Inspired by a Classic Doctor Who oneshot I read ages ago. I don't remember what it was called, but it was awesome.

Warnings: Angst. Angst. More angst. Every angsty trope is in full use. Beware.

The Butterfly Effect

Elsie Hughes accepts the Housekeeper position at Downton Abbey. She meets Mr Carson. They share years of friendship that eventually turns to love. They get married and retire. They buy a cottage on the estate and they live out the rest of their days together.

James and Patrick Crawley decide to wait a week before travelling to America.

Elsie Hughes accepts the Housekeeper position at Downton Abbey. She meets Mr Carson. They share years of friendship. Mrs Hughes eventually retires and buys a cottage on the estate where she lives out the rest of her days. Mr Carson continues to work at Downton. He occasionally visits his dear old friend, until the day the scullery maid is unable to wake him.

Her ladyship decides to host a dinner party. Mrs Patmore does not have a minute to talk. Mrs Hughes ignores propriety and turns to Mr Carson when she thinks there might be a lump.

Elsie Hughes accepts the Housekeeper position at Downton Abbey. She meets Mr Carson. They share years of friendship that is ruined by a lustful impulse. They continue to work side by side until Mrs Hughes has enough and leaves. She retires and buys a cottage on the estate where she lives out the rest of her days. Mr Carson continues to work at Downton until his heart gives out.

Charles Carson realizes that his friend's "Cheerful Charlie" scheme is horribly thought out and decides to remain at Downton. All resources are put into filling the only job vacancy. There is no rush.

Elsie Hughes accepts the Housemaid position at Downton Abbey. She meets Charles. They share six months of love. They talk about leaving service and getting married. They are caught before they had a chance to make it happen. Elsie and Charles are dismissed without references. At first they try to make a go of it, but the shame and the resentment is too much and they go their separate ways. She eventually finds other less acceptable employment. He finds the stage. They both contract the Spanish Flu and don't make it through the night.

Alice picks Charlie Carson over Charlie Grigg.

Elsie Hughes accepts the Housekeeper position at Downton Abbey. She meets Mr Geoffrey with whom she immediately clashes. Mrs Hughes spends the rest of her days taking care of those Downstairs. One day, she takes it too far and is found dead in her pantry. Mr Green is arrested for her murder. Meanwhile, Charlie marries Alice and they continuously struggle to make ends meet. Charlie drinks himself to death.

Elsie Hughes accepts Joe Burns' proposal.

Elsie Hughes becomes a Farmer's Wife. She unknowingly passes Mr Carson in a London shop one day. She and her husband live out their very long lives on the farm. They mourn the loss of their sons in the War and blame each other for a life that never was. Mr Carson dies of a heart attack at age 54.

A woman refuses a proposal and dedicates her life to teaching. Another woman seeks the American Dream.

Elsie Hughes and Charles Carson are never born.