Wow, hello again people of the internet! It has been quite a while since I hit the keys of the keyboard. I appoligize for the major delay, I got a job as a voice actress back in March so I've been devoting most of my time to recording. But I hope this giant chapter will make up for the months I've missed. I can promise you that I'll be updating this book more often becuase I'll defenity be typing this book more now that it's summer. Enjoy!

Chapter 13: "Another Class, another Destiny"

May 24, 1969

It's been a fun 2 months down here in Mann Co. Everything's changed ever since I got here, well everything except one thing. The only difficulty I've been having is the fact that the mercenaries don't trust me, it's like I've done nothing to prove my loyalty. All those times I saved them in combat, all those times I was there for them, everything, it's like they really don't even try to trust me. Further onto the point, today is the 24th of May, a very special day. Today is the day I'm choosing my spot among the RED Team. I still haven't gotten over the fact that I'm not allowed to leave, they all told me that they were worried about me "spreading the word" about the secret bases here. I guess they need some time to realize what they're missing out on here.

Over the course of this month things have began to change for me as well. I have become stronger, quicker, faster, and more suitable for war. But I still hate running. Another thing that's changed is my DARK. She's acting up more now, but in a good way. I've never seen her behave this way. She's always so crude, mean, and rude. But now she's changed.

Today's going to be fun, well it's 3 am now, but I'm sure it'll turn up to be a good day. Today is "break day". And you guessed it, no battles, no wars, no fights, just rest and some time to allow us to do what we need to. The only thing I'm worried about though is the BLU Team's "little general". I haven't really met her, but I see her now and then. She has it as hard as I do, maybe even harder. She also has a DARK, but she refers to it as VILE. I know we can't help the BLU's or even be sorry for them but it's sad to see her getting pushed around be the others, I know just how she feels. I hope that at some point I could escape for a little bit and show her what it's really like, just lift up her spirits; even at the slightest. Well back to today, yeah it's 3 am, but I'm not going to bed. I'm probably going to sneak out and enjoy the "pre-sunrise atmosphere, it's a nice sight. Also it's summertime, so the early morning is one of the coolest times of day, better enjoy it while it lasts. Well, better wish myself luck. Don't want to screw up today.

I laid down my pen and journal on my table, then got up and stretched. I already got dressed ahead of time. Today was not only my big mercenary day, it was my birthday as well. I quietly opened up my creaky door and snuck out. I made sure not to make a sound. I wasn't really allowed to leave my room, especially at 3 o'clock in the morning; but I found a way to sneak out anyway. I would be in so much trouble if they caught me out here, but during the night is the only time I get to practice my skills without anyone seeing me. I mean I'm not complaining, just that I prefer only one person watching me, the DARK; she always makes a mess of things and laughs at me. So no matter how bad of a mistake I make, she's used to it. The Soldier on the other hand will most likely scream at me, and try to embarrass me in front of the other teammates. He's not the only one. Scout is a totally different story. He's done everything from tripping me in front of everyone, to pushing me down a cliff to my doom. Thank god there's a respawn.

I made my way down to the back of the RED base where the Soldier usually has me practicing my techniques for the battle. Since the team still treats me as I'm a child, which I am but only age wise, I want to prove to them I can do much more than beat people to death with golf clubs and "try my hand at new things." To most they are blood thirsty mercenaries, but to me they are my guardians and I have no choice but to accept them as so. Besides, today is the day I turn 14, meaning Ms. Pauling is required to register me as a member of the RED team. I know exactly what I want my position here to be, to serve the team as their Assistant. Most members of the team have called me that for a while now, and it just kind of stuck.

Speaking of being a member of the RED team, I come down here every morning before the team wakes up. I try to practice so that I can have the strength to help the team, but mostly I do it because the Soldier is pleased when he sees improvement; little does he know that I drag myself down here half-asleep and get myself to do pull-ups, push-ups, and sit-ups for 2 hours every morning. Yeah, definitely "improvement without working", or so he says.

"So, how's the morning workout? I don't see you breaking a sweat, merely writing in your stupid journal again. What gives?" said the DARK as she came it to annoy me once again.

"Dark, quit acting like an ass. This journal helps me keep track of things and not go insane here." I replied back in an annoyed tone.

"You could just ask the Medic to help you out with that, well your physiological problems I mean."

"Shut up. You're not helping at all."

"I am helping you, I'm giving you pointers to help with your~"

"Shhh." I quickly remarked to close DARK's mouth. I knew I heard something, I'm not supposed to be outside the barracks before the "wake up call". This rule was made due to safety reasons, the administration was afraid that one of the teams would cheat by harming the other outside of battle. Though we are people who are hired to kill and harm, we are still required to prove and show that we're human. There's a big difference between being human and being animal.

