AN: So, uh, yeah. Instead of updating my Harry Potter fanfic I made this.


Anyway, I was watching DRose (hilarious woman) and I thought; what if?

So here we are.

As always, here are the disclaimers:

France: Holy-Miracles-21 does not own Hetalia or the videos that were made to make this fanfic!

England: She thanks DRose for the awesome videos!

Locking Doors:

Francis knocked on Matthew's door. "Matthew, unlock your door please."

"No!" Matthew screamed.


"You lock your doors, Alfred?!" Arthur screamed, kicking the door in.

Alfred also screamed, but in fear.


Kids Fighting:

"Kids, don't fight!" Francis yelled at his children.

Alfred pushed Matthew to the ground.

"Oh!" Francis ran to Matthew's side. "Oh, my sweet Mattie."


"Beat his ass, Alfred!" Arthur yelled.

Alfred pushed Matthew to the ground.

Arthur laughed. "Haha, you little bitch, you got knocked to the ground!"

Lost Kids:

"Oh my God," Francis muttered under his breath. "MATTHEW!"

Matthew popped out of the clothes hanging on the rack.

"Oh, Mattie!" Francis hugged his son. "Don't play in the store!"


"ALFRED!" Arthur yelled. "Imma whoop yo ass."

He saw his son hiding in the clothes rack.

"There you are!"

Alfred screamed.


At The Store:

Matthew accidentally knocked over a doll.

"Oh, come on, Mattie, let's pick it up," Francis told his son, striding over and picking it up.


Alfred accidentally knocked over a doll.

"Oh, you wanna fuck around?" Arthur picked up a football. "You think I'm playing?"

He threw it at his son.


Francis walked into Matthew's room, where he was throwing a tantrum.

"Calm down, Matthew!" Francis pleaded.


Arthur slammed open the door to Alfred's room, where he was throwing a tantrum.

"You crying?!"

Alfred got up from the couch.

"You crying?!" Arthur held up a belt. "Imma give you somethin' to cry about!"

Missed the Bus:

Matthew opened the door. "I missed the bus!"

Francis picked up his keys. "Get in the car, I'll drive you there."


Alfred opened the door. "I missed the bus!"

"Well, school starts in ten minutes, better walk fast." Arthur closed the door.


"I got beat up!" Matthew walked into the house, sporting a black eye.

Francis picked up his phone. "Let's call the cops."


"I got beat up!" Alfred walked into the house, sporting a black eye.

Arthur picked Alfred up by his backpack and dragged him out of the house. "C'mon, we're going to whoop his ass."