"Ugh." I groan as I hit my alarm clock.

"PERCY! It's time to get up. Come on, honey. It's the first day of school." My mom yelled from I assume the kitchen.

I got up and did my usual morning routine. Today is my first day at Goode High School. I recently just moved to New York because my step-dad, who is a teacher, got transferred here. I was excited to move, mainly because I felt like I never fit in San Francisco. Also, I was ready to get away from my "fan club". A little thing about me is that I was considered the "hottest" guy at Mountain View High. Girls were practically throwing themselves at me; I would always try to let them down gently. I'm the hopeless romantic traditional kind of guy. I want to get to know the girl first and see if we click or not. I want to experience love at first sight.

I got snapped out of my daze after my mom yelled at me to hurry. I grabbed some blue pancakes and ran out of the door. I ran as fast as I could to school so I wouldn't be late. I was so focused on running that I ran into someone and knocked them over.

"sorry!" I apologized.

"Don't worry about it. Just watch where you're going next time" the voice said.

A hand was held out to help me get up, I grabbed it and the first thing I saw was her starling gray eyes. I couldn't take my eyes off them. Her eyes. I couldn't describe them. I was back into reality when a guy came and put his arms around her.

"Watch it new kid. If you bump into my girlfriend next time, you'll be sorry" he said

"Luke, relax. It wasn't his fault" said the girl.

"Whatever. Let's go, Annabeth" said 'Luke'

Then they walked off. I just kept staring. There was something about Annabeth that made me feel like I'm in a whole different world.