"What is it, pipsqueak?" DARK remarked after s long pause.

"DARK, I'm sure I heardsomeone. You do know I'm not allowed to be out here."

"Oh calm down, it was probably just your self-consciousness." She replied.

"DARK, you are my self-consciousness."

"Right, I mean your. . . imagination?"

"There you go."

I walked over to the pull up bar, better get started. I did a few pull-ups and rested while holding myself up at shoulder height to the bar. Soldier always told me that it was better to rest in the most difficult position while doing an exercise, like for example resting while half way up while doing sit-ups or something of that sort. I didn't pay too much attention to it for a while but I started to get more into it recently, and now it's become automatic. I did a few more pull-ups, and heard footsteps.

"Just my imagination." I thought

I kept going with pull-ups non-stop. First 3, then 7, then that number doubled to 14. As I kept going I listened to my surroundings, maybe DARK was right, maybe I should get my hallucinations checked out. I aimed to prove her wrong though, if I were going insane or something I would have noticed by now, or would I?

Continuing to do more pull-ups, I suddenly heard something fall, the sound was wood against wood. I quickly turned my head to the right to look at the staircase that led up to the entrance to the intelligence part of the base. Seeing the wood that fell, and quickly let go of the pull-up bar and quickly made my way up the stairs and down the next staircase. I couldn't see anyone when I got down there just a piece of paper on the ground in the middle of the floor. Someone was standing there and watching me, and if that someone was on the RED team I was in big trouble, especially if that someone had a gray war helmet on this head. I picked up the note and took a look; it was crumbled up and looked run down. Must have been left here yesterday during the battle. Examining the note further it looked to be written in a foreign language, I knew which one exactly. But why would he even be down here, this early? I didn't understand but I disregarded the details, I just hoped he wouldn't tell Soldier about it, or else I was screwed. I crumbled up the note again and threw it down on the ground.

I made my way back upstairs and then back down to the training ground. I could see DARK standing there looking around. As I walked down the stairs she stood there with a angry look on her face and rolled her eyes as she saw me, better than the last "hello".

"Where the hell have you been? Someone could have seen you!" DARK remarked as soon as I got close enough to hear her.

"DARK, I'm afraid someone has already seen me." I told her as I whispered something in her ear.

"Hmm, do you think he'll tell? You would be screwed beyond belief if he did."

"I really can't say. He really doesn't seem like the type of person to do things like that."

"He seems to be out of his mind." She said as she rolled her eyes.

DARK raised one eyebrow.

"Oh who am I kidding, he is insane."

"Exactly. But enough about the madman with his inventions. I have something for you. I know you're not used to seeing me be nice, and I couldn't help you making an idiot out of yourself, well I could help to that cause but I choose not to. But, anyways, here just open it."

I took the white box from her hand and slid open the cover, I couldn't believe my eyes. It was a RED team uniform. The red on the uniform was clear, it had long sleeves that were made of a light fabric and covered the top part of the body tightly. On the sides of the top were bright red check marks that were in a yellow circle, much like the other mercenaries' uniforms. The bottom half consisted of Capri like dark grayish pants, much so like Scout's except they went a bit farther down and are tighter. The final two things in the box were pair of socks and Chuck Taylor All Stars that were red with yellow laces. The only thing that was negative was the fact there were some giant blood stains on some part of the uniform. I gave a gaze to the DARK.

"DARK, I have no words, it's amazing, no it's wonderful! But where did you get this?"

"Please do mind the blood stains, it was run down and in bad condition when I got it so I tried my best to fix it up. But you know how bad blood can be, always hard to wash out. Haha."

"DARK. Answer my question. Where did you get it?"

"That doesn't matter."

"DARK, did you steal it again?" I asked with a sigh.

"No genius, how could I steal it? Do you a 10th class with that uniform? Well, I mean if you call. . . . maybe, I mean.. . ." She trailed off whispering to herself.

"I'm not getting a response out of you."

*loud trumpet music playing through loudspeakers*

"Uh, pipsqueak. You better run."

I quickly piled my birthday present into the box and ran up the stairs jumping one or two at a time. I ran up to the barracks and stopped at the corner. I didn't hear any footsteps so I tip-toed me way down the hall. I was almost at the turn when I felt someone firmly grip the back of my shirt collar. I gulped loudly, either I was screwed or I should make a death wish, one was obviously better than the other. I tried to take a step forward, but it was no use, the grip got tighter. I had no choice. I turned around and I squinted my eyes, and as I made a full 90 degree turn I slowly opened them. To be honest I didn't know whether to be relieved or even more frightened. The figure before me was the Medic standing in front of me with his arms crossed; on his face was a disappointed look.

