Welcome once again my fellow readers to the fifteenth chapter of High school DXD: Apocalypses Bringer. In the last chapter, the summit between the Three Faction had been invaded by the incoming attack from a terrorist group that is only known as, [Khaos Brigade]. And after a successful rescue by Axel, Issei and Rias, Gasper was able to unlock his power after tasting Axel's blood. And now without further delay, let us continue from where we left off. Enjoy.

Story Fifteen: Incoming Threat

Axel POV

Seeing Gasper-kun battles it all out really was a surprising thing for the other. And the way he can now control most of his power. That really is impressive. I've now know what my blood can truly do to someone like him. But with this, we could now buy more time to beat the main leaders and end this. Also, one of the main reasons was because this school grounds hold the key to the survival of the entire race of not only humans but also the three other faction. If that very key is broken then everything will be destroy…

Focusing the task at hand, I realize that Azazel was severely injured and as I can see that the one inflicted this injury was the one who came towards us while levitating above the sky. It was none other than one of the Old Maou faction leaders I fought six years ago, Cattleya Leviathan. A descendant of the original Leviathan but nonetheless I still feel an intense deep hatred towards those affiliated to the Old Maou faction. Because of them…what happened six years ago…I can't forgive any of them for what they did!

Vali who was fighting with Otto realizes the situation at hand and quickly when to Cattleya side. Otto just when to our side while putting on a serious expression realizing his own junior betray him and made ready to battle him once again and I can see he was holding back on his attack against Vali. Probably needed the reason why Vali even betrays them in the first place.

Then Otto asks with a sharp glare.

"In the end, I may not notice or I ignore this due to the fact it was you but it would seems through our battle Vali you have decided to betray us at this circumstances…"

"That's right, senpai."

While giving off a dazzling radiance, the Hakuryuukou stood before us. Cattleya also landed on the ground and started saying.

"The instant you all decided on peace, arrangements were made to invoke the Sacred Gear of the kidnapped half-vampire and begin the terrorist attack. The Hakuryuukou ran wild along with me once we saw a good time. It'd be good if we could bury any one of the leaders of the three great powers. It was fine if the meeting was broken because of that."

She then looks at Ise direction while giving off a disgusting looks.

"Is this kid the Sekiryuutei, Vali?"

"Yes, he is."

"I see. Vali, will you kill him?"

"My feelings are wavering on what to do and honestly I wasn't even sure that he got the guts to show up here."

Then Azazel even with his injury said.

"Geez, I've also lost my edge. For one of my followers to do this…"


Azazel laughed at himself. While Otto was looking at him with concern expression. Even I didn't predicted that Vali could have decided to join the terrorist group and seeing Ise's expression even he couldn't believe that Vali became a part of the terrorist group. Vali stored away his mask on his helmet with a clang, and showed his face. Otto then asks.

"When, Vali? When did you decide to do this?"

"I got the offer while I was en-route returning Kokabiel to headquarters. Sorry, guys. This side seems to be interesting."

"Vali, has the [Vanishing Dragon] capitulated to Ophis?"

"No, I'm just cooperating stubbornly. They gave an attractive offer. 'Wouldn't you like to fight against the Asgard?' When they said that, as someone who wants to test my power, I couldn't decline. Azazel, you dislike the idea of fighting with Valhalla…the Asgard, right? You dislike war. And I should say the same to you, senpai. You have power greater than even I and yet you held back such power and decided to live in a peaceful world. That power you had in the very beginning is wasted on peoples like you."

Otto twitches his eye at that statement but he then said.

"I told you to 'become strong', but I should have also said 'don't only make factors that will destroy the world'."

"That's unrelated. I just want to fight eternally."

"…I see. No, I may have anticipated somehow in my heart that you would leave our side…Since the time we met till now, you wanted to fight with strong people. Even during our time as kids, you always wanted to fight…fight those who are strong or stronger than you."

"The preparations and information outlet for this were thanks to the Hakuryuukou. It's unusual of you to have left him alone even though you understood his true nature. As a result, you've all wrung your own neck."

Cattleya sneered at both Azazel and Otto.

Ignoring Azazel who gave a bitter smile, Vali hit his hand against his chest and looks at Ise as if wanting to tell him something.

"My real name is Vali. —Vali Lucifer."

…W-What? …Lucifer?

"I'm a descendent of the previous generation's Maou Lucifer who died. However, I'm a child of mixed blood born from a father who was the old Maou's grandson and a human mother…I obtained the [Vanishing Dragon]'s Sacred Gear because I'm half-human. It was just by chance. However, I, who is a true blood relative of Lucifer and is also the [Vanishing Dragon], was born. If there really is such a thing as fate and miracles, I may be that…Just joking."

As he said that, several folds of devil wings grew from his back along with his wings of light.

"No way…can't that be…"

Rias-san also wore an astonished expression on her face like Ise. However, Azazel confirmed it.

"It's true. If there is such a ridiculous existence, it's him. He'll become the strongest Hakuryuukou of among those I knew in the past and present, and probably of all time as well."

There seems to be a lot of halve around me lately, like Akeno-san, Gasper-kun, Otto and also Vali.

"Have you resolved yourself, Azazel?"

Cattleya still put that annoying sneered at Azazel. I already can grasp that her killing intent is tremendous. Before Azazel could say anything, I step up and said to her.

"It's been a while, Cattleya… You and I still have a score to settle six years ago and I intend on finishing what I started."

Cattleya notices who I am and look at me with intense hatred.

"You…! You were the reasons why we lost in that war! You were the reasons why those foolish Devils took our places as rightful Maou! You were the reasons why we were banish until the ends of the Underworld! You were the cause! You a mere human! And not only that! They even gave you the title "True Maou"?! How dare they defile the sacred name of Satan?! I will kill all of you for this!"

The word she was giving me was full of hatred. She and I bet the other Old Maou hated me more so than the Current Maou. But it's not like I care. She then releases a huge amount of aura which I was too familiar with.

"So, I take it you receive your power up from Ophis."

She then smile evilly at me and said.

"Yes, he who is the dragon that possesses infinite power. For the sake of the world's reformation, I borrowed a little of his power. Thanks to that I can fight against Azazel and beat him. There's even a chance that I can beat you, Sirzechs and Michael. They're such foolish Governors. So are you who is only a mere human."

I then look at her and just laugh.

