To change to future: Chapter 1

Summary: It's nearing the end of the Fourth Hidden Shinobi World War. Konohagakure & the Shinobi Alliance is gone, a majority is dead. Naruto, Shikamaru & Sakura with the help of Kurama, use a forbidden Buji Space/Time Technique to reverse time. Aiming to change the future for the better, they embark on a journey that will change Konoha and the Elemental Nations forever. Inspired by writer: OnePlotThickens. FemNaruto


Naruto Uzumaki stood on top of her father's carved head on the Hokage monument, overlooking the destruction and ruins of Konohagakure no Sato. Sighing in defeat as she addressed her two companions.

"We have one chance. Once change to change everything. One chance to save everyone. We have to make sure that this future never resurfaces. Our comrades, family, friends, lovers…they're counting on us. We have to make sure our world survives. We're going to make changes; we're going to stop this from becoming our home, right? Sakura, Shika?"

Trying her to hold back her tears as her companions flanked her side. Shikamaru Nara squeezing her shoulder with Sakura grabbing her hand. All three overlooking their once-beautiful village, now in dying flames, ash, rubble and bones.

"We'll save them all, Hokage-sama." Sakura stated with confidence when inwardly she wanted to breakdown.

"They didn't give their lives for nothing, they gave us a chance, and we'll pull through." The Nara confirmed. "That's a promise and we gave them our word. And you never go back on your word, Hokage-sama."

"Thank you Sakura, Shikamaru. We will win." Pulling herself together to enter her mindscape and to her partner, the Kyūbi no kitsune, Kurama. "Are you ready for this Kurama?" The selfless blonde questioned.

The large fox grinned down to his Jinchuriki. "As much as you are, Kit. We have enough chakra between the four of us to travel a month before you became genin. That is where we will start making changes. But Kit, remember Rikudō-Jiji gave only me this jutsu to use once, we won't be able to travel back again if we fail…we can't let that happen. It's no longer an option. When you resurface, we will begin."

"Thank you Kurama." Leaving her mindscape to link hands with her two comrades, joining in a circle as the circulated their chakra, rationalizing carefully as they mixed their chakra's together as Kurama went through the handsigns.

When they felt their chakra at its climax they all bellowed out together. "Buji Ninpō: Saisei no Toki (Tailed beast Art: Rebirth of Time)."


The three shinobi all woke up with a groan to the sound of an alarm, with Naruto automatically rolling over to crush the sound with her fist. "Huh?!" she drowned out and pried her eyes open to see that she was in her bed in her run-down apartment. Shikamaru and Sakura lying hazardously on each other with the later to shove the Nara off.

Naruto sat up on her bed with her companions sitting on the floor. All looking between each other in shock with Sakura frantically saying. "Why in Kami's name are we still 20? How the hell are we supposed to hide this?"

Naruto got out of her bed to tread over to the window, smiling softly as she saw Konoha as it should've always been, the four faces of the Hokage's carved on the side of the mountain and went back over to her comrades to sit down with them.

Going through a Sannin-level privacy seal to keep her ANBU guards from interrupting or listening/looking in. Not even the one Hyuga in the squad could look through. "I didn't become a Seal Mistress for nothing, Sakura. Though we could use the standard henge, but I doubt the two of you would have enough chakra to maintain the jutsu 24/7." Bringing her finger to her chin in though, eyes narrowing at the ground.

Sakura & Shikamaru knew not to interrupt her when she was in that pose. Waiting patiently for their Hokage to address them.

"That's it." The blonde Jinchuriki snapped her fingers and patted her clothes down till she found an ink pot and three fine tipped brushes. "I studied Baa-chan's Infūin & permanent henge seal, it took me nearly a month to break it down and get the concept of it, but I know how it works and can apply it to us. With some modifications it will even supress our chakra to our previous reserves and remodel our voices before we hit puberty. Mostly you Shika." Sakura snickering at the Nara's disapproving face.

Creating three clones to help with the sealing, the original asking. "Okay, where do you want the seal and what do you want it to look like?"

"Tch, only you can come up with something so unpredictable, Hokage-sama." Shikamaru drawled and pulled his shirt off, indicating to his shoulder blade. "A desert flower."