"Vhy don't you step into mien office, and ve'll have a talk? I vould love to know vhat happened out zhere."

I followed him to the infirmary office. "Damn", I said to myself.

He opened the door and I walked in. Well, better than dealing with Soldier, right? After this was over DARK would probably laugh her ass off at my "great success".

"So", he began as we both took a seat, Medic in his office chair and I in the chair on the other side of the desk, "Vould you care to explain?"

"I, um, well. . . . . you see. I." I stuttered.


I looked to the side and tilted my head downward. I didn't know where to start; I was screwed in general because someone had seen me outside the barracks early in the morning. Also, if he has seen DARK, how the hell was I going to explain a shadow/person/thing that can go in and out of me and that I've had ever since I could remember?

"If you feel uncomfortable explaining your little story to me, vould it help if you told it to Soldier instead? He surely vill be able to understand you better zhan a doctor, I mean your sister vas a general, right?"

I sighed. Why was this so hard? Okay, I would do it. DARK would kill me, but I'll do it. Medic is better than Soldier. I hope. . .

"So, what I was trying to say was. I go out every day in the morning to train. I just try my hardest to get better at what I do. I understand the "you can't go out until the wake-up call" thing, but I have a thing, and this thing, I. . . . what I mean is I have this thing where I can't stay outside too long after the sun sets, and yeah."

I looked over at the Medic who straightened himself in his chair, he looked at me confused but yet intrigued at what I had said.

"Und vhat is zhis "thing" you have."

I bit my lip, how was I going to explain that? I clearly forgot who I was talking to.

"Well, call it a "condition" if you must."

His eyes lit up, I could definitely see a light smile at the very corners of his cheeks. Damn, I should have help back.

"And vhy have I not seen zhis in your medical records? Is zhere somezing you vish to explain, I vould love to hear."

Yeah, I'm screwed both ways now. I bit my lip again. How was I going to get out of this one? Wow, this conversation is getting weirder by the minute.

While Medic was waiting for a response and began shuffling papers on his desk I looked upward towards my forehead. "DARK. DARK? Where are you? I need you to show yourself this once, please. Please."

"Not a chance dear. You promised me you would keep your mouth shut; you're on your own."

I squinted my eyes, that stupid shadow will pay for every time she got me in trouble. I lifted my head up and looked at Medic, he paid no attention to the fact that I talked to myself, he was still writing some things down on the papers.


He lifted his head up and sighed, "Ja?"

"I'll show you what "condition I mean. But you might want to stand up for this."

He chuckled. I grinned. Medic has no idea what he's in for. I stood next to the door; I've always had a trick for getting DARK to leave me alone. The good thing about this one is she couldn't control it. I put my left foot in front, right in back and made a Frisbee throwing motion that went upward with my right hand; out towards the other side of the room a purple shadowy ball came flying out of my hand. As soon as it hit the hall it changed into human form and because of gravity hit the ground.

I looked at DARK, then at Medic. His face was in complete disbelief.

He looked over at me, "I saw zhat figure, I zhout it vas a hallucination. It's real, how can it be real?"

"Imagine living with it." I replied.

DARK lifted her head. Her eyes were bright purple and I could see her pupils getting smaller as she looked around the room and saw me. This wasn't going to end well.

"You, you're going to regret this so much!" She yelled to me from across the room.

"DARK, I had no choice!" I knew exactly where this was going, "Don't do this to me!" I screamed back.

She grinned. "Oh yes I do." She said as she jumped up and got a hold of standing on her legs. I tried to reach for the doorknob, She was going to do it, and it wasn't going to be pretty. All of a sudden, DARK changed back into shadow form and flung herself towards me, pushing the door to the infirmary open. She changed back into human form as her feet hit the ground. Her arm tightly held my neck against the wall above her head. Medic was standing there looking at what would happen. He knew he had to help me, but I could tell by the look in his eyes that he had no idea what to do.

"Now brat, care to explain? Using your little maneuver to get me out and show me to your pathetic friend. You promised me that you would never reveal me to them. What happened to "forever and always?"Has being here with them changed something in you? You used to be so obedient," she said as her grip around my neck tightened.

"DARK . . . . Please . . . you're. . Chocking . . . me." I managed to get out.

"Oh, I'm sorry does that hurt?" She tightened her grip even more."Don't you worry kiddo, it'll be all over soon."

I felt my breath getting slower. Was she really going to do it this time? This hasn't been a first, this happened before. DARK is violent, very violent, but maybe I'd done just pissed her off to her "breaking point."