"What so funny?! Are you taking me as a fool?!"

I then stop laughing and just gave her an ice cold stare which made her step back a little. I then said.

"I think it's funny. Coming from a lowlife bitch like you who's all talk and nothing to prove at all. You know, I hate people like you more than anything. I heard a similar lowlife said the same thing and it didn't end well for him. Your type makes me sick to the core even just looking at you and above all else do you really think to your extent that Sirzechs-san, Michael-san and Azazel are idiots? At least they're far superior than someone mediocre like you."

Her face twisted at my words.

"What nonsense! Very well, I'll deal the finishing blow right here and now. I will destroy you, as the first step of the creation of a new world!"

She started to levitate in the sky once again and seems to be charging up her power for a powerful blast attacks but then I summon my gauntlet and pull out Ascalon.

Normal POV

Axel who held Ascalon firmly in both his hand then raise it above his head and huge wave of energy flows out from the sword creating a whirlwind that almost blew away everyone in the near vicinity. He then slashes the swords and a powerful surge of wave hits a large group of incoming magician that was still exiting the magic circle. Completely obliterated them. Fortunately, the blast didn't hit Kiba, Xenovia and Gasper. The other who witness that could only stare in awe at how destructive Ascalon can be at Axel's hand.

"…Now, shall we begin?"

Axel began emitting a golden flame like aura around him and in an instance…

"Balance Breaker…"

With that word, a blast of pure aura began to surround Axel and at that moment he was now covered in golden armor. Axel's armor closely resembles that of Vali's Balance Breaker but much more of that from real dragon. Even the wing that behind the armor looks more dragons like and the helmet seems to have three horns on its forehead much like that of a dragon.

"Infinite Dream Scale Mail!"

Even after transforming, the aura that was emitted by Axel was overwhelming. Cattleya was giving off a looks of shock mix with fear.

"Impossible…a human possessing both of their power? That's impossible!

Shifting to Issei POV

I can't believe my eye. This is the first time I ever saw big bro uses this kind of power before. I could feel a dragon's surge from beyond the armor. It wasn't ordinary! A top-class powerful aura to the point of overwhelming was being emitted from his entire body that was above what I had felt up until now. And by the way, that lady reacted. I say this seems to be an even enhances power of his dragon ability.

[Partner, what you are witnessing is one of his powers that he obtains from the two strongest being. Ophis and Great Red. Both whom are called the Dragon God. By combining both their power, he was able to turn it into Balance Breaker which is an incredible feat even for any being existed. And right now, the differences in power between him and that woman are beyond measure. I can already see the outcome of this battle even before it started…]

I guess what Ddraig said is true. I've seen big bro fought against very powerful foe and yet his ability to demonstrate his more of his own power never cease to amaze us.

"Hahaha! As expected of Axel! You really are incredible!"

Vali laughed. He laughed in the face of someone so strong! Is he fearless? No, he's crazy!

Big bro turned to face Vali.

"Vali, as much as I want to fight you for what you did but I believe your true opponent is with your rival the [Welsh Dragon]…"

Big bro the look towards my direction and said.

"So, I'll leave him to you, little bro."

I'm not sure if what you said was a joke but I honestly don't want to go head to head with him if I could but nonetheless I have a duty given to me by big bro and I will fulfill it! Then Vali said.

"But I somehow eager to fight with you. You have my full interest and I don't say that too often."

"Well, not sure if I'm honor but thanks anyway. So, if you excuse me I got a lady to hang out with."

As big bro set his gaze on the lady, a bluish-black aura covered the lady's body as she clicked her tongue.

"I will not tolerate such existence that's lower than me! I am one who is descended from the great true Leviathan! Cattleya Leviathan! I won't lose to an annoying human like you!"

The lady shouted! Or rather, this person is Leviathan-sama? W-Well, she's certainly closer to the Leviathan-sama that I used to imagine. Big bro beckoned to the lady who introduced herself as Cattleya.

"Come on then."

"Don't look down on me!"

The lady wore an extra-large aura, and flew out at an extreme speed! But just as she did that, big bro immediately disappears. Cattleya made a surprise expression but before she could think on what to do next, she felt a sharp stabbing pain in her chest. She then vomits some blood. She looks at the object that stabs her and turns out it was Ascalon. Fresh blood gush out from her stab wounds as the person roughly pulled out the sword from her chest. As she looks up to see the persons that stab her, turns out it was big bro. But suddenly, she did something unexpected.

"This…this fight is far from over!"

Cattleya changed her arm into a tentacle-like thing and wrapped it around big bro's left arm.

A suspicious pattern emerged on her body!

"That is a self-destruct-use technique formula!"

Buchou said that. Seriously!? That's for self-destruction? So that's this lady's dying will!

"Argento! Even if you try to kill me while in this state, it's useless! Now that you're connected with me, this strong magic will also activate and kill you too when I die!"

Even when she said that, big bro show no sign in flinching nor does he struggles. He then grabs the tentacle and grips it tightly.

"I told you! No matter how much you tried to release yourself from my tentacles, it won't-"

But before she could finish, big bro effortlessly destroy the tentacles that was attached on his arm. Cattelya, who couldn't believe what she saw, was mercilessly slashed in the chest by big bro.

Shifting to Axel POV

I dealt the finishing blow to one of my enemy. Six years I waited and now finally I was able to take one step closer in avenging those children. Cattleya falls hard to the ground, lying on the ground face up. Her blood now mixes with the earth. I landed near her and to my surprise, she was still alive. I walk up to her and point Ascalon at her throat. She then looks at me with hated eye and said.

"…Yo-you may have won this battle…but you haven't won the war…!"

I then release myself from my Balance Breaker and said to her.

"You're right but I fought more battle in my lifetime to know that in a longshot you and I can't even be comparing it…"

She then smiles wickedly at me and said.

"Fool! This is too far from over…"

She suddenly places a strange looking amulet at her chest and without warning her body starts to glow in bright light. I back away from where she was. I heard her laughter as she continues to glow even brighter than she was before and before long she exploded, leaving the strange looking amulet on the ground.

I pick up the strange looking amulet and upon further inspection, I can felt traces of Ophis power and another being energy inside this amulet.

"What do you guys think this is?"

[Well, I can't say for sure what it is but whatever the hell that woman did to the amulet, it holds some sort of powerful energy inside of it…]

{We may have to keep it for further analysis to learn the true content of its nature.}

I just nod my head at their advice. The other came running towards my direction.

