This is my first story, I'm so happy, I hope you guys like it. I love The Mortal Instruments, I have read all five books and I'm waiting for City Of Havently Fire. I have been reading fanfictions and I decided to write one my own. I really like the idea of Magnus and Clary. I changed a lots of stuff like Magnus being bisexual, dressing 'funny', wearing make up, his hair (by that I mean the spikes, he's hair is more like in the movie), liking Alec. Clary doesn't like Jace, they never kissed, Jace just told her he liked her. Also, the last time Magnus saw Clary before the party was when she was 12, Joselyn picked up the 'posion' from Magnus because it was hard to get clary to go, don't hate me.

All characters belong to Cassandra Clare.

Chapter 1


"ugh" where is it, where did I put it. I have been searching my room ( her new room in Luke's house of course) for about 20 min. and couldn't find it. I have searched everywhere but can't find the piece of paper with Magnus number. Where did I put it she asked herself. She walked to her bed, picking things she had dropped during her search. She let herself fall in her bed, her red locks everywhere her pillow. Her sketchbook fell to the floor. First she had been sitting in her bed fitghting whether call him or not, then when she had finally decided to call him she couldn't find his number.

She couldn't stop herself from thinking of Magnus, maybe this was a sign that she shouldn't call him. As she picked up her sketchbook from the floor, a piece of paper fall. She picked up the small paper which had a number and read: Magnus Bane. Call me. with blue pen, in a beautiful handwriting.

I sat in my bed, hesitating, with my phone in a hand and Magnus' number in the other. Call him I told myself. But instead I let myself fall into my bed again and looked up the ceiling. I pictured him, his beautiful face, with those dark brown eyes and a grin across his face. call me, he said putting a piece of paper on the pocket of my leather jacket. Meeting him had been the best part of his party, well the only good thing since Simon turning into a rat wasn't a good thing even though I laugh about it now. I closed my eyes to picture him again, this time after he healed Alec.

Flashback: after Valentine left

I was sitting in a infirmary's bed, my body ashed. Two beds from mine was Alec, his eyes closed, resting on his back. Magnus had healed him, Isabelle said she was surprised when she saw him. She said he had ordered her out the room, and when she did so, green and red sparks had come out under the door.

I touched my forehead "auch!" It hurts. I felt a warm liquid in my fingers' I looked at them there was blood "well this will leave a mark" I said

"I can help with that" a male voice said, it sounded familiar. I looked up and Magnus was standing there, at the side of the bed. He was dressed all black .

""I said, he is extremely handsome, his dark brown and cat-like eyes are interesting...wait why am I thinking about this? I asked myself I pushed the thought away.

"Does it hurts? How bad are you hurt? Lie down I will heal you" Magnus said. I could see concern in his eyes. Did he care about me?

"Umm... no I'm OK I will use a irazel"

"No need, when I'm here, now lie down or I will do it myself" he said with his cat eyes. I lied down without looking away from him.

"Thank you"

"Close your eyes" he said, still with those unreadable cat eyes . I closed my eyes, I felt two warm fingers on my forehead where the bleeding was. Then I felt warmth all over my body and the pain was gone.

"Open your eyes" I opened my eyes and Magnus was standing closer to me.

"Thank you helping me and Alec l..." he cut me off

"My pleasure, and I helped Alec because for you, I know you would blame yourself if something happened to him"

"F...for me?"

"Yes, only for you"

end of flashback

"I'm calling him"


I was lying on the couch in he living room watching TV. I was a bit tired because I had a client earlier, I didn't even know what was on TV. One of those hair color commercials came out. The model had curly red hair. And Clary popped in my head, those green eyes like esmeralds, her curly, long hair. She is beautiful, but I don't know if she knows that, she is slender and short. Her look melts and her red hair looks like flames, she is georgerous. A vibration in the pocket of my jeans brought me back to reality.