I looked over at Medic. He was speechless. My eyes were shutting. If I could do it in battle, then I could do it here. "Medic. . . help. . me. . . . ple. . ase." I said as I drifted off.

"Why you pathetic, little bra~" She cut off as I could hear her stop breathing. She began coughing and let her grip go; I felt to the ground and tried to catch my breath.

DARK forgets about this, but I never did. Whenever I get hurt or DARK gets hurt our scars imprint on one another. Hers on my body, and mine on hers. She almost chocked me to death, and because of that almost choked herself too. I can't explain it because I don't know what DARK is. When I was younger I thought she was just a voice in my head. But now as I get older, I see she is capable of much more that just giving me orders.

I finally caught my breath. Medic came running over and picked my upper half off the ground. He looked at me and scooted me away from DARK who was still in her coughing fit.

She lifted her head up, "Damn, the vise-versa principle." She said.

"Yeah, you", I took a deep breath, "you always forget about it." I replied as I was still being help up by Medic.

As DARK's breathing steadied too we both came down and were finally able to breathe normally. DARK being aggressive and forceful is a regular thing about her personality. But it has never gone this far before, usually when she sees that I'm in pain she stops. This time she was ready to kill.

The other mercenaries had just walked into the cafeteria area that was up the hall from the infirmary. Though they had missed most of what happened, they saw that something was going on. The rest of the team had gathered around us and asked what happened, DARK and I were in no condition to answer so Medic just shooed them off telling them we just needed some space at the moment.

After everything settled down and DARK and I were calm we went back into the infirmary with the Medic. I apparently still had some explaining to do.

"Does zhis usually happen often betveen you two?" He asked us as we all took a seat.

DARK and I exchanged looks. "Yes" we answered simultaneously.

Medic's eyes widened with concern.

"But, not to such extent." I added.

"Zhen vhy vere you both so eager to kill each ozer? Who are you both anyvay?"

We both looked at him, confused.

"I mean how did you even meet?" He added.

"Well, I don't actually know. I've had DARK ever since I could remember. She's just been there. I do remember being in an orphanage, maybe my parents died. I just can't place it."

There was an awkward pause.

"Wait no!" I began, "my parents didn't die, I don't really know what happened to them. But the orphanage, I ran away from home."

Medic frowned and looked right at me. "Vhat?"

"I, um, ran away from home. But I can't remember whether I had DARK before that time, or after. I just know that when I got to Britain she started to act up."

I heard Medic mumble something to himself. "Mien gott."

I honestly couldn't tell whether he knew something about DARK or if he just though I was an idiot for running away. I could barely remember why I left. Did I not like it there or something? Besides, who the hell were my birth parents? It's not like they were bad, or were they? Were they mean? Or was I just foolish?

The door flung open and Scout entered. "Yo guys! You gunna' eat breakfast or what? We're all waiting on you."

Medic looked n Scout's direction. "Scout get lost ve're having an important discussion here."

"But Doc, Soldier's getting' pissed off dat' you guys aren't~"

"Scout, you heard the man. Get lost." DARK and I both said simultaneously.

He didn't need anymore explanation. He shut the door and left.

"So vhat you are saying is zhat you ran avay from home, ja?" Medic began.

"Yes." DARK replied.

"He wasn't asking you genius." I snarled at her.

DARK rolled her eyes and slumped into her chair.

I rolled mine at her as well. "Yes" I answered to the Medic.

"Do you remember vhy?"

"Well, like I said I said before I really don't remember much from my childhood."

"Wait a minute. Why are you even interested to know that far back?"

I looked at DARK. "Yeah, you do make a fair point." I said to DARK. I turned to Medic, "why do you want to know that much?"

Medic looked from side to side looking for an answer. "Vell if you could remember vhere you came from, maybe you could remember vhen you got zhe , erm. . . . ." He didn't know what to call the "it" sitting in the chair beside me.

I looked at him, "DARK, her name is DARK."

"DARK? Hm, interesting name for the P-7Y5 virus", he looked down, "oh nein."

My eyes widened. "The what!?"

DARK looked at Medic with a menacing gaze. "How . . . how do you know my name?"

"I, vell, kind of." He stuttered.

DARK got up from her chair and grabbed Medic by his shirt's collar. "Explain."

"I can't." He looked at me. "No, I just can't."

I was confused beyond belief. So DARK is a virus? But why is she here, in me? And what does this all have to do with my childhood? Did this really all happen so long ago?

Just then the door slammed open and an angry Soldier stormed into the room. "IF YOU MAGGOTS DON'T GET YOUR BUTTS UP TO THE CAFETERIA NOW YOU WILL BE VERY SORRY!"