"Big bro! You did it! Way the go!"

"I expect no less. You did a well good job once again, Axel."

"What I expect from my rival. You really are a human to be reckoned with."

I just look at them and smile. Azazel was there as well as if he was observing my armor.

"Amazing. I heard from reports you obtain both Ophis and Great Red's power but to turn only their energy into a Balance Breaker form, such feat is absolutely astounding! How about you let me study the nature of your body and we might find a way to recreate what you did."

I just look at Azazel and said.

"Thanks but I'm not too comfortable letting myself be study but thanks anyway."

I then pointed at Vali.

"Now then, Vali. What will you do? Shall I go at it again? But, know this. I won't go easy on you like last time. This time, if you fight against me, you can bet your life that it will be gone the moment I shove this sword into your heart."

I pointed Ascalon at the Hakuryuukou. Vali glanced at me who took a fighting stance, and then asked us a question.

"But don't you think that destiny is cruel?

What's that, all of a sudden? What is he talking about?

"On one hand, there is the strongest existence that one can think of with a Maou + a legendary dragon like me, and on the other hand, there is a mere human like you which possess a legendary dragon as well. Say what you like, but I think that this accident of fate is cruel. Though we're rivals with the same dragon-type Sacred Gears, the gap between the two owners is too great."

Does he mean… Ise? Ise was also pointing at himself.

"I investigated you a little. Your father is an ordinary office worker. You mother sometimes goes out to a part-time job as an ordinary full-time housewife. The blood relatives of both your parents are completely ordinary. There are also no ability-users or practitioners who possessed power among your ancestors. Of course, your ancestors had nothing to do with devils or angels either. You really are ordinary. Your friends aren't special either. You were a completely ordinary male high school student until you were reborn as a devil as well. —With the exception of Boosted Gear, you're nothing."

He was laughing with pity in his tone.

"Boring. When I learned about you, who were so excessively boring, I laughed out of disappointment. 'Ah, so this is my rival. I give up.' If your parents had at least been magicians, than maybe the story would change a bit. That's right! How about this kind of setting? You can become an avenger!"

My eye went wide with his statement.

"Vali…you don't mean…?

"As you thought, Axel. I'll kill his parents. If I do that, his personal history will become a little more interesting just like you. Your parents were killed by a valuable existence like me; don't you think he'll be able to openly devote himself to a solemn destiny? Yeah, I'll do that. After all, his parents will, from now on as well, live ordinarily, grow old ordinarily, and die ordinarily. The setting I spoke of is much more brilliant than such a boring life! Right?"

He told me something he shouldn't have told and by telling me this…he plan on turning Ise onto someone like me! Vali…you will pay for such act! But before I could act, Ise stop me in my track.

"Ise…what are you…?"

I could then felt an enormous anger coming right out from his. No. More precise, a killing intent I was all too familiar with.

"I'll take care of this, big bro…I'll kill this bastard!"

He then releases a huge amount of red aura. His anger was at his peak.

Shifting to Issei POV

I couldn't express it. I couldn't express this feeling that was born in my heart.

A feeling of a degree I had never felt before was starting to be born within me.

I could only say this.

"I'm going to kill you, you bastard."

I quietly let that out of my mouth.

At that moment, my head finally understood. Ah, so this is what they call "killing intent".

"So what if my background doesn't interest you…! Your fight is with me not them! Why should they even be mix in a situation that doesn't concern them and be killed just because you think they deserve it?! As if I know anything about something like valuable or destiny?! Well, let you me tell you this…I'll be dammed if I let any of the people precious to me be killed by the likes of YOUUUUUUU!

[Welsh Dragon Over Booster!]

As if responding to my anger, my Sacred Gear started to release a strong bright red aura. With the ring I got from Azazel also acting on it, I equipped [Booster Gear Scale Mail] without having to sacrifice anything.

However, a countdown-like thing appeared on the jewel of my left arm's gauntlet. Time-wise, I have at least thirty minutes. This is better than the first time I used it.

[Due to extensive training you receive from Axel. The number of time you can stay in this form has also increased a lot.]

I can see that, Ddraig. But right now, half an hour is enough for me to beat this guy to a pulp.

"Look, Albion. Hyoudou Issei's power went up by an incomparable amount. The plain and simple reason called rage was the trigger, but this is…Hahahaha, what a dragon's surge."

[Sacred Gears simply use strong emotions as food for power. Hyoudou Issei's rage is at its genuine limit, and is turned towards you. Only straightforward people can draw out the dragon's power.]

"I see. So his greater affinity with his dragon is also explained through this reason. Now then, let see if you can beat me with that emotion?"

"Shut the hell up!"

Spouting an aura from the magic power jets on my back, I rushed towards Vali! Vali covered his face with his mask. So he's prepared to fight! It was only my second time using Balance Breaker, but a failed attack wasn't permitted like that time with Raiser!

I tried hitting him with my fist but he manage to avoid it. But I counter with a kick to his side but he manages to grab my leg and tossed me in the air. Just as I was afloat in the air thanks to the jet on my back, Vali suddenly shows up in front of me and tried to hit me with his fist but I dodge it easily enough. He then tries to hit me with another punch which once again I manage to block. I then punch him in the stomach and then knee him at the chin.

He then distant himself from me and held his chin.

"Impressive, I wasn't expecting much of a fight from you but clearly I was wrong. Now then, I won't be holding back this time!"

Vali immediately disappears from sight. I tried to catch up with his speed but balancing myself with this jet pack on my back isn't that easy. I suddenly sense Vali behind but as I turn around he was once again behind me. I tried to hit him with my right elbow but he manages to grab my arm. He then elbows it hard, and immediately I felt a sharp pain on my elbow.


That hurts! I think he broke my arm…Not giving me any time to think, a heavy-fisted blow hit me in the chest! Heavy! Rather, it was too fast for me to see. What a shot! My body trembled from just this! T-There was also a crack in my armor! If I receive many of these kinds of hits, it'll abruptly be over!

"So this is my rival! Hahahaha! How embarrassing! Weak! Too weak! I was wrong to expect much from you."

Vali harshly made fun of me. But, I really did feel that way.


Buchou seemed worried as she watched me. I don't want to show an uncool appearance in front of the woman I fell in love with!