I took my phone out my pocket and looked a the screen. Unknown number. I pressed answer.

"Hello?" I said

"Umm...uh its me Clary" Clary? I thought she would never call, maybe she needs the High Warlock of Brooklyn and not Magnus.

"To what do I own the pleasure?"

"Umm.. I..well... you told me to call you" she had actually called me, Magnus Bane, not the High Warlock of Brooklyn.

"Sorry maybe I shouldn't have call you, you should be busy I..." I cut her off

"No, no, I'm glad you called me"

"Really? You are"

"Yes, of course. Would you like to come over?"

"Uh... yeah I guess. What time?" I looked at my watch 2:36 pm.

"Its 7 OK?"

"Um... yeah"

"See you later, bye"

"Bye." Well this is what I was waiting for. This is what I wanted, I wanted to see her. I wanted to she her esmerald eyes, snow white skin and her flaming red curls.



I was walking to Magnus' apartament. I hope he isn't busy. Isabelle wants to go to takis at 7:30 and she didn't let me say no or that I had plans. She said that she called Simon and he is going, Alec and Jace are going too. It feels akward to be with Jace, he told me he likes me and then Valentine told him I'm his sister.I pushed the thought away as I stand in front of Magnus apartment. Bane,I froze in place, one part of me told me to go in the other told me to run. I'm already in here I can't co back, I can't call him and tell him I can't make up my mind whether go inside or not. Its OK Clary, I told myself. I was wearing; black short leather boots, black skinny jeans, a royal blue blouse, and a back leather jaket.

I hesitate for a minute and pressed the buzzer.

"WHO DARES TO DISTURB THE HIGH WARLOCK OF BROOKLYN" I should have called him to tell him I was gonna be early, its too late now.

"Um... its me Clary I can go if you want I...I...I'm sorry"

"Oh no, I thought it was someone else, come in" and I did, I was an the last step and the door opened, and there was Magnus. His hair perfectly done, wearing a brown long- sleeve shirt, black skinny jeans, and brown boots. He catched me checking him out, he smirked and this the same, his brown eyes went up and down my body,I blushed. Our eyes met, I felt my blush go darker. He noticed my blush and smile, he gestured me to come in.

His apartment was pretty, it was colorful. Just walking in makes you feel like you haven't been more alive than now. He guided me through his apartment. The living room was a good size. He gestured me to sit down in a couch, and I did.

"I know I'm early, but Isabelle want me to go with her to takis at 7:30 and she didn't let me said No or explain her that I had plans, and she told the others I was going, so I came early. I'm sorry."

"Don't be, what matters is that your here" he said, with his sweet voice. A grin spread across his face.

A cat jumped in the couch and sat on my lap. I scratched the back of his ear and patted him.

"Chairman Meow likes you" I smiled at him.

"So, that's good"

"Of course, I don't date people Chairman Meow doesn't like" he smile and I blush.

We talked for hours. Magnus is sweet and can also be a bad ass. He had done very crazy things, and been in many places. He has been in places I always wanted to go. And for some reason he got banned from Peru. Hes a nice guy too. I really like is perfect.


I was talking with Magnus and my phone rang. I took my phone out of my pocket. Isabelle. I looked at the clock. I lose track of time, I answer.


"Clary aren't you coming? Where are you?"

"Sorry lzzy.I'm at Magnus'. I lose track of time.I'm going." Did I just said I'm with Magnus?

"With Magnus? Why are you with Magnus? Are you guys...? Bring him too"

"Izzy..."she cut me off


"OK Izzy" she hanged up.

I stood up to put my jacket on. I turned to Magnus. He looked disappointed. Was it because I was leaving?

"Magnus, do you want to go to takis with me and the others?" He looked up

"Do you want me to go?'

"Yes" I said and I mean it, I wanted to spend more time with him.

"Ok, just because of you" I blushed and he saw it and smiled. He put his brown leather jacket on."let's go"