DARK let go of Medic and quickly got back inside me as a "spirit". I got up from my chair and sighed. On my way out of the infirmary I picked up my white box that DARK gave me. Medic followed behind me knowing that Soldier mean off of us.

As we walked up the hall to the cafeteria Medic put his and on my shoulder as a sign that he wanted me to stop.

I turned around. "What?" I said quietly.

"Zhat "DARK" of yours, be careful. She can be quite dangerous. What happened today, it's just zhe beginning." Medic said.

"What do you mean?"

"Let's talk about zhis later, after zhe battle."

I glanced over at Soldier who was getting inpatient, "sure, that'll work."

I walked past Soldier and joined Scout and Engineer at one of the tables.

"Hey Pallie. So, uh, what happened back dere'?" Scout asked as I sat down. Engineer lifted his head up from the plate, too being interested in the conversation.

"I really don't want to talk about it right now. I'm kind of supposed to keep my mouth shut." I replied.

"Hey, what' da matter? You can tell us anythin' we're your team, and we care."

I rolled my eyes. "Did you care when you pushed me off the cliff last Tuesday?!" I said in a loud tone.

"Sorry bout' that. I just, well, couldn't help myself."

"Maybe I'll start revealing myself to you people when you have a sense of respect for others." I said to him.

"Miss, he really does mean it. Scout can be, ruthless sometimes. You know how boys can be, don't ya."

"Thanks for the comfort Sir, but I'm afraid there are just some people who never learn. I'm sorry for the hard tones; I'm just going through, well, things right now. I'm trying to place my life together. I don't remember much of my childhood, and I got used to Britain, and then I suddenly came here. It's only been a couple of months. Ask Medic about it, I'm sure he'll feel the need to inform you about it."

"Uh, right, sure thing." He said.

"No, trust me. You'll like to hear about it. It's a thing, a sciencey thing."

"Pallie? May I ask just one question?"

I turned my head towards Scout. "Yes you may."

"That shadowy thing next to ya', uh, what was dat thing?"

"It's a "friend" of mine. We'll explain later. I promise, but right now Medic and I just need to settle some things out."

"Right. Okay."

The Soldier came behind me. "Maggot!"


"We need to talk, for a minute." He said.


I stood up and we walked over to a corner of the cafeteria.

"Now then, today is assignment day for you, because you have turned 14, right?"

"Yes sir."

"After everyone leaves to the battle field, remain here. Ms. Pauling will come up here to get you situated. IS THAT UNDERSTOOD?!"

"Yes, sir."

"Good, dismissed!"

After talking some more with the Scout and Engineer it was time for the RED team to get to the battlefield, I was the only one there. I had some time to my own to think about this afternoon. Back in Britain my sister had taught me how to cook, and I became fascinated with it; it seemed just like science to me with the ingredients being the chemicals and that sort of thing. I crated hundreds of recipes by myself and cooked for my sister after a long day at work. I wanted to make myself a little cake for this afternoon; it was my 14th birthday after all.

"Hello?" I heard Ms. Pauling's voice as she came into the cafeteria.

"Yes?" I answered back.

"Oh there you are. So I guess we may as well get started, I mean it is better to start early on this sort of thing."

"Of course."

"So here are all the contracts you need to sign." She laid about 20 papers or so in front of me.

"So fill in all of them?"


I picked up the first one off the stack, I had legal work. Always have, always will. I signed the first few papers, I was always taught to read contracts from top to bottom, but in this case I had no choice but to sign them. Most were just about their insurance; I couldn't help but chuckle at some of the things written on these contracts. Like for example, "all injuries gotten from battle are not to be directed to our lawyers." I love this one because what if the injuries you got weren't from battle? What if the doctor gave them to you? I sure hope my ribs were covered by their policy.

After finishing with the papers and legal work came the fun part, choosing my job.

"Well then, now that that's out of the way. She handed me two more papers. "So what position do you wish to occupy?"

"Well, I've kind of been thinking about it for a while and the position I wanted to take was 'Assistant Class'. "

"Assistant? Interesting, could you explain?"

"Sure, it's basically a position where I can assist and help out any other class on the team, and if needed I have the liberty to fight solo."

"But special training with each individual member of the team is required for this. Are you sure you're up for it?"

"If it means helping my teammates, of course." I replied.

"Then it's settled, we'll make a schedule for when you can train with each mercenary. But training with each one will take anywhere from 2-3 weeks each."

"I understand, but I'm up for it."

"Okay, but what will your emblem be?"