The two females looked to each other knowingly, neither bringing up the name as one of the clones got to work on Shikamaru. Sakura moved her hair out of her way and gestured to the nape of her neck. "A diamond. Like Shishō."

Naruto pulled up her jumpsuit half-way and pointed to her left hip-bone. "Whirlpool. In memory of the Uzumaki clan." Getting a round of approvals.

"Hokage-sama, how are we still 20?" Sakura asked once more, using her medical training not to move as the light touches of the brush tickled her.

"Kurama says that it's since we already had our past-selves live here and with us returning back in time that we…devoured our younger counter-parts. Our younger bodies wouldn't have been able to handle the strain of our current chakra levels and since our 13 year old self's brains are still developing, they wouldn't be able to handle the stress of the knowledge and impact of the future. We would've died from the strain. It is possible to bring others into our plan. Any ideas who?" Naruto explained.

Shikamaru being the most tactical of the three suggested. "Hiding our true selves and skills will raise suspicions throughout the ranks. Watering-down our skills will be easy enough, it's the instincts that will get us questioned, so we have to be on the lookout and keep our guard up at all times. So the first person we need to help us is Sandaime-sama. The chunin exam is when it all started and I know without a doubt that Orochimaru & Kabuto have to fall. Right now, they're our greatest enemy. Even if we don't manage to get them at the exams, we have another 3-4 years to bring them down before everything goes wrong."

The females nodded as best as they could, not to interrupt the clones. With the Nara heir continuing. "The Akatsuki are not our biggest threat at the moment, but I have a gut feeling that you, Hokage-sama can re-convince Pein to reconsider his ideals. The Akatsuki may be filled with notorious criminals but they were all leading astray from the right path by Tobi or Obito. I know they have a chance to re-deem themselves."

"This means we also need Ero-Sennin & Itachi in on our plan. I think I have a way to get in touch with Itachi, but I won't be able to speak to him till Sakura and I go on our mission to wave." Sakura nodded at the two extra people to tell.

"Tsunade-Shishō…you need to speak to her again, Hokage-sama. Not now, but later. Her prowess in medical ninjutsu is a miracle & if I show her what I've learned then we can expand our knowledge in that department and save many shinobi."

"What about Kakashi-sensei?" Shikamaru asked in consideration with Sakura looking hopefully to her leader. Both knowing the intensity of their relationship.

Naruto shook her head in finality yet solemnly. "Iie, we all know of his life right now. He wouldn't be able to handle the news…especially about Obito and we cannot under any circumstances tell Sasuke the truth about his clan, till I deem him ready. Only the four that is mentioned. Is that clear?"

"Hai Hokage-sama." They both answered simultaneously.

"Another thing. Stop calling me that. I'm no longer the Hokage here." She tsked in annoyance.

"You will always be our Hokage, Naruto. Whether you like it or not." Sakura supplied as the clone retracted the brush. Shikamaru grunting in agreement as the clone with him finished his seal, same with Naruto, who sighed hopelessly.

The clones all placed their hand on the seal with their other in a half-ram sign. Pushing chakra through the seal, making the markings crawl along their body and into their respective symbol. The three time-travellers cringed under the snake-like feeling and felt as the seal locked in place with the clones dispelling and Naruto explaining how to active & de-activate the Fuinjutsu.

"The handsigns are the same with the basic henge, instead of weaving the chakra through your hands you redirect it over to the seal. Same principle when de-activating. We better activate it now before my ANBU guards go on a rampage."

All three of them went through the handsigns and transformed into their younger counter-parts with Naruto going through an extra set of seal, leaving the sound barrier up so that they could still talk peacefully.

"How troublesome…" the girls looked over to the younger Nara heir, trying their bests to stifle their laughter, his glaring not helping in the slightest. "Don't. You. Dare." He squeaked out.

Naruto and Sakura couldn't keep it in any longer and clutched their midsections howling in laughter. Shikamaru's glare intensifying, unwillingly letting a smile grace his lips and started laughing too. It had been months since they last laughed so hard, full of joy.

It took them a good five minutes to calm their giggles with Naruto pointing out. "Hey Sakura. How good is your acting?" getting a confused look from her and explained. "Well Shika just sleeps all day and doesn't need to act like his former-self. I'm a student of a spy-master so I can mask my personality well but…umm…you used to be a fangirl. Remember?"