I was born between parents from ordinary families, was reborn as a devil, and by chance obtained the power of a dragon.

He was born with the lineage of the Old Maou and got the power of a legendary dragon.

There is no talent in me. And in him, there is an overflowing amount of talent.

The strongest host that can control the power of his Sacred Gear, the ideal existence. That is certainly Vali. Then I heard big bro yelled at me.

"Hyoudou Issei! Remember your training! You have endured a harsher pain than this! Don't just think that his stronger than you means that you are weaker! You are strong, Ise! You have more improvement than anyone can anticipate! You have power that could rival anyone! So, use that power and training to good use or I will beat the crap out of you after this!"

Big bro…He's right! I have endured much more than this! There's no way that I'm going to lose to anyone! Not if I can't help it! I proceed to grab my right arm and immediately place the dislocated bone back into place! Man! That hurt! But now that my arms been fixed, I can fight Vali without any problem. I then look at Vali who seems surprise by what I did.








I was now power up to the max; my armor was now flash in bright red. Then I look at Vali and said.

"My turn!"

I charge towards the Hakuryuukou in high speed and landed a punch on his face. But I didn't stop just there; I landed numerous punches, kicks, slaps and even head-butts on Vali.

Normal POV

[Vali, for God sake- DEFEND YOURSELF!]

[Kukuku, in all my time fighting you, this is the first time I hear you frighten by my host who your host claim to be weaker than yours.]

Vali narrowed his eye as he attempts to defend himself. Once he saw a weak point on Ise, he went to place his hand on his opponents shoulder. That is until Ise roughly grab his hand and held it tightly.


Ise then twisted Vali's arm, causing him to almost scream out in pain. Ise then slams a heavy fist into Vali's stomach, causing him to vomit out blood. Groaning from the pain, Vali finally got an advantage and grabs Ise's fist.


Before he could divide Ise's power, he receives a violent head-butt from Ise resulting both their mask to experience some crack to it. They then distance themselves as Vali shot a giant ball of demonic energy. Ise manage to charge his attack and shot it at Vali's attack.

"Dragon Shot!"

The Dragon Shot came clashing with Vali's energy attack that upon contact both attack exploded with such intensity. The shock wave threw both Ise and Vali hard to the ground. The impact that they hit the ground was so great that it created a small crater where they landed.

Coming out from the crater, Vali could only grin at his opponent newfound strength.

"So this is the power of the Sekiryuutei and its host. I like this!"

Vali then charge forward Ise who was still recovering from the fall. Vali then proceed to choke Ise in the neck but Ise quickly grab his arm.

"Damn it!"

As Ise struggles to release himself from Vali's grip, but then Vali charge up another energy ball while Ise also did the same by charging another Dragon Shot. Both of them then lunge their attacks at each other. The two energy balls was violently charging on both of their hands and at that moment, the mix energy exploded thus sending the two fighter flying and landing on the ground, hard.

As both fighter were thrown back by their attacks; Axel notice something falling from the sky and he quickly grab it. As he observes further, he notices it was bright blue jewel.

"Is that…?"

Rias ask him and Axel just nod his head.

"Yes, this was a jewel from the armor of the Vanishing Dragon. Seems like it fell off from Vali when he was hit by that explosion."

He then absorbs the jewel into his Sacred Gear as it might be useful for later uses. He then look at the almost destroy battlefield. Axel was concern that if this battle goes on, the entire school ground might end up getting destroyed.

Both fighter were now lying on the ground and weakly stood up. But as soon as Ise and Vali stood up, parts of their armor fell off. Both of their face now exposes. Vali then put on a grin on his face as if he was enjoying it.

"Excellent, my rival! You have proven to be more than just a human turn devil. To fight me at this extent, truly you really got what it takes to be my eternal rival!"

"Shut up! I don't care about this topic about being your eternal rival! All I care now is that I have to beat you with all I got and you better bet on your life that when this is over, you won't be seeing another day from me!"

Vali clapped his hands at Ise. Ise was looking at him as if trying to figure out what his motives were.

"Interesting. Then, I'll also get serious! If I win, I'll halve all of you and everything that surrounds you with the Hakuryuukou's power!"

After restoring his armor, Vali floated into the air and opened his arms wide. His wings of light also grew huge.

"Halve? It's different with my power, but what do you mean by halving my surroundings?"

Vali let out a laugh at Ise's question.

"Ignorance is scary! It might not be bad for you to die without knowing!"

Somehow Ise feel offended!

[Half Dimension!]

Surrounded by a dazzling aura along with a voice from his jewel, Vali pointed his hand at the trees spread out below him. The thickness of the trees was halved in an instant! Ooh! They were seriously halved!? More of the surrounding trees were compressed and halved. Don't ruin the scenery of the old school building! Axel then yelled at Ise

"Ise! Be careful! That ability halves everything in his surroundings! In other words, if the Hakuryuukou became serious, everything around the radius of that ability will disappear!"

Ise just looks at Axel with a shock look after knowing how dangerous that ability was.

"My everything. My world. Everything dear to me... They'll be halved…until they all disappear?"

"Don't…Don't fuck with meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!"

"I'll kill Vali... I'll absolutely kill Vali!"

[Boost Boost Boost Boost Boost Boost!]

Voices from jewels on various places of Ise's armor repeatedly resounded.

"I won't forgive you! You're the one person I absolutely won't forgive! I'll knock you down! I'll destroy you! Valiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!"

[Boost Boost Boost Boost Boost Boost Boost Boost Boost Boost Boost Boost Boost Boost Boost Boost Boost Boost Boost Boost Boost Boost Boost Boost Boost Boost Boost Boost Boost Boost Boost Boost Boost Boost Boost Boost Boost Boost Boost Boost Boost!]

His surroundings flew off! The ground Ise was standing on was also greatly gouged out and changed into a crater. The windows of the old school building completely cracked, and the outer wall was collapsing. His whole body was wrapped in the greatest mass of aura it had ever had.

"Just try to make a move on my friends! I'll thoroughly destroy you to the point where you won't be able to reincarnate agaaaaaaain! You halving maniaaaaaaaaaaaac!"

The clouds in the night sky were broken apart from my exclamation. The full moon which had been hidden appeared.

"Today is full of surprises. Who would have thought that this much power would explode because of his strong feeling towards his friends? But, it's interesting!"

The Hakuryuukou flew out at Ise. Ise got away from that spot and kicked Vali in the side as he flew.

