could take off the awful costume.

Sherlock put on his false grin and changed his voice to a high falsetto. "Hello young man, are you going to be my handsome prince for the picture?" Sherlock asked with a groan and wondered if living with Anderson had lowered his IQ so much that it made him say that.

"How about I be your prince for the rest of your life?" The man asked in an unidentifiable accent as he grabbed Sherlock's arm. "How about we go to my hotel room and you can have a happily ever after?"

Sherlock almost jumped in happiness at the fact that he found the suspect and not at the fact that he might be having a 'happily ever after' whatever that was. He looked around so see if there was any security but the park was empty apart from a few children. "How about you can go to prison and I can stop wearing the dress?" Sherlock asked before he realised that he was getting dragged away by the man. He tried to struggle out of the man's grasp but he realised that something metallic was attached to his wrist.

He was handcuffed. Sherlock almost felt like congratulating the man for being a slightly original kidnapper. Realising that we wasn't able to break free from the cuff and beat the man, Sherlock decided to try and call for help. Before he could shout for help, he noticed Anderson standing looking bored out of his skull as an old woman talked to him about her knitting patterns.

"Anderidiot!" Sherlock shouted as he still kept his falsetto voice. The kidnapper looked at him strangely. "Oh, I was just naming the dwarfs. I do that I am very excited. Anderidiot!"

The man muttered something about how he shouldn't pick the crazy people, as he looked at Sherlock who was still shouting to try and get Anderson's attention.

After hearing his codename being shouted out several times, Anderson looked over his shoulder and saw Snow White being dragged away by a man. He mumbled a quick excuse to the old woman who was droning on about her knitting.

Anderson quickly followed the man and Sherlock and almost was close to them when a nearby security guard had noticed the commotion that was happening and decided that it would be a good idea to call for back up.

Anderson reached into his bum bag and then he realised that he had left his gun in the changing room. Sighing Anderson decided to improvise the 'you are under arrest routine.' "Freeze!" he shouted in his 'police voice' that was so rarely used as even though he was a trained officer he specialised in the dead bodies.

The man stopped his gate for a second as he heard Anderson's shout. Sherlock took this opportunity to try and struggle out of the handcuffs. Fortunately they were poorly fitted ones that one might use in the bedroom and Sherlock managed to slip his hand out of them.

Anderson flipped his police badge and said all the overused police dialogue while Sherlock held the man in an arm lock. Once the handcuffs were slapped onto the man, the other security guards and John had run up to the other two men. The guards quickly had sent the man to the nearest police officer and then they looked for the women. The women were found in a hotel room and thankfully they were unharmed.

Once Sherlock and Anderson had given their statements to the police, they walked back to the changing rooms while John yelled at them as they walked in front of him ."I thought that you were going to use the earpiece." John scolded as he took off the head of the costume. "You could have been kidnapped."

Sherlock sighed as he rubbed off his lipstick with the back of his hand. "John, it doesn't matter. We caught the man and that is all that matters."

"You should be thankful that Anderson saved you." John sighed "Who knows what could have happened to you." John turned to Anderson and said. "You did a brilliant job saving Sherlock."

"Anderson did not save me." Sherlock rolled his eyes. "All he did was arrest the man; it was the guards who did all the work."

"I don't care what Anderson did or didn't do. I think that you thank him."

Sherlock loudly sighed and folded his arms. "I will take that as a thank you." Anderson commented as he pulled out his phone and took another picture of Sherlock. "This is going on the Yard's website."

After that picture was taken another fight broke out between the two men and it ended up with Sherlock attacking Anderson while still wearing the Snow White costume. The fight was broken up by John , who ended up getting two black eyes in the process.

For the rest of the day Sherlock and Anderson found themselves being stuck in It's A Small World, as the ride had 'accidentally' been shut down for the day but for some reason the music had been blaring out of the speakers for hours on end. Once the two men got out of the ride, they had come to the mutual decision how they wouldn't fight in a theme park again. And Disneyland was once the happiest place on earth again.

Thank you for reading, and if you have any ideas or prompts please write them down and I will use them, thank you in advance.