"Oh bloody hell." Sakura whispered. "I can keep it up till we hit our first C-rank and slowly drop it as we start our careers as genin. But I won't be able to hold back if you're in danger, Hokage-sama."

Naruto nodded in understanding. "Very well…" looking over to her ramen calendar. "…Looks like we didn't appear where we wanted to be. The exams are in a week."

"NANI?!" Her two subordinates hollered and looked over to the calendar.

"Don't fret over it, but do remember to practise in these bodies. For now, both of you go home. Your parents will get worried…and for fuck sakes! I'm soo changing my wardrobe when I beat Neji-teme into the ground."

Shikamaru snorted with Sakura giggling. The former realizing and stating. "Hokage-sama, now that we are in the past, you do realize that you will be treated with scorn…are you going to be okay with that?" Sakura looking to her leader she saw as a sister with concern & worry.

Naruto sighed. "I was hoping you wouldn't remember that. But I lived through it once and gained their approval, I'm sure I can do it again. Especially if it means that we all get a second chance at a better life. Go rest. See your family. We'll talk to Ji-chan tomorrow."

Next Morning:

The Sandaime Hokage, Hiruzen Sarutobi was leisurely smoking his pipe when his brow twitched in irritation as he heard the familiar hollering of Konoha's residential prankster.

"Outta my way, you old Hag!" his office door ripping open and in came Naruto, but flanking her sides was the Nara heir, Shikamaru & Sakura Haruno with Naruto slamming the door hard onto his sectary's face and shoved a chair underneath the handle so she couldn't get in. Her two companions sighing and rubbing their faces.

"Naruto Uzumaki. What is the meaning of this?" The blonde Uzumaki stiffened. Hiruzen believing that it was because of his harsh tone but the sad looks her two friends threw at her made him think differently. He was not prepared in anyway when Naruto turned around. Her usual mischievous sparkling blues were nowhere in sight. Instead he was hit full blast with eyes filled with pain, sorrow, regret…the eyes of a battle hardened shinobi that has lived through war and seen many of their comrades fall. The eyes that didn't belong on a child.

In fact, now that he looked closer, all three of them had the same eyes. Despite Naruto's being more experienced, it was all there. With Shikamaru pushing the blonde softly. "Go, it's alright now."

The Hokage understood what the Nara was saying and stood out of his seat and rounded his desk, bending down with his arms outstretched.

Naruto immediately bolted towards his embrace and hugged him desperately. Her tears soaking his robes, mumbling apologies and his nickname she granted him over & over again.

Hiruzen brought her closer to his warmth, rubbing her back in a grandfatherly way. "My child, what happened to you…?" seeing Naruto's companions and added. "…all of you. What happened?"

Shikamaru stepped forward, his tone terse. "Where the whirlpools meet, blood shall merge."

Sarutobi stood to his full height with Naruto in his arms and ordered his & Naruto's ANBU guards to leave them be. "How do you know of the retreater code from the Second Shinobi World War?" in his arms, Naruto shuffled about.

Whispering in his ear. "Please, Ji-chan…hear us out before you ask questions." Indicating for him to put her down.

Complying he did so and watched in stump as his surrogate granddaughter put up a Sannin-level privacy/barrier seal with her two academy friends scouring his office. There was a mixture of shock, rage and pride when they found five listening seal and set them all aflame. Seeing the subtle gestures Naruto made to her fellow female, only to have her with an almost invisible flick of her wrist, sent three senbon to the corner of his office.

The Sandaime was surprised to hear an audible thump of a body hitting the floor with Shikamaru hauling the body of the Ne ANBU member from the corner of the room before him. Sakura removed the senbon from his neck and put him in a stasis, so the member would be unconscious throughout their discussion.

Sarutobi narrowed his eyes at the pre-genin and the level of skills the demonstrated. Naruto back in the middle with her friends by her side. Naruto holding her hands in a ram sign, the side duo following her lead and all whispered. "Kai"

The Hokage stumbled back to his desk, holding his heart in utter disbelief. Yet his eyes weren't failing him, neither was the sudden fluctuation of their chakra.