"Fast! Have you exceeded me in speed!?"

"Like I know! Be surprised as you please! As if I'll forgive! As if I'll forgive you!"

"If I leave him alone, not only Buchou, but also everyone dear to me will be halved!"

Ise caught up with Vali who was moving at the speed of light with no trouble. Vali spat out bile from his mouth. Ise continued attacking like that without interference! A hit to the face! Ise completely broke his helmet and the jets on his back from which his wings of light originated were destroyed. Ise vigorously kicked him high into the air. Ise tackled him with extreme speed. Vali vomited blood from Ise's extreme tackle.

"Yeah, serves you right!"

Vali struck against the ground. Ise's anger hadn't calmed down, and he approached Vali and declared.

"I told you didn't I! You won't be seeing another day when I'm through with you!"

In contrast to Ise who had gotten angry, Vali just gave a seemingly happy smile.

"…Interesting. Truly interesting."

[Vali, I finished analyzing his power. It seems that if this fight goes on, no doubt not even you can last against an opponent like him.]

"I see. So, it seems that Axel probably train him well if he could put me in this tight situation, Then perhaps I'm not afraid of him with this."

Ise couldn't believe his eye. His relentless attack was not showing any effect on Vali. Even though Ise thought he delivered that much pain.

"Albion, do you think he's worthy enough to show the Hakuryuukou's [Juggernaut Drive] if it's the current Hyoudou Issei?"

[Vali, it's not a good choice in this place. If you recklessly enter "Juggernaut Drive", Ddraig's curse may be removed. You were lucky the last time but not again!]

"It'll all work out, Albion."

[I, who am about to awaken, in supreme justice]

What? That damn Vali was chanting something—.

[Don't act rashly, Vali! Is it your desire to be at the mercy of my power!?]

"What the hell's going on?! Why weird chant is he saying?!"

But before Ise could find out, something unexpected happens. A bright gold light suddenly flashes behind Ise. As he turns around to look, it was coming from Axel's direction. The amulet he was holding on to was releasing a strange looking golden light.

"Wasn't that amulet belong to that lady? Why is it shining like that?!"

Even Vali stop what he was doing and watch as the amulet grow even brighter than it was before. Axel, finding out that the strange aura coming from the amulet was malevolent in nature quickly tossed it to the ground and proceeds to smash it. But before he could, the light then shoots out a large looking figure and as the light clear…it shows a giant golden dragon.

Shifting to Axel

"Oh no…"

That was the only thing I could say. The thing in front of us… I know it all too well but he seems different than usual. What's up with this insane amount of power he possesses? Then it came to me.

"Don't tell me…"

Ophis's snake was inside of him. I count not two but three snakes. That many!

"Axel. Is that what I think it is?"

I just nod my head at Rias-san answer.

"It's Fafnir. One of the Five Dragon King. Also known as [Gigantis Dragon] Fafnir…"

And I wasn't kidding when he was called gigantis because he's a lot bigger than what people describe him. Was it because of Ophis's snake? Fafnir then unleashes a powerful roar that created a crater from where he was standing and looking at us, he suddenly became violent and started to charge towards our direction. Was he being control?! This isn't good!

I then charge towards him as well. Then our body collides that produces a blast of powerful shockwave which sent me flying to a nearby building.

Normal POV

Fafnir, the dragon that is known as one of the Five Dragon King had his power enhance with Ophis's snake now turns his attention towards Rias, Otto and Azazel. All three of them make a battle stance as the dragon once again charge towards their direction. Ise later joins them as the safety of Rias was his top priority.

Otto was the first to attack then follow by Ise, Rias and Azazel. All four of their power hits the dragon with full force but there wasn't even a single scratch on him. Plus, he was still charging at full speed towards them. That moment, Otto then hits the tip of Fafnir jaw with his punch which made the dragon fell backward. But Fafnir manages to balance himself and releases a golden block of aura towards Otto. Otto counters with a spear of light which he throws with full force but his attack suddenly faded and the golden block of aura hits him. Upon impact it exploded. Ise then proceed to kick it in the head but the hardness of the dragon's scale was too much that Ise leg was hurting. Fafnir then uses his tail to whip Ise hard to the ground.

Rias then aims her Power of Destruction at various directions to confuse the dragon. But Fafnir then unleashes another super roar which causes the Power of Destruction to bounce back and it was aiming on hitting the surrounding building. But before it could,


The size of the Power of Destruction shrinks and immediately disappears. Axel then came out and gave a heavy fist to Fafnir at the back. And not stopping there, he then side kick the dragon on his left side thus sending Fafnir flying a few feet away.

"Otto! Catch!"

Otto nods his head as he round house kick the incoming dragon towards Axel. Axel then charge himself towards Fafnir and clenching his fist tightly, he then yelled at the dragon.

"Hey, Fafnir! Tried out some of this!"

Axel successfully landed a punch on Fafnir abdomen and at that exact moment multiple delay shockwave was sent into the dragon body and finally after what seems to be a few seconds of delay, Fafnir entire body was flying violently into multiple direction as a result of the delay shockwave streaming through his entire body as if he was still being punch by Axel. After being hit twenty times by the invisible looking punches, Fafnir finally landed hard on the ground.

Axel slowly landed on the ground and follow by the rest.

"Did you beat him, Axel?"

Axel was quite to answer Rias's question as he knows that a mere hits like that might not be enough to beat an enhance dragon like Fafnir. And sure enough after the smoke clear, it reveals a Fafnir that has no sign of any injuries whatsoever.

"What?! But how?!

"It would seems that as long as Fafnir still have those snakes inside of him, it's safe to say that this battle would be far from over"

The answer that I told them wasn't any good news to any of them but there is still a chance to beat him if only my movement wasn't so restricted in this area. But just as Axel thought of a plan to beat Fafnir, its body suddenly starts to convulse violently. Then suddenly, its body started to morph into a more powerful form.

Shifting to Axel POV

"…Did he just evolve?"

"No way… that thing just keeps getting stronger."

"We are so in deep trouble now."

"You and I both, father."

That was the only thing that could be said by the other four but somehow I'm not going to lose to this dragon. I've fought stronger ones before and you're not even close to any of their level!

The now evolve Fafnir unleashes a barrage of golden aura from its mouth and fire it at our direction!