"Well, uh." I haven't thought of one. I never put much mind into it. But then, I remembered DARK's present. The RED Check mark. "My, uh emblem would be a check mark."

"Check mark? Well that's new. Sure." She put my answers down on the two pieces of paper. "Now just sign right there and I guess we're set."

"Yeah, sure."

"Great", she said as she placed all he papers in a bag. "You have the rest of the day off, feel free to do whatever you please. Just know that you're not allowed to leave the barracks until the battle is over. Also, the Mann Co guidelines and rules start applying tomorrow, break any of them and there sadly will be consequences."

"Alright, sure thing."

Mrs. Pauling got up and made her way out of the cafeteria, I got up as well. I had no other choice but to go back to my room at the moment, I could go around the upper half of the RED Fort and just do that for the remaining 2 hours, but I felt wrong snooping around the other merc's private quarters. I mean, who knows what you could find in there, uh. As I opened the door to my room I could hear the screaming of both the teams fighting. Though the walls are made to be sound proof, it's sad to say that that's not the case. Thank god there are no fights during the night; half of us wouldn't be able to sleep over the sounds of screams.

"So what's on your mind, Assistant?" DARK said raising one eyebrow.

"Thank you for remembering my new title." I said, "And thank god there won't be any more "pipsqueak", I quietly added to myself.

"Oh, not a problem. But what are we planning to do?" She asked again in an annoyed tone.

"Calm down, we'll think of something. Didn't we have some sort of project to finish?"

"Oh, that sciencey thing? I'd rather not, it blew up last time. Why don't we go around the upper half of the base instead?" She nudged me in the shoulder with her elbow, "You never know what you can find around here."

I sighed. "You do realize that it's considered wrong. You lost your self of dignity and sanity. Why don't you keep your sense of humanity?"

"Oh boo-hoo. Listen kid, it would be interesting to get to know the mercs a bit better without actually talking to them. Evade my statements all you like, but we both know how uncomfortable you are when you talk to them. You barely even know half." The DARK remarked.

"You may be right DARK. But that doesn't mean I shouldn't respect their personal space. I doubt I would feel any different if one of them came in here and looked thorough my things."

"Blah, Blah. You do realize every word you say to me flies right out. You'll never change my ways, but I suppose I can't make you do as I wish."

"You can't make me do what you say, just as I can't get you to tell my about yourself."

"Fair point." She said as she crossed her arms.

There was an awkward pause.

"We could just watch them fight?"

"I suppose we could." She replied back.

We both got up from the bed and made our way up to the roof of the fort, I was told not to interfere with the battle, but I was never told I couldn't watch it.

We both got up on the roof; I was the best climber out of the whole team, even better than the rambunctious Scout. I easily could get myself up onto any surface by either jumping or finding a place to put my foot. And DARK, well, she could basically float up; changing from a spirit ball to more human form was simple enough for her.

We made sure to keep our heads down so that we wouldn't distract the team. I've been up on this roof numerous times during the months that I've been here. The only other person who can get up here is probably Scout so this roof is considered a quiet place for me. If you slid yourself down to the very edge of the roof's side that was facing the 2 Forts then you could see the Sniper in his nest.

"Wow, intense battle. What's the count? Hopefully we're winning." I began.

"Intense as always." She added.

"Wish we had some sort of drink to open up and "watch the game" I joked.

She sighed and looked at me, "Now you're asking for too much.

"Just making a point. Besides, wouldn't hurt."

We watched the two teams fight, it never looked too intense when you're on the battlefield because you're focusing on keeping yourself alive, but when you're looking at the rest of your team you see how hard it really is. There were people getting blown up, backstabbed, shot, cut up, and all sorts of deaths. But the part that intrigued both me and the DARK was the Medic's Medi-gun, we'd seen it up close and got a hang of what it is, but never have we seen it in action or understood how it works. DARK has also told me about the "rumors" going around the team that Medic is working on a new breakthrough that allows people to be invincible. I see it as misheard statements, making people invincible is scientifically impossible. They must have messed something up, but I'll make sure to ask, what if it's true?

Another thing caught our eyes was Demo-man. His sticky-bombs were a thing I'd never seen before. Well, I have caught a glimpse of them in action when I was on the battlefield but observing every detail of them made me see how extraordinary they really were. Grenades I've seen many times, my sister's soldiers had trained and used them for year, but bombs that stick to walls is something new.

"Where do you suppose they got all these weapons from?" The DARK finally said after we'd watched them fight for about 2 hours.

"I have no clue. But wherever they got them from, their weapons are something out of the ordinary. I've seen them in action before, not paying too much attention, but now when you really look into their mechanisms you see how hi-tech they are."

"You think they could give you something like that? From what I've seen you're amazing with melee."