In Naruto's place stood a beautiful young woman with straight flowing blonde hair that reached the middle of her back. Her body lithe and well-developed, the whisker-marks still in their place. If Sarutobi didn't have any morals or self-respect, he would've tried hitting on the exotic beauty before him. An exact female carbon-copy of her father, just with her mother's facial structure.

To her right was a young lean woman with pink hair. Like the Sakura he knew, had green eyes & had the same facial structure of the younger Sakura. She had matured well, with a decent but not obscene figure with strong lean muscles.

To Naruto's left was an older version of Shikamaru an almost replica of his father, though without the scars. He didn't slouch as he did when he entered the office. His whole demeanour radiating knowledge and command.

"Explain. Now." He breathed out slowly, trying to calm his racing heart.

"We're from the future." The three Nin said in unison.

The Hokage deadpanned. "I can see that…or you somehow landed in Orochimaru's lab. What I'm asking is why you are here?"

"You're taking this quiet easy, Ji-chan? Why?" Tilting her head in wonder.

The Hokage chuckled and indicated for the three to pull some chairs over to his desk, stepping over the Ne agent as he moved to sit back down.

"I have seen many things in my life that I've learned to keep an open-mind."

The three time-travellers gathered their chairs and sat before their lead with Naruto asking. "I really don't want to…talk…so can I use your crystal ball. It would be easier on the three of us if we just showed you." The Hokage smiled softly in understanding and summoned his crystal, waving Naruto over to activate her memories.

Over the next two hours Sarutobi watched on as Naruto showed him everything. From Mizuki's treachery to the chunin exams. Tsunade being Godaime Hokage to Sasuke's defection and Naruto's training trip with Jiraiya to Pein's invasion and his identity to Obito and what happened to him. Sasuke's return after Naruto told him the truth about Itachi and his clan. Etc…etc…Everything. And to Naruto's embarrassment, her relationship to a certain masked-nin making Hiruzen smile happily. Finally ending with their rewind with time and their plan.

"So that's why we came back. Naruto Uzumaki-Namikaze, Genin, Rokudaime Hokage and Former Supreme Commander of the Shinobi Alliance. Reporting for duty Ji-chan." Standing up straight in salute.

Her fellow time-travellers following suit.

"Sakura Haruno, ANBU Capitan: Tora, Head Medic and Advisor to the Rokudaime Hokage. Reporting for duty, Sandaime-sama."

"Shikamaru Nara, Jonin Commander, Head Strategist and Advisor to the Rokudaime Hokage. Reporting for duty, Sandaime-sama."

"Very well. This will be kept between the four of us and the other three you want to tell. But Shikamaru-kun, I doubt you'd be able to hide this from your father, so I suggest you tell him when the time is right or when he gets too suspicious.

I know you don't want to change things drastically, but you are to keep me informed of your actions and I'll grant you free reign to take out Orochimaru's spies early, if it is to help save the future. I'll try to get Jiraiya and if I can Tsunade back to the village before the chunin exams, and I expect you two…" indicating to the two females. "…to straighten out the Sasuke & Kakashi situation that will happen when you are assigned teams.

That means making sure that Kakashi isn't playing favourites, like I suspect he did the first time. I will rein back my power as Hokage and put the civilian council in their place and get someone to deal with Danzo."

Getting the approving nods of the 20 year olds.

"We cannot under any circumstances let your future repeat. I will believe and trust in your skills, but we will need allies to help."

"I have a few I have in mind, Ji-chan. If I can save them that is, but I know I can save them and give them a better life, if you are willing to let them into the village."

"Certainly, if you trust them. You have the same sense of judgement like your father and I trust in him and you completely. All of you."

The three bowed respectfully in thanks. "Arigato Ji-chan, we'll see you later. But before we go…" pointing to the mountain loads of paperwork. "Use Kage-bunshin. If you want me to will allow you to face Orochimaru on equal terms then you need to train and I need to recalculate a certain seal to help you."

The time-travellers activated their Infūin: Henge with Naruto releasing the privacy/barrier seal, leaving out the window and for the Sandaime to take care of the unconscious Ne agent on the floor. The ANBU immediately taking their place in the office, looking in concern as their leader was grinning madly at the paperwork set out before him.