I was able to nullify its attack but just as it was about to charge up a stronger attack, suddenly it was hit hard in all direction. The sudden damage it receives causes Fafnir to roar out in pain and collapse to the ground.

"Who did that? Was it one of us?!"

I then just shake my head as I pointed my finger towards the front. There standing in front of us was four people. And I almost shake my head in disbelief but it was true. As they turn to face us, they were none other than my comrade from our former team, Black Thorn.

Facing me was a beautiful young girl with blonde hair and the same green eye that we, Argento siblings have. She then proceeds to run towards my direction while giving me a hug.

"It's been a while, Onii-sama!"

I then hug her back and said.

"It has been too long, I'm glad to see you well, Jean!"

Yes, the person that I'm hugging right now is Jean or better yet Jeanne of Arc. She is the reincarnation hero, Joan of Arc. And she also happens to be my close cousin on my mother side. Which mean she and Asia are also cousin.

Then coming towards our direction was a young man with blue hair short hair and was placing a spear on his right shoulder.

"It's been a while, leader."

"Cu Chulainn."

The young man in front of me was none other than the reincarnation hero, Cu Chulainn. Then two other young male came to our direction. One has a spiky, short red hair and red eyes. While the other one grey shoulder length hair and blue eyes.

"Well, seems like you started the party without us, Al."

"Yeah and I haven't seen this dragon not since I fought it a few centuries ago."

"Yeah, it good to see the two of you, Alex and Sieg."

The two in front of me was the reincarnation hero, Alexander the Great and Siegfried.

Ise and other approaches me while giving a surprise expression but Ise seems to know who they were due to the fact he saw them in one of my photo.

"Wait, these four people…They were those ten people with you in that photo."

"And if I've heard correctly, are these four people perhaps…"

I just look at them while Jean and the other were behind me.

"It is as you guess; this four people are all reincarnation of heroes that are known throughout history. And all of them are team of my former mercenary group, Black Thorn."

The four of them stand by my side and introduce themselves.

"Hi, I'm the one people called Jeanne of Arc but you can just call me Jean. And I'm also the cousin of Axel-onii-sama. It's nice to meet you."

"I'm Cu Chulainn. But the other tends to call me Inu (Dog) for reason unknown. But, I'm please to make you acquaintance."

"I'm Alexander but you can call me Alex for short. Let us get along well."

"I am Siegfried and I am at your service."

Normal POV

Clearly, the faces of Otto, Rias and even Azazel were in disbelief. But it would seem that Ise still has a problem identifying who they were due to the fact he has little knowledge about heroic individual of the past. But one thing is certain to Ise that if these people were part of Axel's team in the past, then clearly these four people standing side by side with him are incredibly powerful.

Then suddenly, waking up from the damage it receives; Fafnir let out a roar of anger that clearly shows that it was piss.

"That thing is still waking up?!"

Axel and his friend turn to face the dragon that was now aggressively looking at them.

"Looks like we'll be doing this like old time."

"So, tell me. What about the other? Are they well?"

Jean just looks at Axel and smile. Knowing that her smile means that the other is okay, they then together release a huge amount of aura that shakes the earth. The color of gold, green, blue and red were mixing together to form a massive figure that was twice the size of Fafnir.

All that was witnessing this surge of power could only stare in wonder at how much energy they were releasing. Even Vali couldn't believe his eye at how much power these five people were emitting.

After a brief moment, the energy subsided revealing all five people glowing in their separate aura. Then with high speed, they all went to separate direction. Jean and Cu Chulainn went to attack from the front. Alex and Siegfried attack from the side while Axel attack from the top. The speed of their attack was beyond what the other could see. They were only seeing sparks coming from multiple directions that was relentlessly hitting Fafnir.

Axel was the first to show up follow by his teammate and at that moment, he summons [Soul Cutter].

"This should be a perfect moment! Now, Death!"

Soul Cutter: Spirit Mode!

The two scythe glow in bright pale green and multiple runes began forming at Axel's arm as he prepares a final attack at the Dragon King.

With supersonic speed, he immediately slashes the dragon in multiple directions. And after finish his attack, Axel then stood by his friend side and watch as the body of Fafnir seems to return to normal. Then after he collapses, three of Ophis's snakes that was inside Fafnir body came out on its own and before they fall to the ground their body was cut into multiple pieces thus they turn to ash.

Moments Later

Fafnir slowly opens his eye to see him being surrounded by Axel and the other.

"What happened to me? My body aches all over…"

"Sorry, that was our handy work. You were being control by a terrorist group known as Khaos Brigade and you were force to absorb three of Ophis's snake and so we had to do something about that."

The dragon looks curiously at the young man in front of him.

"If that is true, then shouldn't I have perished as well? Taking those snakes out of someone's body alone is already difficult, let alone a Dragon King likes me."

"True but thanks to Death's ability [Soul Cutter: Spirit Mode], I was able to killed only those snakes without injuring you. But I couldn't have done it without my friends here."

Fafnir was silence for a moment until he bows his head.

"Truly, I am grateful at the mercy you and your people have shown me. I am greatly in your debt."

"Well, you are free to do whatever you want since you're a Dragon King and all."

Fafnir shakes his head sideways and said to Axel.

"I may be a dragon with great power but I am also a dragon of my word and until I have repay you for freeing me and sparing my life in the process, you have my outmost gratitude and I wish to assist my savior in whatever I can."

Everyone just smile at that moment but then Axel focuses his attention towards Vali.

"What now, Vali. You're outnumbered. Do you still want to fight? And if so, you better be prepared because we aren't going to go easy on those who associated themselves with organization that threaten the safety of the world."

But before Vali could respond, a single silhouette swooped down to their location. It swiftly came into the space between Vali and Axel. It was a man wearing armour that would be worn by a military commander of the Romance of the Three Kingdoms.

"Vali, I've come for you."

It was a young man with a refreshing-looking face. He spoke to Vali cheerfully.

"So it's Bikou. What have you come for?"

Vali stood up while facing the person called Bikou.

"Isn't that cruel? I made a long journey and came all the way to this island country because my partner is in a pinch, you know? The other guys were making a fuss at headquarters, you know? Because we're joining together to fight the northern country gods, you were supposed to flee and return right away if the mission failed, right? Cattleya failed to assassinate Michael, Azazel, and Lucifer, right? And also, it seems that the control Dragon King, Fafnir was also a plan that fails in the end, right? In that case, your observation role is also over. Come back with me."

