I lost everything in a blink of an eye...My family, friends, relatives and my beloved twin sister. I couldn't do anything to save them no matter how hard I try. Here I am standing on a cliff thinking should I jump? Or live on with this guilt and loneliness I have endured. How hard it is to lose everything. How about you? Have you lost a love one? Probably yes and probably no...Do you have time to listen to my story how I lost everything? I would be happy about that if you could have time. OH yeah, I forgot to introduce myself...My name is Len Kagamine. Let's start the story...

YEAR 2000

A blond boy who is about 5 years old ran up to his loving mother. That boy was me. My mother always had a warm smile on her face yet she always looks sad. I asked my mother "Mama...Why do you have a warm smile yet you look sad? Is it because of Daddy?". My Mother looked at me shocked for a minute and tears fell down her cheek. She hugged me saying between her sobs "Don't worry Lenny *Sob* Just protect your sister at all times alright?" I didn't understand what my mother told I'm only five at that time but I agreed with a big smile. The door creaked open to reveal my Twin. She held a stuff bunny her eyes a little watery. Her name was Rin Kagamine. My mother looked at Rin and said "Did you have another nightmare again, Rinny? "Rin nodded. She went to Rin and carried her cradling her to go to sleep. Looking at that peaceful sight I didn't know I was asleep.

The morning were I was awake I turned to my right to see Rin still sleeping. I opened the door but stopped mid-way. I heard sobbing and shouting. I sneaked down to see my mother on the ground and my Father holding a sharp blade. Father thrusted the sharp blade to my Mother's chest and my mother fell to the ground and a liquid kind came from that open wound on my Mother's chest. I gasped and ran to Mother in closer inspection with the liquid it was actually blood. Mother had gone limp and was slowly getting colder. I heard a thud and looked to see Father with a happy eyes and a smile creeping to his face. I looked to where the sound came from and it was actually that sharp blade or a knife to be precise. My father laughed evilly and said "Hahahaha! Damn Bitch deserved it! Len clean this up and DON'T talk about this to anyone understood?". I was still puzzling everything together and I was shocked that my OWN father killed our loving mother. I gave him a cold glare that I didn't knew I have. Father flinched and backed away a little. I was angry, furious to be precise I have to protect Rin no matter what happens!

A few days later a funeral had happened. A funeral to my loving mother...no...Me and Rin's loving mother. My so called Father was acting innocent and fake crying. I scowled at him and muttered curses I mostly here from him in my head. I looked at Rin and she was still crying and muttering things like "Why Mom? Why does she have to die? "Rin was closer with Mom so it was a bigger shock to Rin than media placed my hand over her shoulder and tried to comfort her. I will never forgive that Bastard! That Bastard I once call as my Father!

YEAR 2009

Me and Rin had already been 14.I still kept the promise I gave to Mom when she was still alive, to protect Rin even if it cost my life. I wanted to protect Rin so I had a mentor who taught me how to use a gun properly and all that other basics. Father always moves us to different neighborhood. So I and Rin are in a new school again and it's a public school that specializes in music called Vocaliod University. I always hide my Gun somewhere no one can find it.I always bring it everywhere even now for safety precautions. We walked to the faculty to get our schedules and what classroom we were followed the teacher to help us go into our classroom. The door flung open revealing a pink-haired woman. She was beautiful and mature. She looked at us and smiled "Hello, My name is Megurine can call me only Luka or megurine-sensei"

She urged us to come eyes were on us and Luka-san, that's what I will call her from now on, said "Class! Please meet your new classmates! Treat them nicely!" the students -san gave us a look telling to introduce ourselves do Rin started first saying "Hi! My name is Kagamine Rin, Please take care of me" flashes her smile that was like Mom's. All of them nodded and others shouted 'we will!'They all looked at me and I sighed "My name is Kagamine Len, I'm related to her". I heard girls squeal and one student raised her hand, she had teal hair tied into twin tails...her hair was freakishly long it almost touched the -san saw that the girl raised her hand and pointed at her to continue, the tealette said "Are you two twins?". I was dumbfounded and also the whole class even was the one who said 'Yes' while I was laughing inside at her stupidity(A/N: Sorry Miku fans...I made her the air head kind and the cheerful sometimes asks the dumbest questions kind). Luka-san pointed two seats near the tealette, one in front of her and one at her side. Rin took the front seat next to her and i took the seat next to her. The morning lessons were the same so I just decided to sleep until someone called me and of course it was the teacher saying "Mr. Kagamine! Are you sleeping in my subject?!" I immediately replied saying " course not" "Then tell me what kind of sentence pattern is this?!" "It's S TV IO DO, mam" "Good...I thought you weren't listening". OH please...I remembered everything about this so I had gotten board. I looked at Rin who gave me a worried look but reassured her with a smile.

It was lunch time and the only time were students become noisy, freedom from that torcher if you would say. I would always avoid my noisy 'friend's' because they give me a headache sometimes and this is the only time I could feel free and relax without those stupid things you know? But anyway back to where I was going...I was going to finally take a bite of my lunch until THIS idiot who has blue-hair, always has a crush and has UNDOUBTFULLY has a crush on Miku but to shy or dense to say it to her. As goes for Miku as well. I was snapped back to reality when BaKaito said "Ne~ Len? Do you think this is the right time to confess to her?" "I don't know BaKa-er I mean Kaito...And I don't care" "Awww~ what kind of friend are you?"BaKaito suddenly pouts childishly, Idiot, there are no words but these to describe him. While he was still whining about either to confess to Miku or not Rin, Miku and Meiko came to where we were sitting at the cafeteria. Rin sat beside me,Meiko sat in front of us while drinking her beer? Is she even in legal age to drink? Well doesn't matter...And Miku sat at my left and said in a whisper "Hey Len...Do you think i should tell Kaito how I feel already?"

God this people...Are they that dense or just plain stupid to not even realize their feelings for each other? Meh...I pick both...

A/N: Okay this is my secong story...i started a new one cause i don't have any more ideas on my first story "Who are you? Where are You?" But anyway review on how i could judge this but not that harsh...stay tuned for the next chapter!

Rin:How did i die?
Me:That a secret~! 3
Len:My role here is...sad
Miku&Kaito:why are we dense here!? We're not Dense!
Me:Yeah but i wanted it to
Meiko:Hmm~ I like my role!
Luka:I'm good with this kind of role...
Me:Thanks! Miku and Kaito doesen't appreciate this *Sniff*
Luka:Miku and Kaito! APOLOGIZE!
Miku&Kaito:We're sorry
Me:It's okay *Snicker*
Len,Rin and Meiko: 0.0