"Neko, take this man over to Inoichi and have his mind searched for everything." Cackling crazily as he placed his hand in a cross seal and summoned 10 Kage-Bunshin. "Today, I will be VICTORIOUS!" he bellowed out with his clone as they each grabbed a pen each and started sorting through the papers efficiently.

The ANBU planning on using that technique in the future.


A week passed by fairly quickly for the time-travellers. All three finding it hard to re-face the younger versions of their precious people, but kept their emotions in check till they got to Naruto's home and released the unwanted emotions. The Sandaime pulling away Naruto's guards much to the distress of the two Elders and Naruto's future Genin sensei.

The trio spent their free time in the Forest of Death with Naruto's unique chakra, taming the animals to her will, preparing them for the upcoming invasion. They trained their henged bodies to the max, so that they could even take on low-level chunin and walk properly.

Shikamaru admitted defeat to his father and invited Naruto over to transfer his future memories to his father through the use of Fuinjutsu. His father agreeing to help in any way he could to stop their future from recurring, giving the Rokudaime his word to keep his silence and swore on the Yondaime's will to protect the king.

Their acting skills on par with Koyuki Kazahana of the Princess Gale movies. And it wasn't long when Naruto 'failed' the genin exam for the third time and went through the whole night of finding out about Kurama…again. Ending the night in the same manner, yet mentally exhausted afterwards and cursed the Hokage out for making her go through all that stupid shit once again, to his shock at her motor-mouth like her mother and humour seeing a 20 year old sulk in the corner of his office like a 5 year old.

Though now the trio sat far away from each other in the academy classroom with Naruto shouting at Kiba that she was a Genin and to go suck a cock. Making the on watchers in the Hokage's office splutter at the green-Genin. Sakura & Shikamaru using their years of shinobi discipline not to react strongly.

Hokage's office:

Sarutobi bit back his chuckled with an undignified cough and smoked innocently on his pipe as the gathered Jonin watched the drama unravel in the classroom.

"Oi Ji-chan, are you sure you're not a pedophile watching my classmates with that face of yours?" The familiar & cheeky feminine voice from the office window. The jonin all watched as she leapt off the windowsill and made her way through the crowd over to the Hokage.

Hiruzen instinctively picked her up and placed her on his lap so she could see the crystal ball and replied. "Naruto that's no way to speak to your leader." Only getting a scoff from the girl. "And why aren't you in class? Iruka-kun will be reading out the team assignment."

"Mou, Ji-chan. I don't wanna listen to Iruka-sensei's lectures…and anyway I have a clone in there. He won't suspect a thing…" Narrowing her eyes at her surrogate grandfather. "…Right, Ji-chan?"

"O-of course, my c-child." Sweating profusely as he had seen those eye too many times on Minato.

The jonin all looking in awe & shock as Naruto just waltz on through into the office and insulted the Hokage. Yet he didn't seem to mind, seemed fond of her brashness. Well she certainly had him by the leash that's for sure.

"But Naruto, I've told you to use the door. It's there for a reason." The Sandaime reprimanded the blonde Genin.

"Yeah…for your sectary." Grinning at the enraged female that entered through the door. A few of the jonin couldn't help but laugh as the woman slammed the door shut in anger.

"Naruto…" the stern reply came from the leader. Naruto sagged in defeat and nodded stubbornly. The Sandaime ruffled her hair that she no longer wore in pig-tails. Instead letting her hair flow wonderfully. Naruto grumbled and ignored the chuckling Hokage as she brought her attention to the crystal.

…and immediately started laughing. As her clone swapped out with Kiba, making him end up locking lips with the loyal Uchiha. Ending with Kiba being pummelled into the floorboards by enraged fangirls. Sarutobi swore he saw Sakura smirk sadistically.

Naruto quietened down so that the shinobi could listen to Iruka's speech and call out the teams, already knowing the results. Opting to look around to see who was in the room and as she suspected, Kakashi wasn't here. Almost feeling relief at the sight. The Sandaime squeezing her shoulder in reassurance.

"…Team 7 under Kakashi Hatake. Sakura Haruno, Naruto Uzumaki and Sasuke Uchiha…"

Naruto with her mask intact, brought her attention back and scowled at the ball, and glared daggers at the Hokage. "Now, now Naruto. If you actually paid attention in the academy and stopped skipping, you wouldn't be in this predicament."

