Author's Note: I'm not dead. :O HLK is back with a story none of you were expecting! Yeah, that's "write." ;) What's the one thing I have been holding back on for so long as far as story types go? That's right, a lemon! I've had this idea for a little while, but was not going to really do it. Then a friend of mine from here, Crowwolf, did a huge personal favor for me and I decided this would be a great way to thank him. With that being said, this is dedicated to Crowwolf. Thank you for being there for me when I had no one else. :)

This takes place after Alpha and Omega 1, but before Alpha and Omega 2

Disclaimer: The original A&O plot and the characters associated therein are property of Lionsgate Studios and Crest Animations and their respective creators. Humphrey Loves Kate only owns his OCs and his plotlines.

Dominant Omega, Submissive Alpha

Chapter One

"Good boy, my little puppy," she said in an incredibly seductive voice. Then she rewarded him with a kiss on his nose.

He was panting, sweating, drooling, thoroughly enjoying this experience, bound to her and at the mercy of her, and for the time being he had no free will. It was like a dream, a dark fantastic dream come true. All he wanted was more, more rewards, more punishments, more of her in general and anything she wished. He belonged to her, and he liked it that way…

Garth awoke with a jerk to the early morning sun peeking into the den. As his body transitioned to being awake, he looked himself over and realized he was panting and sweating, like awaking in a cold sweat but with more pleasure. It had been a dream, and an erotic one at that. His beautiful mate, the one and only love of his life, Lilly, was lying to his right, still sleeping peacefully, deep in a dream of her own. Usually, Garth would smile warmly whenever he saw his mate, but when he smiled this time, his smile was filled with lust and desire for his mate and her sweet body. He let out a soft moan and crawled up to her, gently pulling her close into a warm embrace as he lied next to her, resting his large head against her smaller one. Down between his own legs, however, his "wolf," having become aroused during his dream, brushed gently against the snowy white fur on her lower back. Garth liked this feeling, so he wriggled his hips a little to brush his growing member a little faster against her fur. He held Lilly close, sighed pleasurably, and rested his eyes casually drifting back into a light slumber, that wonderful dark fantasy dream playing in his head.

Lilly awoke a few minutes later as she felt warmth all over her body. She let out a small, polite yawn and looked down to see Garth's big and strong paws gently wrapped over her body. Lilly adored the feeling of being held by her mate, who was significantly larger than her. A small yelp escaped from her mouth as Garth squeezed his paws tightly around her in a close hug. Lilly smiled dreamily and tilted her head back to look up at her loving mate. Just as she was about to kiss him good morning, something warm and soft brushed against the fur on her lower back and caused her to gasp quietly in surprise. She smirked as she realized Garth was aroused and was casually rubbing himself on her for pleasure. With a light giggle, she licked Garth's chin gently to alert him that she was awake and had caught him red-handed (or in this case, red-pawed).

When Lilly licked him, Garth's eyes opened wide and he looked down remembering exactly what he was doing. "Oh, I uh…. Uh…" Garth stuttered awkwardly. Despite the fact he and Lilly had been mates for about a month now, and had taken part once in things only mates should do, Garth was still a little bit awkward around Lilly whenever he became aroused. He had his reasons. First off, the last thing he wanted to be was the typical male who wants sex almost all the time. Second, he was an alpha and Lilly was an omega. They were mated, but there was still that old rank system that was embedded in the wolves' minds and the rank system assigned dominant and submissive roles to the wolves. He simply didn't want to feel like he used his alpha status to take advantage of Lilly in anyway, and he would never do anything that might make him feel like she was his property for him to do with however he pleased. Garth was a kind alpha male, and to him Lilly's feelings always came before his sexual desires.

Giggling, Lilly pulled out of Garth's embrace and replied, "Morning sexy. Did you have sweet dreams?"

Garth tried to cover up his erection as Lilly moved away from him. Of course his efforts only made it all the more obvious. "I did…" he trailed off. He gazed into Lilly's lavender eyes, finding that tranquil, mesmerizing, loving feeling that always radiated from his mate whenever she was around him. He sighed dreamily. "You look so beautiful this morning, Lills."

With a red hot blush that seeped through her fur, Lilly replied quietly, "Thanks Garth." She looked at the ground and nervously shifted her paws as she thought of what she had wanted to ask Garth for so long, ever since about a week after their marriage. Could she do it? What would Garth say? He was her mate though, so she should be able to tell him anything anytime. But his behavior lately, especially this morning with him being so embarrassed about being aroused, had suggested he probably isn't interested. Lilly wanted so badly to ask Garth if they could mate again. She sighed sadly, and of course Garth noticed.

"Is something wrong Lilly?" Garth questioned with concern. He tilted his head to the side waiting for an answer.

Lilly shook her head in denial. "No, Garth, I mean… It's just…" Then she made up her mind. She was going to solve this dilemma somehow, on her own. And it was at that moment that Lilly began to exhibit a side that had been locked down in her for so long. Her alpha side was emerging!

Garth shrugged. "Lilly, you can always tell me anything anytime." His lips gently touched hers in a quick kiss, but he felt Lilly only kissing back halfheartedly. This worried him.

"I'll tell you later today, Garth, probably this evening. Love you," and with that she confidently strode out of the den, looking for someone that could help her with her problem. She was looking very much like her older sister, Kate as she walked off.

"I love you too…" Garth trailed off as he curiously watched Lilly walk away, wondering what she could possibly be up to. It was not like her to suddenly grow so confident in herself. Something was up. Garth could only wonder if it had anything to do with his awkward arousal earlier that morning. His gut told him that was entirely what it was about.

Author's Note: A little short since I generally shoot for 1,500 words a chapter with a usual minimum of 1,000. But I'm getting back to writing, and it could take a while before I'm fully back in the game. Lots of crap happened for me in 2013, but 2014 is looking a lot brighter! My new rule is to push out all the crap before it gets to me and slows me down, and it's been working so far. Anyway, I've been so so busy lately but I've been working hard at trying to get free writing time and it looks like it kind of paid off…. Maybe just a little bit… :P Anyway, next chapters coming soon… I hope. But here's the first one to start us off. Again this is a lemon, so the fundamental of the story is sex. But I decided to actually give the story a plot line other than just sex and in the end you might learn a lesson or two. :3 Oh, and I had to do Garth and Lilly because they are my personal favorite and Kate and Humphrey have so already had their time to shine in lemons.

Again this is dedicated to my good friend Crowwolf. Check him out guys. He's got a lemon or two as well. ;)

Check back soon! Remember to leave a REVIEW! I'll state my two main goals for this story at the end, so if you want you guys can guess what they are as we go. If you guess before the final chapter is posted (it looks like that will be chapter 3), then I will be sure to give you a shoutout. :3

Love you guys! Thank you to those who did not give up on me. :D