"…I see, so it's already time."

Then suddenly Ise ask that person a question.

"Who are you?"

Ise pointed at the person who had just appeared.

"—He's the descendent of the Victorious Fighting Buddha."

The one who answered was Azazel. Ise was still giving a confuse look as if he was puzzle by that answer.

"Well to put it in simple word, little bro. He's Son Goku. The famous damn monkey in the Journey to the West."

"…Eh? Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeh? So…Son, Gokuuuuuuuu!?"

Ise was so shocked that all his anger up till now was blown away.

"To say it correctly, he is a monkey youkai that has inherited Son Goku's power. However, it really is the end of the world if even you have joined the [Khaos Brigade]. No, you're the Son Goku to the [Vanishing Dragon]. You're also well-matched."

Bikou laughed at Azazel's words with a cackle.

"I'm different from the first-generation that became a Buddha. I just live doing as I like. My name is Bikou. Nice to meet all of you here."

The youkai called Bikou spun around a cane that had appeared in his hand, and then pierced it into the ground. Instantly, a black darkness spread over the ground. It seized Vali and Bikou, and made them completely sink into it. They were intending on escaping.

"Wait! As if I'll let you escape!"

Ise tried to catch them, but…

His Sacred Gear was released. His armour vanished, and the ring which helped with his power also crumbled away. The Balance Breaker state that was reinforced by the ring has been removed!

"Azazel! Don't you have more of those rings!? I can't let him escape!"

"It takes a tremendous amount of time to purify those things. I can't mass-produce them. And even if I could, the possibility of attaining complete Balance Breaker fades if used too much. To the end, it's an emergency-use measure."

"Right now is for emergency-use! I was made a fool of by him! As if I'll let him get away!"

Suddenly, Ise was seized by intense fatigue. But before he could collapse to the ground, Axel manage to support him by his shoulder.

"Take it easy, Ise. You know in your current state, you have little chance against Vali. Let them escape. Besides, I have a feeling they won't be making their move anytime soon."

Axel and Ise set their gaze as Vali and Bikou slowly sink into the black looking mist.

"I as the Hakuryuukou was occupied by the blood relative of the old Maou. The enemy isn't just angels, fallen angels, and devils. Eventually we'll fight again, but at that time it will be even more intense. We'll each get stronger…."

Stopping mid-sentence just there, the Hakuryuukou vanished into the darkness along with Son Goku.

Moments Later: Shifting to Issei POV

When we set foot on the school grounds, the armies of the three big powers had come in and carried out the processing after the battle. Gasper manages to undo his time stopping ability enabling things to return to normal.

The armies of three powers carried away the corpses of the dead magicians, and looked to be cleaning up after the battle.

When we advanced to the center of the school grounds, the forms of Sirzechs-sama, Serafall Leviathan-sama, and Michael-san could be seen giving orders to people who seemed to be subordinates.

When Sirzechs-sama caught sight of us, he raised his hands.

"So you were safe. Thank goodness."


"…So he betrayed you."

After a brief explanation from our side. Sirzechs-sama seems to be trouble by recent event that unfold especially about Vali that betrayed us.

"From the start, he was a guy that poured into only power. If you look at it from the results, it's possible to understand and say [Ah, I see]. —However, it's my responsibility that I didn't stop it from happening."

Azazel's eyes seemed lonely somehow. Did he feel something for the time he was with Vali?

Michael-san came between Sirzechs-sama and Azazel.

"Now then, I'm returning to heaven at once and will work on a plan for the matter of peace and countermeasures against the [Khaos Brigade]."

"I'm sorry; I had arranged things this time. We who set up the place of this conference feel ashamed."

Then big bro step up from the side and said.

"Sirzechs-san, please don't feel responsible. We should be glad that there weren't any casualties on our side and I'm just glad that finally the three great powers are walking on the path to peace together, you know? With this, useless battle amongst us can be avoided and peace can now be obtained."

"I have to agree with Axel-kun, Sirzechs. No matter what happened here, I'm just glad things didn't turn out for the worse."

Well, I'm just glad things really didn't go out of hand. And I have to thank everyone for their effort. But the Azazel said.

"Well, subordinates who don't agree with that will also leave."

Azazel made that sarcastic remark.

"That is inevitable. Because we've been hating each other for a long time. However, it should change even a little from now on…The problem is the [Khaos Brigade] that we can't assume is good."

"Then let's cooperate and discuss from now on regarding that matter."

Big bro, Azazel and Michael-san nodded at Sirzechs-sama's idea.

"Then, I'll return to heaven at once. I'll come back immediately, so we'll conclude the formal peace agreement at that time."

And then, Axel and I spoke out to Michael-san who would try to be here later, though it was rude.


He then looks at us and said.

"What is it, you two?"

"There's just one thing I'd like to ask of you on behalf of those that are dear to me and Ise."

"Very well, there isn't time, but I'll hear this one thing."

The two of us look at each other and nod our head, and then we face Michael-san and ask him.

"It's because of the [system] that Asia and Xenovia receive damage when they pray to God, right?"

The two of them were former believers. Sometimes, they would pray as old habits didn't fade and they would receive damage. This has been concerning both big bro and I for a while now.

"Yes. If Devils or Fallen Angels pray to God, the [system] moves and decides to give them light damage. Because this was included in the system with or without God's presence, it moves naturally. What about it?"

Then big bro told Michael-san.

"I know this may sound selfish of us but can't you make it so that there is no damage when only Asia and Xenovia are praying?"

That was our wish. We were always watching them force a smile, but they wanted to pray like normal as expected. They're devils, but personally me and big bro believe they should be free to do something they believe in. Hearing our request, Michael-san showed a surprised expression. Asia and Xenovia who were on either of our sides were also surprised.

However, Michael-san gave a small laugh and nodded in agreement.

"I understand. If it's only two people, I may be able to do something about it. The two of them are already devils and can't get near church headquarters. Asia, Xenovia, let me ask you. You know God is absent, right? Even so, will you still pray?"

At Michael's question, the two of them shook their head and then nodded.

"Yes, I want to pray even if there is no Lord."

"Me too. I'll give thanks to the Lord—to Michael-sama."

Michael-san smiled at both of their responses.

"Very well. I'll do that right away when I return to headquarters. Fufufu, it should be fine if there are only two devils who don't receive damage when praying. How interesting."