"I hope they do. And yeah, melee's great, but I can't wait till I get a gun."

"I'd like to see you try and hold the recoil." She snickered.

"Oh shut up, you've never even held a weapon from what I know."

"I have!"

"Well, if you call a kitchen knife a weapon." I remarked with a grin.

DARK rolled her eyes.

"Five minutes left in the mission!" Screamed the voice on the loudspeaker.

"Oh this has got to be good."

We didn't know the score but hopefully the REDs were winning. I paid so much attention to the mercenaries' weapons that I completely ignored the administrator's announcements.

We could see Scout running over the bridge with the BLU's intelligence. DARK and I wanted to cheer, but we knew we really shouldn't. The last minutes were always intense. As Scout got near the RED Fort the enemy Sniper had fired a headshot right at him. I winced, that has got to hurt. Soldier tried to go for the intelligence but got bombarded by the BLU Demoman.

"Five. Four. Three. Two. One." Yelled the voice.

I closed my eyes.

"You failed."

I breathed out heavily, damn. As I opened my eyes I heard my team screaming as they got shot at.

"Assistant, we'd better go."DARK said as she grabbed my shoulder.

DARK and I made our way down to the barracks once again; I knew the team would be in a bad mood, especially Soldier who yells at everyone for not trying their best. When we got down we sat at one of the cafeteria tables waiting for the team to enter.

"DARK", I said as I turned to her, "You better get back inside me, I don't want you being seen by the team."

She sighed, but yet complied. "Do you think Soldier will really be that pissed off?" She asked this time as a voice in my head.

"I don't know, I sure hope not." I whispered back to her out loud.

I heard the barracks door slam open.

"Maggots! I am extremely disappointed in your horrible performance! Get your asses back to your rooms and change. I am also calling a team meeting during dinner! I EXPECT TO SEE EVERY ONE OF YOU THERE!" The Soldier screamed.

I sighed. Yes, he's pissed.

While the others went to their rooms I stayed put, I didn't really know what to do.

Soldier came up to me. "Engineer's cooking tonight. Why don't you make yourself useful and set up the table." He said with annoyance in his voice.

"Yes sir." I said with a sigh. I hated seeing my team upset. They needed my help, and I will do everything I can to help them out.

I got up and walked over to the cabinets where we usually kept the plates and other dining utilities. I grabbed five plates and decided to return for the other five later. After placing them on the tables I picked up the other five and managed to grab some knives and forks too. The Engineer had already come into the room to start cooking. I placed the rest of the things on the tables fairly quickly, and then added some napkins to each set-up. The Engineer finished cooking the food by that time because he just heated up the many left-over from the night before. I told him to give me less than usual, I didn't feel hungry, I felt empty for some reason.

After the Engineer called everyone for dinner and we all settled down and started to eat the Soldier got up.

"I just wanted to start out by saying congratulations to the newest member of the team! Oh, and happy birthday newbie!" He shouted as he raised his glass.

I rolled my eyes but didn't pay too much attention to it. We all raised our glasses in honor of the toast and sipped whatever was in them. Heavy walked up to me with a huge birthday cake.

"Happy birthday Assistant! I am pleased to give you cake, we make it as team!"

I smiled, thank you. I turned around in my seat to look at them and raised my glass again. Thank you all!

After finishing our dinners we spent about 30 minutes partying and each enjoying a slice of the cake. Though it was a bit burned and needed a bit of work on the amount of ingredients put into it, I didn't mind. They actually took the time to make it, and I was grateful.

"Now, it get down to serious business!" The Soldier finally remarked after taking a long sip from his glass. We turned our towards him and he began again, "I have some bad news. Tomorrow we're moving to the Coldfront to defend it against the BLUs."

We all sighed. Wonderful. Just perfect! I wanted to yell out. "Sir? I have a question."

The Soldier turned his head towards me, "Yes Assistant?"

"What about the transportation?"

There was a pause. I could tell he didn't know what to say. Then, Spy, who was sitting at my table, pat me on the shoulder.

"Assistant, you could ride in my car. I just hope you'll vould be okay wiz sitting near zhe Scout."

"Sure, thank you so much." I turned my head towards the Soldier who was still thinking. "Sir. Sir!" I yelled in his direction.

"Uh. Yes?!"

"Never mind, my question has been answered."

"Oh, good! Does anyone else have anymore question?!" He asked.

There was silence.

"Good, then that's it for the night. Dismissed!"

Everyone headed to their rooms to start packing. I exhaled deeply, I was relieved I didn't have to wash the dishes tonight, it was Scout's problem.