Naruto pulled the man by his ear so that she could whisper for only the two can hear. The shinobi watched as the Hokage's face turned into one of horror and embarrassment. Wonder what in the Elemental Nations she said to him. Seeing her pull away and slap his cheek playfully, getting off his lap to sit in the unoccupied couch and smiled innocently at the shinobi.

Sarutobi cleared his throat and commanded. "There you have it. The future of Konoha. Test them well and raise them for the best. Dismissed."

As the jonin filed out of the room, the Sandaime signalled for his ANBU to leave with Naruto placing up her privacy seal and released her henge. Stretching her limbs happily.

"If I remember correctly, lunch is about 30 minutes long and Kakashi-sensei made us wait three hours before he turned up…" pausing slightly and added. "My clone just informed Sakura & Shikamaru. So we should have plenty of time to get this just underway. If you will."

The Sandaime nodded, forgetting about Naruto's threat to him and discarded his robed till he was only in his black shinobi pants and sat in the middle off his office. Watching as the 20 year old and her clones pushed his desk to the side, all with ink pots and brushed. One of the clones coming up to him with an empty vile. Sarutobi nodded and sliced his palm open with a kunai from the clone and started to fill the vile to the brim.

"I need you to stay as still as you can Ji-chan. This Fūin/Nin Jutsu I'm going to apply is very delicate and dangerous. Not to mention it takes a ton of my chakra to activate. I'll start now, so ooze your chakra out slowly and in small quantities."

Naruto and her clones work diligently in utter silence. Drawing and marking seals along the floor and over the Sandaime's body. Tying his blood and chakra tighter together. Naruto never breaking a sweat or step as she glided her bush along the different surfaces, never wavering when Sarutobi would involuntary shiver or twitch. It took both her and her clone a solid 1½ hours to draw up the seals, the original ordering 4 clones to remain behind and for the rest to dispel. The four nodding and stood in a box formation with the original standing in front of Sarutobi.

"This will only hurt if you try and reject what's happening to your body. Just relax and let it take over, otherwise it will take longer than necessary." Her and the clones simultaneously going through a long string of ancient and current handsigns. Chanting in the old language of the Uzumaki clan. With the sequence ending the clones slammed their hands to the floor on the seal with the original slapping one hand on Hiruzen's forehead with the other in a half-ram seal.

"Uzumaki Fūin-Nin Ninpō: Genesis of Prime." They all shouted. The seals all along the floorboards and his skin burned as Naruto pressed her chakra into the jutsu, making the seal come together, crawling about his body to specific vital points. Naruto kept pressing her chakra forward, feeling Sarutobi tense then relax under her, hearing him muffle back his screams in pain.

His wrinkle-aged skin was disappearing, his grey hair and bald-patch re-growing and turning brown. Chakra levels being re-establish to when he was in his prime. His bones were strengthening and brains cells rapidly working at a faster pace. Muscles flexing and toning.

Naruto stopped her flow of chakra as soon as the seal marking disappeared and collapsed to the ground, panting at the loss of so much chakra. Her clones dispersing and returning their remaining chakra back to her.

"How…*wheeze*…do you feel?" she whispered tiredly.

Sarutobi clenched then unclenched his hands. "Younger…better…stronger…clearer"

"Good. I turned back your age a good 18-20 years. So you should be around the same age as your students…which is kind of weird." Whipping away the perspiration with her forearm. "Remember Ji-chan, I only did this because I need your help with the future and it's your responsibility as a sensei to take out Orochimaru."

"I understand, Naruto. Rest, I'll wake you in when you have to meet Kakashi." Pulling her over to the couch to lie down. Her eyes immediately closing as he moved quietly around the room to reposition his things. Smiling proudly at the napping blonde, then over to the portrait of his successor. "You would be proud, Minato. She has seen and been through so much, yet here she is…giving everyone a second chance at life. To save our future." Walking over to the window, out looking the village.

"You knew, didn't you Minato? That she would be the child of prophecy. That's why you sealed the Kyūbi…no…Kurama into her. She will be the light that leads our way. A worthy Hokage."