"This is great, big bro. Now Asia and Xenovia won't have to hesitate in praying anymore."

"You said it, Ise."

Normal POV

Just as Axel and Ise were facing their side, they receive a sudden hug from Asia and Xenovia. Asia was embracing Ise with teary eye.

"Ise-san! Onii-san! Thank you!"

"That's right, Axel, Ise. Both me and Asia couldn't express how grateful with what the two of you did."

Ise then gently held onto Asia while patting her head and said.

"There, there. I'm happy for you, Asia. I'll exert myself for the sake of Asia's happiness from now on as well."

"Ise-san, thank you so much!"

Xenovia then gently place her hands on Axel cheek and said

"Once again, I thank you, my dear Axel."

"It's fine. You can pray without restraint from now on."

Axel then proceeds to gently pat Xenovia on the head. Xenovia's cheeks turn slightly red because she was embarrassed. After a fewer discussion where Axel and Kiba were also discussing about how Michael promise Kiba that he will not allow Holy Sword research to produce any more victims. Both of them seem happy about that agreement and Ise was feeling the same way. With many of the things that have happened, Serafall suddenly hug Axel from behind.

"I'm glad you save, Axel-chan!"

"Sera-san, please don't jump on me like that."

"Bu-but I was worried that you might end up getting hurt again!"

Axel just gently places his hand on her head and pats her.

"You don't have to worry, Sera-san. I'm fine. Beside, I'm a little bit hurt about your lack of faith in me. But thank you for worrying about me. I really appreciate your concerns towards me."

Hearing that, Serafall once again jump at Axel and hug him once more. The other members who have finally assembles could only chuckle at both their action. Then not long after, Axel's friend came along and was now standing side by side with him. Jeanne was showing off a smiling face towards someone and that someone was none other than her long lost cousin.

She immediately went in front of her and embraces her in a loving hug.

"Asia…I've finally get to meet you. How I have waited for this day."

Asia could only put on a confuse face at the unknown girl who was now embracing her in a hug. But then Asia remembers the same girl who appears in one of Axel's photo.

"Umm, Onee-san? Are you one of Onii-san's friends?"

"Better. She's our cousin, Asia."

When Asia heard that, she became almost speechless. Never had she thought that she have another family member aside from her brother. She then looks at Jean with teary eye.

"Then… I finally have someone whom I can call sister…?


Then Asia hugs Jean in return and both girls were shedding tears of joy.

"I'm really happy to finally meet my beloved cousins Al-onii-sama and Asia! I'm feeling like our family is finally whole now!"

Jean also grabs Axel in a hug and in the end the three blood relatives were embracing each other. The other could only stare in wonder at the reunion of cousins who was separated for so long finally reunited once more.

Shifting to Axel POV

I was happy to see Asia finally meeting her older cousin with Jean. During our time as a member of Black Thorn, it has always been Jean wish to meet with Asia. Even though those two never met but seeing them now, I can tell that they won't have any problem getting along.

"Well, I haven't seen Jean this cheerful since we were together. I guess being here with two of her beloved cousin really did raise her mood up to the max."

I then set my gaze at the other three members of my friend.

"Well, I take it that it the two of you have been travelling together, huh? Inu."

"Stop calling me that! I'm not a dog for Christ sakes!"

Then Alex said.

"Why? Your name means 'Hound' so why shouldn't we called you Inu? It sounds cute."

"It was that old man fault I had to be his guard dog! Jeez, you guys keep calling me that, I'll ram my spear up your ass!"

"Whatever you say, Inu."

"Damn it, Sieg! I told you not to call me that!"

Cu Chulainn was now thrusting his spear at Alex and Sieg in a comically manner. Jean and Asia could only laugh at what they were doing. I couldn't help but chuckle as well. Then, Sirzechs-san came to my side and patted me on the shoulder.

"You have a very interesting friend here, Axel-kun. But what's more amazing is the amount of power I could feel from each and every one of them."

"Well, Sirzechs-san. We aren't called Black Thorn for nothing. Though, some of the members are still out there but I'm just happy to know that they are doing alright."

"Axel-chan has a lot of interesting people around him. It makes me feel that you are a powerful magnet that attracts and bind them together. Just like how you unite us and the people of the Underworld."

"You're right about that one, Sera."

I just nod my head and look at the people around me. Yeah, a lot of people around here have many of their life change because of me but I ask myself. Was it okay for me to that? What gives me the right to make them took the path they are now? That's only thing that keeps occupying my mind right now.

[I have to partake in this one. Axel, I have always thought of you as a close comrade. You have changed the many lives of other some for the greater good while some not but I honestly think you made it better for them.]

{Axel honey, I also think that you were the reason we Horsemen see this world in a brand new light. It feels refreshing and it was all because you guide us through such world and I love you for that.}

(For all the time we've been together through all this years, you are the only human I deem as a close friend and I don't say that often.)

Heh, I may not have known you for long kid but honestly I can tell you really are an interesting human.

[That's because he's Axel Argento and that's what makes him interesting.]

"Thanks guys. I really appreciate that you've all been there for me all this time…"

[Think nothing of it]

Normal POV

A lone figure was floating in the sky with a stoic expression on his face. He was looking down at the now occupied school.

"Interesting. I sense two being with similar power as me and they are among those many Angel, Fallen Angel, Devils and even some human. Hey, which of them do you think it is?"


"I see. Then shall we pay them a visit?"

Author's Note:

Hey there, fellow readers. Now some of you may be wondering about the introduction of the new characters that has emerged in this chapter. Well, here's my answer to that question.

Jeanne and Siegfried in this story have been altered to a different role then they were in the canon. Right now, they are as you can see part of Axel's former group and mercenary. What's more, the Argento siblings are close cousin to Jeanne.

Introduction to characters like Cu Chulainn and Alexander the Great are one of the many OC characters that you all will be seeing in future chapter but right now, if you want to learn more you have to wait and see in the next chapter.

And finally not to confuse them with the Hero Faction or anything. The people in Axel's group are genuinely reincarnation not descendant of the hero that is known in legend and history. Meaning, they would still retain their memories of their former past life and perhaps possess their original powers and ability.

Once again, thank you for all the support that you all have been given me. Please give me your thought on this chapter as it greatly helps me in my effort to write this story and I will see you in the next chapter. Bye bye.