As I began to start heading out to my room the Soldier caught me in my tracks, "Maggot. I have more bad news."

I rolled my eyes. "Yes? What is it?"

"I am sad to say that your stay here wasn't all that expected, a separate room was made for you in some places, but in others they're not finished yet."

"So, what are you saying."

"I'm saying. Well, I'm saying that you are going to have to share a room."

I put my hand to my face. "Wonderful, you guys are great." I said to him with a sigh.

He frowned and then just made his way to his room.

"Great, just great. I said to myself."

I began walking to my room, I may as well get packing. I could barely hold myself on my legs. I barely did anything today but the fact that I didn't get a lot of sleep in the morning made me tired beyond belief.

"Assistant! Vait!" Wonderful just what I needed, Medic.

I turned around to find him on his way down to the infirmary and gestured for me to come his way. I ran over there to join him.

He looked at me as I walked beside him, "Ve have a conversation to finish."

I looked down and yawned.

He sighed, "Are you really zhat bored?"

I looked at him , "No, no. Sorry, I'm just tired."

He nodded his head. I could tell me made a mental note, guess who's not allowed to wake up so early in the morning.

He opened the door and I walked in. And after we sat down he put his hands on his desk to grab some papers and then straightened his glasses. "Now, vhy don't you let zhat shadow of yours out."

I breathed in deeply and fling my hand again. This time DARK got a hold of it and just landed in the chair, not the wall.

"Yes? What is it?" She asked.

I gestured my eyes towards the Medic who watched closely at what we were doing.

She frowned as soon and she saw him. "Right, you."

Medic looked at her in disbelief. Then he turned back to me, "right, so vhy I asked you here. I need to tell you boz who you are."

DARK gulped.

Medic picked up an old newspaper that was sitting on his desk. "Zhe P-7Y5 virus vas developed a long time ago, during Vorld Var II. And zhe purpose of it vas to kill enemies of zhe var from zhe inside." He began reading.

My eyes videned and looked at DARK. "You're made to do, what now?"

I could tell DARK was getting ready to jump out of her chair and tear the German in half. I put my hand on her shoulder, "don't you dare."

I heard her breathing deeply, no, it wasn't fine. But the DARK continued listening; she put her back against the chair and tried to steady her breathing out.

The Medic raised one eyebrow, "It's amazing how she listens to you, I am still vondering vhy zhe parasite hasn't torn you into pieces."

DARK struggled to get out of my grip as I was holding her hands, if it weren't for me the DARK would have torn Medic into bits.

"DARK, please. No! Please, don't tear our only doctor into pieces."

"Assistant, you . . . better be ready to . . . to. . ." She started to breath heavily.

"Assistant, just give her time." Medic remarked. "Vhere did I stop? Oh, ja, right. Zhe virus is composed of microbes zhat tear the host from zhe inside. Zhe virus also takes zhe form of zhe host, zhis allows closer contact. Zhe P-7Y5 also acted as a spy for zhe nations zhat could control it, but usually it vas just zhe nation zhat made it."

DARK couldn't hold it. She made her hand into a claw form and I could see small blue bolts of electricity forming around it. Her breathing became faster.

"You. You! Stop reminding me of who I am!" She got up from her chair and held her hand with the bolts of electricity near the Medics face.

He backed away and was now hitting the wall behind his chair. "Nein! Runter!" He yelled at the DARK.

She didn't listen, just came closer and the bolts in her hand became bigger.

Medic stood up straight and looked right at her. I at the moment scoot my chair back.

"Schell." He said.

She exhaled deeply.

"Schell!" He repeated once again in a louder tone.

She closed her eyes and closed her hand as well. Then she glared at him again before taking a seat in her chair. I looked at the Medic with amazement. "How? How did you, how did you do that?!" I asked him.

The Medic took a seat as well, he looked from left to right. "Vell. . . I um."

I looked down. How the hell was this even possible?! I looked at DARK who closed her eyes and clamed herself down. "Is this true, P-7Y5?" I asked.

I saw a tear come from her eye. She nodded her head two times.

I looked back at Medic, "So how did she get inside, me?"

"Vell, vone of zhe models escaped. Vhen I first saw her I vas in disbelief because it vas never found. It looks for zhe perfect enemy target. I don't know vhat it found in you."

"I did not escape I.. ." The DARK began in a rather loud tone.

Medic raised one eyebrow.

The DARK looked down then back at me, "Never mind. He's right, I'm not remembering. I did run away and escape."

I looked at the DARK.

"Assistant?" The Medic began.


"I vant to make sure you two don't kill each ozer, her especially. Even zouhg she can't kill you from zhe inside, but is capable of killing you on zhe out."